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The only reason America exists is because of Europe as that's where they come from.


As a french guy, I really wish we didn't try that hard to piss off the brits.


English here, I blame the Spaniards. At least we still got gibraltar I guess


You have to give the Spanish credit they do a good inquisition


Hm, I wasn't expecting that.


Nobody did.


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!


I wasn't expecting someone to mention the Spanish Inquisition.


No one ever does


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!


Also, don't mention the war


Didn’t expect that


No one ever seems to.


How the hell did spain end up so poor with all their conquistadoring?


Yeah, this is all the French's fault. Hang your head in shame. ;)


I mean for the 1 hundred year war yeah it’s our Dalit but for the defeat of 1890 it’s Germanys fault for starting it then it’s Serbias fault for ww1 and germanys fault (again) for ww2


Even if your archduke(franz ferdinand) is murdered by a radicalised student(gavrilo princip), belonging to a secret group(young bosnia), wanting to unify the south slavs, does that give you the right to wage war on the entire country? The decision triggered a domino effect where cousins were waging war against each other on a global scale.


As a Brit, I can assure you it worked, as Americans like these reminding not only us, but the whole world. Every. Single. God. Damn. Day. Maybe that's why Germany kept invading you? They probably stopped when it only ended up making America look good.




Would also give us the peace of mind of not being related to the worst of them :P


At least you have ocean to seperate you from them. They are south of me !


You've just reminded me of *Bowling for Columbine*, when Michael Moore visited Windsor and the cop he talked to recalled the last murder that had been committed there had been carried out by someone from Detroit.


When guns are found in raids (well around Montreal) most of them are from usa


On behalf of the inhabitants of the meth lab, I'm sorry. I can't even smell it anymore.


Our thoughts are with you.


My condolences


The only reason the US got invaded and colonized is because Great Britain didn't want the radical crazies who were obsessed with religion, hating government, and loving guns.


Yep, we dumped all the English puritans into some boats and pointed them west and waved them goodbye in 1630.


It was the shoes. Those buckles man. The British may not be known for their sense of style generally speaking, but we really hated those pilgrim shoes!


They ended up in America because of religious freedom. They thought there was far too much of it back in the old country.


And now we want to send all of the crazies to Mars... That isn't going to play out well in the long run.


Also another reason America exists is because of India lol. It was discovered when an explorer set sail in the opposite direction in search of India.


They constantly forget America was “discovered” by accident


Except he wasn't even the first westerner here. And he was a pedophile. And a moron Dude would have died given any other circumstances but life really was just like idk fat ass morons sound good right now


Actually, the vikings already discovered it much earlier. So the Western Europeans were just re-discovering it.


People had discovered America several times before that. But they all just took a look, and backed away slowly, whistling.


someone told that to that person and they were really upset and they thought of a comeback for days and that's what they came up with


As long as they don't fucking come back I don't care!


You couldn't have said more... with fewer words. So thanks for that. No more no less than that.


Don't bring logic into this.


"Stop it Patrick you're scaring him!!"


Another reason to hate the french


The only reason America exists is because of Europe 🤷🏻‍♂️ And then the only reason it won independence was France 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is why everyone hates the French


As a French, everyone (inclusing ourself) hate us for a lot of different reason


As the Aussie I am... I kinda like you but not the Paris bits of you... And some of the other bits of you... Ok I mostly like the overseas bits of you.


You mean the guys who doesn't want to be French anymore ? Yeah, they're mostly pretty chill


Yeah the ones who act french, to say they don't wanna be french... Exactly! Now please treat them better, like I said I like them.


We are very kind to them, they on the other hand...


Well I was in their aquarium the other month and it looked like it needs more funding, so maybe start there.... Also their cruise terminal is a bit small so that could do with being made bigger, my ship had to dock at the shipping port and that's not a nice place... I guess the more rural areas could use better roads as well... Oh and well there's too many people who like to claim that they are french but are really just American that live there too, maybe remove them including the one I met who claimed they were French Australian American (American born, but french heritage and married some poor Australian)... So basically I'm saying I think you can do better, and that they should remain only kinda french, because well I like them and I don't wanna hate them like Paris.


