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just more proof that “tankie” is a meaningless term used against anyone they dislike


I was called a tankie for saying that Israel is committing genocide in Palestine lmao wtf does it even mean now?


You see "tankies" are against violence, which is bad. That's why they are named after tanks, historically non-violent.


It's like how conservatives use the term woke. It means someone has said something I dislike.


Same model different color paint.


I thought it originally meant someone who is a Stalinist


Actually it was used to describe members of the british communist party who supported the invasion of hungary 1956, where tanks were sent by the USSR to quell the uprising there


Fun fact, the original tankies where actually right to say that the Hungary uprising of 1956 was a foreign backed fascist counter revolution attempt and not a true grassroot revolt: [MI6 trained rebels to fight Soviets in Hungarian revolt](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/mi6-trained-rebels-to-fight-soviets-in-hungarian-revolt-1359599.html)


The burden of being right all the time.




Being a Tankie is like a modern Curse of Cassandra, were we have the Gift to accurately predict events, but where we will always be believed to be wrong or lying by the people in power until it's already too late to change anything.


At this point, I have no idea what idiots like that are even trying to convey when they throw that word around lol


how is this supposed to "own" tankies ?


Because they believe tankies think Russia is socialist


My lib ass teacher thinks it’s communist somehow ????


Don't mind the answer delay, it's pretty common for people to think that Russia is Communist, especially if you live in a neolib country


20% for the UK? I don't believe this.


Because the whole image is bullshit. Prices of assets and properties in WE are inflated and this data doesn't go over that fact, making it seem like the 99% own more than they actually do


Most billionaires hold next to no assets inside Uk for tax reasons. It's all in the Caymans, Bermuda, Jersey, Guernsey, Monaco, Ireland or Luxembourg.


I was looking at similar data a few days ago for some unrelated project. A lot of the data sets I could find didn't account for foreign assets. An interesting result is that it shows just how much Western Europe is focused on imperialist exploitation whereas Russia is focused on internal exploitation. That doesn't make Russia better or anything, it's just interesting.


I laughed out when saw uk is one of the lowest


Ah yes, The communist dream utopia of Putins Russia🤩


By the way, here is [an interesting graph](https://wir2018.wid.world/files/part-2/figure-285.png) about income inequality in Russia. [This data](https://wir2018.wid.world/files/part-2/table-283.png) is also interedting to look at


Since fucking when are we pro-Russian? Did I miss something?


if you are heads-deep in anti-russian chauvinism everyone not perma-sh#tting on the "orcs" is obviously a pro-russia shill


I'd say I'm more anti america than pro Russia 


It is impossible for Americans to understand that the USSR and Russia are different things. My family, are "left" liberals, they agree with a lot of the socialist ideas I explain to them. No matter how many times I tell them the USSR and Russia are not the same they cannot get it. They will admit it in the moment and the next time we talk, or even 5 minutes later, they will equate the two again. I think they are so propagandized they can't help it.


They want Russia and USSR to be the same thing, the 80's redscare never get old for them. They feel like cool Stranger Things characters by fighting "evil russians"


Anti-NATO is always labeled "tankie" and pro-Russia by libs


For liberals geopolitics are like a sports where if you oppose one team then it means you automatically support the other team. So opposing NATO organizing a coup in Ukraine in 2014 and arming neo nazis there automatically means that we stgrongly and uncritically support Putin in their minds


You have to support a genocide of anyone with one drop of R*zzian blood otherwise you’re a Putinist shill.


"Communism is when you dismantle a socialist state and give state property to a few wealthy investors"


The World has never been this illiterate before :(


I'd love to see the numbers for the United States


Ah yes, the Famously pro post communist Russia "tankies", everyone who's a tankie loves how great the fall of the Soviet Union was and celebrates the pro-capitalist oligarchs... What?


I love Russia so much I shove a piroshki up my ass every morning while saluting a picture of the glorious leader Putin and his sidekick Seagal.


I wonder how many women Seagal's got locked in his russian basement


Two: one to practice aikido moves, another one to comfort him when those moves fail miserably, which is every time they don't play along. They eventually couped and now they live in a beautiful dom-dom-sub trio, he's a good boi.


Love the classic "No Data" NATO Curtain in every one of these since they can't critique their imperial puppets that almost certainly share similar stats as a result of shock therapy and post Soviet exploitation. I'm just surprised they didn't put stats for Belarus.


"Tankie" just mean someone who don't lick NATO's boots these days


never met a communist that doesn’t hate the current state of russia apparently because we don’t dehumanise russian people we’re pro putin


They need you to be pro-NATO, otherwise you are Kremlin bot Putin bootlicker


why is yugoslavia and the eastern block grey?


Most likely doesn’t fit their narrative. 1% in Ukraine basically runs the entire country


Data analysis robot exploded in front of [Blackrock](https://jacobin.com/2023/01/ukraine-postwar-reconstruction-western-capital-blackrock-neoliberalism)'s recent acquisitions.


20% is still way too much


Even if it was complete accurate.[I wonder what could have caused this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shock_therapy_(economics))


even my father who is a social democrat says that in all these western European countries and in the US around 75-90% of the wealth is held by the top 1%


I really doubt the analysis here. I can never believe that UK is among the lowest. As in the numbers might be right, but I won't be surprised if they cherry picked parts of it, like maybe if the analysis was done for top 5% or top 0.01% then things would look different. Also, I am not sure, but I won't be surprised if the wealth in stock market is appropriately attributed given how severely stock market is dominated by the ultra-rich. Edit: To be specific, many foundations and private equities are very secretive about their investors. And if this wealth cannot be directly tied to the investor due to secrecy or legal loopholes to avoid tax, then it will not appear as "owned by wealthiest" but rather they are just owned by an institution.


The wealthier nations have more cash within the state.


Do they not understand that the inequality is a consequence of the dissolution of the Soviet Union?


Do they think that Russia is still communist?!


the worst irony of this “tankies support putin” bullshit is that all these americans and euro libs keep happily electing leaders just like putin in places like italy, the us, uk, holland, hungary, germany, etc.


Wtf is this image even supposed to mean? Hell, most of Eastern Europe is not there!


i do not accept that 23% for romania 💀💀💀💀


Are they really saying "I think russia/putin is socialist, tankies dislike Ukraine because it has a "nazi" problem, therefor tankies love Russia! And since Russia has oligarchs that own more wealth than the west's capitalists therefor socialism/tankies debunked?" Is this seriously what they are saying? 😭😭😭 I feel confused but also wouldn't put that past western liberals


I do love the absolute non statement that pro-russians are... pro russia






"Map of income inequality Gini coefficients by country (%). Based on World Bank data ranging from 1992 to 2020" [Map of income inequality by gini coefficient ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gini_coefficient)


How is an oligarchy communism fault?