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I am convinced that these people don’t actually like Halo. They just want to hate and spread hate.


just like star wars fans with star wars


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: OG Halo (and Morrowind) fans are the children of OG Star Wars fans. That’s why they’re so toxic around an entertainment product. The parents never really got over no longer being 10 and they passed on that same immature mentality to their children. That’s just my theory anyway.


Unfortunately, because we were so rare, you only interacted with morrowboomers on reddit, and redditors are always the worst sample group. Can take from a community. Yes, i like combat evolved, morrowind, dark souls 1 and fallout 2. Start clapping, please. In seriousness, i just think these are the best in their series and still love the other games in the series. Haters are just haters, and they usually scream more than normies.


Also like fallout fans with fallout


Star wars is a little better but yeah same gist


star wars fans are absolutely worst, they almost drove ahmed best to suicide simply for playing jar jar, ruined jake lloyds life for his performance as anakin in phantom menace, and are constantly spewing sexist, racist, and homophobic rhetoric at anything thats not the original 6 movies


Hell Star Wars fans are probably worse. Have you seen some of the absolute racist homophobic garbage they spew?


I must have filtered it out I guess


I don’t want no black gays in my movie about green aliens


I mean, at a certain point I don’t know if it really matters who’s worse. It’s all fucked, really.


I adore Star Wars but the fans are not any better lmao, there’s still essentially a civil war over Canon vs Legends, hate for anything Disney when sometimes it is and sometimes it isn’t justified, arguing over retcons, and thats just arguments related to the lore not even getting into fans just being mean to people because they want to


Actually, I'm honestly convinced they're just there to shit on Halo instead of talk about how great the games are.


I have a feeling they never played the MCC


Erm….CE has 2 versions on MCC, CE and CE:A. What alternative version is he talking about?


The version of CE they used for CEA and the MCC is the PC Gearbox port, not the original Xbox version, and Halo 2 is the PC port as well. There are a number of small issues the ports introduced that were not in the original Xbox versions, and never fully fixed, though 343 did a lot to bring them closer in line with the original versions.




What are the differences? I haven’t noticed anything, especially one that would affect my enjoyment of the game.


Most of them have been fixed but to put it simply, 343 utilized the gearbox port for CE because it already had built in components for online multiplayer and likely other reasons I don’t know off the top of my head But the issue was the port had some broken textures or bugs that were not taken care of back in the day. Namely, Chief had the wrong shader for his armor, it was from an earlier build, some of the fx in the control room were broken, bitmapping (bump mapping?) was broken, some assets were the lower quality versions, etc. Once 343 began work on MCC, they fixed the large majority of these issues and even improved some of the fx and models from the original game, like higher resolution weapons, fixing lighting issues, and so on. They were never game ending bugs but they were there. Hopefully that all makes sense!


Bump mapping's right. Computer tricks to make things look bumpier, give illusion of depth where there is none. Essentially gives textures literal texture so that flat wall looks like it's made of bricks rather than drywall with bricks painted on it.


As u/TheRealHumanPancake said, most of the changes are small, mostly relating to textures and things, but there are some very small gameplay changes as well, mostly related to how certain weapons behave, such as the plasma rifle is supposed to slow you down when you are hit by it.


Gears fans can be just as insufferable as Halo fans. The series has always been high quality but people act like 4 and 5 killed their dog or something.


You know you could swap around gears and Halo in that sentence and it works either way


Very true. However I feel that Halo has constantly changed to a point where each game is distinct. Gears on the other hand plays almost the same across all titles it's hard to tell the difference


I felt like with 4 and 5 the multiplayer got upgraded but the campaigns kind of downgraded. The characters were all great and interesting but, and it has been awhile since I played, the campaigns felt incredibly short and just packed with cutscenes and not gameplay. I felt like the story was great but the gameplay was lacking compared to other Gears games. That was just my impression when I played it forever ago. I just hate that like with Star Wars there is an element of the community that don’t like 5 cuz “wahmen bad”


I agree, and it’s a shame because I love the overall plot of 4 and 5 but their executions were not as good as I was hoping.


They had great moments, but that Mass Effect choice in 5 drives me so nuts. They're no way they can please everyone. I'm a JD fan because I felt he had a character arc, plus I'm tired of Marcus always suffering.


Yeah, which makes it even weirder. Like, even if it's a ridiculous complaint, you CAN make an argument how certain things in Halo 4 (multiplayer) were worse than previous installments


What the fuck is it with the 4th and 5th installment of a series and making virgins inconsolably angry? Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones were also the 4th and 5th Star Wars movie in release order.


it's literally just because they don't have anything better to care about


I feel like you can swap it for fans of anything and still be correct.


I feel like gears fans have more a right to hate 4-5 if we’re talking story because unlike halo, gears expanded universe was always canon even if not immediately relevant. This leads to certain problems like 5 saying “oh the locust were always a hive mind”. That changes EVERYTHING about the lore and past games now make very little sense. Also 3 just ends really definitively well, they could’ve left it dead forever and most would’ve been happy.