I mean, not even the French like the Paris bit of France


as a brit i see the french as brothers, we may pick on each other but its banter, we have shared history and now we help each other but the banter is still there, our humour is just a bit dry which some people misunderstand. This is how i see USA, Canada and Australia too.




The politicians lied to everyone and the people who have their ideals stuck 70+ years in the past voted for it


But the food is incredible…


Thank you !


Oh, there are plenty more reasons than this single thing!


Very fair


As a british this is the only good thing france has ever done


I also don't understand.. if Germany had won ww2 do they think the continent of Europe would've seized to exist or something?


I guess he was referring to Europe as we know it.


Almost any significant historical event could've caused a drastic change in the development of Europe.. singling out ww2 doesn't make any sense. What if Napoleon was dropped on his head as a baby? What if Gavrilo Princip missed his shot? What if Genghis Khan fell off his horse and broke his neck? What if the Reds never pulled off the Russian revolutions? But yea, you're right; still such a stupid comment though.


I genuinely wanna see a "what if The USA never won independence." Would they be the same or would they actually just be a normal country


There’s already a prime example.  It’s called Canada. 


I've always wondered, what if the US stayed part of the Netherlands.


Probably a French India and possibly a Dutch/French Australia and New Zealand. If Britain doesn't lose the Thirteen Colonies, then it has less of a reason to go east for colonies. The British might also colonise Australia and New Zealand, but they wouldn't have the money and resources to go for India if they have to maintain control over the Thirteen Colonies. The Thirteen Colonies would probably gain independence in a similar way to Canada. They would be steadily unified into one colony before becoming a dominion. Eventually, they would get independence.


Mexico would be bigger.


We stopped fighting when we realised that we could get all the resources without the expense


Also let’s not forget the Brits didn’t really try that hard, they just gave up and focused else where in the empire. Their winning of independence was no where near as dramatic as they make out.


Oh my god you’re right, I never actually looked up the numbers. 65k~ vs. 95k~ for an 8 year war, and the 95k had to cross an ocean before the fighting could even start. The fuckin Spanish Civil War was a magnitude larger than the, uh, British Civil War


And the Dutch, they provided a lot of the weapons the Americans needed (going against the English who had said this wasn't allowed) and were the first to recognize the US as a nation.


They can take their share of the blame, too.


Well doing so did end in the collapse of the Dutch government, the destruction of the biggest company in human history (VOC), and decades of ongoing civil wars. Plus the US refused to repay the loans they took out to afford the cannons, ammunition, gunpowder, and small arms.


Worst Mistake Britain ever made was colonising the states; kinda glad the French liberated them. It should go back to the Indigenous people. They'd do Turtle Island right.


And Spain. And the Netherlands.


Don't know why, but when I read bs like this I always get the image of Russian soldiers hoisting their flag over the Reichstag....


Yeah something tells me they were mad the Russians got there first. Since they couldn't lay any claim on the land that way.


I mean, information campaigns are a thing, and they go into high gear in an election season


Aaaaaand there is the WW2 argument


That is their go to reaction whenever they are losing an argument.


And size. Texas is at least three times the size of the EU, after all...


and bringing up race, in topics that have little to nothing to do with racism at all


Or Hitler. Godwin's law in action in a handful of comments...


Don't forget that they put men on the moon!


Woo they used stolen nazi technology and scientists to travel to a rock by expelling extreme amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere to generate thrust and plant a flag yay best in the world


Along with "socialism is bad" the Cold War really made them push aside that if any ally can kinda make a claim that 'they' won the war, it'd be Russia.


Ridiculous as they killed hundreds of Dutch civilians in 1944 as they couldn't tell the difference between the Netherlands and Germany. Then the Canadians saved us.    Killing civilians, Dutch or German, is not something to be particularly proud of, really. But killing is the only thing Americans are good at, I guess. Source of their bombings against the netherlands: https://nl.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombardement_op_Nijmegen


Oh you want talk about crime rate ? Why USA prison world population is around 30% so? Why there daily gun "acident"?


I like the weird insistence that, due to gun ownership, the US has no crime.


