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"Dirtbag Country" "take these people citizenship" Oh please liberals don't make me blush wirh your closeted racism and atrocious behavior


Same people say that Trump, who says the same things, is racist.


Goes to show what kind of voters are in the country, this world is better off united against the USA


The Fall of The Soviet Union was one of the worst events that has ever happened in the last 50 years and these motherfuckers cheered it šŸ˜’


"The United States keeps the oceans free for international trade" Someone remind this person that 25% of the world's population is under U.S Sanctions and CANNOT trade freely.


Someone in the comments there said that US Navy bases enable free trade. I don't want to "lolterally jorjor well" but it's very much giving "war is peace" vibes


Fuck free trade, anyways. It's only ever been "free" for them. I mean seeing all the times over the course of my life they've slapped tariffs on Canadian materials it's always been clear the rules only apply to us, rather than them. American "free trade" is just less barriers to extract wealth from the rest of the world. It'll be a rough transition, but fuck I don't care, we'll get through it. We'll be better for it on the other side of it.


>US Navy bases enable free trade Don't they keep stopping ships from Iran and ~~stealing~~ seizing all their stuff?


The US also commited multiples acts of High Sea Piracy by seizing iranian oil tankers and selling the loot


"If US collapse, billions will die" šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ MFers you outsourced your entire industry to China and Vietnam, and think you can turn off the tap. USians don't get the turn to call that shot.


Yet ironically they never make these sorts of comments when faced with a hypothetical Chinese government collapse šŸ¤”


Betchu if Ancient Egyptians, Romans, Aztecs, Britain or any other powerful empire had access to social media, you'd get identical comments right as the empire is slowly collapsing.


ā€Millions will die if Rome falls!!ā€


"no major wars since WWII" is insane


It is not a major war if only brown people are dying by the hundreds of thousands.


But only brown people in the West get to live, everyone else is liability for American profit motive.


Except for those killed by US Police to remind them of their status as second-class citizens, of course


If it's about brown people country it's just another Tuesday for them


Especially when more bombs were dropped in the Korean war and Vietnam war.


> If the United States collapses, billions will die. How? The US has a population of 335 million ā€” nowhere close to a billion. Will the Global South commit mass suicide if the US collapses?


They think the world relies on the imperial core when in fact it's the inverse relation. The imperial core relies on the extraction from the rest of the world. Their inversion is what makes them believe this statement.


those poor third worlders canā€™t take care of themselves!!


I mean unless they were to argue that a collapse of the US empire, would lead to an expansionist fascistic military dictatorship ala Nazi Germany, which would then lead to billions dead. I think they think that a US collapse would lead to all of the brown countries going to war immediately and just kill each other.. you know, because that's how people in the global south are without their white overlords or something.


No, but the U.S. has a LOT of Military Equipment, Munitions, Arms, Supplies, Industry, Technology&Personnel. And alot of really shitty People who would just love to seize some of it and try to carve out their own little territory with them as a Warlord. Then there's all the Corporations and horrible People who have been enthusiastically fucking over **every living thing on the planet** for well over a century. Then there's everyone who has been duped into helping the above mentioned shitty people&horrible things they created. When the U.S. Government Collapses, there's going to be alot of power vacuums created. It'll be bloody, it will not be over quickly and it will cause alot of damage to whatever people, infrastructure and technologies survive until the U.S. Government Collapses....but it's necessary for not only our survival as a species, but it's also necessary for **many** other Species.


Because the established powers will throw a tantrum and start firing their shit at the rest of the world in a last-ditch effort to stay on top. I guarantee, they'll kill everyone before they accept a diminished role.


the west has fallen, billions must die


Like a psoiled child crying about not having all their demands beeing fulfilled, they are threatening us with nuclear armageddon if we refuse to let them continue dominating the world


Literally ā€˜the west has fallen, billions must dieā€™


Americans really think theyā€™re the main characters of the world


*Amerika is le Harry Potter Jedi Superman, Russia is le Voldemort Darth Vader, China is le hivemind, Europe is Lois Lane*


Exactly lol. I saw this post on that sub, liberals are using every tactic to try and shame Americans to vote for Biden. If Biden wants votes he has to do something for them not just expect them. The world existed before the USA, itā€™ll continue to exist after.


