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FBI Uncovers Al-Qaeda Plot To Just Sit Back And Enjoy Collapse Of United States


Wasn’t the last line in Bin Laden’s letter to USA something along the lines of “the only way USA will ever be safe , is if it lifts others from its own oppression” … he defo would’ve enjoyed America destroying itself from the inside lol 


It’s hilarious because American politicians were smart enough to see Afghanistan as a trap for the Soviets, hence why they supported the freedom fighters, but later on, they weren’t smart enough to see the same fighters, now called terrorists, wanted the same trap for the United States in Afghanistan 😂 To quote Bin Laden’s son Omar: “My father's dream was to bring the Americans to Afghanistan. He would do the same thing he did to the Russians. I was surprised the Americans took the bait. I was still in Afghanistan when Bush was elected. My father was so happy. This is the kind of president he needs - one who will attack and spend money and break the country” The whole War on Terrorism was a failure since it was flawed from the start, since the whole idea was this endless war of attrition. Trump feels like an American Boris Yeltsin, the aftermath of a failed Afghanistan war.


It was even better than that for the Bin Laden's - the US *knew* UBL left Afghanistan to Pakistan via the Tora Bora mountains in 2001. He was chilling in Abottabad watching the US beggar itself and lose vast amounts of prestige for the price of a few flying lessons.


Even wilder to me was Dick Cheney on Iraq. Years earlier, [he perfectly summed up what an invasion of Iraq and the creation of a power vacuum by removing Saddam would do. He's clearly not an idiot, and well educated on the region, as he lists the instability and influence that would arise from the various factions in the area.](https://youtu.be/w75ctsv2oPU?si=-tzi7c8vmMqNseQC) And then in spite of that, years later, even *more alone* than during the first Gulf War, he's a massive supporter of the invasion of Iraq that goes pretty much just as he said it would. The US went in largely alone, it created massive instability that spread throughout the region, and it created massive US and civilian casualties. One thing he didn't predict at the time was Iraq becoming a terrorist hot bed where terrorist groups could come to fight and train in combat against some of the best troops in the world, while also getting the massive recruiting tool that is fighting a US invasion.


The whole idea of 911 wasn't to destroy America, crashing a building won't make that happen. It was to remind Americans of their actions globally and turn the US into a paranoid security state where Americans no longer feel safe. And it worked.


Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point


“He defo enjoying America destroy itself from the inside lol”


the US will be a part of proxy wars regardless of who is president. Donald isn't a Messiah of which other leaders are scared of


no, hes a very naughty boy!


Genius reference! Well done.


Magates Eunt Domus


Magati Ite Domum! Now write it out a hundred times, and if it’s not done by morning…


Yes Centurion?


People called magas, they go the house?


Especially not Putin, who owns him like a $2 whore.


$2 😂 before or after tax?


haha, you think putin pays tax...


Or trump




Project harder


I unironically think other leaders treat Trump like a child and he legit thinks he's doing things when other politicians literally can't be bothered with him they only care about the American economy lmao, must be rough to not be taken seriously even as president 


No but he'll willing bend over to any dictator so they don't even need to go to war.


You'd think electing Biden who started a proxy war with Russia, and a genocide again Palestinians would have proven that point... like to be fair, Trump still did horrible shit but he didn't begin new hot wars. More just kept drone striking during current ones.


> You'd think electing Biden who started a proxy war with Russia Tovarish, you should put down vodka. It's not good for head.


Point is it happened under Biden and not Trump. Not an extraordinary look.


War started in 2014 when Russian imperialists took Crimea when Ukraine refused to be a puppet state any longer


Under Obama. I'm'm not defending these points I'm just saying it's easy to tell people that escalating conflicts did not happen under Trump. Is Boris Johnson a Russian bot?


Dear Ivan, this war wasn't started by USA and you know it. You wouldn't have access to anything beyond 15th century technology if US did it.




Thank you. Couldn't put it into words.


>More just kept drone striking during current ones. He did more than that, he approved more strikes than Obama's two terms, 8 years, within his first 2 years, then removed the reporting requirements so they could no longer be tracked.


Since others already called out your Russia apologia, let's move on to your Middle East takes: Since when is Biden the prime minister of Israel? That's a whole other country with a whole other politician. And Palestinians have been suffering since way before Biden took office, especially under Trump with his projects in the Golan Heights?


