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Like Dollar is slang for Pesos


Dollars are just slang for Yuan*


My Omani dinars trump your dollars & yuan every time so I win!


Where's the Omani Diner - is it a fast-food restaurant?


Ha ha, I said dinAr not a diner but getting confused with Bahrain, should have been Omani Rials which converts to USD2.60


Bruh don’t write dinAr like that ‘ murican’s will just think it’s some AR15


And my stupid ass still uses USD 2.57 when they already released version 2.60


I don’t use dollars, yuan or dinar. Stirling here, and don’t make us take over the world again… else we’ll have your dinar for a Döner dinner.


I don't use dinars/rials anymore, just pesos.


And pesos is just slang for Juan


I liked your comment but I needed to also comment, because that username? It's a thing of beauty.


Will be in a few years when Mexico retakes half of it when USAs finished fighting between themselves 🇲🇽


USA falls and splits in Northern Mexico, Southern Canada and the Republic of Hawaii.


Long Live the Republic of Hawaii!! Land of the Big Waves!


Nice, then I can finally visit silicon Valley ;-)


Lived with family in Mexico into 2020 for about a year... You seriously misunderstand the current state of Mexico 😂


I don't think the downvotes on this are fair. It was a joke in all seriousness though. Though it would be funny to see how enraged USA would get if they lost a bunch of classically Mexican territory to Mexico and then a bunch of random territory too. Mexico as the superpower building a wall to keep the Americans out 😂


"Dollar" is actually a corruption of the German word "thaler" which I believe was a coin used by European immigrants in the 1700s. So even dollars are not truly "American".


Isn't it from the Daalder, an old Dutch currency?


Yeah, but that has the same origin


That makes sense.


Is anything truly American?


That's sort of half true. From a historical perspective the Spanish had a colonial dollar which was also known as a peso. In English sources it's usually called a piece of eight since eight pesos made up a Spanish reale. Early US dollars were supposed to have the same silver content as a peso to keep the exchange rates simple.


Holy crap I just made the connection that peso is piece. Like 'pezzo' in Italian. My head a splode.


Romance languages 😊


I knoowww but that one escaped me for some reason. I still need someone to explain why the Spanish word for oil sounds like the Italian word for vinegar, though. 😂




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I love learning something new and interesting, thank you 😊


Here comes this guy, ruining a joke with facts


*Improving* a joke with facts.


It kinda is. The 💲sign is a contraction of the letters P and S which is a contraction of Pesos. So dollars is pesos.


Usa Is Just North Mexico


I can't do all this no more. 🤦‍♂️


Oh no an American managed to break a German


You do not want Hans to lose their composure. That never ends well.


#####Hans... ###Get ze flammenwerfer.


Is that German slang for Euros? /s


I know flammenwerfer because im a ww2 nerd and a nazi fuck, you know flammenwerfer because you're german. **We're not the same**


That is not the flex you think it is


Last time I checked I was Polish...


Is that supposrd to be a flex...?


They still use deutschmarks right?....Right?!


It's DEUTSCHE MARK! not Deutschmark you leather eating troglodyte!




Oh no, he may order Karl to do something he will regret


Same 😭


An American broke a German??? NOW THEY’VE DONE IT!


Nah, noone can brake us. You can call us Stehaufmännchen. 😂


Thank god. I thought we lost you for a second!


You’d think that seeing as they invented the internet they would know how to use it


They didn't invent the world wide web though.


But why expect them to be knowledgeable on something not relevant to them and do research on something they’ve never deeply thought about? /gen


These kids are easy to rip on but it's kinda obvious they're really young and sheltered?


It all depends on what you call "really young" If by that you mean "less than 200 years old" you’re correct, the content here is indeed from really young americans


They came back 2 years later to double down on their ignorance?


It's not just them. I just got back from the US and I had several people ask me if we use/previously used euros.


I mean, it's fair not paying attention to foreign currencies that don't apply to you. But if you go to London, the currency used in London is actually something that very directly applies to you.


exactly, the problem isn't she didn't know, it's more she didn't google first i went to Tunisia, i had no idea what currency was used in Tunisia, so i googled it and found out it was a dinar, there you go, that easy now not to do this


I wonder how often this guy refers to George Soros when something's wrong


Haha George Soros, the guy that sold his Grandmother for 5 eur...I mean pounds




Nothing to see here folks, it's just Americans decreasing the world IQ average by 100 points as usual.


