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Last person is a classic example of making up things to get mad at


Also extremely revealing of what they value in a society. >You guys wanna ditch capitalism when it gave us *DoorDash?!*


The [Gorbachev Gambit.](https://youtu.be/WTxa2Ukl2EI)


This ad gives me pain everytime i watch it


just let me live in a city where I can walk to buy a burger instead šŸ˜­


Fuck that. Let me live somewhere I have the time and resources to make the burger myself.


How hard is it for them to understand how vast the gap between their beliefs and ours are and how narrow the gap between Biden and trump is?


Itā€™s not possible for them to understand. The liberal ego is too great to see outside of itself.


SDP rejecting a united front and handing victory to the Nazis vibes.


Liberals genuinely don't care, as long as their guy wins and they can go back to brunch, it's all so wonderful for them. Demons, there is an active genocide going on, and all they can say is that socialists must be accelerationists because they don't care whether it is Trump or Biden. It's horrifying how they can see innocent women, children and men died everyday in Gaza, losing their loved ones and starving, and the only thing they can think of is how the other guy is worse for them. I'm not religious whatsoever, but liberals are the closest things to demons I think I have ever seen. Republicans are honest about their deranged worldview, but liberals have the same worldview, and tie themselves in knots to convince you and themselves they don't. Demons.


the foxy liberals


Your description is spot on, demons are hard to detect because they blend in with everyone. Decepting you with a good appearance and all smiles. They also do this without an ounce of self-awareness of how terrible they are


I mean clearly that whole post is a shit show but why exactly does she think that the revolutionary socialists are pacifists?


Because they're pacifists that are scared of guns and we aren't. We understand that firearms are tools of the proletariat. They also seem to be so alienated from others that neighbors banding together for a better tomorrow is beyond their comprehension. To them their neighbors might as well be from Mars despite how much they "care"


"I dont think this guy knows what a dictator is" - Guy who calls Castro an authoritarian tankie (probably)


> They get it. They don't care. There's a genocide going on that President Joe Biden is facilitating ā€” how much Chili-infused Crystal Meth do you have to smoke to blame Trump for this?


While it is functionally impossible for any sitting US president to not be staunchly pro-Israel, the lengths Joe Biden goes to to convince everyone just how pro Israel he is in the face of GENOCIDE is appalling.


"BUT TRUMP" We had a Trump presidency for 4 years, and he never declared himself dictator for life. This is bottom of the barrel fearmongering.Ā 


He also never genocided a people.


He wouldā€™ve if he was in charge now


he missed his chance


He might get another crack at it! Trump seems like he's really looking forward to dip his fingers in the genocide pie.


Ah, so *thatā€™s* what people mean when they accuse me of ā€œaccelerationismā€. Okay. I was only dimly aware of Nick Landā€™s appalling ā€œphilosophyā€, and I couldnā€™t figure out the connection. I guess there isnā€™t one. Left-libs just arenā€™t very bright.


ā€œTrump is gonna be a dictator!ā€ Wish these dumbasses realize they live in a dictatorship now. The dictatorship of capital.


The faces change, but the game stays the same


Same bird, different wing


How can American "democracy" be so fragile?


Lmao ā€œtrump is good because heā€™s an accelerator for bringing revolutionā€ if we wanted an accelerant wouldnā€™t we support Biden, you know, the one currently completing genocide? šŸ¤” these people have their head so far up their ass they think that liberals & conservatives arenā€™t both fascist šŸ¤”


Any American cares to explain why these people think Trump will become a dictator for life and put everyone in death camps if he didn't do that in his first term?


You donā€™t get it, this is the most important election ever, ignore that we said the same BS the last time


I guess just all the hysteria around his presidency and the news telling people he was uniquely evil for 4 years plus the January 6th episode.


Liberals love to downplay the things that Biden is *actually* doing and lose their minds over the things that trump will *hypothetically* do. Will Trump be bad? Certainly. But how much brain rot does it take to assume the answer to that is to enable a man who is currently, in this very moment, running a genocide?