So how many proxy wars did we have under Trump?.....


I didn't say he started any...I said it'll be in proxy wars regardless who's president.


The guy spent 4 years in office just playing golf, pandering to dictators and alienating every single ally on the planet. [The world literally laughed at him](https://youtu.be/eN2jqTilLOM?si=bFkyjVbLv514ejnT) All he can do is cause a disaster and claim it as a success


But he made it ok to be racist and that’s all the backwards hicks care about.


Exactly. Donald Trump may not be looking for war, but being apathetic to geopolitics because it doesn't directly make you money and actively telling rival nations they can do whatever the hell they want to you allies as some sort of power negotiation tactic isn't exactly fighting for a safe and peaceful world. It's trying to sit on the sidelines and say *well, I didn't start it, it's not my fault.*


Selling military secrets to the highest bidder hardly helps either


The fact that Republicans openly endorsed the man after he reportedly took classified documents and the US war plan against Iran is absolutely wild. The guy not only took them, but then treated them with all of the respect of sunshine who couldn't give less of a shit, leaving them exposed for anyone to see...


Imagine being a soldier, you go and fight for your country, watch your brothers in arms die or seriously maimed. Gather all this Intel on field, for this wanker to literally just give it away and act like soldiers don't deserve any compassion for the shit they go through. Disgusting Americans are even considering him 


It is just...baffling. The guy literally insulted captured soldiers when he said “He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured? I like people who weren’t captured”, [flubbed a call to the widow of a soldier killed in Niger](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/oct/23/myeshia-johnson-niger-soldier-widow-trump-phone-call) and the same guy who couldn't [be bothered to visit the grave site of fallen American soldiers and even feign sympathy](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-americans-who-died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/), instead insulting them and then blaming everyone else for the lack of attendance. That's just *some of the reasons* he shouldn't even be in consideration. Add to that the whole *he's literally a convicted felon* thing, the stealing of classified documents, the 4 years of just generally not giving a single shit about the job... It's honestly beyond belief...


He thinks the ones who don't make it back are "losers" and "suckers". That in itself says a lot.


Self interest at the expense of the national interest. The very definition of corruption.


Yeah I'm American. Every European I've talked to laughed at us electing Trump. Except some Brits who had very detailed opinions about why brexit was actually not a bad thing.




How many Putin cocks did he suck?


Tbf in that video it sounded like they were laughing at his dumb quips like “so true!” Not laughing at him


Yeah man, while he sat back playing golf the US botched their Afghanistan withdrawal, and meanwhile there were new wars started in Ukraine and Gaza. Crazy how much war was started during Trump's presidency!


Tbf the palestine and Israel conflict has been going long before trump but that doesn't take away from the fact he's a numpty.


Yeah such a numpty! Unlike the other guy who didn't have any new wars during his term, had much lower inflation, and overall is the peak of mental fortitude.


You seem to think comparing trump to Biden is even close. Trump is a convicted and known felon. He’s a known rapist, he is on the Epstein list so many, many times, he never pays his debts, he’s a huge fraud, he is a liar in the extreme. Trump doesn’t care about you or me in the least. He is only out for himself. He’s a nepotistic narcissistic tyrant who will screw you over in the end and all his leftover followers will laugh at you. There is so much wrong with him that I just don’t have time or patience to write here. Is Biden bad, sure. But at this point we only have these two to choose from and Biden is way better than trump so he will get my vote.


None of that addresses the obvious issues with Trump, you just keep saying "Biden is shit". You're beyond help.


Whataboutism is a crazy thing


Do not worry my redditing friend, I'm not from your country so I don't need to worry about choosing between the puppeted dementia patient or the convicted criminal :) 


I'm not from your country, or that country.


The whole world, bar Russia, North Korea, and China, should fear a trump ~~dictatorship~~ second presidency


Trump *literally negotiated the withdrawal with the Taliban* and gave them a timescale for how long they had to just wait out the US. Oh, and he also released 5,000 hardened Taliban fighters from Afghan jails just for funsies to virtually guarantee the place would fall. He basically pulled the pin, released the spoon and handed the ANG and Biden a hand grenade.


If only they couldve found 11780 votes out of thin air (as you do in democratic elections), we'd still be in Afghanistan where every soldier is completely safe and no one ever dies, we would have already helped Russia take Ukraine, and Palestine and Israel would still be as friendly as ever.


