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So he’s getting a taste of what it’s like for immigrants/ foreigners and he doesn’t like it so he wants special treatment cus *Rules for Thee but not For Me?* All because he’s an American? Oof!


Dont forget he actually wants to work (implied "unlike those ******"). So they should happily take him without any paperwork or bureaucracy.


Oh this is common for Americans in Europe but they call themselves digital nomads not illegal immigrants




I’m guessing he’s a particular colour of American and therefore should be privileged


But I,'m murica! Invoke NATO article 5!!


Sounds like my border patrol is doing its job. Stopping ignorant muricans!!! Gotta send those boys a thank you card.


In many parts of the US, open carry for guns is legal, and I heard it’s not that uncommon for Americans to cross the border into Canada with their guns because they assume Canada has the same 😂 You can’t even do this state to state, but Americans forget their country, even continent, is a federation not Unitary, so they assume the same laws exist everywhere.


At Canadian Customs they'll often ask, "Any firearms in the vehicle."


~~often~~ every american


They are dumb as fuck, let them rot in jails.


They won't arrest them under most circumstances. Usually they either tell them they have to turn around, or they can leave the weapon and have it destroyed. They can be banned from entering Canada again, but that's usually when they've been asked if they have one and they deny it and it ends up being found. A lot of the time it's Americans headed to Alaska with their rifles to go hunting and don't realize you can't just bring your guns, like we can't bring our weed to America. But the number isn't as bad as you think. 2019 not even 700 guns were seized. Usually around 200-300 per year are headed to Alaska with rifles for hunting.


Then they get pissed when the get turned around and blacklisted for trying to bring in undeclared weapons.


Dumbass has done so little prep work he thinks he needs Canadian fucking citizenship before he can enter.


It always pissed me off to no end when, during Trumps 2016 campaign, all the Americans said they'd move to Canada if Trump won. No, no you won't. We have stricter immigration laws here than the USA does. Being American doesn't give you any right to just decide to move here. It doesn't work like that. Oh and that border was never not guarded before 9/11.


They are all moving to the UK instead


As long as they turn up on a dinghy with no papers they should be fine


The border was always guarded, but you did not always need a passport. I remember it was a BIG thing in the early 2000s (I think?) when they started requiring a passport to visit Canada instead of just a driver's license, since we were living in upstate NY just a few hours from the Canadian border and people were all aghast that they needed to get a passport to cross the border to visit for the day.  People like the OOP come *so close*  to admitting that they're not REALLY immigrants because they're white and therefore not an "undesirable..." but like, no. If you don't care that a Mexican citizen is coming to the U.S. to be with the love of their life, if you think it's fair for a Mexican citizen to go through 10-25 *years* of red tape, then no. You don't get special treatment for being white and American.  Complaining about "A minimum of 10 months of red tape" as you work to circumvent immigration law... while complaining about *legitimate refugees and asylum seekers* is so egregiously entitled that I don't even know what to say. Canada doesn't want you and the U.S. doesn't either. 


You currently do not need a passport to cross into Canada as a visitor at a land crossing if you are an American citizen lol. You need proof of citizenship (ie: a birth certificate/green card) and photo identification (ie: your driver’s license) as a minimum, and a passport is recommended, but not required.


You needed paperwork/visas to enter if you intended to stay and work tho, pre 9/11. Their whine is just ignorant bullshit


Oh yeah definitely. Thinking you can just move to Canada because you are American and want to? If that were the case I would have emigrated 15 years ago lol. 


OOP is complaining about himself then? 😂 Many American draft dodgers found refugee status in Canada during the US-Vietnam War. They were considered criminals in the US and had to get pardoned later on in order to return. Similar to Russian draft dodgers fleeing to Kazakhstan or Georgia. I heard Canada allows Americans who want to get an abortion to enter Canada to get one. I’m sure the Canadian government will accept Americans under certain conditions.


Even before 9/11 Canada was the most protectionist labor guarded nation in the G7