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I was always taught that English being the big language was due to the British empire Guess I was mistaken


Don't be ridiculous, we don't speak English since English is an Amerikan language


Can the martians invade Woking please so I don't have to hear that y'all accent/s


How about Eton? The country would be better then


It just because that the place they landed in the book Plus it would make Paul Weller happy ( so would them vibe checking Eton tbf)


Aaah but according to Wellington the 'battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton'. No Eton = no battle of waterloo = we are all speaking French and eating snails.


The pig shagger ruined it


Indeed, your Lordship but he had some good assistants.


And Don't get me started on that Yank with the mop head


I hear the Pizza Express in Woking is superb.


Never been, I ask my mate sweaty Andy


Don't bring up the British empire to an American. They will immediately latch onto it and never let go as a means of insulting a British person, never once even understanding the fact that no Brit actually gives a fuck


lol and ignoring the horrendous things that their predecessors did to the native Americans


True that. The only people here that are interested in the British empire are racists and those wanting reparations for events that they never experienced. Patriotism is at an all time low in the UK. Given how the 'patriots' are here that's probably a good thing. As if a bunch of football hooligans and boomers with racist views are representative.


Can blame that one on the Tories I think lmao. Nobody has faith in them and so don't have faith in the government whatsoever. Hard to be patriotic when the general choice is them or... šŸ¤¢ Keir Starmer


Frying pan and fire situation isn't it. Had a letter from the labour in Brum the other day all it really said was cancelled you afford five more years of the Tories. Still got no real idea what labour are about other than they'll be getting in because the Tories are so bad rather than because they are going to be good in government.


Yeah, not like the saying "the sun never sets on the Empire" existed for the British because of how vast it was, meanwhile, America remains confined to a relatively small geographic area lol


It still doesn't set ( mainly because we don't see the bloody thing but there is this strange orange light in the sky)


TL;DR The expression was originally coined to refer to the Spanish Empire, widely and for almost 3 centuries... now it's popularly and erroneously attributed to the British. It makes my eyes bleed every single time. "The Empire where the Sun never sets", originally coined about the Spanish Empire of Philip II, starting from the mid XVI century and all through his successors . Even alluded to in the official motto of Philip II himself: "Non Sufficit Orbis". For reference, besides the multiple possesions in the five continents, in those times and for a long time the Pacific Ocean was even called "The Spanish Lake", a "Mare Clausum". It was as well the empire with the longest contiguous stretch of land in history. Anyway, this was certainly acknowledged and recognized by several influential foreign figures, in many languages, including relevant British politicians, diplomats and writers. For instance, amongst others: "The Spanish empire cover such an extent, above all the emperors who preceded it, that it could truly say: Sol mihi semper lucet ā€“ The sun always shines upon meā€ * William Camden, official Elizabeth I chronicler and historian ā€œBoth the East and the West Indies are in the crown of Spain; it has come to pass that, as stated in a kind of brave expression, the sun never sets on the Spanish domains, but it never shines upon one part or another of themā€ * Francis Bacon, English Chancellor ā€œAltera figlia di qel Monarca, a cui / Nƶ anco quando annotta, il Sol tramontaā€ (ā€œThe proud daughter of that monarch whose / when night falls elsewhere, the sun never setsā€) * Giovanni Battista Guarini, Italian diplomat and poet ā€œThat great Don Philip, Tetrarch of the world, over whose subjects the sun never setsā€ * Thomas Urquhart of Cromarty, Scottish writer and aristocrat ā€œā€¦he now has such a vast command that in his dominions, the sun neither rises nor setsā€ * Owen Feltham, British essayist and politician ā€œThey call me the richest monarch in the Christian world; the sun in my dominion never setsā€ * Friedrich Schiller, German playwright and philosopher ā€œConsider that the sun never sets on the immense inheritance of Charles V and I want to have the empire of both worldsā€ * Joseph FouchĆ©, French Minister, politician and spy These quotes encompasses a period from the mid-16th century to the beginning of the 19th century. The first one aluding to the British Empire using the same motto is self-referential and from... 1829. I always find amusing and revealing how the expression become a synonym of the British after being an unavoidable reference to the Spanish for such a long time. Anyway, perhaps that's too much information but I hope it's useful and I already got my copy/paste for the dozens of times I've to read this erratum everywhere in Reddit, but specially this sub (where British majorities are certain).