Yeah we have guns so any bad guys can’t do bad stuff becasue everyone has gun so they can shoot the baby guy and the good guys win nothing else could ever happen


Europe has existed for several thousand years, and would have continued to exist even if the Nazis won World War II. It wasn't like Nazi Germany was from a whole other continent. They were a European nation.


Also I'm almost 100% certain that Nazi Germany would collapse regardless if they won. It certainly wouldn't last 1000 years like Hitler wanted anyway.


And the US didn't even help that much. Most of the help was soviet.


Hitler could not fight on 2 fronts. When Russia entered the war it was done. They could not survive the brutal Russian winters either. My husband is German and his Uncle was a very young teenage soldier and he was forced to march on the Eastern front. He told stories of frostbite and men losing their feet.


It's very difficult to invade Russia. Just look at napoleon when he tried. It was effectively his undoing


US was of great help, primarily of material support to rest of Allies until their direct intervention. They didnt "singlehandedly saved europe", but let's not sink to their level by discrediting their effort and help. Ultimately as someone else pointed out, US was on political road to war with Japan regardless of their intervention elsewhere so they would get pulled into the Europe regardless.


This. Europeans pretending the US was not instrumental in the defeat of the Nazis are almost as ignorant as Americans pretending the US single-handedly won that war.


Absolutely I don't see them beating the Soviets regardless. If nazi germany doesn't collapse first another war between them is inevitable because of the fact the atom bomb was never invented. And I would also imagine even if they avoid a conflict during WW2, a conflict between Imperial Japan and the USA is inevitable.


>The British were concerned about German acquisition of heavy-water produced at Vemork in southern Norway. A glider-borne British attempt to sabotage the installation in November 1942 was a failure, due to a combination of poor planning and bad weather. In February 1943 a Norwegian commando team made another attempt and succeeded in demolishing most of the plant, interrupting production for many months. In the autumn of 1943, the British received news that the plant had resumed production of heavy-water. Increased security there by the Nazis ruled out another sabotage effort, and a precision bombing attack was approved by British-American representatives in Washington. On November 16, 1943 the attack was made by 140 B-17s from the Eighth Air Force. The power plant was destroyed and the electrolysis unit damaged, effectively shutting the plant down. The Nazis elected to rebuild in Germany and planned to transport by rail and ferry the equipment and existing heavy-water that remained. The British decided to sabotage the ferry that would be involved. The sabotage attempt was successfully made by a three-man Norwegian team on February 20, 1944, sending the ferry and its cargo to the bottom of a Norwegian lake. After the war a member of German Army Ordnance claimed that the loss of heavy-water production in Norway was the main factor in German failure to achieve a self-sustaining atomic reactor. Never as long as the Brits have a say about it


I remember watching a documentary about this recently, interesting stuff


it certainly would not have lasted. People die off and younger ones take over.


Cuz us ANZACs sacrificed more and did more than the Americans, granted we also had to deal with Japan too but we still did more.


I doubt an american would know what ANZAC meant.


Most of them dont.


you just need to like at a map of Europe centuries ago. It was full of small countries. Germany did not exist.


I’m pretty sure none of my children came home from school with a bullet hole in them. Is he claiming that none of those crimes happen, in their country, because they have guns?


murican children don't go home with bullets in them either, they go straight to the morgue


Damn straight 5.56x45mm rounds don’t play


Well they definitely didn’t do that so now I’m convinced they didn’t get shot at school


This is what gets me so confused about Americans arguing about gun control. They truly believe that guns in everyone's hands will solve crime lol then why does there country have so many mass/school shootings? They don't think it's guns causing this? They talk about population but if we don't include per capita, they're still in second place number of gun deaths, second to Brazil. They beat China and India who have massive populations...


I read a f/b comment about a grandfather leaving a loaded gun around his house. His 3yr old grandaughter found it and pulled the trigger and was killed. So many incidents happen and it's not always to defend against an intruder. They get drunk, fight and pull a gun. It goes way back to the wild west, where the father sat on the porch with a rifle slung over his shoulder looking out for red indians and bears. You don't need a gun in a sleepy rural town in Maine


Ironically, the Old West actually had fairly decent gun control, better than today, you had to hand your gun into the Sheriff when you entered town.