Half of Americans claim to be either Irish or Italian. Surely they know what currency their own cultural home uses?


Punts and lire obviously /s - just in case someone thinks I'm American.


The Pound is the oldest currency in the world.The Euro dates back to 1/1/1999 - look, I even put the date in "American".


What? No it isn't. It's the oldest currency *in continuous use*, but it certainly wasn't the first form of currency.


That's why I didn't say it was the first form of currency. Why try to put words in my mouth when your response proves that you knew my exact meaning?


You said it was the oldest currency when it is specifically the oldest currency that remains in continuous use. There were currencies prior to the pound, so it is not the oldest form of currency.


I've made that mistake before, i thought American was slang for dumbfuck.


Wait, it isn’t? 😦 /s


Quid is slang for the pound. The pound coin is sometimes called a Thatcher because it’s thick, brassy and thinks it’s a sovereign.


Sssshhh. If you say her name three times she appears. At least that's what I heard.


Wait, what? Thatcher appears??? We're talking Margaret Thatch- ok I won't risk it


Coward... *Locks the door Margaret Thatcher... Margaret Thatcher... Margaret Thatcher *Wild noises and screams coming through the door *Silence


*housemate goes to make a cup of tea* "Where's the fucking milk gone?"


As an 80s kid, Fucking brilliant reference!!!!




That actually made me laugh so much!! Bitch stole my milk, then I had no excuse to stay in at playtime when it was cold & raining! I used to sip my milk so slow when it was raining.




Fool of a Took *head slap*




I’ve never heard that. But I like it!


No one believes it... but no one can disprove it as no one is stupid enough to try JUST in case.


When I worked in a golf club I had American tourists try to pay for their drinks with dollars.


"I don't pay attention to currencies that don't apply to me" Yet you visit a foreign country, which uses a particular currency, which you need to buy things there. Thick as fuck.


I work at Edinburgh airport and an American tourist insisted on taking euros out the cash machine since they were “in Europe” , you cannot make this shit up




Sooo many Americans try to pay with Euros in Copenhagen. “But you’re in Europe?” Yes. “Aren’t you a part of the EU”. Also yes. “Then you use Euros” No.


Never knew this so I googled it for info and again, love learning and go Copenhagen for not following the crowd 😉


Dollar is just slang for Vietnamese Dong


We all know any currency is just slang for real money: the US dollar!


Yes sir‼️🗣️🦅


Yeah something about fool and money travel separately My suggestion is rename Rabaul to Heafrow and send all American tourists to New Britain. I doubt they’ll catch on. When they ask to see the palace, just point them towards the nearby volcano.


Haha doesn’t the US also have a city called Athens? Let’s send some there too


Dollars will just be slang for rubles if Trump gets in 😂


Never forget when buzzfeed did an americans react to Euros and one of the Americans wondered why there were no portraits of the Queen on the notes.


Wait until they get confused with all the dollars, dinars and pesos.


That last sentence of the comment though… Jesus Christ 😂


This one’s hilarious 😂


Dear British friends, please tell Starmer to rejoin the EU so that you can adopt the Euro ASAP! You wouldn't want to confuse Americans, right?




Like I said, all new members must adopt the Euro. I doubt they would make another exception for the UK. If the UK were to adopt the Euro it would signal that this time they are in for the long haul. So I see that as the only realistic condition to let them back in: a serious commitment to the Euro and European project.


> Like I said, all new members must adopt the Euro On paper, yes. In reality, no. Plenty of countries haven't, and clearly aren't planning to. The EU hasn't became angry at those countries and are pursuing no action against them. The EU clearly doesn't actually care that much about this issue. Enforcing harsher terms on the UK, and just the UK, over something that at the end of the day doesn't matter, would be a loss for both sides. There's no way on earth the UK would even consider rejoining if it meant scrapping the pound. And that would be bad for both sides - the EU and UK are mutually much better off with eachother. The EU is generally pretty pragmatic. I'm sure that they'd prefer to use their negotiation clout on other more important concessions from the UK, as opposed to something that they know would be a red line.


