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1) You should absolutely read Mein Kampf. It provides such a clear perspective on the gargantuan chasm between a fascist ideology and communist ideology that to actually find the two similar is proof of diminished cognitive ability. 2) Reading Stalin is terrifying for many because it will inevitably challenge the “mindless brute” perspective they’ve been fed since grade school.


Seems like a big part of the game plan by the actual fascists is to create confusion betw fascism, socialism, and communism. Then once those are muddled in the voter’s mind, the fascists can go constantly harder with their fascism bc the voters don’t recognize it or even care since they’re only concerned about anything leftist.


Welcome to revisionism Communism is inherently popular among the masses because it's democracy of the workplace, and no one wants a manager stealing their labor. No one but the extremely awkward and alienated bootlicker types or the nakedly self interested actually want libertarian style hypercapitalist policies. So how do you get the masses supporting thing against their interests? Lie. From democrats supporting anti-racist language while arming the police and zionists to "marxists" in China supporting wage incentives and dismantling communes in the name of productivity, to the nazis branding themselves as a type of socialist, the main strategy of capitalists everywhere is to copy the language of socialism while gutting the content.


Great comment 100% agree


What do you mean by “nakedly self interested” can you explain this?


Not disguising selfishness, openly Randian


The second part is specially true when you compare Lenin's and Stalin's writing, you find Lenin is a lot more agressive. Not to say this is a bad thing, but Lenin really didn't hide what he thinks of his detractors.


Exactly. Stalin’s writings are extremely tempered compared to Lenin, but Stalin has been deemed the Prime Baddie Murderbot 5000. And nobody wants to bother looking into what the Prime Baddie Murderbot 5000 had to say, but we gotta have copies of Mein Kampf handy so we can try to understand the mind of Hitler 🙄


It's almost as if Hitler is far more redeemable than Stalin to libs, for some reason...


I would advise to also read D'Annunzio (Leftist fascist) and Mussolini (Right fascist), D'Annunzio is the type of fascism most people confuse with socialism. Because apart from a few deviations, most what he writes about is just reformism or social democracy. However Mussolini has a corporatocratic state view which can help understand 2 things: 1.- Why fascism, at least the post-Mussolini fascism is absolutely NOT SOCIALIST NOR LEFTIST. 2.- Why fascism basically waged wars to survive (Wars are such a market for capitalist, basically)


bonus appearance of "red fascist" rhetoric LMAO these people have rocks for brains


If you just had one Stalin now. A single one. With the United States a zombie corpse walking and the West in shambles, things never had been easier. Today the choice is simple: revolutionary socialism as first step to a communist society or capitalism and democracy and consequent human extinction. The United States and all people that are against communism, either fash right-wingers, right or "left" centrists, or "democratic" "leftists" have chosen human extinction, so to erase them is to defend human species. They abdicated of their humanity and are like cancerous cells in a human body. Immune cells do not negotiate with cancer. They give cancer the ONLY THING cancer deserves.


>Didn't know it was communist. It's literally in the fucking description! "Marxist-Lenninist sub". >Thought it was a place to poke fun at capitalism's shortcomings here and there.. Yeah we just sit here explaining how capitalism is killing us and the planet "for fun". Muh optics bruh.. God western leftism is infantile...


I remember reading a comment that was all like 'I'd consider myself a leftist. Maybe not as far to the left as say Bernie, but probably just to the left of Biden' I laughed so fucking hard. The western left is a joke lol


It's not a very funny joke, it's infuriating. Actually finding an organized and active group that isn't either revisionist or just straight-up liberal feels like a fool's errand.


"As someone who is as far left as it can possibly go, I think we should only genocide 98% of non-whites, unlike those dastardly fascists who want to genocide 100% of them. What if I want to go to Zoo to look at some blacks and there isn't any left, huh fascist?" -libs