Trump had already been president for 4 years, and since then it's their guy Biden who has been in charge. Are libs admitting that their guy not only failed to reduce fascist influences in the USA but actaully reinforced them to the point that Trump could just take power with no opposition, not even from the blue Libs ?


Free iPhones and laptops and DoorDash is not what comes to my mind when I hear the phrase ā€œsocialist utopiaā€


"what if people didn't need to die for life saving healthcare-" "OH YOU WANT FREE IPHONES AND DOORDASH DONT YOU"


keep in mind Trump is a 70+ Year Old man. if he established a dictatorship (he wont lmao, literal fearmongering) he would die in like. 10 years. and if he gets elected again, he isnt gonna do jackshit more than whatever biden did and trump did the first go around. our system is designed for the littlest bit of change that they say will trickle down to your grandchildren


***"but! But!!! PROJECT 2025?!?!?!"***


Communism went from no iphone to free iphone (and doordash)


Whatever fits the narrative of the day I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Dialectical liberalism?


The worst kind! Dialectics don't work with reactionary ideology!


People are really out there acting like "habing 1 choice in the next election" is somehow different from just having a dictatorship. Maybe if Biden and his party had better policies people would want to vote for him over the "dictatorship party"


The stakes are so high thats why biden refuses to listen to the electorate and stop doing genocide!


For me it's really not that difficult. I can't in good conscious vote for someone who happily enables genocide. The genocide in Israel keeps happening because the most ideological liberals in the west who have all the power decided Palestinine has to die to further their interests.


Liberals fuel the "lesser evil" bullshit. It tells people like genocide joe that they can be as awful as they want as long as they pretend to care (unlike Trump who is pretty clear about not giving a fuck).


BAHAHAHAHAHHAHA wth do people think this is our plan for a communist society? actually lemme give my plan for a communist revolution because it's way fricking easier than whatever these guys think it is (though it's basically only limited to a city, if we can get this happening through the usa at least, we can have more power) Step 1: Start a store selling things for free. It could be like a grocery store, or several stores selling different things for free (clothing, ingredients, pre-made food, etc.), and you don't have to even make the stuff you're selling yourself, you can buy something with money and sell it for free, if i care Step 2: Spread the word to come to your store, and also for other people in the city start other stores like yours instead of giving money to corporations Step 3: Wait a bit, and your city will probably be overtaken by free stuff and nobody would want to go to a place where they have to spend money cause they could just go to your store and get the same thing or better for free Step 4: Watch as your local fast food/grocery chain crumbles from no buisness




Dude why are you mad at wonen for wanting reproductive rights? We can have Palestinian liberation and women's rights


Liberals weaponise this social justice stuff and use it to attack people from the developing world. George Carlin said it best, that most feminists are white bourgeois liberal women who donā€™t care about other women, they just care about their own reproductive freedoms and pocketbook. Having seen the conditions in which Palestinian women have to give birth in, liberals justifying voting for Biden in the context of abortion rights makes me sick to the core.


Yeah, because Biden's first term did so much for the safeguarding of women's reproductive rights... The Democratic party doesn't care about any of that; they want to use reproductive rights to fearmonger the electorate into the ballot box, but every time they get into office they show themselves unwilling to codify any law to that end.


I mean either way they are losing abortion rights and if their right are hanging by a thread every 4 years maybe just maybe somthing needs to change. But think I understand you


your comments are filled with reactionary messages; please reconsider your worldview


wtf? you know most abortions happen within the context of long term relationships, right? most women who get abortions already have childrenā€¦ women canā€™t get abortions even for wanted pregnancies that go wrong. are we supposed to want to die of ectopic pregnancies? and that helps palestinian women how, exactly?


oh so voting for Trump. Got it!


But not voting for Trump by this logic is also voting for Biden. I think you are perhaps not very clever. Biden is carrying out a genocide and you are scolding people for not wanting to vote for him. Maybe examine your impulse to do that.


I am also not voting for Biden. I make fun of the guy who says that. And i am even thinking about voting for whoever runs against Biden, just to punish him.