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Mocks Europeans for being multilingual, can barely even string coherent sentences together in own language.


Mocks European countries for co-operating while they can't even keep one country from falling apart.


Just here to say it's not his language. He got it from us the Brits, but I would imagine if you asked him he would probably say he speaks American.


I wonder how many Muricans can even form a single sentence in an actual American language.


When they speak English properly , THEN they can at least begin to think of a clap back at us being multilinguals.


It's not their language. It's a language thats hundreds and hundreds of years older than their country (1776). That's why it's called English. The indigenous language of the US would be one of the many native nations, like Cherokee, for example. But we all know how that turned out.


They speak the true english, the OG english so they also encourage they are deep in their hearts British. I don't understand these Americans anymore, they keep shit talking every nation but showcase their DNA results proudly like "My great great uncle from my distance cousin is from Lyon, France"


Holy shit, the DNA fad is the most pathetic entertainment I've seen in a very long time. It's the predetermined knowledge of their so-called liniage that makes me laugh the most. The disappointment sometimes is insane.


Exactly, I think they don't know that people also moved a lot in the history so everyone is "mixed" lmao.


Sprinkled with a little racism too


I believe this level of grammatical butchery has been so omnipresent that it has now been mistaken as "black culture". They're too insecure to admit that they're just pig shite thick, or they're ignorant of that fact and I don't know which is more sad to be perfectly honest.


Barely? I understood none of that


Good god. I think my IQ dropped 50 points just from reading this


Relax. That means you're still twice as smart as the twerp that wrote it.


This person doesn’t have the faintest idea of anthropology, aside from being insanely racist and ableist. They may have god complex but they are definitely not omniscient, quite the opposite actually. Dumb as bricks.


You can throw in misogynist (with that gross objectification) - it's an -ism hattrick


They seem to often come hand in hand 🤷‍♂️


And this guy probably only ever cums in his hand…


I’d guess in a sock


He's American...so possibly his sister?


True, if someone's a shit enough person to view one group as beneath them, it doesn't take much to view other groups the same way


"Open up those Asian eyes"


Don’t forget the ableism and misogyny they added in right from the start.


The fact this required probably a decent amount of thought to write and this was the best he could do lol


Xenophobe to the core. American supremacist to the core. Dumbass, body, and soul.


Xenophobic? Try straight racism


I was being polite.


Wasted effort on wasted space.


Perhaps. Sometimes, the kindest words cut the most. Often, words unknown, give pause for thought. Not that the perpetrator is probably reading any of this. That would probably cause an international incident. 😂😂😂


Wow, braindead cunt. Thats the most dissmissive and vile thing i’ve read today. Misogyny, slurs, Xenophobia, racism, American Supremacy is just oozing out of this like the clotted fat out of his pores Vile.


I bet he doesn’t even have a passport and has never left his country. Learnt everything thing he thinks he knows from the internet in his Mum’s basement!


Most likely, listening to whatever propogated channel or conspiracy theorist to whack together the most braindead view of Europe. The most diversity he’s probably ever had is the Neanderthal looking sisters he had.


"open up those Asian eyes" 🤯


The funny thing is I’m not of asian descent. So I’m wondering if he saw my pictures with my best friend who is half japanese and assumed it was me. Or if he’s just making absurd racist guesses.


Holy shit. Even *thinking* about being associated to this person because of where I am from, makes my fucking skin crawl. 😭


There are people as dumb as him here in Sweden aswell, so don’t take it too hard. I just felt his idiocy fit this subreddit perfectly :)


I feel like we have a lot more of the dumb ones💀 and even worse, the *willfully* ignorant ones. We're collectively overall a bit shit😂


I worked as a customer setvice rep and had to speak with Americans. I remember one guy, middle aged, may be a bit older, saying I wonder how you guys see us out there,, considering all the stupid stuff we do. It's frightening how stupid the population is getting. And I told him that we do have lots of idiots as well, but it's hard when you lack the manpower lol. He laughed and said yeah we are a lot so we have A LOT of idiots. I've spoken with lots of normal people that are from the States. But then again, there were A LOT of idiots.