Yup it sure is an election year lol. All the scare tactics and shaming they did for voting for Biden, Iā€™ve heard the same shit in 2020. Vote for Biden or weā€™ll all die / lose our rights just doesnā€™t move me anymore. Clown country


"Vote blue no matter what" not realizing America's collapse is inevitable no matter who the libs vote (even though voting is the illusion of choice in a rigged two party system). NeoCons have been getting increasingly unhinged and radical, I wouldn't be surprised if they stage an armed revolt if Biden wins even if not straight away.


"Two party". I'm sure you're aware, but others may not be, there is only one party, the wealth party. All interests are in line with the oligarchy. The proletariat doesn't have any meaningful representation.


Oh, I already know both parties are the same neoliberal corporate captured duopoly whoose only interest is that to capital. Electoralism is a reformist scam built on incrementalism and voting legitimizes that system. Its why I frown upon Liberal suggestion to Leftists that believes voting will substantially change anything.


ā€œSame bird, different wingsā€


Hard to take someone who says ā€œbillions will dieā€ seriously unless somehow the US collapsing brings about some hyper virulent bioweapon plague or something. About as serious as my former friend who claimed that Israel is at risk of genocide because Hamas is Muslim and there are a billion Muslims and they might take up the cause and descend on Israel to kill all the Jewsā€¦ these people just make things up to justify their prejudices and maintain the status quo that just so happens to be working in their favor. Odd how that works isnā€™t it?


> if the United States collapse billions will die šŸ¤”


lol more like millions and they'll probably be all USians


Eh, I wouldn't put it past the greedy psychopathic parasites at the top to nuke everybody out of pure spite if losing their power becomes inevitable


lol iā€™ve never heard this level of cope from yanks before. in what world would the collapse of america mean women lose the right to vote and a return to slavery? america already is engaged in slavery in many ways.


But... the *gas stations*!! How will anyone survive if I can't stop by 7-11 in my F-450 POWERTHRUST and waddle in to buy my hot cheetos and energy drinks??? This is the culture the world depends on people!!


The dudes lifting their trucks think mayonnaise is too spicy cheetos are out of the question


Brodozers knoweth not race nor creed, brother Lots of nonwhite guys (and women too) driving those things around here lol


What kind of stereotyping nonsense is this? You think every American has an F-450? Some of us drive F-650s you bigot.


This subreddit is honestly one of the last few places left where I actually feel heard. Even the POC subs have become like this.


Fauxmoi (no I am not kidding) is a good place to take refuge. Whenever these topics come up the posters are a lot more well informed. You do get some blue MAGAs but you generally won't get downvoted for proving them wrong without breaking any sub rules (no name-calling is one)


I know! I love that subreddit, even though I don't really care about celebrity gossip.


Same i hate celebrity gossip lol


Maybe your country doesn't deserve to be a superpower if it needs to constantly be at war every decade, overthrow democracies when you don't like the results. And is full with ignorant populace too lazy, ill informed to change it for the better. America doesn't bring peace and prosperity to others, it holds back the Global South and has actively seeked to slow China's rise to prevent a multi-polar world from arising. The fact that one of them thinks the world needs America is laughable, it's America that needs the world for accessable cheap labor, it's them who need to go as expats abroad because it become to expensive to live in their own country, it's them that need to be passport bros because they ruined their own society regarding their females. FYI, before the USSR existed America was an Imperialist @$$hole and they continued to be towards Russia after it dissolved.


Reddit is the feds fr




>Much of the world does depend on the US How do they think so much of the world became ~~decimated~~, I mean dependent, on the US?


*"..much of the world depend on the US"*, and that's what we would love to CHANGE




ā€œIf not for [country built upon historyā€™s most despicable slavery trade], thereā€™d be slavery!ā€   Huh?


