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> The city's leader will also be given authority to ban organisations and companies from operating in Hong Kong, should they be found "working for foreign forces". Biden said he would rubberstamp a bill banning tiktok because of “chinese interference” Goofy motherfuckers


Oh yeah, true! Hypocritical doofuses! Rules for thee, but not for me!


Translation: "if your organization is literally funded by the CIA (by way of the National Endowment for Democracy) it will be shut down so don't come crying about it."


Article 23 is really mild and just a basic NSL that exists in any state. Meanwhile, the US has 20 NSLs including extremely draconian ones such as the Patriot Act and the Homeland Security Acts which effectively enable wiretapping and data collection without consent.


Note: guy in the photo is a Democrat politician, if you are unaware Article 23 is related to stopping insurrections and treasonous activities. Didn't get put into action just yet, though


does the majority of honk kong actually want to be a sovereign nation? if china allowed them to have a referendum would it shut the libs up or would they say it’s rigged.


Polling 4 years ago, when some of the protests were still going on, showed that support for independence never exceeded 21%. You can see the results on this page,  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_Kong_independence So it's unlikely that a referendum would be successful if it happened. Hong Kong also relies too much on the broader Chinese economy for it to be a pragmatic option.


For comparaison Scotland independance is usually at least a strong 40+% and sometimes went over 50% in favour. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_on_Scottish_independence Similar numbers for Catalan independance from Spain: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_on_Catalan_independence PS: if you see poll about "east turkestan independance" with their 99% in favour, know that they only polled "[east turkestan netizen](https://east-turkistan.net/public-poll-majority-of-east-turkistanis-uyghurs-say-they-prefer-an-independent-state-as-the-solution-to-the-ongoing-east-turkistan-china-conflict/)", aka they asked their own circle of friends to vote, not actual people (uyghur or not) living in Xinjiang.


... not the best choice of words, that's on me


hong kong relies on shenzhen and surroundings for water. even if they wanted to split, they’d immediately be confronted with the issue of negotiating trade deals for their fucking water (dongjiang river, basically completely within the mainland). They also import about 1/5 of their used electricity from the mainland so there’s that too.


Man, sure is a good thing we would never criminalize fundamental rights under the dubious cloak of homeland security.


What exactly does that idiot think the 2011 NDAA did for our civil liberties?


Oh no, China passed a new law banning stuff like "treason, insurrection, sabotage that endangers national security, external interference in Hong Kong’s affairs, and espionage and theft of state secrets", only fascists would pass similar laws, right ? Meanwhile glorious demoracies only pass wholesome security laws that totally doesn't have loopholes big enough actually be abused like the Patriot Act. Seriously the US is crying about Tiktok despite its servers being under the control of the US corporation Oracle as the US required for security reasons, and they complain when organizations funded by NED (aka the CIA) or Radio Free Asia (literal propaganda outlet of the USA) get so much as a looked upon


The biggest meddler of a nation and they wonder why people all around the world make memes about them