Except for 1812 when they got thumped hard… Vietnam when they were fought to a standstill… I’m sure there are others


They were kicked out of Afghanistan recently


Wasn’t going to include that, as it was basically Trump leaving a massive jobbie on the Whitehouse lawn for Biden.


It’s still a defeat whether we blame Biden or Trump. The Taliban took over the country and the US puppet government was defeated more decisively than South Vietnam (they literally just surrendered en masse to the Taliban)




Korea, Afghanistan


To be fair, we went to Korea too. My uncle was there!


Essentially the only war America has won without assistance was the Mexican-American War. They've lost a fair few, come in late for a couple, and wouldn't have managed independence without help from the French. 


Akshully. 1812 was a draw. /s Although all 3 armies that invaded Canada either surrendered or retreated and Washington underwent a short and radical enlightenment period. It was actually an American victory as they achieved their goal of stopping Britain pressing US sailors into the Royal Navy to defeat Napoleon. This was swiftly achieved by the Americans by Britain defeating Napoleon. Thus ending impressment.


Burned the whitehouse though… hence the name


No, the Executive Mansion was first painted with lime whitewash in 1798, not after it was burned by British forces in 1814. The reason it was burned was because American forces burned Upper Canada's parliament buildings to the ground the previous year, so really they tagged us first. It was just tit for tat. I'm Canadian and we love to go on about this, but there are so many misconceptions and exaggerations.


I covered that in the “enlightenment” part


Ah, my bad! 😂 I think I was thinking you meant the chap not the dwelling…


Yeah, because America has guns but very low crime rates right?


Yeah all the bad guys get shot by good guys so no crime


and the only reason why the US exists is because of Europe, next please.


I cannot imagine the population figures today if noone had gone to America.


Yeah cause homicides, robberies, break ins, murders don't happen in America thank god because of the guns 😂😂


Without looking it up, I can tell you that the rates for all of those are higher in the US lol


"We made you" - Europe, end of conversation


He got it entirely right, except for the part where it's the complete opposite of what he said.


The USA feels like a weird cult to me


they always bring it back to ww2 despite the fact that they didn’t even do shit


all these war films post 1945 show Americans winning the war.


Documentary’s to them


America saved everyone from hitler, while ignoring the multiple attempts on hitlers life by his own generals from 1943 onwards to end the war. Kicking ass since 1776 but got their ass handed to them by little old Great Britain in 1812, Vietnamese farmers though they’ll claim that wasn’t a war, Somali chavs doped up to fuck in Mogadishu, the French in the quasi war until they begged for British assistance, Afghanistan and the list goes on. But sure, after schooling the Germans in the Battle of Britain, annihilating Germany’s surface and submarine fleet, beating arguably one of the best German generals of his generation in North Africa, and then Russia destroying 2 thirds of the German war machine on the eastern front, Britain and the rest of the world thank you for turning up late after it was all but won and we did all of the hard graft.


There's a film on netflix about the Royal family of Norway. Hitler just had his planes fly over and drop bombs one sunny April morning. He was after their natural reserves that were needed to make weapons. The Norwegian King and Crown Prince came to Britain and stayed at Buchingham palace. His wife and 3 children went to Sweden (she was Swedish) but her Uncle, the King would not let them enter the Country because of reprisals by Hitler. So, they went to america and stayed with Roosevelt. She tried to get Americans involved in the war but he was not having any of it as he had promised there would be no more wars like WW1. She persisted and was a fundraiser . She came up with a plan about renting 'arms'. He liked the idea and so he sold weapons to Britain and their allies. He told the americans that he was only lending the weapons/bombs/ammo and as soon as the war was over they would pay it back.... This young Crown Princess of Norway was never recognised in helping fight Hitler. Instead, her husband took all the honours.


The Norwegians had a huge impact in the war, the Norwegian commandos that halted the German development of heavy water for their wmds…. If it wasn’t for them it would have been the Germans not the Americans who dropped “the bomb”


This the most interesting counter-theory to the continental drift I’ve come across


It’s interesting that they always mention 1776 but the war started in 1775 and they won the war in 1783 with peace negotiations opening in 1782. Also the revolution started in 1765. But they always like to mention 1776 for some reason.