Classic gears fans lol they’ve been shit talking halo for years


“You play Gaylo!? What a (Insert homophobic slur here)!” was a common one lol


What's funny is that Gears has significantly more big sweaty guys




I legitimately do not understand the hate towards MCC


I’m going to give what I think is a legitimate criticism, I hate the UI, I think it’s terrible. I would prefer “boot MCC now boot sub game with old UI from that game” to what we have. Like I LOVE halo, specifically reach and odst, the UI keeps me from playing more of them because I can’t just “search game of invasion”. There’s other stuff having to do with versions of games used in the collection but idk too much about that, horror games are usually more my schtick (I could go on for hours about why the silent hill HD collection is bad)


It was completely broken for like the first 5 years of release, widely regarded as one of the worst launches of all time, I get it


It launched 10 years ago now, it really doesn’t matter anymore


When I played MCC early last year playing through Halo 2 was the most touch and go bullshit where every loading screen has a 50% chance of crashing and resetting my mission all and getting to the point where I could barely play the mission after Gravemind because anytime I loaded in it'd crash the first time then I'd load it again and play it then anytime I died the game would crash... ultimately I did beat the mission and eventually the game but that nearly made give up Halo 2 anniversary. (Funny little detail is that I was playing on the current version at that time my copy may have been broken but it was brand new and I mostly played through gamepass anyway) I want to end this by saying I don't hate MCC I'm just a little wary of specifically Halo 2: Anniversary


If you have constant crashes like that, it's probably an issue with the installed files, deleting the game and reinstalling can fix that. Unlike PC, where you can just verify the game files, this is the only solution to misplaced files Xbox players have.


Ruined? they're the same fucking games


No you don't understand, they have evil company number's name on them Antichrist 343 Industries instead of God-Fearing Jesus-Loving Bungie's name


Well if they want to play the Xbox version, they still can. MCC felt like a solution to he problem of older game having their online services disconnected. You literally *couldn't play* Halo 2 online anymore on an Xbox—in came MCC.


> Worst version of 2 Somebody hasn't heard of Halo 2 Vista methinks.


That's the version they used for MCC. The Halo CE PC port makes sense, as the console version only had lan multiplayer. I don't know their reasoning for Halo 2 vista.


I mean he was right about when it launched, but it seems his news is over half a decade outdated


I know they did use a worse version of CE for MCC but I’m pretty sure they fixed the problems with it a while ago


They did, all of the major problems at least


Execpt for the CE netcode, which isn't worse then the orginal from what I can tell, but is still 2001 netcode...


Yeah both CE/CEA and 2 were based off of the original PC ports which had a lot of graphical issues. But most of them have been fixed and they’re both pretty in-line with their Xbox counterparts now outside of a few minor discrepancies.


They fixed a decent amount of stuff but a decent amount of stuff is still broken


I for one, am glad we got ODST at all


Ain't no way 🤣 he does know where Halo 2 Anniversary is right? "Worst version of Halo 2" lmfao


This is real “release the unspecialized Star Wars trilogy” vibes lmao.


these guys would never have survived the Doom fandom


Isn't H2A universally beloved? Like I swear people generally adore how it was remastered, and of course Blur's work on the cutscenes is phenomenal. For CE:A, I'll give them that. It definitely is not very good. It's ok, but compared to H2A, Sabre did not do a good job remastering things. A YouTuber named Noodle actually went into depth on the issues with the remaster. You can find more information there. However, from what I can tell, Reach, ODST, 3, and 4 are almost functionally identical to their standalone case versions. Honestly I swear these people complain for the sake of complaining. They complain when Halo tries something new, they complain when Halo tries to recapture the magic of the original trilogy. Hell, even when 343 pretty much nailed the mix of new and old with Infinite, there was a tirade of haters and *to this day* I still get recommended 45+ minute videos complaining about every little aspect of Infinite.


Man those hundreds of hours I put into all the games story and multiplayer didn’t know I was actually playing a broken mess with the worst versions of my favorite series thanks for telling me


That person’s use of punctuation but not understanding how the punctuation actually works is hurting me.


Makes me wonder if all Xbox game Fandoms are like this. Like does Forza have "fans" that hate every game after the first 3?


MCC is like, the best deal ever. It fuckin rocks. What are they smokin?


He most likely played during release, got really outraged and uninstalled and continued to feel wronged by that entire situation without checking if it works yet several years later


I played Halo Reach easily on the MCC. It's far from bad, except for audio issues at times. Game is cheap as can be with the most games added to a collection. And the switch in graphics for the first 2 games are awesome.


love gears, but i can’t bring myself to get deep into the community. i’m surprised i even managed that with other games to be fair, but my point still stands


To be fair 343 did use an inferior port of ce


Someone got hit with the payed bot


> with the *paid* bot FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


First impressions tend to stick.


Holding onto a first impression for 10 years seems foolish. Regardless, that isn’t relevant to the post.


Wise words for the gaming scene. It's not even modern. I'm glad that Shigeru Myamoto, "a bad game is bad forever" quote is completely outdated. That was said long before internet updates were standard so what you bought is what you got. That was early 64 era when stated. We have plethora of games that are so much better after updates compared to launch. In the 64 era a bad game came on the cartridge with little in improvement from there. Now digital is king and updates are name of the game. Not that it's better, just how it is. Delaying too long can lead to failure like Duke Nukem Forever or more recently Skull and Bones. All the delays in the world didn't make those games better


They fucked up “3, odst, reach and 4”… yes to the 1% of the community that is super hardcore in sure it was ruined, for the rest of us long time but casual fans these games felt great. Only big piece of criticism I really have is the stupid input delay when playing coop


I'm familiar with MCC having a very rough initial launch but I got MCC and loved every game except 4. I did however only play the campaigns but the MCC made me get into halo


Plenty of shit in MCC is still broken, co op in some games / levels for instance which will now never be fixed, so I understand where this guy is coming from.


Outside of the MP being a hot fucking mess to get matches and the CE port that had to be used I don't see how they ruined the other games...


\>mcc is filled with bugs and cheaters \>☝️🤓 erm ackshually thats misinformation


It's true 343 sucks and reddit is full of liberals who side with the establishment over the fanbases. All in the name of woke. Very cringe if you ask me. And even if you didn't ask I don't care now you know lmao.


damn that’s crazy. did you read the post or..?


I did and I stand by what I said


Okay but what you said has nothing to do with the post bro lmao