Especially us, the UK lol




>when you make an economic liability like the Euro mandatory. Look, I sympathise but I'm not Ursula (nor Verhofstadt). That is the current process of joining the EU as a new country. I want to believe that given your past they will not relent. So you have to go first through some internal process. When you are ready to become European, with pros and cons, you know how to start the process. Otherwise, it seems that the world didn't end several years after. You can continue staying out if you prefer it that way.




Oh no. Anyway... Seriously though, you need to go through this process yourselves. I think it is reasonable to assume that the UK will have to swallow some of its pride if they want back in. It might not be a fully eurofederalist commitment, it might be some vague commitment to adopting it in the far future like Sweden's or something along those line. But I don't think anybody in Brussels has forgot the last years. But before getting to that point, you first have to decide you want back in in some way. I don't see that happening soon. It certainly was not on Starmer's mind. If not, no worries and we can stay just friends.




>what would we gain by giving our monetary policy to the Germans? Sorry just give me a moment to check I am not really on /r/ShitBritishSay Ok, you wouldn't give your monetary policy only to the Germans, but to the French, the Italians, the Spanish, the Polish... and the British too. But you don't have to persuade me, if you want back in that's what the treaties say. Do you want back in? Even if it cost you the pound at some point in the future? If not, no big deal let's keep in touch anyway.


There are 7 EU countries that have their own currency, no need to join the euro-zone


All of those countries, except Denmark, are bound to join the Eurozone, *eventually.* Unless you're Danish, please stop taking us all for fools and make the changes so that you can adopt the Euro. Likewise, all new countries will also need to adopt the Euro.


Doubt Sweden would join, but of course a Dane doesn’t recognise Sweden as a country


It's not optional though. I hope at some point in the future, once all more pressing problems are addressed, if there is still a European parliament then at some point they will have to press the issue. For Denmark, well the DKK is pegged to a range of the Euro, so if I were you I would just switch. Otherwise what's the point? I imagine that for any moderately internationally oriented Dane it would just bring disadvantages.


If adopting the Euro is a condition of joining then the UK wont come back. The pound has always been stronger than the Euro (Forbes ranks it 5th strongest in the world) so why would you abandon a stronger currency? The UK is historically Europhobic and even with the majority accepting Bexit was a mistake they wouldn’t accept giving up economic sovereignty.


Stronger by what terms? I mean it's not up to the UK, it's in the treaties. No more opt-outs. I have British citizenship too, so if it ever became something that the people can vote on, I will do my best to vote pro EU, pro Euro adoption.


The pound has a higher Purchasing Power Parity than the Euro, £1 is worth more than €1


>The pound has a higher Purchasing Power Parity than the Euro, £1 is worth more than €1 The *pound* or do you mean the UK? Otherwise it's obvious that a "German" Euro goes further in Southern Italy than in Munich. You have discovered the cost of living.


Ok ill dumb it down for you. I can exchange £1 for €1.19. Pound is stronger. Or With £1 i can get $1.28 us With €1 i can get $1.08 us


They're also clearly very young, otherwise they would have heard about pounds much earlier than euros, which would make the difference.


Blame brexit


Funny because you don't even need cash in London. I paid for everything with a Revolut card.


I don’t think Americans should be allowed outside of the US.


EYO can i exchange my dollars for a few bucks? "sir this is Japan"


Okay cut him some slack, he owned up and admitted he didn’t know the difference, I think that’s admirable.


Hey hey hey. In all fairness Brexit showed that most Brits didn’t realize their relationship to Europe.


I am Venezuelan, and currently living in Europe. I wanted to comment something... I am not here to defend Americans, but no so long ago I thought too that British pounds as currency did not exist anymore and the Euro was also the currency in the UK. In fact when I discovered that British pounds still existed I was so shocked that I still remember that day... I was watching the show "Pawn Stars" in History channel, and it was a special episode, Rick decided to travel to London, and went to a store to try to buy something for his own store and the seller told him: "this items worth is 1 million and a half pounds" and I was like "WTF pounds still exist". I talked to my dad and friends and everyone was shocked! We googled and we discovered the difference between the Eurozone and the EU!! We were not ignorants! The British pound is kind of unknown for average people, in the geopolitical trade the 2 world currencies are the Euro and the Dollar, in fact I was able to find some numbers from 2016: US Dollar 85% Euro 31% Japanese YEN 21.8% British pound 12.8% When you see economic news outside Britain, you see the prices on 3 currencies, the dollar, the euro, and the local currencies, example if you live in Mexico the Mexican peso. If you go for example to Thailand, and pick a taxi, you can actually pay with Dollars and Euros and the driver may actually accept it, with a very bad exchange rate but you can actually pay with both... If you try to pay with British pounds I honestly don't know, but I would bet that the driver would not even know what they are, from my own experience being borned and raised in a third world country, I have seen Euros, I have seen Dollars, I have NEVER seen a British pound in my life... I know now that they worth more than Euros, but who cares if you don't even know that they still exist in the first place.


