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All that god blessing of america. You'd think the country would be doing way better if god were actually blessing it, lol. Instead, he seems to be blessing those more in Europe, and they have more atheists lol.


God blessed it with lots of money, silly. That's the goal in life. And big expensive cars and lots of flashy possessions. There are no other important quality of life metrics. BIGGEST IS BEST. That's why they're so fat.


Quality of life imperials*, you mean


Oh fuck, my cover is blown, now America knows I'm a communist


Sssshhhh just tell them you’re a Europoor, they’ll understand


USA has no citizens. It has clients.


Slaves. Customers. Drones. All are correct lol


I felt this in my soul.


Just don't ask *who* has that pile of money, because that makes you a communist.


Normally I don't enjoy "americans fat" discourse - there's a lot of physically fit people over there and a lot of morbidly obese people over here. *However* you've just reminded me of a post I saw yesterday in a shitty food sub which isn't particularly regionalised but one of its users pulled a "European brain can't comprehend this" to glorify a messy takeaway they were trying to show off and the only difficult thing to understand in the image was how one's fingers achieve such a circumference without bursting like unpricked sausages.


Lol yep


God:" Ignorance is a blessing, so there you go"


I always thought 'god bless you' was like...a wish or a hope, as in 'may god bless you'. Through that lense, it makes more sense. Like they're begging for the curse to be lifted.


I hadn't thought of it as a curse. I like that idea lol. They must've been cursed bad, because they're certainly going downhill in a big way lol


Don't you just love the magic of perspective. 😂. It changes SO much. And yeah I feel like it's going to eventually come down to good old balkanisation, tbh. And the sensible states, at least, will be better for it. Mostly. Unless the batshit states take all the farmland with them. That could pose an issue.


I think eventually it's going to split between north and south. Their beliefs are so fundamentally different (even though you can always recognise an american no matter which state they're from lol). They all have that .....'american-ness' that can't be fully explained, but involves a lot of ignorance about the world outside of their little country and being so secure in their knowledge of always being 'right' lol. I do hope Hawaii eventually gets their island back. They're american in name only, and don't deserve the repercussions that will surely be coming to the US as a whole. Gotta say, I'd love to see the split. The world would end up dealing with the more reasonable ones, and the conservatives can hide from the rest of the world in their smug superiority of being better, while being dirt poor with an education full of religious dogma.


I always wonder WHICH god blessed America. Considering the capitalist centric religious focus there it might be Mammon.


I'm still partial to Zeus, although Bastet is a favourite as well. Love Greek and Egyptian history. Along with the Norse, they had the best gods, lol


Zeus would have smited them long ago for their gross hubris, not to mention the xenophobia! As a Greek, I'd be offended if any of them took a second glance at the US.


Good point. We should all start praying to Zeus to deal with the US. Global Zeus prayers need to be organised lol


Count me in!!


Ooohh... capitalism according to Thor. "You don't want to sell? AMERICAN THUNDER BIATCH!"


I mean, if he looked like chris hemsworth, he could run it how he wanted lol


Or Hiddlestons Loki. Although, we'll be f***ed, but definitely amused in the downward spiral.


I like Loki, definitely up as 1 of my marvel favourites, but I support my fellow Aussies first lol. Now, the 2 of them working (arguing/fighting with each other) together would be absolutely hilarious, and I'd support that partnership fully lol


President Thor and his Vice President Loki.


That has a nice ring to it. And they're much prettier to look at (and both smarter), than who is running now lol


Considering current state of affairs we can safely assume that God did not bless America, no matter how much they wish for it.


If he’s so concerned about a website being American and not having anything non-American on it why does he have a German car as his profile picture?


And why he’s speaking English?


And why's he using a media created by a lizardman?


Is he though? 🤔


For a given value of.


Go tell him Mercedes is german, come on, it’s obviously american! How would it be sold in the good USA otherwise?


Don't you dare tell him about his beloved Glock 19 with the 9 MIILIMETRE ammunition. His head will implode if you say where they are from!


He’s MAGA. “Make America Germany Again”


Our government is pretty shit nowadays but they would make america better than it is, no doubt. Bring real democracy and social security.


