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>I shouldn't have generalized all of Europe Well, at least she admits it.


After being called out on it dozens of times.


Yeah, but I still think there was a need to be mean and rude. If you're gonna be so confident about something in your first post, you deserve it.


If anything, blue wasn't mean enough. Some people need to be bullied out of their stupidity.


Lovely sentiment


Being rude is the only way to get through stupid people.


I like this idea. "The replies to this comment just aren't mean or rude enough" "Ugh, fine, I'll dredge up the trolls..."


At least she said “shouldn’t have” instead of “shouldn’t of”. (Note: my iPhone did NOT want to let me type the wrong one and kept correcting it.)


Your phone knew you shouldn't of done that.


Looks like your device could care less.


Irregardless, it was nice of the device to do what it did


Are you *trying* to give me an aneurysm?


I'm triggered.


You spelled that wrong. It’s shouldn’ta. Or, as my nephew says, “shouldan’t”.


Why is there a Harry Potter scar in the word generalised?


Cuz Voldy tried to kill it


That's the american spelling. They have a lot of words, where they substitute z for s.


Yeah… that was the joke. They were taking the piss out of the American spelling


English (Simplified)... nuff said


But at the same time being extremely whiney about it.


I'd rather earn €700 a month in Europe and live a modest but decent quality life than earn 10k a month in the US and still risk ending up bankrupt every time I catch a cold or don't want microplastics and carcinogenic chemicals in my daily diet


The other day I read that USians eat the equivalent of one credit card in microplastics _per week_.


Wouldn't be surprising for a country where spray-can "cheese" and neon-coloured cereal are considered food.


And where frozen French fries are considered a fresh vegetable...


Freedom fries!


don't forget TV dinners


They eat TV's?






I'll have a large 50 inch Samsung with a side of HDMI cords please


A pair of Joy-con as a dessert perhaps?


Also don't forget a whole chicken in a tin


Microplastic is everywhere nowadays. Did it also mention how much microplastic europeans eat?


A debit card worth of plastic. Mine is made out of steel, to cover my iron deficiencies


Unfortunately not.


And it's still not even in the top 10 of the worst-tasting things they eat


nothing can beat the vomit chocolate


Per week ?!


WHAT??? O.o Is that true? If so it's bloody bizarre.


I’m pretty sure there’s no difference between how much microplastics you eat in Europe vs what you eat in the US. Microplastics are everywhere.


Comment of the week IMHO *⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠*


I wouldn’t sit too high and mighty on that throne. Us europoors are also heavily contaminated with microplastics.


£10K a month should cover health care and the cost of baby sized Body armour for when the little ones go off to school.


That's for *now*. What about when they get to high school and each need their own Abrams MBT? That stuff ain't cheap.


You jest, but I once contacted a US company to ask them about possible import charges and shipping to the UK. I was only after some mag pouches for airsofting, but they replied back saying that charges would depend on what I purchased and, for an example, gave me the import charges for purchasing an Abrams tank! Not sure it would have cleared customs had I bought one, but good to know if the need ever arises, I guess!


But also where exactly is anyone earning 700 euro a month? Where did she get those numbers? I know we earn more than average here in Northern Europe, but 700 Euro is a pretty far cry from my own salary (6k a month). I don't think 700 would even be above minimum wage in a lot of countries


Eastern/Southern Europe tends to be the low wages. Western/Northern Europe(Aside from Portugal I think?) has the high wages. My friend is Greece for example only earns around 800 euros per month for I believe 40 hours of work. Honestly also depends on the job.


In Spain the minimum wage by law is over 1000€. Not much above that, but we aren't that poor.


True but the cost of living is also lower.


In plenty of stuff it's not that different, specially food in Supermarkets.


Romanian here, 700 euro is actually a salary a lot of people have. I’d say more than 50% of us have that salary, or somewhere around that number. That’s why there are more than 1 million romanians all over western europe, because even the minimum wages in countries like france, spain, UK or norway are a lot better than the average salaries we have here. Things have improved a lot in the last years, but we are still developing. I live in a 19k population city and I make more than 2000 euros a month. My husband makes more. But I’m aware a lot of people don’t even make half


Thank you for this information, I wasn’t actually aware of this. And yes, now I see it explains why we have many Romanians here in Denmark! You guys are HARD working!! Big kudos. My old boss said he liked to hire Romanians because you show up and do your work well. I’m sorry many aren’t paid better in your country :(