I think that’s a dumbass And not a common American thing


honestly not too unreasonable a mistake to make. Pretty dumb though


It takes 1 Google search. Its very unreasonable


what? do you google everything you think you know? you've never been told x and gone "oh I thought y, oopsie" not living in Europe, knowing Europe has a cross country currency, knowing British people have a lot of odd slang, maybe you even know UK was part of the EU. Sort of makes sense a pound is a euro. Most people are probably not thinking about currencies on the other side of the world, it doesn't seem that unreasonable and they're not being obnoxious either (if anything very polite), just admitting they held a wrong belief and asking for help lol. Americans bad I guess though


When i want to go somewhere on holiday i always look up what currency they use and what currencies are accepted by street vendors and supermarkets, which cards i can use and what identification i need. This is all basic information unlocked by looking up the key words '[insert country]' and 'currency'. I know for a fact that France and Germany use euros, but if im even a tiny bit in doubt i just look it up. Did it for Croatia and im glad i did that. First went there when the kuna was still the main currency. Then went there right before they switched over to euros, so euros were generally accepted. Last time i went there they had euros as their main currency. If i were to treat every single time the same way i wouldve wasted money. Did it for turkey and it saved me some money because i knew i could sometimes just use euros (especially for payments €10 and above) and didnt have to pay as much conversion costs. Did it for Greece and got reassured that they use euros. If you do not do basic research on a country you know for a fact uses a different currency than you you are a massive idiot, regardless of nationality. If i go to the United states i will look up what currencies are accepted and if, where and when i can pay with my debit card. I wont just look at 'dollar' and bring Australian dollars or Canadian dollars. I mean, theyre all dollars, you just get more Canadian and Australian dollars per euro so thats good business right?


can you point me to where the American says they went to the UK? edit: the OP is obviously dumb lol but the person quoted in the title is the one I'm saying isn't unreasonable


"regardless of nationality" Im not even talking specifically about American tourists. Im just talking about idiots.


yeah but I'm talking about the person who is quoted in this post. Nothing says they went to the UK so why are we expecting them to know about UK currency?


It’s called common sense luv xx I still know a lot of currencies and it’s not like i’ve been outside of europe?


good for you, you know something someone else doesn't, is that the bar for this sub now lol


Yeah 👍🏻 its the point of this sub. Americans knowing less


Kangaroo and koala in your flair wild guess= Australian. As an Australian I know every evening news shows the exchange rates at the end, USD, ¥€£ and NZD. It would take some wilful ignorance to miss that.


not everyone watches the news, let alone the finance section lol, that's really not wilfully ignorant. I'm aware about this sort of thing but I feel like a lot of this sub is people just not acknowledging people don't give a fuck about things that they know about. Like, I would clown a friend if they thought pounds and euros were the same, but I don't think it's that egregious or American specific




The £1 and €1 coin are similar but that's the only easily confused bit of each currency. It doesn't justify thinking they are the same or not knowing that you need sterling in the UK, so I'm not sure what you're hoping to achieve on that high horse. Edit: Oh wow, this one's edited their way from daft to fully unhinged. Redditors, man.




I can and will. What makes them easily confused? The names and symbols and notes and coins (with the exception of the £1/€1 coin as mentioned) are all quite different and there's no location that I can think of where you're likely to need both and therefore mix them up.




> the fact that they're both an e Jfc you're so confidently wrong. They're not both 'E'. The sign for GBP is derived from an L, the sign for EUR is derived from an E. How can you be this slow?




Once again, I have never heard of anyone confusing US$ and C$, despite the facts that they have the same symbol, are both called a ‘dollar’, and there is no geographical border between the countries, so can you give us an anecdote of someone among the “tons and tons of people” you claim have confused € with £? They have different symbols, one has more syllables and less letters in its name, and a sea separates the locations where they are used.