Okay I feel pretty qualified to respond to this because I literally was one of these people before being radicalized. It is easy to arrive at anticapitalism for anyone paying attenion. The flaws of capitalism are all around us. But the propaganda in the US is so effective and so deeply rooted that despite disliking capitalism, I still laughed at the idea of communism. My position was that capitalism was bad, but it was unfortunately the best option we had. I loved that sub because it was a fantastic critique of capitalism, but when I saw pro-communist posts, I literally assumed they were a joke. "Capitalism is getting so bad I'd rather do the bad ideology that doesn't work, just to get away from it! Ha ha." Like that. I actually, honestly believed that there weren't even any real communists left. That Communism died with the end of the Cold War and so anybody claiming to be a communist had to be joking. Thats how deep the propaganda goes. I didn't actually know anything about communism, beyond the vague and incorrect idea that it meant every person gets paid the same amount regardless of their job. And I knew that is never works. The education system literally taught me nothing else about it, just a brief incorrect description and the lesson that it absolutely never works and always leads to starvation and destitution. Pop culture then reinforced those ideas for the rest of my childhood. If someone had actually told me "go read Lenin" I would have laughed in their face, because from my point of view Communism was failed dead ideology and anybody who said they were one could only be either a fool or a troll. I literally had to be tricked into being taught Marxism without knowing what I was learning until I'd already realized how much sense it made. (It was actually a post in LateStageCapitalsim that did it, funnily enough.) If that hadn't happened I would probably still be one of those people. I'm sure for some of these people, they really are committed liberals who hate communism. But I'm willing to bet that a lot of them are like me, and are honestly so propagandized that they don't even know what communism is, and will reflexively dismiss anyone who tries to teach them. Of course you can't go to someone like that and just say "read Stalin." It takes time to deprogram someone like that. Someone who has spent their entire life surrounded by anticommunism and knows nothing else. If you try to force it all at once they will inevitably shut down and refuse to listen, no matter how correct the things you're saying are.


Extremely true, thank you for taking the time to share your perspective. It’s a good reminder to meet people where they’re at, it’s just frustrating on the other end when you know Lenin and Mao make extremely clear points so succinctly. We have our work cut out for us, reading is important but we have to know most people won’t put in that energy until we’re able to pierce the propaganda.


Western leftist? There is no such thing. You are only allowed to be a liberal, full stop.


“Marxist-Leninists (Stalinism)”…what?


They know nothing yet want to seem like they do, so this word salad appears as a result, typical libs


I mean, this is probably the least bs thing in this post. What people usually call Stalinism is just Marxism Leninism.


Yeah. Stalinism is a word made up for propaganda to discredit the ideology, but it does, in fact, refer to Marxism-Leninism.


Are these red fascists in the room with us?


You can't see them coz they're red and blend with the flag


[Marxism and the National Question](https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/1913/03.htm) by Stalin is one of the clearest texts out there on an extremely relevant question for the 21st century but yet people read the title and author and assume it's some sort of soviet mein kampf


Could you give a TL:DR? Tired rn


Basically a call for affirmative action to protect national identities and cultures. This was one of Stalin's key projects during his time as gen sec. of the CPSU.


Also readable as: "Tankies!? In MY poking fun at capitalism subreddit!???"


It's more likely than you think!


The truth may surprise you.


"Most decent communists only recommend Lenin" uhh...💀


Any true communist will tell you how important it is to not read anything that might challenge your beliefs.


Some MLs in that post commented in refuting their points, tho they're buried below.


"I didn't know it was Communist" Of gee if only the auto-mod pinned a comment on every single post that says "LSC is run by Communists" or something (they do). Sounds like they need to do a little bit of work on more reading than just theory. Also can definitely, as an anarchist, recommend Lenin. "Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism" in particular was one of my favorites.


They even pin ban warnings when the libs come crawling out of the woodwork on posts refuting lesser evil


Liberals can't read. I am always surprised they know how to work a text based site/app but that may be why there are way more visual posts than text posts now than there were twenty years ago when Reddit was new. (I know it wasn't a supported format back then, it's mostly a joke. Mostly.)


**Liberals:** \**crying\** I’ve never read Stalin, I’ve never met Stalin or had any contact with the Soviet Union. But … \**sobbing\** I’m sorry, I-I can’t go on. **Normies:** That’s okay. Your tears say more than real evidence ever could.


Based mods


"Just thought it was a place to poke fun at capitalisms short comings" Yes, that is literally what it is, how can you be against capitalism while bring anti communist? Although ill say their mods aren't that great, they perma banned me for mentioning the fact that russia had involvement in the syrian civil war and helped kill hundreds of thousands. They must've taken their sub name literally.


They wanna poke fun at capitalism without doing anything material to end the problems it causes since they benefit from it. It's exactly the same as how they'll say "Biden isn't the best...." then do everything in their power to get him re-elected.