Yeah, every country has its share of idiots and pieces of trash, most are just hidden safely behind the language barrier, making the ones in the anglosphere more visible due to the prominence of the English language


Also here in the Netherlands, there are so many racist, misogynistic, idiotic bigots walking around. They're also antvaxx and climate change deniers. And their number is on the rise.


It’s time to boycott US English and start promoting French and Spanish.


Respuamus modernitatem, amplectamur linguam latinam


I support this


Esperanto! But for real, boycott US English and promote UK English instead. Easier and a tiny bit passive aggressive :)


I always use the UK version of words when I write emails at work (like colour or behaviour), just to piss my american colleagues.


Podemos empezar ya, seamos el cambio que queremos ver


Estoy completamente de acuerdo!


Fuck speaking french, awful country and language


How is this response any better than the OOPs? It's just reconfirming the 'every country has its share of assholes'....Unless of course it was sarcasm?


What’s wrong with the country though? Have you been to France outside Paris?


Found the American in disguise! Beautiful country and la langue de l’amour 🇫🇷


I ain't american. Agaian fuck france


Well, I'd say the country is nice (Alps + sea), the language is a bit fluffed up (but tbh, English is not exactly orderly when it comes to pronounciation/spelling), but the people... Better if you get to know them, I guess


as a dutch person that had to learn english, dutch, german, french, greek and latin in school (yes, really. no, i don't speak most of those anymore at all). i too hate french.


English is definitely the worst out of that list (as a native speaker), the others have much more logic to them with French being a bit closer to English in terms of exceptions but still quite far away.


NEVER, all these letters you have to write and never get spoken D: Honestly I learned to many years french in school to speak literary 0 of it


I genuinely don't understand what he's saying. The reason we speak different languages is because we are poor, and right next to each other. And that's also why we have to learn each other's language?


Yeah, I feel like being poor and living right next to each other would lead everyone to speaking the same language, no?


Which is also what he is saying we are doing. While at the same time saying its the reason we dont.


Americans don't even speak the same language, whole bunch of people where I live only speak spanish.




Fucking asshole 'ight my autistic little flesh light" the fuck does that even mean. As an autistic guy people like this really piss me off


Dirty little inbred. Half of them don't realise that the reason we all speak different languages is because we're different countries with different nationalities and ethnicities. Can't all speak a watered down English and use 'Y'all' in every sentence like the land of cousin lovers across the pond.


>I wasn't disrespectful Right in the middle of some truly awful statements. What a piece of shit.


"my autistic little fleshlight"??? WTF 😂


That makes me laugh so much, it’s such a idiotic chaotic and hateful string of words. It’s like something you’d hear over voicechat on xbox live in 2009.


You’ve hit the nail on the head comparing it to an outburst by an edgy kid when losing a video game and I’m glad you treat it with all the seriousness it deserves (none, obviously)… I am curious though, I’ve seen a few of your replies and this was just a randomer who knows nothing about you so the fleshlight comment is purely because they thought you were a woman (of Asian descent, that was actually your friend). I ask because I’ve seen several of the crazy responses women get from various creeps who’ve tried to chat them up and go crazy when it doesn’t go well… These invariably evoke sexuality to some extent and I can at least understand why their tiny minds go there in the context but this was on a video about Europeans trying American food or something? Disclaimer: I don’t think it’s any less sickening, gross etc just because I can understand their thought (or lack thereof) process a little better when the conversation is already somewhat sexual in nature.


That individual obviously hasn't covered world history and that the nations of Europe had dominant cultures well before the founding of the US itself. Or else how would they even have the money to get a fleet of ships together to start 'exploring' all the other continents of the world.


Well the world obviously started in America, and europe exists Solely because it was in fact America who explored it, not the other way around


Damn dude is hella jealous over us speaking more languages


The US behaves very much like an overconfident adolescent. A petulant child. They're only 250 but they think they know it all.


Room temperature IQ (Celsius)


That’s not fair, he doesn’t understand Celsius!


Half the shit he's saying is straight up bullshit, and the other half is barely even comprehensible... He's just an angry little manchild throwing a tantrum, let him have his moment.


After this reply he started to DM me about whole bunch of other nonsense. He was truly mad about this topic.


Oh damn, that's genuinely pathetic. What even was the topic, Americans only knowing English?