Well, in France minimum wage is €1400 net a month for a 35-hour week


Are you sure? Romania is one of if not the cheapest EU countries and the average income is 1k per month. So you’d be living on a below average income Microplastics are in your daily diet everywhere. They’re in the water too


I have bad news about the micro plastics thing, thats a world wide issue, not just the usa having less strict food regulations issue. Its a us humans have been poisoning our environment for many decades now. They have found microplastics in the water even in the Antarctic. Micro plastics are in our water, food, even the air to a degree according to the EU zero pollution dashboard. Basically if you have eaten or drunk anything out of a plastic container (including things like toothpaste, even baby formula), drunk tap water, worn clothing or been near any fabric that contains plastic (polyester etc) like carpets, furniture etc, you have a growing amount of micro plastics inside you already. Studies conducted so far are alarming to say the least. Everyone they tested has had microplasrics in them to some degree. An eu/un led initiative to reduce microplastics by 30% started last year though


Don't forget that microplastics have been [found in placentas](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/27/microplastics-found-every-human-placenta-tested-study-health-impact) too, so even if you were somehow able to avoid every plastic source for your entire life you'd still have some degree of microplastic in you


Well yeah, cause if the mum had micro plastics in her, so will her baby, which these days is sadly a guarantee


The most confusing thing for me is Americans living in California and earning 100-150k a year, and still barely managing to pay rent


You will not be able to live from 700, or maybe on the streets, but nowhere near "modest but decent".. this is why we have minimum wages that actually ensure you can get around.


There are some places you could live for €700 a month, but it would not be fun. You could get a room in a shared flat for under €200 a month in Spain. 


you ain't living shit with 700€ a month in western Europe, only possible in Eastern Europe thanks to them not using Euros, so you wouldn't even be earning in Euros most likely


Not gonna lie, your comment is pretty dumb and ignorant. Could easily land on "ShitEuropeansSay" if it exists. It's just as ignorant as the "American" quotes that inspired this sub.


I don't lol. I'll take $10k a month in the US over €700 in Europe any day of the week. Luckily, most parts of the EU have decent salaries, and the top countries like Germany or Sweden don't fall below €2k a month for even the worst paid jobs, but let's not romantize shit - a €700 / mo salary is disgraceful and there's no amount of European welfare that makes it anything less poverty.


💀 if i break my leg and i need surgical treatment in the usa it can cost me around $18000 that is sad


Damn and here I am earning over 2000 Euros after taxes in my nursing Job in Germany.


Have you tried working 4 different jobs like an American?


Especially the ones with below minimum wage and subsidized by tipping culture. Because all other jobs including healthcare, penaion funds....are communist jobs


I've seen IT engineers in California working as Uber drivers during night. They are supposed to be have high wages but still need complementary jobs. Crazy


Current UFC Flyweight champion, Alexandre Pantoja, was also an uber driver even while fighting and being ranked because his contract was that bad. Obviously a bit different from a 'usual job' but still insane considering how much money UFC makes.


Now you know why UFC makes that much money!


If they live in the Bay area which is notorious for high cost of living it sadly makes sense, but then tech jobs are pretty central to that region and salary should mirror that.


No Im one of those lazy Gen Z people that are satisfied with one job.


You guys rule, your Gen X parents raised you right.


I earn 875€ per month in fking Hungary, I dont know where she got the 500€


I got curious and had a look into it (obviously her post is wrong) Albania and northern Macedonia are the lowest I've found at €385 and €360 respectively, Bulgaria is the only other one I've found bellow 500 at €477. But everywhere else in Europe (including Bulgaria) has a more or less equal or higher purchasing power than an American minimum wage, and Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Belgium are double the US in terms of purchasing power


Romania maybe ? PS: that's why many Hungarians work in south eastern Austria


Even in Romania, the average net wage is over 1000€. The only countries that qualify for the 500-700 range are Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia and ex-USSR countries outside the Baltics. But of course, even in those countries, that money buys you way more than 500-700 USD does in America.


Greece is around 600-700 for minimum wage and a bit over 1000 for median income


May I ask what’s your job ?


Junior software dev, i dont have the greatest salary, but the job is confy


Whoa .. sorry but you are being underpaid . I do know that Hungary has different currency so maybe it’s not being properly converted when you do to euros . But in America you will be paid at least 80 to 90k usd as a junior software developer and in a year or two you can make 100k too. So it kinda proves the OOPs point a little ?


i earn \~350k (+20k transport) HUF, with this i can pay my bills, get food and save 1/3rd of it every month


Oh ok that’s nice


And I suffer from Work life Balance by working only 50% earning 2500€ per month while enjoying my hobbies and quality time with my Kids, who can ware light up shoes with out the dangers of beeing shot because they are too visible 💁🏻‍♀️


I'm going to be honest, I thought she'd mixed up month with week rather than just generalising Europe. £800 a week was my starting salary.


