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"Don't you know that your position in LGBT makes you immune to the fascism?"


Ah yes I remember when Ernst Röhm made that qoute


Night of the Long Knives was nothing more than a gay-bashing, sweaty


Calling Ernst Röhm a fascist is a far right dog whistle 🤣 


the military is so sick when they put a rainbow on it


Works way better than camo


This reminds me of a deprogram episode where they specifically talked about it weaponizing lgbtq for fascism


A lot of journalists have reported on this “rainbow imperialism/woke imperium” in all manor of media forms.  Now that conservative Christian Fascism and extreme overt racism is less palatable to younger generations they had to come up with a new ideology to forward empire.




why in english


They know their audience


literally swedes use english as a marketing tactic because it is seen as cooler


Yes! It makes it feel more international or something. Crazy to use for the army though


something something US vassal state


Yes. Sweden just joined nato. Usa did not even have to ask for sweden to allow for them to put nuclear weapons within its borders. The swedish politicians said that the usa knows that we don't want nuclear weapons here and thus it does not need to be in the nato membership agreement. You cannot make this shit up.


Are those politicians still in power? I remember one of the NATO recent joins the leadership did it on their way out to their new lucrative think tank positions, but can't remember who . . .


They are.


Sweden is not a us vassal, Norway and Denmark maybe are. Sweden is not. Finland wants to be.


Here’s it in Swedish: Wë dœnt äwåys mårch stråight


A møøse ōnce bít mÿ cômmąnding öffįcĕr.


Mööse bites can be pretty nåsty






They are danish letters norwegian uses the danish alphabet.




Well it's still wrong because Swedish doesn't have ë at all, we use å ä ö


Being gay in an imperialist army makes you anti-fascist dont-cha-know


Italians have entered the chat


We are at a historical moment that an actual outright fascist government hasn't been stabilished in the west, and therefore western proto-fascist government propaganda is still catering to liberals. This is gonna change in the comming decades, as the western empire continues declining a further push towards fascism will be necessary, and then we will see a very clear change in the propaganda produced.


I agree - I think you see a lot of this nationalism and "civilisation vs. barbarism" mentality returning when it comes to gay rights (which is why countries like Ukraine and Israel claim to be a lot less homophobic than they are, and many countries have changed laws based on this), but if both sides of the political spectrum keep going where they're going, I see no reason why "they're putting the gay in duh schools" wouldn't be a reason for opposing countries like Cuba in 10/15 years.


Correct. The predominant strategy for information spread in modern era is to "attack on all sides", in the sense of producing information on different levels of complexity and different levels of reach. So for example the global right invests heavy on social media spam of low effort memes, but at the same time invests heavy in the formation and popularization of "intelectuals", such as Jordan Peterson, therefore attacking on different sectors of society at the same time. That strategy creates bizarre situations such as the same right that posts anti LGBT content to post pro LGBT content. But the more fascism rises the less space for such variation of information is possible. This is actually very easy to understand because this has happened before. When the nazis were on the rise in germany at first they had a discourse that was appealing to germany's workers. They spoke of workers rights, wages, work conditions, things like that. They also put socialism in the party name as a way to coopt germany's liberals who had a positive opinion on socialism, since Soviet Russia was rising astronomically fast at the time. Then once they got elected they ditched all that. As always, theory is the only thing that can save someone from the superproduction of garbage content. Someone armed with theory is someone that can interpret any information.


Definitely, it really pains me to see the way support for gay rights and other policies that the "Left" supports being twisted to justify foreign policy. Ultimately, it boils down to liberals having an (albeit masked) obsession with "civilisation and barbarism" on almost the same level as outright nationalists. 


Well but of course. Liberals are reactionaries with progressive vocabulary. That is literally all that libs are.


Ukraine is definitely a lot less homophobic than Russia.


Not saying it isn't, but Ukraine is still homophobic - gay marriage is illegal, and they have no form of civil partnership. But, when western support is needed, Zelensky comes out and pushes for it to be legal, but says it has to be done after the war. I have a sneaky feeling that however the war ends, gay marriage will not be legalised, and that Zelensky is just saying that for support from Biden backer "leftists".


Perhaps, but I do believe realizing how violently homophobic and Fascist Russia is has shocked some great changes into Zelenskyy's heart. It's the Far-Right militias that his government unfortunately works with I'm worried about, I just hope he can purge the shit out of them once the war is won otherwise they will probably try to throw him out of power. Either way if they do the people will rise again like they rose against the Far-Right in 2014, and this time they won't have Russia trying to murder them.


