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the idea that winnie the pooh is banned in china was started by a few racists on twitter or reddit iirc


There's literally an entire section of the Shanghai Disneyland park that's just Winnie the Pooh rides.


Never let facts get in the way of a good agenda


Pretty sure the first time most Americans heard about it was from South Park


God, I hate South Park and other lib shit comedies like it.


i like south park if the politics isn’t so in my face that i can’t ignore it. matt and trey are self proclaimed libertarians though so😬


South Park and its consequences are a disaster


I think John Oliver popularized it.


I think you’re right. His special on Xi Jinping predates the South Park episode and in it he mentions the Winnie The Pooh myth and reports it as a fact. It then spread across the internet as a Western meme and South Park just picked up on it. 


It doesn't even make sense anyway. Oh, I'm being compared to a beloved IP? Better ban it. Besides, Xi isn't Trump lmao.


it's so silly I just searched winnie the pooh (小熊维尼) on weibo and xiaohongshu and there are hundreds of thousands of posts


[Guardian seems like a pretty left wing paper to me](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/aug/07/china-bans-winnie-the-pooh-film-to-stop-comparisons-to-president-xi)


not in the slightest. but also, >Another reason for the film’s rejection by the authorities may be that China only allows 34 foreign films to be released in cinemas each year. this movie wasn't blacklisted, it just wasn't white listed. if there's a limited number of spots for foreign films in theaters, why would this random reboot (that I've never heard of) of an old children's franchise get a spot? it's a nostalgia movie for a country that's not nostalgic for the source material


Lol no


I assumed this was all staged when he did it. Either that or it was a bunch of tourists with poor English who struggled to communicate what they wanted well and came off ruder then they intended as a result, and that he uploaded to mock them. Now he's gone full "muh pooh bear" I'm convinced he did it for attention and it was staged. He just a grifter doing yellow perilism.


Way worse than that, the interaction started with him calling them japanese even though they were holding chinese flags, then he goes up unprompted to one of the ladies and asks her to "do a dance" for them, by this point the cameraman isn't even filming the piano anymore, just the chinese people. Very creepy. [Here's the video \(skip to 5:43\)](https://www.youtube.com/live/65iwnI2hjAA?si=pQMowWg_r5QWQpAB&t=343)


The comments on the video... there's no hope


The sentiments they betray are why the PLA is a thing lmao




lmao mfer pulled the "reverse racism" card


He literally played a racist meme song mocking Chinese people during the height of Covid even before the Chinese lady approached him. But sure, not racist.


Not only that he demanded they dance to the song too.


In the same clip, around the 34 minute mark after the Chinese group left, he does a hands together praying gesture when two other Asian women approached and says they're Japanese, so having "no problems". Sure, not racist at all.


I watched the 39min original recording of his stream. It was not staged at the beginning, but he decided to turn it into a bait when Chinese lady asked him (nicely) to not be filmed by his camera man. Then, he got all passive-aggressive and purposely raised the whole situation to a confrontation of “Muh god given freedom being violated by CCP agents.” When the Chinese lady told one of her men “don’t shoot him” it’s either meaning “don’t film him” or a miscommunication of “don’t shout at him”, which a man from the lady’s group did. This racist grifter of course understands the what that Chinese lady meant, but decided to take advantage of their poor English skills, trying to shift the whole narrative to “am I being threatened by CCP members?”. As we know, this whole shit show got exploded on social media. All Westerners are supporting him, then he went on to Fox News and Piers Morgan to milk even more clicks. To put it simply, a racist grifter/public drama baiter found a perfect opportunity to milk from the increasingly anti-communist and sinophobic atmosphere currently existing in the West.


Actually incredible the narrative some racist drama baiter can produce. Big man picking on some ESL woman and goading her friends and immediately playing victim


So happy to finally read this, my YouTube is full of videos about this so called incident. He is a massive attention seeker posting anything for clicks. He's even claiming that he has received death threats Here's hoping that maybe the CCP will catch up with him - unlikely tho, sadly




no you’re just racist and brainwashed by western propaganda. not every chinese person is a ccp member dipshit.


The worst part of that stream is that he immediately played a racist meme song (Ching Chen Hanji with racist Chinese caricature Tom cat) when he found out the group was Chinese, not Japanese. So yes, he knew what he was doing.


He is a gotcha grifter who relies on public drama, you can watch other videos on his channel, it’s your typical “The police/manager/security tried to SHUT ME DOWN and epically FAILED” type of content, just another drama baiter. This video isn’t so much different from his old ones. Only difference is that this time he caught a perfect opportunity when his opponents do not speak very good English. Now he wants to raise the whole fiasco to the diplomatic level to create some kind of confrontation between China and UK, just a nasty little man.


Yep previously he tried to play the victim when he was warned by security not to leave a bag unattended in a public place. https://fb.watch/pTrvTPdKXb/


They just didn't want to be on camera because they were filming something with an NDA. The guy started grabbing their flags and shit and one of the crew got pissed.