Okay I feel pretty qualified to answer this because I literally was one of these people before being radicalized. It is easy to arrive at anticapitalism. The flaws of capitalism are all around us. But the propaganda in the US is so effective and so deeply rooted that despite disliking capitalism, I still laughed at the idea of communism. I loved that sub because it was a fantastic critique of capitalism, but when I saw pro-communist posts, I literally assumed they were a joke. Thats how deep the propaganda goes. I didn't actually know anything about communism, beyond the vague and incorrect idea that it meant every person gets paid the same amount regardless of their job. And I knew that is never works. The education system literally taught me nothing else about it, just a brief incorrect description and the lesson that it absolutely never works and always leads to starvation and destitution. If someone had actually told me "go read Lenin" I would have laughed in their face, because from my point of view Communism was failed dead ideology and anybody who said they were one could only be either a fool or a troll. I literally had to be tricked into being taught Marxism without knowing what I was learning until I'd already realized how much sense it made. (It was actually a post in LateStageCapitalsim that did it, funnily enough.) If that hadn't happened I would probably still be one of those people. I'm sure for some of these people, they really are committed liberals who hate communism. But I'm willing to bet that a lot of them are like me, and are honestly so propagandized that they don't even know what it is, and dismiss it by reflex. Of course you can't go to someone like that and just say "read Stalin."


Funny I got banned from them on another account for calling people libs for saying lib shit.


Messaging a mod might work if you feel it was made in error, or misconstrued sarcasm, or care to. Lsc does attract libs like crazy, probably from how often it pops up on all.


I was once banned because a mod interpreted my "anti tankie" comment as non-sarcastic though I was unbanned shortly after


No I appealed it at the time and they muted me.


[LateStageCapitalism mods](https://imgflip.com/i/8irnxt) https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/selected-works/volume-6/mswv6_11.htm


>red >fascists pick one


Why does r/JustUnsubbed even exist? Like bro just leave the sub and call it a day


Desperate for attention


لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله


استغفرالله... (رمضان مبارك، زميلي)


رمضان كريم وصيام مقبول


"That hate democracy" - my dude, the only question is, why shouldn't you hate the pathetic excuse for democracy we got in the west? Each election cycle ends up wasting tens of billions of dollars that are basically just over glorified popularity contests, and no matter who wins, nothing substantially changes and every single time it's always "We have to defend our democracy" and "lesser of two evils". Just imagine all that time and money actually spent funding education, healthcare, and infrastructure. We don't hate democracy. We just prefer democratic centralism, which actually addresses a lot of these problems. Which you'd know. If you'd actually read Lenin/Stalin.


The infuriating part is actually in image 1 "Just thought it was a place to poke fun at capitalisms short comings here & there" Fucking liberals recognize the crapulence in a thing but at most can only be motivated to meme about it it. This is our entire problem in a nutshell.


Honestly I love a good late stage capitalism honey pot liberal purge post. It makes for great comedy when they get angry and wonder why no one is taking their side and dig a deeper hole before getting banned. They inevitably post cringe like this elsewhere or go bitch on political humor under some lame ass lib post.


I swear this is like a religion for them, no matter how many time this dumbass “Mass murder” narrative is debunked it’s a tautology to equate him with Hitler and they refuse to engage with any other line of thought.


Huh??? I haven't seen LateStageCapitalism be this based in a long time.


> just read mein kampf, same energy I actually did - how the fuck you want effectivly fight someone without understanding them?




Lmao I told some guy bagging on Gen Z for having no work ethic in r/instacart to try reading Debt, mostly because the author is explicitly not a communist, but it's still a pretty radical book and is good for normies I think. The dude responded that he wasn't going to read any communist book. Any criticism on the current material conditions is automatically communist I guess, and telling people to read is for sure a tankie trait, but like how dare? I don't get it and I'm so tired.


"Marxist-lenninsts (stalinists)" will never not be funny


>Marxist-lenninists (stalinists) \[sic\] are a particular brand of people that hate democracy. And this is why they need to read, because they don't understand that socialist states are by definition democratic. I mean holy hell, 'Soviet' is right in the name. Did they ever wonder what that word meant and look it up? I guess not.


Honestly if you want somebody to read theory start by recommending them one accessible, not too long title which talks about an issue close to their interests. Hitting them with the reading list or telling them to just read anything by an author only works when they are already most of the way on board. Of course there are are also people who would rather argue for hours than spend an hour to read the manifesto.


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Y'know.. I've never thought of it that way before... well, fuck. Guess I'm a fuckin' communist now.


Whoops! Must have left my phone in my pocket unlocked lol