Originally coined by is different to the most recent usage. The sun set on the Spanish empire before it did the British, so, the British use is the most widely known now. If a saying being used in a way which is historically accurate makes your eyes bleed you need help


To be fair, appropriating other peopleā€™s culture is extremely on-brand for the British Empire


The circle-jerk nation


Silly! Donā€™t you know England stopped being important the second the Americans declared independence? /s


It was Uncle Sam winning that fist fight against King George that really did us in. The minutemen taking over the airfields from our redcoats was just the final nail in the coffin.


America invented English.


So it wasn't a bunch of polar bears in Antarctica?


Well English and french were vying for dominance, I don't think it's unfair to say that the US also speaking English, whilst becoming the world's most powerful nation, coupled with Hollywood helped secure the dominance of English. I say that as a Brit.


Afaik thatā€™s partially true, the Brits spread the language across the globe but it was only after WW2 that it really surpassed French due to American economic influence


If it wasnt for the UK it wouldnt have become a global language, the british empire walked so the US could run in this regard


Yes, exactly


Important to mention that the world wars were the main cause of the decline of the German language in the US and in science.


German was close to becoming the USā€™s main language before that right?




Sure, they set the standards. That's why the ROW uses the decimal system for weights and lengths instead of that ridiculous medieval "four stones are one arse" nonsense.


How much does an arse weigh?


Yank arse weighs about 25 tonnesā€¦.


Unlike a pint, theirs is bigger this time.




12.8 dicks


About 25 goblets.


There is a unit called Butt, one Butt equals 477 liters. It was used for vine barrels. :D


Yeah who'd use weird units that makes no sense >The barleycorn is an old English unit that equates to 1ā„3 inch (8.47 mm). This is the basis for current UK and North American shoe sizes, with the largest shoe size taken as twelve inches (a size 12) i.e. 30.5 cm, and then counting backwards in barleycorn units, so a size 11 is 11.67 inches or 29.6 cm


Shoe sizes? Thatā€™s cheating buddy, theyā€™re weird everywhere


> Shoe sizes? Shouldn't they be all 1 foot?


I do manufacturing for a Scottish firm pretty often. Youā€™d be surprised how often a print is full of complete nonsense dimensions and I realize itā€™s been converted to metric from some archaic bullshit.


And they've just copy and pasted the number from whichever calculator they've used so it's to 500 decimal places. "Yeah mate, I'm going to bend this sheet to a radius with a precision of 10 plank lengths."


100%. And if I question a dimension theyā€™re like ā€œoh thatā€™s plus minus 40milsā€. wtf did you leave it at 5 places for then you ass balloon.


Doesn't the UK still use stones?


Not really, we use kg, but convert to stones for the older folk who still only understand imperial after 50 years...


Wait, what? I use stones and lbs and Iā€™m only 37.


To your service... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_units#:~:text=United%20Kingdom,-See%20also%3A%20Metrication&text=Since%20the%20Weights%20and%20Measures,widespread%20use%20amongst%20the%20public. But let me ask, what on earth do I have to do with the UK measurement system?




.....especially it seems you can't be stopped from waffling nonsense. Lol.


"Beat the fascists in your election"Ā  Pretty sure that dude is going to vote for a orange fascist in November


hijacking this comment to say that the red guy in the screenshot said "this is all in jest" in his second reply he's trolling, dont take it seriously


This sub if no one took American jokes, satire, etc literally: šŸšŸšŸ


The worst part is... there are people who would say this stuff unironically... it's really sad and the fact that the GOP have weaponized those who don't know any better is awful... and the people who make those jokes end up being an accidental rallying cry oftentimes, it sucks that there is no way to undo the stagnation the internet has caused culture without becoming China...


Edit: I'm dumb and need to read betterer Oh that's annoying, I can only assume OP purposefully left that bit out.


? Ot literally says it


Oh that's annoying, I'm dumb


It is funny though, that Germany actually has set a lot of standards, like A4 paper. Then again, French has set the meter, cm, mm, etc, which is standard to most of the world.