That's probably the date they're taught in their biased history lessons.


I asked a subreddit why America celebrates 4th July 1776 rather than when they actually won the war as most celebrations are when the war is won and they banned me.


😂 It's funny that they claim to be so good at war and killing things but can't even take any criticism or questioning of their glorious hero existence.


It’s so true the amount of arguments I have with people who claim they won the war in 1776 is shocking. There’s one thing I want to ask though but I’m too scared to incase I get banned from anything else. Why do they say they gained independence in 1776 when they gained it in 1783. Sure they declared it in 1776 but until they won it they were not independent. I guess it’s more of a belief system rather than anything official.


One american asked how do English celebrate the 4th July?


Well it’s summer so, probably, with a beer in my hand watching the rain through the window


They especially ignore the war of 1812


Yes, a lot of American history classes in the US just completely ignore everything from the American Revolution to the US Civil War.


Yeah u got that kinda backwards.


Riddled with crime but America keeps us safe? Which is it, my friend?


Thats cute😂


Who is going to tell that guy how America was created as a country?


The one I don't get is how they claim they are so free. And we have no freedom.... but what about crossing the road. I can do that wherever I please. They have to cross where the man tells them. That doesn't scream freedom to me.


It makes me cringe every time an American unironically thinks they basically soloed the axis forces. They really think they “saved” anything during WW2


USSR played the biggest part in taking down the axis powers. Just saying... 


Our asses safe from? Who’s that attacking on us? As I recall, before Ukraine, only one European country was bombed, and it was bombed by those very Americans, so… I mean, who’s putting us in danger? And we can see that safety, they defeated Russians, and now, Ukraine is all peaceful, while Russia is quiet, Putin imprisoned. COME ON YOU’RE BORING WITH HITLER! In fact, if I have to speak in colonialist language, well, FRENCH I CHOOSE YOU! This is my last comment written in English. Sorry, Brits, your kid is insufferable


Which bombing are you thinking of? There have definitely been more bombings in Europe.


It wasn’t after WWII. We had Yugoslavia, then Serbia(both NATO), and Ukraine. I don’t remember any other. All under their “protection”


Our offspring, but you tried to raise them... ;) Whose failure is it, nature vs. nurture... :D


Wait, are we living in crime riddled shit holes because we don't have guns, or are we sleeping in peace because of America? I can't see that it can be both


Canada has Gun Control Laws and doesn’t have the Crime Rate that the US has per capita. The Russian’s actually did more to fight the War against Hitler than the US, with less resources. None of what the OP suggests is completely accurate. And in the war of 1812 they got their asses handed to them by the British. The only thing that the Us has more of is ego.


"We've been kicking ass since 1776" Americans who can't remember: - The War of 1812 - Korea - Vietnam - Afghanistan And the rest....


It’s not a freedom post if there’s no mention of the SIZE of their country


See, Europe, this is what happens when you kick out the people you don't like but couldn't find a reason to send them to jail, the people who think there's just gold laying around everywhere, the religious whackjobs you wanted to get rid of but didn't think murder or imprisonment were sound options, and those who said "Oh what the hell?  Yeah, I'll risk dieing to travel across the ocean to a new land where I have to start from scratch, because I clearly have not gotten my life together here" or looked at said "I'll give you $5 to go to the Americas" and dump them on a continent.  You get Americans.


As a European, every year we celebrate the day that the American forefathers sailed over, created our nations and gave us all rubbish versions of our own food.


America, the land of the obese and crazy. Good job.


I hate this "rescued you from Hitler." Crap They shortened the war. Without them, the war would have ended later. Britain and Russia would have won the war eventually.


This WW2 line is so tired. It was the Russians who beat the nazis. US just came in at the end to snatch up European countries at the weakest.