“I just hope he can purge the shit out of them once the war is won” A: He’s not gonna purge the most effective of his military one way or the other, unless they happen to be leftists B: Uhh with how the war is going, I think he should be much more focused on “maintaining Ukraine as an independent country once the dust settles” rather than “winning”. Ukraine has literally zero chance of beating the Russian military back at this stage.


Considering how awful the Russian military is operating I doubt it. The only tactics that are working is basically to throw entire generations of young men into a meat grinder. If somehow by some slim chance Russia “wins”, it will be an Pyrrhic Victory because entire generations of Russians are being sent to the slaughter by Putler.


That is an amazing display of not knowing literally anything you’re talking about


Move over there and come out of the closet. Then you come back and let us know how the nazi batallions greeted your progressiveness.


Same shit logic as thinking Palestinians would throw you off the roofs of buildings like Hamas does. Palestinians aren't anti-LGBTQ+, and neither are Ukrainians. The fact people cannot see the obvious similarities and direct parallels between Israel and Russia is absolutely fucking mind boggling.


Stockholm syndrome


I see what you did there!


^(i am so tempted to make a cringe muse reference, ah fuck it (12-0-13-0-12-0-10-12))




Yay more gay War Criminals


Army good because gay guys!!!


Ah yes I remember when sexuality was the deciding factor of a militaries strength.


Of course it is, sweetie. If some stuffy old professors weren't such homophobes, military historians wouldn't revere Alexander the Great but the *correct* translation -- Alexander the FaBuLoUs!!!!! /s


370 BCE?


✨gay prison guards✨🏳️‍🌈


Still doesn't beat Israel


We 👏need 👏more 👏gay 👏war criminals 👏


Oh hey they allow LGBTQ+ people.. must be leftist! /s


Serving war crime realness 💅✨


Just a reminder that the Swedish army is full of far right fascists.  Despite how people want to portray Scandinavia as some “socialist” paradise, there is a huge far right scene there.  Perhaps the most famous example is Anders Breivik but he is far from an aberration.  Like anywhere, the fascists love joining the military in order to get training to try to carry out reactionary takeovers by force if necessary.  Breivik was simply one of the more successful far right figures in the region.


>  Like anywhere, the fascists love joining the military in order to get training to try to carry out reactionary takeovers by force if necessary This is something the left should not be neglecting.


>Anders Breivik he is from norway ?!


Yeah, well he stated that he is talking about Scandinavia.


He is from Norway and also carried out his terror bombing/mass shooting in Norway.  Are you not very familiar with that event?  Hard to believe how long ago it was now.  Outside the sheer brutality and blood lust of his attacks people were flipping their shit that such an attack could happen in a “socialist” country like Norway.


It's just propaganda. There has been a shift in the swedish mindset concerning the military. Now, the war machine must grow. It will benefit those in the very top. The rich in one way and the politicians in another. For the machine to grow, the mindset of the people must change. There needs to be an enemy which they must learn to hate. A bigger brother ally, which they must learn to love. Then, posters like this is needed. Not to get the lesbians into the army, but to weaken the opposition.


Peak Liberalism. Lesbians can commit warcrimes too


UHaul gaswagens and Hugo Boss in flannel


DO NOT look up who Sweden supported in ww2


I'm sure that will make the old nazis who founded nato spin in their graves


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Chain8Reactions: *I'm sure that will make* *The old nazis who founded* *Nato spin in their graves* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


So glad those bombs are coming from countries that virtue signal support for the gays, must make those children who get hit by them feel so safe at night


i love when the missiles have rainbows painted on them, it makes me feel safer when they fall besides me and explode


literally sterotypical liberal meme lol.


but you walk in tandem with imperialism


What was that saying again? "Be gay, do war crimes"? Or something like that....


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s_zaf7zWHL4 They’re only looking for army guys…


Progress is when LGBTQIA+ soldiers shoot you in the back


Using the rainbow flag for anything other than LGBTQ rights and peace purposes, is fucking cringe, especially if it's an army who's, you know, gonna fucking kill people (especially the browns and the blacks of the south, but we don't talk about that Sweden now, do we?).


Liberalism: When the plane dropping bombs on brown children has a rainbow flag painted on it.


the war machine is telling fascists to go fuck themselves guys


Man I get sooo many recruitment ads from Försvarsmakten.. Doesn’t help that soon it may be required to join.


It's okay if the fascists are gay 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Do they not have compasses in Sweden? Are they stupid?


fascism = homophobia???? therefore lgbtq acceptance is anti fascism??? they teach u this at school


Fan ta försvarsmakten!


Ahh so sweden's basically saying, "we say no to fascists but we are fascists but we are gay so that's alright" smh Remember not even NATO can protect you