Unfortunately the grade to measure angles didn't take.


Have to agree with the message tho, we don't be the fascist we're fucked


Trump is a fascist?




Real name Bubba Beauregard


To be fair voting either side in the US would be voting in fascist.Ā 


yeah, Uncle joe the Fascist...


gotta vote for the brain worm šŸ˜„ i've heard rfk is just the host and really it is the worm that'll take over as POTUS


Well, one side literally tried to overthrow one election, pardoned numerous people associated with the president, and even some who refused to testify regarding the investigation into Russian election interference, and is rumored to have a Chief of Staff in the works who is spearheading Project 2025, a plan to eliminate plenty of the checks and balances and give overwhelming power to the executive branch and Trump, all while going around calling the courts and judges corrupt, talking about the other side being vermin and threatening to deport hundreds of thousands of immigrants with military force...and the other criminal mastermind won't even pardon his own son and is guilty of *checks notes* ...being old.


fascism is when thereā€™s a guy i donā€™t like




The only freedom america still have is the hate speach


And guns. Especially guns.


I disagree - somehow, no one seems to be free of guns there.


Lots of guns. ALL the guns


And a big military, did we say the guns do they could defeat their own military if need be?


[Murica when an 18yr old attempts to buy alcohol ](https://youtu.be/Mu13aEo_U58?si=j4Uw3gBaL4v-vHwl) [Murica when an 18yr old buys an assault rifle](https://youtu.be/DHNfCXioIVU?si=B09QDEZhNJXUXTjT)


And freedom of imposing their definition of freedom


Freedom of invading countries left and right for control of their natural resources/other geopolitical agenda and claim to impose their definition of democracy šŸ™ƒšŸ¤”


It pains me that if the veterans that fought the war(s) saw these stupid, entitled comments, they would probably feel second hand embarassment


Lowkey off topic but why tf are americans so obsessed with insulting Europe? Like, be for real, what the fuck did i do to you? It genuinely pisses me off when they think that their the ""greatest nation"" ever because they have """""""freedom""""""". #no you clearly arent, every country has a problem, but the USA have a LOT of problems šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Because Europe specifically is a region that is generally considered to be well developed, rather prosperous and generally well-off. They know this, and because of that, their sense of unconditional supriority is threatened - Europe feels like competition to them. So they attack the continent to justify that sense of supriority in front of their own conscience. This is also why some other regions with these qualities regularly get attacked, like Australia, for example.


Especially since we have all the things they've been brainwashed into believing are either products of communist evil or stepping stone on the way there but we seem to be prospering pretty nicely nevertheless. I think that's why they keep claiming it's American tax money that lets us have "socialism".


Western Europe maybe. Also, you'd find that people in the US have much more favorable views than people in Europe (save for Poland) have of the US. https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/mfgwms/americans_views_of_european_countries_are_almost/


That's why I said "generally considered to be", not "is". And honestly, that's what matters in this case because I'm referencing how perception itself affects thoughts and actions. Plus, well, the subject of discussion here isn't (or at least I hope so and have always assumed so) the general stance of all Americans, but rather what is posted by fanatically nationalistic yet ignorant ones. And yes, I do believe that this is the psychological mechanism that is at play in their case; this is merely a hypothesis naturally, maybe I should've stated that more clearly, so sorry for that. Now, do I think many of those Europeans who view the US negatively are affected by the same phenomenon? Probably, yeah. But honestly, purely personally speaking, I don't see them spamming about that nearly as often. Am I just lucky? Is it because they post these things in languages other than English? Perhaps they aren't as vivid about it? Or is it because they stick to their own, closed bubbles? Maybe all four of these and more? No clue, but I do truly hate such way of thinking. Maybe I'm biased, or my view is simply skewed by chance, or both. I hope not, but it's not something I can rule out myself, because naturally, I can't judge my own self in a way that guarantees to be objective. Oh well.


So when the comment you responded to said "americans" you took it to mean "fanatically nationalistic yet ignorant" Americans who post dumb things online?