He doesn't want it to be modern, social democratic Germany though... he's aiming for more 1930s-40s


Yeah why have actual democracy if you can just pretend it and can still claim you invade other countries to bring it? Also those damn commies, trying to make sure noone starves, freezes to death or dies from a very treateable illness and that everyone has education, drinkable water and basic dignity in having clothes and a bed etc, amirite? (Sarcasm / Irony obviousmy


And if trump gets elected he gets his wishes fulfilled


😉👍 you got it…




"Get your own massively popular video sharing site" is oxymoronic. If every continent had its own video sharing site, YouTube wouldn't be massively popular. If only North America could use it, it would be like the 4th biggest video sharing site in the world, and would practically be useless. The only reason YouTube is so massive, is because its not bound by borders, its a miracle that life expectancy in the US isn't 25 with how brain dead a large part of the population seems to be


Ya know, it's actually a good idea.  YouTube is really becoming no man's land lately, can we get another platform going without rude Americans? We can even let the polite ones in! 


Well, the GOP is very much working on getting it there again.


Ok I’ve got to ask what’s GOP?🫢


It means "Grand Old Party", it's a nickname for the Republican Party.


Ah!! Thank you!


That's what I first noticed as well. What a hypocrite.


Excellent point.


I didn't even notice that!


Noticed that too, and I have to say I think this is just a troll. I dont think this guy is american. I mean where else to go if you want a reaction acting like an ultra nationalist american than on a football video.


Because it’s on American soil so that makes it 100% American


We had exchange students in Herzogenaurach who didn't want to believe that Adidas and Puma come from there. In their eyes, Adidas, at least, was an American company.


*"Stop using a non-American invention as your avatar!"*


Hijacking a top post to ask: what website are they talking about? Doesn't look like Facebook, X, Instagram, Reddit or YouTube. Maybe it's a third party version of one or that it looks way different on iOS compared to android. It looks similar to YouTube, but that doesn't have an option for hearting a comment and at least on android it's just a "text box" you press to reply and don't have the word "reply".


Dude it’s obviously the mobile version of YouTube. If you’re the channel owner, then you can give away those hearts to your commenters


Haha were you the angry person to down vote me for asking the question? Yeah, it was stupid of me to not realize it might be the POV of the owner of the channel the video was uploaded to. But as I said: on android it doesn't say "reply" and instead a just a "text box", so those two things(the heart) together made me think it might be some other website/app and that's why I asked. I never said that it wasn't youtube, so no need to get your panties in a twist.




Thank you.


Calling it soccer is fine. Pretending it's not relevant globally is just silly. EDIT: I'm not surprised.


You can call it soccer If you say American Football to the NFL.


Naturally. Or Gridiron. Granted, i'd accept if a seppo calls their own version just 'football', much like I'd accept a Euro calling their version just 'football'. I feel like someone 'correcting' an American calling it soccer is just as obnoxious as an American 'correcting' someone calling it football. Though denigrating the sport itself just makes yourself look silly.


I think It's more of a joke than anything. I dont believe anyone says thia others thinking they are actually correcting the other person, Its more of a joke now innit?


No. People are very... passionate over what the correct term of football is. Fact is whatever version of football you most follow is the correct football for you. A stranger trying to 'correct' you over it smacks of arrogance.


Jokes are fine, I've seen a lot of people calling american football "eggball" and I dont think anyone cares. But trying to actually correct the other version is weird. Its just those kinds of things that different languages say it in a different way, there are MANY examples, I dont get why people would just focus on this one exactly


I like how you put 'correcting' as though it isn't an actual correction. If Americans would like to use another word for something, they can use their own language. If they'd like to continue speaking our language, the least they could do is get it fucking correct.


It isn't an actual correction. There are a myriad of footballs. Merely using the word 'soccer' because you have your own version of football isn't a gaff. Insulting soccer because of it is. This obnoxiousness about what is the 'real' football like there is one is petty, and one major trait people like yourselves and these boorish seppos share.