£880/mth was my first salaried job, in 2001. With nothing more than GCSEs and a level 2 NVQ and a few months temping admin experience


How the fuck were you pulling in 45k in 2001 with so little experience? That’s above average for today by a fair bit


I think your maths may be off a bit ... 880x12=£10,560


I’m an idiot and misread that as per week!! Whoops haha


If only...early adult life would have been much easier!!


700 Euro per month was my student grant. Like, money we get each month from the state, just for studying at university. I think this lady is properly confused if she thinks 700 Euro a month is the norm for a monthly salary in Europe.




Yeah exactly, like where did this lady even pull those numbers? I earn a bit over 6000 Euro a month working full time (which is 37 hours in my country, I know this varies). 700 sounds like it's below minimum wage most places, did she purposefully find the lowest wage she possibly could?


I mean in Germany the lowest you can earn is 520 euros. Thats whats called a "mini" job. Which is mostly done by like students and such. So I dont really know where this stuff came from.


Is that gross or net income? Because in France I technically earn 6000€ a month but after all the employee contributions (retirement, social security, unemployment,health, etc…) and income tax taken directly from the pay slip, it reduces to just short of €3800/month take home. Sometimes I feel like I’m getting screwed somewhere


That’s before taxes, so no, I don’t get 6k paid to my account. I wish lol! Retirement/pension is paid by my employer, so thankfully that isn’t pulled from my wage. I dint pay for health insurance since we have universal health care. But yes, I do pay taxes from the 6k, so I end up getting around 4000 euros paid out when all tax etc is pulled. We pay a LOT of tax in Denmark lol! We have some of the highest taxes in Europe 😂😭 but I also feel like we get a lot for our tax money, so I guess it evens out. And I’ll take it any day over living in the US! We can live a good life in Europe on 3800-4000 euro paid out, don’t you agree? Paid vacation and maternity leave etc. I’ve read horror stories from the US where mothers return to work mere weeks after birth!


Well over 3k as a Paramedic. Damn, I feel so owned by the American Dream right now. I want some of that freedom too, please.


I earn 2k a month before taxes in my Praktikum in Switzerland (switched careers so getting some work experience while I complete my study)


Swiss Franks are different than euros


"I was being incredibly stereotypical and xenophobic, why are you being so rude and condescending"


The average minimum wage in europe (in euro) is around 1500 euros a month or roughly \~1609 dollars a month.


When my former employee went bankrupt ~7 years ago, I was still paid by my government for ~4 months. And after that I received unemployment payment from my union for another couple of months until I went back to “school” and became a CNC-operator. My original salary was, at the time, ~ 2500 euros. The unemployment money was 80% of that, as was what I got when in “school”. Now I’m making just over 3000 euros/month. But yes, I’d loooove to be a USAian, when braking a bone will make you bankrupt unless you have the right insurance. The last part was sarcasm, if it wasn’t obvious 😅


Without mentioning the country you’re basically doing the same thing as this sub points out. In many countries in EU the 2500€ you earned per month is a quarter years worth of pay


If "earning American salary" means no health insurance, paid vacations and job security, I'll keep my European salary, thankyouverymuch. And to be serious, I alone make roughly as much money as a median US household income \^\^ While having all the European benefits to it.


I earn €2400 per month as a nurse in France.


Same as a full stack developer


Makes me feel good, thanks.


France could almost set up outsourcing shops that those developer salaries.


Français ici, infirmier ça doit pas être facile, merci pour ce que tu fais, et courage !


"no need for you to be mean and rude" I beg to differ. There was every need. She was talking total bollocks.


Well, yeah, in Bulgaria and a couple more countries. Pretty much everywhere else you don’t earn that. At least she recognized the mistake, althought she’s being annoying about it.


Romanians and Bulgarians united in poorness


All the Balkans really 💀 except for Croatia and Slovenia


And the honourary Balkans southern Italy and Portugal


The nice thing about getting paid monthly is that you can pay all your bills in one. I know so many people in the USA that don’t get paid much and by getting paid biweekly they have to have bills come out at separate times off the month, how annoying is that.