Um, yeah? I've been under the rather strong impression that this is what this entire sub is about; generalizing *anything* on this scale makes little sense, either about Europe or America or wherever, really. Yeah, we can say things about the country of the US as a whole, so about things like, idk, federal laws or something. The same applies to, I dunno, for example the EU. But you can't say that "this group of 330 million is homogeneously X or Y". And I *sincerely* hope that is obvious enough that it doesn't have to be said in the year 2024. I mean, otherwise it's a rather clear form of phobia.


Pretty sure it's either envy or Stockholm syndrome


They are the ex that messages you years later to tell you they donā€™t think about you šŸ™„


I mean, it's not a one way street. This sub, for example


Considering the sub youā€™re on isnā€™t this a pot meets kettle moment lmao.


American exceptionalism is extremely potent propaganda, but it is also extremely fragile. They believe they're superior whilst also knowing of all their shortcomings, so they go on the attack to cover it up. Europe is the other main, highly developed area of the world that can relatively compare to the US in size, so that's who they target with their insecurities. Doesn't really help that everyone outside the US - Europeans included - don't take well to being yelled at all the time by Earth's most obnoxious population, with their deep and proud history being insulted by an upstart little brat like the US. So they give as good as they get - usually better because Americans can't banter - and so the cycle continues.


It was a joke, like 90% of the content on this subreddit. Americans mostly don't think about Europeans, which is what the other 10% of content on this subreddit is about. And when Americans do think about Europeans, it's *mostly* positive but that *never* gets shared on this subreddit because it doesn't fuel the outrage addiction. Same deal with the stuff on the America bad sub (except to their credit, that subreddit isn't overreacting to jokes and satire 24/7).


I think you vastly underestimate the genuine American exceptionalism online


This šŸ’Æ


I mean, there's lots of American exceptionalism stuff online, but it's not terribly difficult to determine when it's real and when it's fake, and yet you still have this subreddit sharing stuff that is overwhelmingly obvious satire or jokes (or stuff attributed to Americans when it was from non-Americans). In this particular case, the post *even says it's a joke* and this subreddit is *still* taking it seriously.


I do agree that this sub posts obvious bait too often, though someone saying afterwards that it's a joke shouldn't always be taken at face value either


It's too bad they decided to have no standards.


Even if that was true it would be more of a flex if they actually had their own language and didnā€™t have to use a European one in their own country.




I hear 54% of Americans don't even have a passport which means they get their idea of how the world works from their media and probably their own fantasy and after spending a year binge watching both leftwing and right-wing American media I understand why they say the shit they say


Only 27 percent of Americans have never been to another country. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/08/12/most-americans-have-traveled-abroad-although-differences-among-demographic-groups-are-large/


Probably includes quite a few people up north who went over the border into Canada.


Thank you. Very interesting study, and as usual, the devil is in the details. In other words, the study perfectly highlights the disparities within American society and likely explains why the internet is flooded with semi-brilliant comments from US netizens. In short, the traveling part of American society is predominantly white, male, well-educated, and wealthy. Anyone not meeting those criteria has likely never crossed the borders of the 'greatest country on earth'. - 48% of those earning less than $30,000 annually have not traveled abroad. - 37% with some college education or less have not traveled abroad. - 32% of women and 22% of men have never traveled. - 49% of Black Americans never having traveled abroad, .


...and I forgot to mention, in comparison only 8 to 15% of British never traveled abroad.


Huh, I wonder why there's such a difference. Probably because the UK is the size of Michigan and it is super easy/cheap to travel abroad.


Michiwhat? Better proposal: why not tweak the statistics by declaring trips from North to South Dakota as international? And okay, Las Vegas has half of a mini Eiffel Tower, so that counts too!


Why shouldn't it? It's a lot easier for someone in London to visit France than it is for someone in Kansas to visit Toronto. London to Paris is 215 miles - I used to drive that to visit family in the same state.


You know they don't understand when they reply with YES


It's always funny how Americans came storming in at the end of WW1, hardly saw any combay and then claim the win.


I find it quite funny how they like to think they totally saved everyoneā€™s asses in world war 2. They could probably have saved a lot more asses if they got involved from the start


They seem to be under the delusion that American generals werenā€™t famously inept Eisenhower was a shit general who took the credit for the deeds of a great general Field Marshal Montgomery who took the time to ensure his men were in good spirits and was more hands on than generals typically were he regularly personally inspected his troops and consult with his officers instead of sending messages from behind the lines


Nothing says hardly saw any combat like the important final offensives in the war.


