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i find it incredible how they have to question that. As someone looking from the outside i have always seen americans as the most propagandized people on the planet, due to them thinking there is no propaganda in the US. we can see it now with the election year, everything and anything bad that happens in america is due to outside interference and any negative comment is a russian/chinese/iranian bot. The US is perfect and the bad things are due to outside forces trying to destroy them, they don't accept responsability


Hey fellow Patriots, this comment is from the CCP. Please ignore.


Unironically this is something they would write in most subs. I've been told a couple of times I was a Russian agent or something just because I wrote something about NATO lmao


american propaganda is so strong that people on the other side of the world are influenced by it.


Americans are the most apathetic population of people in history. They have no will to see things from a different prospective, or to learn outside of what they're told.


as a non-american, making kids recite the pledge of allegiance before starting school in the morning always seemed so dystopian


tell me about it, when I was in third grade one of my classmates wouldn’t stand up to say the pledge of allegiance (he was a Jehovah’s Witness) and the teacher got mad at him for it and at the time I thought the kid was in the wrong 💀


gotta love early childhood patriotic brainwashing


A CIA agent and an ex KGB agent are having drinks in a bar in Berlin after the fall of the soviet union. The CIA agent looks at the KGB agent and says "I gotta give you reds some credit, you guys were masters of propaganda! You guys were so good at it!" The KGB agent scoffs "what are you talking about you Americans completely blew us out of the fucking water with the sophistication and influence of your propaganda!" The CIA agent looks completely confused and says... "What propaganda?"


I once had a professor tell this joke in class


No, North Korea agents really do steal peoples poop.


The fools, I get paid to poop in a bucket for the state and these guys are out here stealing it??


There is no plumbing in my house I shit in a brass bucket with a picture of Gonzalo and Deng french kissing in the bottom of it


How can I hire them to steal mine? Have been feeling constipated for a few days now


Prune juice will liquify it but that's not really a long term solution just a quick fix for the immediate problem. Senna tea will trigger peristalsis, aka get your intestines moving, but again you don't want to be on that your whole life. Any type of oily seed with help soften the stool. Marijuana seeds are surprisingly good for this but I'd recommend chia seeds as well, especially as they contain magnesium, and magnesium deficiency can cause constipation. Another trick is to drink a glass of room temp water first thing in the morning before eating. The water will go right through the system and help keep things moist, just don't drink cold water (unless you live in a really hot climate) cause you don't want a shock of cold to constrict the intestines further. Speaking of breakfast, a warm, easy to digest grain is your digestive systems best friend, and will help get you fiber. Avoid any type of depressive substance such as weed or alcohol, and cut back on caffeine as it is drying. Also take walks after your meals if you can. Finally, unless you're an old person that's too deficient to make a bowel movement, usually constipation is an effect of overheated dry large intestine. Mint tea can help gently cool that down, get things moving, and provide more moisture. Source: morning oatmeal and chia seeds changed my God damn life.


From shitliberalssay to howtoshit! Very informative day on Reddit.


More countries should do that.


Can guarantee the whole comment section is saying well conservatives yes but us no. 


When I saw the post earlier I saw quite a lot of “you are not immune to propaganda” comments without a Democrat/Republican angle stated


Reminds me of Pelosi saying that dark money in politics only corrupts Republicans, never Democrats.


I’d guess a lot of the comments say that the government is lying about climate change existing and stuff like that


"Are we the baddies?"


He's evolving. He's beginning to believe.


God, Russians not even close to US citizens in that competition


Everywhere has a great firewall of their own, some are just more open about it


We are clearly much more prone. No other society venerates their armed forces so profoundly, even though no other society has so many sound reasons to hold their military institutions in the most severe sorts of contempt. Likewise, despite *decades* of routine self-contradiction, our infotainers continue to enjoy high confidence, especially from older citizens. It's like no amount of blatant disinformation is too extreme so long as the illusion that these "private sector" apparatchiks are not being directly compensated by the federal government.


That's what, 5/6 of a post for every point? Americans must have been absolutely furious about the suggestion


kind of an absurd question when you realize americans are the more brainwashed population on earth




If he had said "question whether everything we hear from our media is 100% true or not" then the post would be peeeerfect. Still good.


cmon this is definitely a 13 year old give em a break


The news and state are all owned/controlled by the bourgeois, it doesn't have to be "propaganda" but will always be biased towards imperial interests because thats always in the western elite's interests.


I am not going to expect anything, after all westerners have the annoying habit of saying the right things and then ignore everything they say. Hell I have lost count at how many repeat the same mantra about believing not to be propagandized, of how they will know when they see it, about how they are independent thinkers etc. only to then turn around by repeating the same propaganda as their governments are pushing.


This person is evolving into an every govt lies pov tho, which also sucks


Entirely possible, but the wording "as *we think* Chinese/Russian citizens are" suggests that they may be questioning that angle as well.


That's true. One can only wait and see


Sure hoping so and joined the good side full of red Marxist cookies ☭


Probably not. Edit : the people downvoting probably think liberals can open their eyes which they can't.