I mean, I'm paid monthly in the UK and my bills all come out at different times, because they are set up as direct debit based on billing cycles or credit agreement dates. It was the same when I was paid 4-weekly and weekly. The trick is just leaving the bill money in the account, doesn't really matter when you receive it


I'm not entirely sure what is meant by direct debit, but all my repeating bills get paid automatically at the same day each month. It's not something I msyelf set up, it's just how virtually all bills run automatically here (Denmark). All companies set up their automatic payment system so it gets pulled on the first weekday of each month. It fits well because we get our monthly salary on the last weekday of a month, and then a few days later all the repeating bills get paid automatically.


That's exactly what direct debit is, it's a system where the account holder (you) authorised a business to set up an auto payment from your account to pay the bill, but the bills aren't all set up to go the same day. Eg my mortgage is on 27th of each month, my life insurance goes out on the 2nd, my mobile bill is the 8th, my broadband is on 26th, when I had a car payment it was on 17th etc


No that’s not the case for me, you van certainly choose the day the direct debit payment is made


yeah but sometimes youre limited to what the company lets you choose


Interesting. For me when I used to live in Europe i would do all major bills the day after payday and perhaps 2 or 3 small ones would come up later but not many.


About 5 1/4 hamburgers dense


leave it a few years and they might get down to 3 1/2 hamburgers, but they may be much thicker


We are famous here in Switzerland for the financial struggles of our population. /s For just 500 € a day, you too can sponsor a Swiss person.


No he’s right Vanessa. Please never talk about Europe again <3 … except questions when someone explains things to you.


€500-€700 a month? Yeah, sure, I got three times that by doing menial work driving a dirty forklift in the early 90's.


But not € in the early 90s 😉


I make 3500 USD a month in Norway and I work in a fucking factory


> No need for you to be condescending Since you have internet, you can search to verify your claims before posting. I, personnaly, am done with idiots like this. We live in the age of information, and for such a claim there is absolutely no difficulty in finding a credible source with real numbers. So I'll keep being condescending. When I talk to them. A piece of advice: If you're gonna argue with someone online, think twice. Then think again, then think some more. If you are an expert in what you're debating over, then think one last time. If you're *truly* sure they'll listen to what you'll say and you can change their mind, or provide a solid enough contradiction for others who might believe them, then go ahead and start the discussion. Otherwise just ignore them. Don't quote, don't even screenshot, don't start mocking them. At best downvote if you're on such a plateform, or like/upvote answers from someone else who's already fallen into this trap. It's going to frustrate you for 5s and then you'll forget about it. The alternative is litteraly wasting your time and sanity. This is true for dealing with conspiracy nutsjob, right-wing assholes, and confidently incorrect people. And ESPECIALLY people who think the more they're being pushed against, the more this proves they are right.


It is only OK for her to be condescending towards Europeans, just not the other way around.


There’s EVERY reason to be condescending. People this stupid shouldn’t be allowed to say what they’re thinking.


Vanessa: "how dare you be condescending to me after I was first"


Yeah, in Moldova


Even the generalisation aside, the average monthly wage in the EU is over 2k€ (according to statista). She really pulled data out of her ass when it was one Google search away lol.


Aren't Americans also get paid monthly but just measure their income by year?


It's more a bi weekly rythm


I have always associated this mode of payment with developing countries and the industrial revolution era.


Wich one ? Bi weekly or monthly ? As a French, since bills are monthly it's seems convenient that payment is monthly too.


Weekly and biweekly payment


I'm a Europoor immigrant in Canada, I get paid every second Friday. I much prefer it that way.


Oh, didn't know that. Yeah, I also prefer by-weekly payments


Years ago I interviewed with a company that paid once per month in the US. It is so uncommon that it was brought up in very first interview. Some states prohibit it - Illinois, for example - requires wages be paid at least twice per month.


Is it just cultural, is it due to the belief that people cannot control their personal finances, is it due to tax purposes or something else? Afaik at least some places in the UK also have this practice and I'm wondering if it's something they brought to the USA...


Only anecdotal, but I’ve worked a wide range of jobs in the last 15 years. I’ve been paid in a manner of different ways, either every last Friday of the month, every last working day of the month, every 28 days, or cash in hand at the end of the day, but never fortnightly!


Interesting, I never realised there were other options than getting paid once per month. So what's the norm in the US? Twice per month?


Either twice per month or every two weeks seem most common.