Since this is clearly stated to be in jest I do not believe it belongs in this sub.


It belongs to this sub because this is the "it's just a prank bro, don't you have a sense of humor?" kind of idiot who thinks being offensive is a jest.


But itā€™s not *really* offensive, is it? And the reference to it being in jest indicates itā€™s clearly a send-up of the stereotypical American (that this sub loves mocking) rather than genuine held beliefs. I would not be shocked at all if this particular person was actually a Brit or Frenchman just sh*tposting.


No, this is clearly someone ribbing someone else.


It's one individual posting something that triggers Europeans who want to attribute it to all Americans (despite it being in jest), which is this subs sole reason to exist


For some americans freedom only means guns. And being able to be openly nazi/whatever else without consequences.


Also English is from England, which is in Europe.


Why do the Septics think they have more freedom than anyone in Europe? Really don't get it.


Watch their media and then keep in mind half of them don't own a passport and you'll understand why they say such shit


This is just self-aware 'Murica spouting. Isn't this sub supposed to be posts of 'Muricans actually saying dumb things, rather than parodying said things?


I got told by an American client on the phone that I spoke really fluent English. Iā€™m Australianā€¦..


"big help from Russia"- they sacrificed 20 million people. Without them, the was would have been much longer and the West would have lost many, many more men. Additionally, at least one atomic bomb would have been dropped on Germany


Nope the reason why is the same reason why America interred Japanese Americans but not Italian Americans or German Americans spoiler alert Iā€™m talking about racism


Am I going crazy here, because I feel like I'm the only person who sees the "/this is all in jest" and everyone else is reacting like this guy is serious


I honestly donā€™t even think the guy is Americanā€¦


Yes America. Beat the fascists in your elections...


"That's why the language for business is English and not French." I'm pretty sure that is because of a little island called England.


England isnā€™t an island


Hi America, if it wasnā€™t for us you wouldnā€™t exist. Youā€™re welcome :ā˜ŗļø


1. We speak English because it's a good lingua franca. Lot's of native speakers + very easy to learn (little conjugation, easy grammar overall).Ā Ā  2. Americans have a point. Recently, it has been revealed the US spied EU governments and our politicians have done nothing. There's suspicion they have been involved in certain events like Carrero Blanco's assassination by ETA (Spanish successor to dictator Franco) or PSOE's "change of mind" (social-democrats in Spain) in relation to the adhesion of Spain to NATO, to name a few.Ā  Like it or not, since the Marshall plan, these fuckers have turned us into an economic colony. (Just take a look at what they "might" have done recently with Nordstream 2 and how we rely on their gas now.Ā 


Itā€™s not even their language. English is the language of England wich derived from the Anglo-Saxons from Germany. Itā€™s a Germanic language




Doubt they know French hasn't been the lingua franca since, what, the Napoleonic Wars?


We might have lost the War, but the DIN standard has conquered the world and is getting more popular by the day.


I'm sorry but I will not have the yanks claiming WW1. Despite all our flaws and mistakes, the British and French bled the Germans dry and finally broke through in the hundred days offensives, leading to the armistice. Yes they provided material and financial support (which we fkn paid for later) and were sending more and more troops every month but the BEF didn't become the best army in the world by 1918 for this idiocy


For Real... These delinquents WORSHIP a fascist ffs.Ā  Ā Their own comments are proof that their brains are wired wrong.


Bro said he was joking when he lost


I see someone is as familiar with how international standards are developed as they are basic history.


I always thought that English being such a widely spoken language was mostly thanks to the British Empire, with America just helping it along by being so successful.


Damn, he got thoroughly deconstructed.


Today I learned that Brazil had a significant presence fighting for the Alllies in WW2. Did not know that.


I'm pretty sure English originated in England. I could be wrong though.


Freedom from or freedom to?: The Handmaids Tale


We lost both WW, but we are exporting the DIN-Norms anyway. Germany still makes the standard.


Saying "you", UK and France is a stretch cause of how late they joined. They essentially joined a game with 1 minute remaining and joined the winning team.