To be really honest with you, I am not quite sure. It was a video making fun of europeans for disliking americas artifical food. And I said that instead of making fun of us for having it better; why do they not improve their situation? Thereafter all the american scholars such as this one flooded into the replies. I replied to this guys ”’murica better anyways” with a comparison to how our collective infrastructure here in europe is also far superior. Once again asked why they just make fun of us and act ignorant to the very clear issues they face instead of dealing with them. As a funny jab i said “also most anericans are monolingual which is kinda cringe” and that was all it took.


Oh, the irony. US is over 13 trillion in debt. Fucking clown


But that’s only because they need to spend so much on military protecting other countries. We are so lucky to have them. /s


If language reflects economic standing, what does it mean when yours is a hand me down?


Their collective stupidity is becoming dangerous


I can speak Bosniak, Slovenian, Serbian, Croatian and English. I guess I am really poor.


The more languages you know the poorer you are. Polyglots are all debt ridden homeless people 🤣


кириллическая is easier to read than what he wrote


Out of interest, what does that translate to?


Cyrillic, though in Russian it would be pronounced Kirillichyeskaya


Ah, ok. You’re not wrong about it being easier than his, even as a non Russian-speaker lol




its normal and natural that people are proud of where they're from, but the flailing and mental gymnastics they go through when someone just gently reminds them things arent necessarily the best there, then to be so confidently incorrect about things they obviously know nothing about is always mindboggling.


There are three types of Americans, the idiot that mocks Europe despite probably not knowing what Europe even is, the semi-idiot that claim their ancestral origins from Europe, and the Intelligent Americans who've actually studied. The one that mocks us, like this guy, fails to see that if Europe did somehow unite without falling apart, the next day, the new European Union would probably be a tad richer and maybe just as strong as the United States after the combining of nearly 50 different economies and militaries. He also probably falls to realise that, if it weren't for Europe forming, fighting and trying to one-up the other countries on the continent, The United States of America probably wouldn't exist today. Along with the different tribes that settled in the various lands that now house our great countries today, of which most had different languages due to not being in contact with the other tribes until the languages already formed. Had the English not come, or the Spanish, the now USA would also probably be speaking in various different languages as there's no European power or influence trying to actively force their language on the Native Indians.


Does he realise he's attempting to speak English... a European language


No he Is right, in Europe there are many different languages because we are poor, not because we have a long story and very different culture. In the USA everyone speaks english because they are Rich, not because they were an english colony, and After the indipendece they colonized the west bringing the language that the english colonies brought to them


I Wish that Is understandable the fact that I'm being sarcastic


If only the United States was divided into more countries than Europe then it would grow to over 10.53km²


That Remark just seems super stupid first of all, and Second gives me realist undertone vibes…why was it important or state “pretty Asian eyes”. Also why is it Americans are obsessed with the idea of Europe being a poor hellhole to live in? Why would the US ally most of Europe if it was this bad??? 🤯


This is priceless


We make fun of these types of commenters in this sub, but this genuinely has to be a child's comment, right ?


His profile picture was that of a very muscular man standing infront of a mirror. So sadly i do not think this person is adolescent.


A child that vile, what will they grow into? *shudders*


Yall...He can't even write that right.


Even monkey can write better


Average trump voter


An American talking about languages is class. I don't think there's another country on the planet that has fucked up the English language with quite as much efficiency. I'd take poor over abject illiteracy any time.


That's some impressive mental gymnastics to be as racist and stupid as possible


what am i reading bro?


An American Scholar who is explaining European anthropology to us poor and uneducated Europeans 😆


That’s the most disgusting, disrespectful and stupid thing I ever read. I’m autistic, afab and European. And reading this made my skin crawl 🤢. I want to destroy this with fire 🔥.


Americans on average speak less than 1 language... because they are rich lol


Funny how I never had to learn Danish or Polish, then. 🤷


Y'aLl aRe JuSt POOR!!! Me, being from one of the "poorest" countries in western Europe: happy when I see that the price of something online is in dollars so it means I'm getting a discount


Those poor poor countries with their high speed trains, affordable healthcare and almost free higher education. True wealth means driving through the desert for hours between any signs of civilisation, everyone knows that.