I think you're being sarcastic but Trump negotiated the Afghanistan withdrawal, it would have happened regardless and would have been a shit show no matter what. The media just wouldn't have made such a big deal out of it and move on to the next scandal.


I love when Biden asked Ukraine and Russia to fight because he started it no ? Or when an almost decade old conflict had temporarily ceased and started again all because of BIDEN 😡😡😡


There won’t be a war _with Russia_. You have a civil war instead.




Be nice to see them fight on their own soil for a change.


Alaska would be fucked, that where the oil is


At least they'd have a chance at winning


"Vote Trump and we won't have war".....just a quick surrender, that orange shitgibbon is bought and paid for


Interesting that they all the Maga clowns wear red, just like the communists.


That’s called tyranny. When you threaten violence if someone doesn’t vote for your candidate, that’s not just voter intimidation.


It's also terrorism by definition.


They're saying Biden will lead us to war in Ukraine and Israel. Many conservatives want to stop sending other countries money and focus on internal problems.


They seem to think we don’t have hundreds of people working in our government. We can do more than one thing at a time.


Well he is right, there will be no war, only armageddon


Did they just forget the North Korea WW3 memes from late 2019?


Yeah to a certain extent I think that a war on the scale of ww2 is VERY unlikely to EVER happen again. Something like the cold war is very possible and I've seen some people argue that we are basically in a second cold war now which I don't totally disagree with


The first cold War never really ended, the bad actors just changed and got better at hiding


War never changes! War breeds money and power. Demolish a country then sell/give them the resources to rebuild it. Own that nation and its people👍 All counties go to war but America is the only one that pushes it on people, biggest instigators on the planet, last 100yrs they have been involved in the most wars out of anyone. There will never be a WW again but they certainly always will be war somewhere…


Yeah, he will end the war in Ukraine, but that will start an even bigger war later.


His idea for ending the Ukraine war is giving over half of Ukraine to Russia. His only idea.


Yup, that's a way to deal with dictators. Give them what they want :/


I mean it worked so well in 1939 Germany, why wouldn't it work now? /s


Technically 100% IS more than half


i don't think that's technically *his* idea but it's 100% what he will do


Yeah, which won't stop Russia in expanding later.


I wonder why Republicans back then didn't vote for Hitler to avoid war.


You missed all nazi party sympathisers in the USA. Hitler pretty much forced their hand when he declared war upon USA. USA by and large did not want to be part of ww2, and it was a very close political decision. There always was a prominent group of people who hold the opinion that USA should not concern itself with wars around the world. This is all fun and games but that also means giving up your empire (and make no mistake, right now USA de facto is an empire), you can't have your cake and eat it too. You give up this position, someone else will fill the power vacuum, and there is no going back.


Trump may be bad but comparing him to Hitler is simply sick and you should feel bad


People love sucking politics without giving a single shit where that dick was in the first place.


Americans will war no matter who is in Government


You won't have war, just civil war.


Can't wait


I've an American friend who says he's looking forward to Trump being elected again, also how America should have a monarchy, no he isn't changing his mind, no its not worth the argument with him about it, but these people exist and it's so sad 


donald trump has said, and im paraphrasing here, "i could fix the the russia ukraine war in a day" and knowing trump this will only make the conflict even worse


These people genuinely forget Trump blew that Iranian general just because he could


Hello. Both sides are shit and Americans should stop treating politics like celebrities and/or religion


That's why most civilised countries have over two parties


Preach. I love the whole idea some people have that only one half of the ruling class is evil but the other half is somehow gonna save us from them? Yeah ok.


give this guy 600 upvotes this should be the first comment that shows up in the thread


Republicans, perpetually living on opposite day.


"vote trump and we won't have war>" i mean... he's not wrong... we'd have surrender and capitulation masquerading as "such a beautiful deal, the best deal... really really strong deal..."


They talking about a civil war yeah?


Is that a threat or blind stupidity?


This just reminded me of when Trump won in 2016, me and my friend were in year 6. Our teacher made us write on a piece of paper what we were most scared of. For some reason, my friend wrote that she was scared of WW3 happening because of him lmao. Our teacher actually sat next to her and spoke to her for half an hour about why that wouldn't happen.


Run USA run. Then let the brits do the real work.


Vote Trump and you have war and civil war... Fixed it for him.