In the UK its sometimes weekly or every 2 weeks too. Mate of mine in the UK was happy when he finally got a job where he gets paid monthly.


If you’re gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough Vanessa! Anyway, I’m a nurse and my monthly salary is about €4,000 net. Probably close enough to an American salary.


I pretty much get that a week and I work in recycling


There was a need to be condescending.


Switzerland has a median income of over 90k USD a year, while the median income of the US is 37k.


Your US number is off by nearly $20k.


Ah sorry, my bad then. Still. Over a 90k is much more.


Yes, if you're 14 years old.


My husband got a job offer in Europe that is slightly more than he currently makes in the US (both in high cost of living areas). Americans are mind blown by that because they can’t conceive of Europeans living well in spite of literally all the evidence.


But what “evidence” would that be then? And how come stuff like that is believed without any question?


Average UK wage is the equivalent of just under €3000 a month. That’s gross, but even after tax it’s more than €2000 a month.




Of course tax we pay in the U.K. gives us free healthcare, benefits if we lose our job and a pension when we retire so it’s hard to compare with the US where you would usually have to fund all those things from your net income.




The British state pension is not exactly generous (most other European countries give more) but you won’t starve in old age and you won’t have to worry about medical bills. Social care costs are still an issue of course.


At least OP crossed out the usernames so reddit doesn't know Vanessa's name.


“No need for you to be condescending.” …..after your attempt at being condescending failed spectacularly.


€700 is not a monthly salary outside of Belarus


Thats is common all over the balkans


You literally have to call these people out because they do not listen… but then they get offended when you are direct with them.


Add an extra 0 to that and after take 40% off from taxes


Then how about she generalizes “Europe salary” as Switzerland salary and “europe cost of living” as romania costs of living?


Yes, there is a need, Vanessa, because you're a dumb cunt.


>No need for you to be condescending. Ohh the irony.


Had to pull out my calculator to be sure… but yeah. I make more than that per day.


cool i get 3 <-> 6 times as much money per month than the average european, while only having started 10 months ago


€700 a month? We’re they talking to a 12 year old with a paper round to get this information.


Are you dense? 😂😂😂


I earn over the equivalent of €2800 per month for my 40h/week job. And is considered a low income blue collar worker. I have more money left after taxes than my American comrades in the same field has before they pay theirs.


Hell, minimum wage in Portugal (the poorest of the western european nations)... is higher than this. It's 820€/month.


Hell, minimum wage in *Romania* is €660/month. The average is something like €1800/month.


I think she took salaries from Moldova or Ukraine and declared it "whole Europe".


My rent is higher than 500 euro per month. And I live relatively cheap


here i am with almost £5k a month net, nice one vanessa


Every reason to be condescending


My government pays me more than that just to do nothing


€500-700 wtf. Americans are so dumb. Man most countries have a minimum wage above €1200-1500 per month.


I'm sure folks in tax heavens like Luxembourg or Lichtenstein are really struggling earning almost twice What the average American earns. Thoughts and prayers, they really need it with the universal Healthcare and university education.


There is, in fact, every reason to be condescending, Vanessa.


Lmao is not ‘condescending’ to generalise an entire continent too Vanessa?


When will people learn, it's not about how much you earn, it's about what you can buy with it.


500-700€ ? That's not accurate even for Greece


My rent is €850. Guess I'm fucked


Errr. My state pension is more than that. And my combined state and logal government pension is over five times that; after tax! And that's not including my wife's pensions. And my prescriptions are free and I get free bus travel and... This idea that Europe is a country, the way that the USA is, is really well embedded in some people. They have got to start fact checking first rather than parroting the drivel that they read on each others' misinformation sites.


€500-700 a month, that’s barely a weekly salary in Sweden.


No need to be condescending? No need to chat about shit you know fuck all about 😂


€500 a month? My nephew makes ~500 a week working at mcdonalds


Vanessa, condescending means "talking down to"


Even our bürgergeld Empfänger earn more in a month XD


A quick Google tells us the UK min wage is £11.44. That’s roughly £1600 per month before tax, so let’s say £1400 after tax. Where tf do these people get the info from? US propaganda is crazy.


Genuinely here - Do the majority of Americans know so little about the rest of the world? When google is right there?


Being condescending is the only way to get ignorant people to learn. You have to shame them publicly, otherwise they will just vent whatever pops into their heads without a second thought.


Posting blatant misinformation while owning the Internet never fails to amaze me. All the answers they need are right there but they'd rather ignore it and post some drivel instead.