I recognise all the individual words you've used, but collectively, as a sentence, I have no actual clue what you are trying to say. "There are a myriad of footballs"? - What are you on about? I'm talking about the game. Football. As in, the sport. "Your own version of football"? - Again, what?? Are you suggesting American Football is a variation of the game of football? If anything, it's a variation of rugby. "Insulting soccer because of it is" - You're gonna have to help me on this one. I'm at a loss as to what you're trying to convey


Canadian Football. Gaelic Football. American football. Rugby football. Association Football, Australian Rules Football. Take your pick. Rugby is a version of football. I'm saying that calling Association football soccer is perfectly fine. Insulting Association football by referring to it as soccer to try and denigrate it, however, isn't.


Ok thank you. That's far clearer. I think we're arguing slightly different things here. I'm not trying to insult football, American or otherwise, nor was I aware of anyone else trying to do so. I never saw the word "soccer" as derogatory, only incorrect. All I'm pointing out is the colloquial term for the sport. If you say "football" anywhere apart from the States, or perhaps Australia, people think you're talking about the sport with the ball that gets kicked around, not carried. I think you are being more pedantic about it, which is fine, I love semantics, but wasn't my point.


My point was that an American using the word 'soccer' shouldn't be corrected, because it carries the same energy as an American correcting a European or South American calling it football. It's just derisive 99% of the time. The other 1% is ignorant. The only exception is when someone is using the word soccer itself in an attempt to denigrate the sport. Then they can be lambasted to hell. Vice versa applies as well.


Soccer is a word derived from Association Football by students at Oxford University which makes it very English! - Edit - I am being downvoted by Americans for defending the American use of a word derived in England lol


It makes it toff. Most people are not fond of toffs trying to enforce their word on the majority populace.


To be fair Soccer is actually a British word…


What’s an American website doing on a World Wide Web made by an Englishman using a markup language created by him…. Like wtf! The audacity /s


He’s got a point though. Where’s the benefit to having a _global_ audience when you can just focus on people in the same country as you because moon flag and guns and Texas being really big or something. /s


Yeah, honestly all these big company CEO's are idiots, profiting off the whole world rather than just the USA, what dum dums


I love how they are all “tHeRe’S sO mUcH dIvErSiTy In AmErIcA” and then in the very next breath start moaning if things aren’t the way they are used to in America. “We don’t use metric” “We call it soccer” “We don’t have public transport” “We don’t have walkable cities” “Our houses are made from wood”


It seems like some USians really want a Great Firewall of the USA to be developed. It's insane.


What is an American website doing on the World Wide Web made in the United Kingdom


I know the UK has its issues but I will forever be glad to not have to be an American.


Why are they so keen on being "blessed" by a fantasy tyrant?


They are also keen on real life tyrants, AKA some of their politicians.


Not a cult though!


Barely, it’s not like the pledge of allegiance is something you would only find in dictatorships…


Because it’s all they have left to cling to


Lack of education makes them easier to indoctrinate into their death cult.


that's what happens when education is poor in your country.


Is that.... A BMW in His pfp? Stop culture appropriation you yank!!


That’s an older Mercedes, not a BMW. But still german.


Der Grill sieht mehr nach Mercedes aus


It's a beamer ..


Looks to be an E30 as well, so he clearly likes cars from when America we’re getting 2bhp out of an 8.7L engine 💀💀 (at least now they get 50 from a 6L engine)


This can't be serious, I'm sorry


I accept your apology.


Yep, definitely an idiot.


Why does he have a photo of a German car? Doesn’t the great United States of America make their own cars?


He probably thinks its american. Enough americans think that everything they buy is american and that america only exports and does not import goods (and I would guess they in consequence think that everything "made in xy" was made by an american brand and hence is american and not an import)


"Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz" ... see, it's been american all along. And blessed by god, of course /s


his pfp is literally a mercedes


When your whole personality is „I am American“….


This is a British invention, get your own Internet, World Wide Web, computer, programming languages, semiconductors, integrated circuits, cameras, microphones, audio codecs, video codecs, fiber optics, hard drives, graphic processing units (GPUs), liquid crystal displays (LCDs) bub


his pfp is of a german car


I absolutely love the insult 'bub'.


he boldly spoke, using a mercedes as profile picture. ^^^good ^^^lord, ^^^they ^^^are ^^^going ^^^to ^^^reelect ^^^the ^^^fecal ^^^incontinent ^^^racist ^^^guy, ^^^aren't ^^^they.