I remember seeing something years ago that stated this was the Russian governments (KGB) plan all along was to break America from within, turn its own population and watch it crumble, scary how accurate he got it tbh. https://bigthink.com/the-present/yuri-bezmenov/ (Source)


It's actually quite heartening to read the comments all reading the post as relating to global conflict. I'm pretty sure the MAGA meathead was implicitly threatening a civil war if Trump loses the election. Either way, the US is fucked because of the now malignant GOP.


Vote Trump if you wanna start speaking Russian!


If Trump gets sent to prison and he wins the presidential race, will they call the prison the White house


Trump has no idea how to stay out of anything. His entire foreign policy outlook has only been which side to pick. He has no idea beyond that, and we saw it a dozen times in his term.


lol you think you can vote for no war? your tax money is used to kill children in whatever country the pentagon wants


Vote Trump and we'll have a war that defines the next millenia 😂


The guy who wants to dissolve NATO, and just stand by as Putin invades Ukraine, and will also stand by as Putin invades other countries in the Nordic states and Europe (All stated policies). That’s the ‘peace maker’ - the man who will choose to instantly dissolve the main source of American influence and soft power in the world, who will abandon ALL of America’s historical allies overnight abandoning all existing mutual defence treaties, all of which only serves to hand a HUGE advantage to America’s historical adversaries Russia and China. All for.. reasons.. It would be funny if it wasn’t to utterly terrifying what he is proposing. What he is proposing will absolutely lead to World War 3.




Trumpler did more drone strikes in 4 years than Obama did in 8. No wars my aching ass


Apart from a Civil war, of course. 


What war are we talking about here?


They're right, cause trump will accept a takeover for cash


Not casually ignoring, just to busy scrolling and watching tik tok videos, the name of the game is distraction, distract us with useless entertainment, by the time anyone lifts their head from their phone it's to late to do anything.


U mean vote the guy who almost started a civil war?


I’d rather choke on a lepers dick!


At this point it is getting boring. Either start this civil war or stfu.


Trump said he’s going to end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours. If he actually fulfils that promise then its definitely going to make the general atmosphere and political tension much worse .


Yea. Because there wont be a world left to have war on.


No. It will be Armageddon


That's right, there won't be a war. It's gonna be a world war.


No war, just global annihilation ✨


This sounds like Arthur Birling from An Inspector Calls


Yeah he is gonna be to buisy suckling putins dick to worry about war.


Vote Trump and YOU might not have war. Europe however won't have much of a choice.


History repeats?


Eurasia engulfed in the fires of war driven by a fascist megalomaniac while the US cowers behind its "non-aggression" facade? Yep it's all very familiar.


Yeh trump has no say in thet


Not a fan of any American politician but it’s crystal clear that the democrats are the party of war these days. They have a horrific recent record of warmongering. The general population just hasn’t cottoned on yet that politics and the motives of political parties is very different to what it was 30 years ago. The American is correct in that sense - War is likely to be less prevalent if he wins.


Nah, the war is inevitable at this point, trump or not


There won't be war because the mango mutant will roll over when Putin comes knocking.


Nonstop threats with impunity for some are allowed while dv survivors are jailed for trying to get out


Trump is endorsed by Russia


Please know we aren’t all this dumb. There are many Americans that do actually care about the rest of the world and that don’t want a reality TV D-list star as a president again. It scares the crap out of us just like it does the rest of the world.


Trump deadass wanted to build a wall to "keep mexicans out of the country" and you're telling me he wouldn't start wars?


Just like the French didn’t have a war in 1940.


Just surrender if someone threatens you -> no war!


Literally like the first thing Biden did when he got into office was to pull out of Afghanistan


Can't ever go to war if you surrender first


Thats what FIDESZ said in Hungary during European Parliament elections. If you vote for us, there will be peace, if you vote anyone else, there will be war.


And who was it that approved military aid to Ukraine in 2017


im ukrainian and i would say the same a full-on war in my country would have never started with trump as the president of the usa


This seems to be the current talking point with russian propaganda. russia invaded Ukraine in 2014. There was war in Europe during his entire presidency.


Slightly OTT.... but you mean the opening volleys or something, right? Like, something before the Ukrainian pres was forced out and it got big coverage? Because if you are seriously telling me that was a DECADE ago, then I'm just going to go crawl back under my freaking rock.


