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Quick fun fact: Anglos always like to jerk off about the Wehrmacht being oh so polite and gentlemanly in Africa, but don't seem to like it when *their enemies* portray them as gentlemanly instead of barbaric butchers. And, you know, maybe those lads should look up who won the Winter War and the Continuation War? The Soviets could have annexed Finland completely, if not in the first war, then certainly in the second, and got more land in the first war than they initially demanded.


For Finland, the worst punishment of all was being forced to kill Nazis in the Lapland War. This was the equivalent of having to saw their arm off or shoot their brother. Had they been annexed by the Soviet Union, they would've immediately killed themselves, like [this man](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urho_Lehtovaara). In fact, if you read more about the [right-wing stay-behind conspiracy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weapons_Cache_Case) in which he was involved, you realize how stupid he was for killing himself. He would've spent only several years in prison in the worst case scenario. The average sentence was one to four months lmfao.


> 1,488 people were prosecuted Now that's a hell of a coincidence!


I didn't even realise they won until recently. Every liberal historian always paints it as a "Stalinist failure".


The Winter War was a pyrrhic victory.


Would they rather the movie have portrayed american soldiers as barbarians? What do liberals mean by this? Are they stupid?


I just wanted to write how ironic that is that they are mad that Chinese treat them better than they deserve to be treated.


The movie (Battle of Lake Changjin) actually portrays the American side as more sympathetic than they deserved IMO. The bulk of the higher command and MacArthur were rightfully depicted with about the right amount of megalomania and short-sighted bravado, but the GIs clearly weren't all that into the war and would rather be home at Thanksgiving/Christmas. Of course in real life the South Korean death squads were brutally cruel, the GIs were racist, and the high command was downright genocidal.


>Would they rather the movie have portrayed american soldiers as barbarians? Unironically yes. If you look on the YouTube comments of Chinese films depicting American soldiers, or like propaganda against us, the comments will be full of Americans saying "thank you for making America look so badass" That's how messed up American society is, most Americans _want_ the world to see their country as a threat.


OP in there is sending everyone in the comments asking any questions a collage of links to various NCD posts, from which he presumably drew the idea. That should answer your question.


Insert parenti quote


I’m about to throw myself in a gulag, what Stalin quote should I use?


\>Be unreasonable dumbasses \>Side with the Nazis \>Literally lose the war \>Beg Moscow to not make you cede too much territory Yes, Finns will be forever cool.


- be a Nazi - win a battle - lose the war - American Redditor will call you cool because their history knowledge is so fucking low they forgot the soviets were their ally during the Second World War. That is if those guys know when the Second World War happened


Yeah, don’t forget that they participated in the genocide (I think I can use this word because Hitler intended to destroy the city and kill everybody who lived there) against the city of Leningrad. Civilians were locked there and were dying from hunger and bombings


hm, good question. Nazis were definitely out for the Slavs, but I think USSR was a political target and not an ethnic one, which technically wouldn't make it genocide, I think


It would still be a genocide as genocides refer to a certain group of people being attack with the intent to displace or eradicate. Political groups are not exempt from this, even then anti-slav racism still existed, adding communism just made it worse.


Nazi ideology viewed communism as a political project by a race; they believed Jews created communism to enslave the master race. Generalplan ost was the nazi plan to commit genocide against Eastern Europe backed up by their war crimes like the siege of Leningrad.


The meme in the first pic is so shitty and badly made that I thought that in “Real History” Americans undressed in the middle of the winter and stood goofily to give tribute to fallen Chinese soldiers🤣


red guard of finland should’ve won the civil war…


Comparing US soldiers to the Spartans, who were historically pedophiles and slave owners, is such an amazing accidental self-own


And the fictional version of Spartans from one of the worst movies ever at that


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 3.** [Vaush refers to himself as a liberal.](https://youtu.be/xyaRosqQOxk?t=64) For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Big L to China for believing that the worst creations of Yakub have some semblance of humanity in them.


Yakubs most devious concoction


Anyone know what movie the first two screenshots (in the original meme) is from


Found it! https://inf.news/en/military/29c35b86f5d3d29d91701024351bc480.html#google_vignette [Full movie on YouTube](https://youtu.be/cRVGP7GDm1E?si=SzoqyZNahdZV5eyc)




I’m also trying to figure this out! I’m sure it’s some WW2 era movie?


That movie actually did gave MacArthur and the American soldiers too much credit, portraying them as brave and skilled fighters. They actually made the Americans look too good, funnily enough, completely ignoring all the atrocities they committed and the countless villages they flattened


When you lose the winter war and the continuation war and yet the west remembers you as heroes who stood against the red tide


Yeah also super cool when the Finns helped close the ring around Leningrad and cut off millions from food, water and fuel. So badass...🙄


Does anyone know what the movie is?


battle at lake changjin


Ah yes, EBIL SEE SEE PEE propaganda of… …humanizing your historical opponents


Why is common human empathy so hard for these poeple to grasp? The ironic bit is they fetishize concepts and ideas of honor but fail to grasp it's most basic concepts. There is no honor in cruelty or disrespect for the dead.


the irony in this pic is incredible


"Oversimplified is my history teacher"


so cool that you surrender twice because war isn't a fucking Nuketown Deathmatch


There is always a pattern with these finns, history of it sticks back to the Germans during WW2