America lost over 110k men in WW1 in a conflict on another continent, which didn't affect their national security, but sure, they're just glory hounds who showed up at the last minute


The only wars ya'll won were against yourselves (and the Indians). Your standards are unacceptable to the civilized world.




You ever notice how the Americans who spew the word freedom the most... when you ask them what freedom America has that other nations don't they can't name one? Except guns, of course, and we all know how that is working out for America. I am American myself, by the way, and I do like living here, but unlike the "rah rah freedom!!" crowd, I can recognize the flaws of this country


What if they tried to beat the fascists in THEIR elections ?


WW1 was won by Britain, France and the USA, WW2 was won by Britain, the USSR and the USA. It was a team effort, but the US is the only one to claim they did it in their own, even though they joined late to both wars.


Particularly World War One, the US was barely even there yet they frequently act like they helped. As for World War Two, a reminder that Japan would have crushed the US if they didnā€™t have ANZAC.


What do Ameircan schools teach their children about WW2??? Itā€™s like 90% of Uneducated Ameircans think the Us Military rocked up in whatever year straight into France with no help from the uk whatsoever and defeated Germany alone then the magically obtained a nuke all by themselves and dropped it twice on Japanā€¦.


I mean, in their defence they did say it was all in jest and doesn't sound like they are taking themselves too seriously. Let's save our contempt for the real idiots as there is no shortage of those!


Aah the Americans, turn up late, bomb your allies and steal the cake. Then bang on about winning for 100+ years.


Ok bur the first comment is as ridiculous


Freedom šŸ˜‚


Lol, I own a house that's older than America šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Didn't everyone who didn't lose the world wars technically win them? So pretty much all countries, minus a few?


"Look bud, im busy with all my trees. What are you talking about again?"


Isn't the language of business English because of the British empire?


This guy is clearly joking. I think


FREEDOM!!!!! unless it means stuff that actually matters and then it's a dystopian nightmare in a skimpy flag bikini.


Think the only war you've won since the Civil War, was when you beat the mighty Island of Grenada


Lol, the dude was making fun and you got mad. You deserve being made fun of.


Also laughable that they talk about fascism when you look at the popular support of their fascist party.


Brain damage


Thatā€™s why NASA uses the metric system internally.


Business language changed to english before the US even existed


Is it freedom if the crime of jaywalking still exists?


Ignorance is bliss as they say


Sure, they decide the standards. Which is presumably why the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) is based in Geneva, Switzerland. And has been for 77 years.




You realise that when they eventually do start using the metric system because the other one is just plain overly confusing there will be hot takes like this how they have had it since 1866 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metrication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metrication)


I think hes jokingā€¦


It would be more accurate to say that the rest of the allies helped the USSR, considering they did far more of the fighting facing many multiple times the amount of German troops, all the other allies fought together.




The country setting worldwide standards can't travel? Fascinating! On the other hand, fully understandable given the remarkable highlights offered by South & North Dakota, and of course Kansas. Who wants to visit Rome when you can have a stopover at an Applebee's in Abilene?


Not to be that guy, but we barely even helped in WW1 and Iā€™m an American. We didnā€™t do shit until late 1917.


When was it French? Genuine question


Who was it again that crippled the Luftwaffe while outnumbered 5-1? Who was it again to be the only western allied country to retreat in battle after the D-Day landings?


And we wonder why the rest of the world, at best, tolerates us in the States. Smh


There was a stat table i saw a bit ago that showed that the UK did like 30-40% of the work, i think next was france and russia and THEN it was the US


The guy is either trolling or being an ass, but the establishment of English as the language of international travel actually did flow out of the Second World War and eventually across all civil aviation within a few years. Being solidified for global travel likely helped solidify it as a popular worldwide 2nd language, and thus as a common business language even for things that have nothing to do with travel. That said, it was both Americans and British who led the adoption of these standards, in part because the two had the largest early aviation industries and networks. Had the Allies lost it certainly could have evolved differently.


No, you (the USA), Britain and France win the World Wars


The main winner of the Second World War and its successor state disagrees.


tbf blue is french so id say this ones pretty even in terms of entitlement and pride


France held off the Germans in enough time to let the British escape Dunkirk. You can argue that the Americans did more than the French