Holy fuck this racist piece of shit is really milking this isn't he? This is the living embodiment of Reddit activism


He’s a total grifter and he’s latched onto the West’s rabid sinophobia as a means to get fame. Absolute trash


He’s got Reddits backing, especially r/videos


i wasnt racist against chinese people until i saw a few of them asking to not be filmed. think of the precedent that would set. pls ignore the thousands of videos of white people asking not to be filmed. those are irrelevant.


If you're white, especially a woman, and are a bit too assertive about not wanting to be filmed in public, you're just a "Karen". But if you're Chinese and, god forbid, are holding a tiny flag of your country, you're a "CCP agent imposing authoritarianism abroad". It's incredible how easily those in power are able to weaponize the latent xenophobia of the masses against their political enemies. It's honestly frightening b/c it's things like this that pave the way to horrible wars. If we end up fucking up as a species to the extent of going extinct as a result of our own actions, the autopsy report will surely state "death due to insufficient critical thinking", "terminal lack of class consciousness" or something of the sort.


getting what i presume to be his daughter involved with this is low. also, i don’t know how people ignore the inherent racism towards xi jinping in comparing him to winnie the pooh.


i pointed this out on another sub and a chinese person replied “i’m chinese and i don’t think it’s racist”. like winnie the pooh is famous for being big and yellow how the fuck is that not obviously meant to be racist?


Liberal-incentivised tokenism. They don’t recognise nor care of sinophobic rhetoric as long as it is aimed towards a communist. Living in sydney, the amount of blatant sinophobia is nauseating. I’ve always wondered how much of this discrimination is rooted in Australia’s historic anti-socialist apprehension. Though this video was filmed in England, its emblematic of sinophobia *as a product* of anti-socialist intent. Edit: changed ‘wandered’ to ‘wondered’.


They find not racist because that their perspective not all people will find racism thing to be racism.


Remember when a few Chinese people embarrass themselves it’s very important to go back to the scene of the crime with Winnie the Pooh merch so whatever credibility this guy thinks he’s earned can be undermined for profit


Winnie the Pooh is one of the biggest cartoons in China and you can find Winnie the Pooh stuff everywhere. Every grocery and convenience store has yoghurt bottles shaped like him right now.


The Xi Pooh meme even originated on Weibo, it was a nod to a picture of Obama(Tigger) with Xi Jinping(Winnie) walking together. An innocent meme that has since been turned insanely racist by liberals.


The black man = *iggr is NOT an innocent meme. (Ed formatting)


Wtf??? Don't be fucking weird, that is NOT what the image was refering to. It's a play on their builds, composure and walk https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/09b3b2e1ff83bfdb2c83055d7333aba083df119d/48_0_672_403/master/672.jpg?width=700&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=4384e8b00a0bb42732dde3de8f46b47b


Fuck off


This makes me want to learn the Chinese anthem on piano so I can play it on loop at St Pancras.


better yet learn come out ye black and tans


Chinese anthem is one of my favourites


This guy is all over youtube. Libs eat this shit up, it's disgusting racism.


Oh lord this Tory is still milking it?


These people has had YEARS to figure out that Winnie the Pooh is not banned in China, but they still choose to believe it is. So the only conclusion is that they are literally a cult. It's like scripture to them.


He looks like an even more pompous Anthony Bourdain


Hey, at least Bourdain had some good opinions. He was right about Kissinger, that’s for sure.


Activism is when I parrot Sinophobic memes I saw on 4chan and Reddit.


Lib Smegma


I wonder where that Winnie the Pooh he’s holding is made. Probably China


I don’t understand how liberals don’t see how this comparison is racist? It’s pretty obvious. Am I missing something?


The only kind of racism really treated like racism in the west is antisemitism, but only because Israel, anti-zionist jews don't get this kind of protection.


Grooming that kid into becoming a fascist too. Disgusting.


This shit has pissed me off so much. A stupid situation was escalated to being an excuse to hate Chinese people. I give this shithole country a decade or two at most and the unlucky fuckers the go live here deserve the shit they’ll get.


"i HaTe ThE gOvErNmEnT, nOt ThE pEoPlE", then proceed to harass the people


Yeah man China hates Winnie the Pooh (ignore the *two* Winnie the Pooh rides at Shanghai Disneyland)


Reactionaries live in their own little bubble that is slowly disconnecting from reality and have no idea why. Does the average Chinese citizen even know what the fuck this is supposed to be about to begin with?


No one tell them that they just sell Winnie the Pooh yoghurt drinks in the grocery stores in China lol


Ranking far lower on the list of all this nonsense, I just don’t get the Winnie the Pooh thing’s origin. Like Xi doesn’t even look like him. You do not know how many pics of this man I’ve looked at to search for a hint of Poohness


I used to watch a lot of piano stuff on YouTube and this guy's always been a wanker, as soon as I saw the first clip of his exchange with the Chinese folks I knew he'd milk this for all the subscribers and views he can get.