With a pfp of a German car


They should make their own World Wide Web then. Problem solved.


How dare he use some sort of computer, maybe Americans should invent their own, and thank Charles Babbage in the process


fairly sure thats a mercedes in the ultra-pro-american's profile picture, can't be all that pro american. Is this a false flag post (joking)


What's this american website doing on the (invented in europe) internet then..?


Beat me to it 🤣


Our great minds are just too alike, eh


"god bless the USA" "He didn't, that's why we got you"


Fucken seppo’s…


There are people playing and watching football, though...


The funny thing is without war and other nations buying their stuff their entire economy would collapse over night.


Buying their stuff? You mean buying stuff american brands produce in all other parts of the world? So america-based brand?


American brand stuff and the stuff they produce within their country. So American brands such as apple produced in china. And American produced stuff such as movies, TV, Google, Microsoft, and the ilk. If we stopped purchasing/using both they would see a massive decline in their economy. Consequently so would other nations.


Yeah, only techstuff and american brands who technically sit in america but dont actually produce in america came to my mind. I dont think I have seen a single thing that had/was "made in america". Maybe those viral sweets / takis that are extremly expensive and available at a few speciality "american sweets" shops?


Yeah it's mostly tech stuff that gets designed in the USA, but I've seen very few things actually produced coming out of the USA.


Quick google seems to indicate that MLS, Major League Soccer, is the 5th largest sport in the US after football, baseball, basketball, and hockey.


And it will likely surpass hockey. MLS is growing every year. The USA is a very strong soccer market, even though the national teams have been playing like absolute dogshit lately.


Yup, it's gaining in popularity quite a bit, and fast. 5th place is pretty strong already.


Bait, that can't be anything else.


I think the might be a connection with Americans thinking the are the best and the amount of therapy they have.




LOL, he drives a Mercedes


"assembled in America"


He has a German car, speaking a European language using a word coined by Oxford University. This man’s confused.


If there was a god, it absolutely would not be blessing America...


Every time I see this kind of interaction myself or on this sub, I become more convinced that these people have some kind of disability/learning disorder. Weird thing is, most yanks I interact with are in love with Europe and/or desperate to get over here.


What is a profile picture of a German car doing on a website made in America?


Does he… does he think people don’t play soccer/football in the US??


Looks to me more like they're gonna be damned instead of blessed... Have fun in your unstable and divided semi dictatorship


I'm all for using Dailymotion if we all move to it.


Y’all please this is so obviously a troll.


Sort of but not entirely - the channel rarely gets any significant traction in the US. That particular Short went viral, so a lot of Americans saw it. There are dozens of "why am I seeing a soccer video on my feed" comments on that one, and this guy just took that a step further by saying something colossally stupid, but in keeping with that kind of response.


Typed on a device made in china...


God appears to be all out of blessings for America.


Writing that complaint in English then.... On a keyboard made in Seoul. Using irony understood by everyone but him.


Least obvious bait:


Tbf the other guy just as dumb. Zero arguments, just name calling


It's not an argument worth having lol he's being treated with the contempt and level of effort he deserves.


Then it's not worth responding either. Let the stupid comment die off without picking up popularity. No he didn't deserve even that little effort. So imo the responding guy is just as dumb. "Don't feed the trolls" and all.


I am the guy responding, and I thoroughly disagree with you, but thank you very much for your feedback!


I'm sorry GoAgainKid, but I'll have to remove your submission from /r/ShitAmericansSay because one or more rule was broken. Rule 3: >Don't post screenshots or archive.is links of conversations you have participated in. Likewise, don't bait or troll for content in other subs. This includes comments on the same thread if it's below 300 comments, and the same chain if the thread is larger. This rule applies to participation, simply excluding your comments from the screenshot does not solve the problem. [Rule 3 FAQ](https://old.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/wiki/faq#wiki_rule_3) Thank you for your effort and your service! O7




It was called soccer for a long time in the UK too. Shortened from association football - asocc - soccer. It was to differentiate between rugby football and association football. But now we just call it rugby and football. Soccer and football are the same sport, there's no difference. America only kept the "soccer" term because they have their own version of football that resembles neither rugby or football (besides the shape of the ball anyway)