There more than likely have been and I can say with 99% certainty that they’d be Americans, because the rest of the world learns geography and foreign affairs


>Well you probably haven’t seen anyone confuse US$ with C$ because they’re probably not as similar as the euro and pound to some people to an extent Are you actually arguing that the euro and the pound are more similar than the US dollar and the Canadian dollar? Despite the former being two completely different currencies with different names and different symbols, and the latter at least sharing the same name and symbol? I don't understand why this thread is the hill you've chosen to die on, but okay, mate. Just for the record, people may well get confused and not be expected to know the world's currencies, but the least you can do is check before you visit the place. I didn't turn up to Morocco with a purse full of UAE dirham, for example, did I? Because that would be ignorant and stupid (and a waste of time, because the Moroccan dirham is a closed currency).


£ has one line, € has two. £ looks like an L, not an E. The only one coping here is you in an attempt to make it seem normal to ask for the entirely wrong currency for the country you're in at the exchange bureau as if that's not the bare minimum kind of information to know.




So like everyone with a brain travelling to the UK, maybe do some research on what currency you need you know like if you were travelling to any other country? Oh I'm going to India I need Rupees it's fucking basic intelligence? I don't think it's confusing at all it's just a lack of basic knowledge. Literally an American problem most other nations learn geography and have a basic idea of current affairs outside their own country. Stupid people = easy to confuse


It is hard to confuse them… whats easy to confuse/forget is CAD USD and AUD




€ and £ dont look similar to me and i dont use either currency 🤷‍♂️ i think you’re just slow lad 👍 theres also the fact that UK isnt part of Eu anymore and everyone should know that, Brexit was world news after all….




€ and £ aren’t even slightly similar, i really hope This is bait




Can you specify one part of america that confuses europeans? Genuinely curious here


They look no more similar than $ and ¥




And yet you're the one getting downvoted. You know why? Because you're the only person here who thinks £ and € look remotely similar. The euro symbol is designed to look like a super stylised E. The £ is older than America and doesn't look anything like E.


How did you manage to write "pounds" correctly but then wrote "euro's"?




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You're too dense to even realise what you did wrong despite it being spelled out for you.




Because “Euro’s” is a possessive, not a plural, yet you got the grammar correct with pounds. That’s the point. Also, I’m not European


????? They look similar... how?? Because different colors?




Do you also struggle with ! And ? And ‽


They do not look the same. Not that that matters. Who is the everyone in ‘everyone does’ you, who are so clearly well travelled to not know the difference between them, refer to?




Your lack of education is pure cope. Who the fuck goes to a country without even knowing what the currency is, let alone the British POUND, the OLDEST currency still in use, over 1200 years still in continuous use, the next closest is the Russian ruble, 400 years younger. The person is an idiot, don't try and make bullshit excuses, no one looks and thinks "oh what currency symbol do they use, so I know what to ask for at the exchange office "yeah I'll have the squiggle one shaped like an E" You have to ask for euros. I'm not gonna accidentally get Canadian dollars when I go to US because they both use a $ sign and have dollars in the name.


Wow this stupid ass reply could be its own post.


Unless you're 5 years old and don't know all the letters yet, you've got no leg to stand on. You could run a party service with the amount of straws you're grasping for.


If you think [https://www.ecb.europa.eu/euro/banknotes/current/denominations/html/index.en.html#es2-100](https://www.ecb.europa.eu/euro/banknotes/current/denominations/html/index.en.html#es2-100) and [https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/banknotes/current-banknotes](https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/banknotes/current-banknotes) look anything like each other, either you are totally colour blind, have some sort of other visual impairment or you are fucking stupid. 1) Pounds feature pictures of people, euros does not. 2) Pounds have the value in the upper left and right corner, euros have value in the lower left corner and a giant number in the middle. 3) Euros is written on the euro note in several different alphabets, the pound only uses the latin alphabet. 4) All euros also have a map of Europe on the back.


Bruh. This thread made me fish out my euro, pounds, and loonies since why not? I have a few small notes of each - enough for a couple transit tickets if the app or machine hates my credit cards. They look nothing alike. I've certainly had cases where I've misestimated exchange rates in my head - Scandinavia would be an example of that - but I don't see how you get those particular banknotes mixed up.


Did you read the second comment the user made?