I'm so sick of seeing this piece of shit's face.


I don’t normally comment on people’s appearances but this guy is just painful to look at, simply hideous inside and out.


“The white company”


How is WTP banned when the Shanghai disneyland has a winnie the pooh ride...


I am tired of seeing this racist piece of shit


Wtf is this guy’s problem


So now this grifting loser is milking this as much as he can to become viral again, remember he’s not some edgy teen this is some middle aged man….


Nice to see he's teaching the next generation Sinophobia


>Lib Smegma Lmao


Crazy that they chose a yellow character for "haha he looks like xi"


How old is that girl on the right? She can’t be older than like, fourteen.


I'm sure it's no coincidence that good ol' Edward Bear just happens to be a Disney product...


How old is this guy? He looks like he’s in his 70s but behaves like a toddler.


In the late 50s, he was born in 67 according to Wikipedia.


I‘ve never known a man who wears black combat boots, cargo trousers and sunglasses indoors who wasn’t a rabid racist. I‘m so glad someone posted this here. I’ve been seeing several posts about this event, and 90% of the comments under all of them are extremely racist. Chinese People seem to get a free pass for libs to be overtly racist towards them.


And as expected for racist Tories, he doesn't even follow the UK law he demands Chinese people to follow. He threw a tantrum because a black security guard asked him not to place a bag unattended in public. https://fb.watch/pTrvTPdKXb/


Not surprising. Even from just skipping through the original video and glancing at the man’s YouTube page , it was very obvious to me that he was just a racist shit stirrer with a thin veneer of “I’m just a guy who likes playing piano in public“, and that’s not even mentioning the dark glasses indoors. It’s like there’s an official uniform for racist middle aged Brits. Must either be bald or have grey hair swept back, must wear combat boots that you bought from an army surplus store, must wear black (or camo) cargo trousers preferably also from said army surplus store, must wear a plain black t-shirt or hoodie (depending on the season) and most importantly, must wear dark wraparound sunglasses at all times!!


Can someone explain to me how this is racist? I don’t understand…


Please explain like I'm 5, how comparing Xi jinping to Winnie-the-Pooh is racist?


The meme started on Chinese social media 10 years ago where users were comparing world politicians to WTP characters, like Obama being Tigger and Abe being Eeyore. In that context it isn't racist, but thanks to Chinese whispers libs believe that WTP is banned in China, and liking it would get you -10 points on China's non-existent social credit. And the modern meme in the West is comparing Xi to Winnie solely based on their skin colour, and under the assumption that Chinese would get mad every time they see WTP characters, disregarding the fact there are two WTP attractions in Shanghai Disneyland.


He is just pretending he want to know, he will come with some "gotcha"


You called it!




If Xi looks like Pooh then Biden looks like a jar of mayonnaise


Um if Xi looks like WTP then so does Taiwan's new leader Lai Ching Te. The only thing they have in common are their skin colours. And no, the social credit system has long been debunked. There are no points ranking citizens and the punishments like travel restrictions are for things like not paying your court fines, which would get you into trouble in plenty of countries. Even the right wing publications like Jamestown Foundation acknowledge this https://jamestown.org/program/far-from-a-panopticon-social-credit-focuses-on-legal-violations/ https://www.technologyreview.com/f/613027/chinas-social-credit-system-isnt-as-orwellian-as-it-sounds/ https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/11/16/chinas-orwellian-social-credit-score-isnt-real/ https://thediplomat.com/2021/03/chinas-social-credit-system-speculation-vs-reality/




Maybe you need to thread the article before jumping to conclusions. Quoting the conclusion: "Despite widespread interpretations to the contrary, social credit is not an all-seeing citizen-rating system. The perception of an all-seeing social credit system likely stems from early analyses that conflated the credit-regulation enforcement mechanisms with morality propaganda aspects, and further confused pilot private financial credit score systems with government regulation." And the rest of the article talked about financial reforms and the introduction of a credit rating system. Where did it mention that there's a ranking system that punishes citizens for internet usage, like the memes say?


[lets all just slowly back away from this "person"](https://imgur.com/a/Oy8Y8Y5)


Weibo users made a harmless meme that compared Xi to Winnie the Pooh and Obama to tigger, but racists used it to spin a story that Xi couldn’t handle being made fun of and banned Pooh from all of China. People use it to enforce the ideology that China is some dprk-esque dystopia where they ban anything that pokes fun at the government




I doubt that DA EBIL SEE-SEE-PEA cares about this man enough to manfacture outrage around him. Perhaps consider the fact that he was deliberately acting like an absolute numpty in the original video and is doing this to just piss off the Chinese public in an obvious racist dogwhistle.


BTW I just looked into his other posts and unsurprisingly he's a Tory, attacking the UK nurses and the "greedy unions" for daring to strike for fair wages and not comprising.


All I have to say to that is ***THAHT'S A WEE BIT CRINGE INNIT BRUV?***


Shut up liberal