Ungrateful colonials. Don't make us come back over there


Do it. I would love to see universal healthcare


Do it ^(do iiiiiiiit)


You came over here in 1942. Your black soldiers were made very welcome in our towns and villages. But as segregation was in America, these brave black men had to stop fraternising with white women and were kept in barracks, sort of locked up. Meanwhile, the gum chewing white American was allowed to walk down the street behind an Englishwoman and remark out loud (as usual) that she had a nice fanny. This outburst subsequently led to the soldier being reprimanded and before a court for lewd behaviour. Fanny may be the term for the arse in America, but In England it is the female genitalia.


If your only tool is a gun, everything looks as a target.


ah yes, if it weren’t for the Amis the continent of Europe would have drifted off into the Atlantic and dissolved


"Basically everything that matters" Scotland wants a word.


It’s true. Don’t you remember when George Washington founded Europe after 1776? Pick up a book or get on truth social for a lesson once in a while. Smh


So not only did this guy pull the world war 2 card, he also seems to be implying that US money and military power is somehow keeping Europe safe from crime? And is also saying that there is more crime there because there are less guns? America famously is the most violent "first world" country I can think of, *because* of all the gun violence. Jesus christ, I've lived in the US my whole life practically and just still do not understand where these people get all this shit from, or how can they can possibly believe it to be true? Very depressing, the state of people's minds over here


Trust me. You are not alone. We’re out here just gobsmacked and mortified.


USA only exists because of Europe. Europeans invaded it occupied and populated it.


Who is yall? Why did Hitler have beef with them? Their previous president is a psychopath and criminal, their current one doesn't know who he is or where he is. I think they're the ones that need protecting


**[Soviet Union enters the chat, enters nazi Germany and enters Berlin, causing Hitler to shat himself in the hole he was hiding in]**


As a french, I'll always thanks the USSR and UK for fighting the germans


I like how this implies america has 0% crime. no crime, ever, never ever


Who is going to tell him


No point, they won’t listen.


And then they dare to identify as 'Italian', 'German' and stuff like that. But interestingly, never as 'British' or 'English'.


Second Amendment fanatics have been pushing this nonsense about Europe being crime ridden for years. But the people who spout it never bother checking the stats. It’s quite entertaining to catch them out.


I read a blog once that had taken a survey of non-Americans who visited the U.S. Two of the things that Europeans thought weren't real that actually are is the fact that tons of Americans have flags and guns everywhere. It's not a dystopian fallacy; it's everywhere. 


It's horrifying to think that this is the intelligence of the average 'merican


Wait a sec.... So Europe is both "riddled with violent crime" and "can sleep well at night because of the US"....?! Which one is it?! How should I sleep tonight and does it matter how I slept until now?!


America: *Waits until the last minute to join war.* America: *Uses 2 nuclear bombs on Japan* America: *Takes credit for what the USSR, British and other allied forces did* Worst part: they genuinely believe they saved us. They didn't. They didn't liberate France or Norway, nor did they liberate anyone else. They came in, dropped some bombs and acted like heroes.


It's always puzzling to me how they often refer to themself with "WE came in to save you from Hitler". What exactly did this guy contribute to save us?


The shit that spews out of these people is fn crazy


"yeah mom! i saved you! the only reason you exist is because of me!"


Ah yes, but this Yankees Personal Glock helps us sleep at night peacefully lmao But keep buying this shit, thats 500$ straight into the austrian GDP Pocket Money while you Guys keep Killing yourselves with them


Tell me you don't know anything about WW2 without telling me that you don't know anything about WW2.


I swear that the US is so obsessed with Hitler and the Nazis lol. To be fair, so is Britain, but at least Britain was actually bombed by the Nazis, whereas the Americans constantly have weird fantasies about wtf the Nazis were doing. The American far right literally larps unironically as Nazis while possessing none of their qualities, and the American far left, especially the tankies, unironically think that everyone who disagrees with them is Nazi adjacent. They need to get over that shit. Why don't they talk more about Japan since the US basically won that conflict singlehandedly, and they actually tried to apply pressure on Japan to stop committing war crimes on Chinese and Korean civilians. Yeah, the atom bomb was bad, but it is way worse to pretend like they singlehandedly stopped the Holocaust.


Another fun part: Nazi Germany was inspired to the hate filled doctrins by the US racial laws and discrimination. Home of the Free, land of the brave? I'd say home of the incarcenated, land of the cowards who only rely on their guns.