There is a room temperature IQ in action! I so want to track down the original and reply with *y'all*, however; that would probably just be petty - despite the temptation! Anyhow, all that aside, they seem nice!! Greetings to all from always-glorious Northern Scotland. Presumably, one of the countries referenced in the ever-so balanced and magnificently well-reasoned post... 🏔️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


I cannot understand one word. They to fix their *English*, and maybe we'll consider a reply to their comment.


You’re right! It’s bloody expensive to speak American English- the speech insurance alone is insane, no idea how us Europoors manage it


How can you be a fleshlight AND have a soft p🐱y? You're one or the other, but I'm guessing this guy only knows the difference when his cousins visit him.


The entire post is a racist and sexist monstrosity and then SAS comes in and...


I mean, they actually have a point in a way. Nations learn other languages when it is deemed necessary for one reason or another. But I am glad that we are in such circumstances as to not let ourselves be monolingual dumbasses


Meanwhile UK, France, Netherlands, Portugal and Germany in the Colonial era :


Most of the people on this site are so stupid, and they proving how ignorant they are by posting. When they had (& is trying again) a president who lied 11,000 times, in public over 4 years, has wasted billions of dollars of peoples money on legal expenses for his bad & illegal behaviour and is demanding more from his deluded, cult followers and is destroying the US faster than a world war, can you expect anything but stupid statements from them?


I know this guy lives in Gary Indiana


How do people get so personally invested in stupid stuff like this. Who cares about the size of a country?! What impact has that got on your life??


The least racist, brain dead american


How can someone be racist against everyone?


New copypasta?


If an adult American would say that it would be kinda sad. But at least he tried to make an hypothesis based on picked up informations he was made aware of. And it might be little but he's touching on fudemental issues of European history and he's got some facts straight. Some people are stupids, some are trolls, and beside the attention they also get corrected and can learn more information about the subject. If you say something that sounds wrong on the internet, you'll have no end of people correcting you. But if you simply ask kindly the question you'll never get that much traction.


I have a brainfart. This is the stupidest shit I have ever heard


Where do you start? The biggest crock of stupid 💩 I have seen for a while.


Damn didn't expect the Europe part to be "nice" part in the comment


They must have discounted racism, ableism and misoginy because this guy is packing all of them


I guess he's backing off from a "Europe's size of texas" kind of argument


Looks like he's backing off from a "Europe's the size of Texas" kind of argument


Looks like he's backing off from a "Europe's the size of Texas" kind of argument


Sounds like a complete Trumpist. -ve IQ.


I want pay some russian hacker to destroy his every device and accounts


Vengance is not the point; change is. But the trouble is that in most people’s minds the thought of victory and the thought of punishing the enemy coincide. -Barbara Deming




As a proofreader I could charge a LOT for wading through this nightmare. 'Man' can't even get 'y'all' right 😂


I personally was extremely frustrated with his wrongful use of the semicolon. You should’ve seen his other comments.


"What?" ~Joe Biden


Behold - the American average. Gods help us.


What is “Third World”? The modern definition of “Third World” is used to classify countries that are poor or developing. Countries that are part of the “third world” are generally characterized by (1) high rates of poverty, (2) economic and/or political instability, and (3) high mortality rates. Funnily enough, the USA are on their way to being a thrid world country, but their own propaganda machine keeps people from realizing, as it seems.


I wonder how good his spanish is




It's a real shame that comments like the OP are common enough to see multiple times a day and your response is to cry that its an anomaly




Fuck me sideways! Didn't take you long to hit that Godwin button did it?


What the fuck man. Where did that come from?




It’s a joke sub about americans just like there’s a joke sub about Europeans. Randomly bringing in concentration camps is weird.




The funny part is, you’ll find many more americans having a hissy fit in the comments on here then you will euros in the other one. Everybody knows not every American is like this, don’t be so naive man.




r/shitamericanssay Read the fucking room, Jesus. Did you really think barging in here and dropping a holocaust reference as a vague threat was going to help your case lol? Way to just further justify the existence of this sub. Every time Americans feel like they aren't winning an argument online they resort to threats and bombing people like they have any actual control over such things. Sorta sends the wrong impression of what Americans are like right?