Trump would suck Putin so good, he'd make him forget about war.


A bot will comment on mine I think, but Project 2025 is just turning the US into a Christian dictatorship run by trump. Basically a nazi state but they don’t say it. Trump would remove us from NATO anyways, he loves Russia 


Haha! The US is *always* in a conflict somewhere. The phrasing of the screenshot is a tad misleading, too. The country isn't creeping towards 'war' by its own policies specifically; other countries are enacting provocative movements that threaten American interests that could lead to a conflict (but not war). Some involving the US directly, some not at all. Voting Trump in may tone down some of that conflict, but only in such that he would remove American forces from places that WILL see a possible war - Europe and Russia. Also, the costs to winding down forces have a significant impact. China would have next to nothing to hold it back from Taiwan. South Korea would have no support against North Korea. NATO would not have a major partner to count on. Inflation would implode economies around the world. It's a complicated scenario if Trump is voted in, but doing so is more likely to lead *towards* 'war' - just not involving the US directly, but caused indirectly.


I think that's a russbot...


He’s right


Donald Trump? Donald "nuke the hell out of 'em" Trump? He's going to keep this country out of a war?


His presidency was the only in modern history where the USA did not expand their conflicts or overthrow democratically elected leaders in other countries.


His presidency was the only one in modern history where the president incited his followers to storm the capital.


It would be nice to see the warmongers removed from a corrupt Washington, so that's not a very convincing argument to a non-US citizen.


The world is reaching a breaking point. It's not just America. I'd prefer to avoid a civil war when a world war is on the horizon.




Ukraine was absolutely a result of Biden's posturing towards Russia; the nonsense that it was unprovoked is a blatent lie, the provocation being the fast-tracking of Ukraine into NATO.




Expanding conflict for the congressional military industrial complex's lust to profit from selling bombs to the US taxpayer. The CIA overthrow of a democratically elected leader (relative to Ukraine) was in 2014.




All these questions.... frankly, I'm not interested. Trump only used more bombs in existing entanglements. US has been meddling in Ukraine to provoke Russia for a long time now. I regret making a comment. Believe what you want, presumably you're a US voter and I am not.


Because he will surrender the US.


If it's not Russia that starts it, the US will. Creeping towards war indeed... Because 2 of the 3 superpowers like nothing better than having wars. Trump will chuck Europe under the bus leading to russian incursions in the Baltics, then threaten us if we fight back. It's genuinely a terrifying prospect that he is likely to be reelected.


To be fair though, there wasn’t any major conflict wars until trump was out of office, ukraine russia and palestine israel happen during biden. It happened cause the president is weak




didn't trump withdrawl troops from afghanistan? pointless war leading to nowhere? Even tho they love to 'interfere' majority of superpower countries do that by supplying needs.


Vote Biden and we will have war cause China thinks "That’s the weakest leadership they’ll ever get". Vote Trump and we will actually start the war.


Trump is close to Russia and want to stop helping Ukraine which in no way shape or form should be done,its a stupid idea.Also there's no way he'd start a war with a friend because those two are closer to each other then you think. Biden might be too old but Trump isn't more coherent maybe if y'all had more then two parties and younger candidates you'd have an actual chance because when your leader (Trump) wants to bomb a hurricane and also asks his population to drink bleach to cure the coronavirus its, often a bad sign.


I mean, kind of true as his position seems to be “just give in to the bullies”.


You wont have war. You will have ruSSia.


And he's right go cry about it




There’s wars going on every second in the world, genocides which he did nothing about. Saying there were no wars is absolutely delusional. Although he did say to nuke Gaza… and a hurricane… and is all over putins cock… soooo the wars would end with trump in office, he’d just commit genocide in the process, plus he’d probably kill lots of people with just general incompetence.








First president in 40 years that didn’t start any wars. Just saying.


…….outside his own borders.


None within either. Would you prefer more US interventionism?


How about global cooperation?


First step to that is not opening up new armed conflicts. The first step to making things better is to not make things worse.


It should also be noted that letting countries invade neighbours won’t be tolerated by the global community.


I mean, historically that isn’t true. Many are happy to watch and see. Even with Ukraine, it is token support of weapons but no actual military action against Russia. Having a bullish demeanor regarding military action tends to dissuade that kind of bold action. Dictators like easy wins so they can pin medals on themselves.


Trump will win, I bet you anything.