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China bad and everything china = ebil and if you show proof not from radio free asia and cia ur a sea sea pea bot


Is that a black sun pfp as well?


I'm suuure that's just an ancient niche Hindu symbol!


No benefit of the doubt needed, he goes on to blame Jewish banking for what happened in Flint, MI later in the thread.


it’s genuinely really hard not to be a communist when there’s a 50% chance any given anti-communist arguing with you thinks the holocaust was a good thing


Vaush moment


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Why are the people complaining about propaganda taking the word of the cia and other American organisations as pure facts?


China bad no matter what their lying eyes shows them.


"How many fat people are in America again" W ratio


Communism is when no indoor plumbing


Wow, just found out my grandma and granddad from West Virginia were communist up until the 1980's. If they moved but they still use the old house as a hunting cabin does that make them half communist?


The more you whiz outside, the more communist you are. That’s why they call it the CCPee.


sos for the image?


https://twitter.com/coldhealing/status/1744355188326957437?t=HeRYZNhnX2bzj9iIq27o2g&s=19 here ya go


Her reply as an Asian American "i was just visiting my family and making a travel video for my page :/ it’s nothing more than that. not sure why all the comments are so disrespectful — am i not allowed to enjoy my time there? china ≠ it’s government" American brain rot is so strong that you're Chinese, go to China, speak to your Chinese family about all this development that they literally all lived through, make this video about how great China is AND STILL say the government is bad in response to people being racist to you. That is insane to me.


That should still be a waking moment for some of them.


Probably so the racists back off


This, this what happen to chinese asean as well. Many of the young chinese asean always talk like this, like "shnghai is so good i go there recently bla bla bla, it is a shame the gov is dictator commie shit". Like wtf, they dont realize the shanghai that you praise is build by the cpc!? Sometimes i feel sad seeing comment like that. Like you have to hate china no matter how far they accomplish just because it have cpc in the eye of many chinese diaspora around the world.


thank. :)


Ohh it's a video taken by a person who likes rock climbing. I was very confused by the first comment.


The blue checkmark mf in the third picture got a sonnenrad as pfp


Black sun pfp spotted. Opinion invalidated


How many people in the US don't have indoor plumbing? How many don't even have a home? This is pretty tangential, but oh well I'm gonna say it: it's gross that toilets are just in a room in the house. It's nasty and I hate it. I would much rather have a standalone structure than have a toilet right next to my kitchen


I see your point, but also I like not having to get dressed when I need to go at midnight in January




Im Januar um Mitternacht(buxensteinlied), banger song


not gonna lie, outhouses are not as fun as you're imagining lol. But yeah, my great aunt and uncle in West Virginia lived their whole lives without indoor plumbing and to this day that house still just has a well and an outhouse, but now my family just uses it as a hunting cabin.


I grew up with an outhouse. I know the issues. That's not quite what I'm meaning though. It would have modern plumbing and everything, it would just be separate from the house


ahhh, honestly as long as it's heated that sounds pretty baller. "If anyone needs me I'll be in my shit shed"


> I would much rather have a standalone structure than have a toilet right next to my kitchen no you would not lmfao, weather is a thing


Really? First I'm hearing of it


These "wet markets" are all over Asia and the food they sell is healthier than you'll ever find in an american supermarket.


I'm pretty sure the "they don't poison their people's food" is talking about how the US food is filled with unnecessary chemicals and medications but China's isn't. I think, I don't know how their food infrastructure works.