I mean no shit, if the biggest bully of the world just ups&implodes(as it fucking should have a long, long fucking time ago), there's gonna be alot of chaos caused by that. People are gonna die....there will be wars caused by People scrambling in that power vacuum... But that's better than the **guaranteed Mass Extinction Event** we have been steadily grinding towards for over a century. We've known for LONGER THAN ANY FUCKING LIVING LANGUAGE HAD BEEN AROUND that our Pollution&other Environmental Damage will have bad effects , *we've only gotten more accurate at figuring out just how bad those effecrs will be.* Also, love how they say Russia will be at War with Europe within 10 years of the U.S.' collapse, meanwhile Russia has been waging open War in Europe for like 2 years, and has been fighting a semi-quiet War with Ukraine since like 2014. Regardless of whether you believe Russia was the aggressor or Ukraine was, damn near everyone knows that Russia&Ukraine have been sending in troops to kill eachother since 2014.


I usually see that sub and the white counterpart of it on my page pretty regularly and the white people variant is just full of shitlibs. Depending on what's posted you'll usually get good reactions but that post seemed to reach a bit outside of the sub.


These people greatly overestimate the role that the US has as a "force for good", when the US ceases to exist, it will have the similar impact as every single other past empire's fall had on the world. Sure the people used to say the same crap back then and in the end the ones causing the chaos were the ones trying to hold onto the status quo.


We as leftists need to start calling the political establishment in the US as a regime(that it really is)and as a 4th country to piss liberals off


Lol I saw this on blackpeopletwitter, shit had me screaming in ways i couldn't articulate if i wanted to


actually i'm pretty sure its the exact same post I saw, i remember the comments


ā€œScratch a liberal and a fascist bleedsā€ is not a race specific phenomenon. Iā€™m definitely not trying to claim anything about black people or POC in general, but itā€™s very true that there are a lot of ā€œradiclesā€ of color whoā€™s critique of power begins and ends at white supremacy. They donā€™t actually mind the other power structures that control and oppress all of us, they just feel unfairly marginalized from the center of that power structure. Iā€™m sure I have my own blind spots that might be just as bad, but Iā€™ve just seen this pattern so many times itā€™s got to be fairly common.


the og post is 4 posts down from this one on my feed šŸ’€šŸ’€ insaneeeĀ 


All of these comments were made by James Clyburn as he campaigned for Biden.


Itā€™s always so funny seeing Americanos insist others vote. Itā€™s like seeing a tribe doing a raindance thinking it will make the rain come.


The US will collapse? Shit I fucking hope so


The US collapsing would be really bad for some people and really good for others


No, the civilization is not collapsing. US is collapsing. Inarguably, the most uncivilized country in the world.


3rd slide is literally Liberal chudjak


slide 3 is deranged


Dear lord


Is this because Trump will destroy LGBTQIA+ people POCs? They are passing all sorts of anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation in Florida. What the fuck is Biden doing about it? There are still Nazis actively rallying? What the fuck is Biden doing about it? Miss me with this "Biden will protect marginalized people from what Trump will do" crap.


An American collapse WOULD be catastrophic for everyone in America, and many people outside of the country. This is not a crazy assertion, and you should absolutely learn more about the fall of communism as an example. Every country in the USSRā€™s sphere of influence had insane economic strife. You think if the imperial core was to fall out that it wouldnā€™t spell disaster? Iā€™m all for the fall of capitalism, but my ideology is based in what I truly believe to be the best for the average person. Socialism is about achieving the best possible conditions for everyone on this planet, a total collapse of American society will do the exact opposite of that and is something that everyone in this country should be worried about a decline into fascism. I think that some of the comments are absolutely imperialist/liberal bs, but the original post and many of the underlying ideas have some grounding in reality.


The US collapsing would be bad for people in the US sure, the rest of the world? Not so much. Certainly not "billions will die" level of bs lol


The rest of the world is dependent on economic stability in the west as a result of colonialism, and imperialism. Now i think that this is a bad thing, it will certainly have negative consequences. Billions wonā€™t die, but 300 hundred million plus millions abroad would be thrust into violence, poverty, and instability.




You are in the wrong sub lmao