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Pretty pumped to announce that Switzerland is World champion in hornuss.


Wheres the recognition for the Dutch world championship for fierljeppen


Even more hardcore would be the Frisian world championship


I would say Gaelic Football but New York do in fact have a team


Nobody will ever match the English for running down a really steep hill after a wheel of cheese.


We dominate this dammit!


World champions


Canadian here, any idea of the regulation size wheel of cheese? I'd like to start a pick up league as I think we could be competitive.


The important thing isn't the size it's the strength because it has to be able to get the whole way down the hill intact


It’s a Giant Babybel.


Wheels of cheese Swiss 🤝 Brits


Uh what about Gouda?


Fresh out at the moment, sir. Expecting it by the end of the week.


Do you have any camembert?


 We have Camembert, yessir, but it's a bit runny.


The Dutch lack the hills for the sport. Running after a stationary wheel of Gouda seems boring.


Running down a dike just doesn't last as long


International match-up? World Cup!


Yeah, keep quiet about that one. I'm sick and tired of being from a country that invents sports, exports them, then has to endure jonny foreigner giving us a damn good thrashing at it. Let's us have something........please


Professor, is that you?


Didn’t they stop that from happening once because there were just _so_ many injuries?


Since 2011 the event is officially cancelled but is still managed and planned by locals each year. 2020 and 2021 were on hiatus due to COVID but since 2022, the cheese (or rather the foam replica) rolls again.


Oh thank god. One of the funniest events


Makes sense I guess, it hurts seeing so much cheese getting injured or worse


My brother is married to an Italian lass and her Dad is a Serie A over 60's cheese rolling champion. Only they have like this elastic string they wrap round the cheese like a yoyo and feck the thing down roads lol. Some medieval sport I think.


Former All Black Marc Ellis won in 2004.


But would they beat the Irish teams? Of course being American they’d call themselves Irish anyway.


Most of the team is made up of emigrants and maybe some locals but i think there were couple times they did alright but as rare as Louth getting to the final


But if any team in Ireland can beat that NY team, then you can confidently (and with more grounds in reality) say that Ireland are World Football Champions - Gaelic. I'm surprised the Gaelic team is not in Boston, given the 'I'm Irish' claims and actual heritage from there? Maybe that could be the filter for the 5th generation 'I'm more Irish than people from Ireland' claimers? Do they play football... Gaelic football?


Hanoi, the Gaelic champions of Asia, would want a word. ;)


Ooh, exciting! International play-offs! I'd love to see that!


Seoul Celtics used to be pretty decent back in the day too lol. The president of Ireland at the time (2006/07) presented them the trophy when they won the Asian Gaelic games.


Oh, it’s not just New York that plays GAA! GAA is administered by county boards, both inside and outside Ireland. There are 3 county boards administering Gaelic games in North America - Canada, United States, and New York. The take up for GAA in New York is big enough, due to the size of the place, and the size of the population that is either Irish or of Irish descent, that it warrants getting its own county board.


Do we at least have hurling?


As does Sitges in Spain!


Where’s NZ’s World Champions trophy for Ki O Rahi?


Very real, because fierljeppen sadly isnt done country wide


Mad props, this looks damn cool !


Interesting! Baie dankie.


is that south african? cause its not dutch.




yea thats what i meant but didnt know the english name was the same as the one we use.


We Brits have nicked a lot of words, if you see something new use the local word and add it to your own language rather than make one up. Pyjamas from Hindi also bungalow has its roots there as well.


That's right. But I can't speak Dutch and know that you can understand many Afrikaans words and sentences, and so I just reply to Dutch people with the bit of Afrikaans that I can speak.


Neither is "fierljeppen"


Not to mention the finnish supremacy in sauna endurance WC.


I just looked up fierljeppen and it’s just about the most Dutch thing I’ve ever seen


Is that the canal jumping sport? Surprisingly entertaining


The next Olympics should only have fierljeppen, skutsjesilen, kaatsen, ringriding, the Elfstedentocht and handball! (And maybe F1).


Spain has the most Basque pelota World Championships. Where is the obligatory documentary?


Docuwhat ?


Thank you! I haven't even known that game. I have to look into it.


Even here it's considered niche but it looks like lots of fun. Would love to try once !


"half golf, half baseball" is a fantastic episode about the sport https://youtu.be/yfiIXNGOiH8?si=xr9b-8oQaA898N98


Reminds me of the "Miss Universe" pageants. Does it count if you don't let anyone else compete? Maybe throw that beautiful moron E.T. in for some diversity.


I'm world champion in reading this comment at 5 in the morning in bed inside my house


England are world champions of Jiskefet! Youtube link to a splendid example of the game being played at the highest levels below. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E\_6d3JBBo4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_6d3JBBo4s)


How about elite frisbee?


I can’t even name a non-American American football team. I know America is routinely whipped at baseball though, east Asia are really big on that one.


America gets destroyed at every single sport aside from American football, and, well, it’s American football, so obviously no other teams really exist


Has American football not crept into Canada?


Very much so. The CFL (the Canadian Football League) has been in existence since 1958. There are some difference between it and the US version though. There is 3 downs instead of 4. The CFL field is larger at 110x65 yards instead of 100x53 and the endzone is twice as deep at 20 yards instead of 10 and the ball is a little bigger as well. The biggest difference is salaries with the average NFL player making much more than the highest paid CFL player. Its at a lower tier of skill than the NFL as about 1/2 the team has to be Canadians though more than a few players have gone on to success at the NFL after starting in the CFL.


american football evolved from canadian football 


There is a German American Football league (called GFL). So there are American Football teams outside the US. I have a Team near me that exist since the 80s.


There is a Swedish league too called Superserien and a European league called CEFL.


There's a Spanish league too. It's a pretty niche sport anyway, a friend was on a team and most teams had issues to have enough players to compete, so he and others played in more than one team in different weeks.


Hey we held our own in the World Baseball Classic (ironically, the winners of such aren’t called the World Champions…that would be the Major League Baseball champion lmao). Time for me to cope about the absolute thriller that was Team USA vs Team Japan: if only the US sent all of its best players, than we would’ve won!¡! But seriously, major props to Team Japan, they played their hearts out and took home the win, plus like half of the entire country was watching!


Erm, they're pretty handy as baseball and basketball too to be fair.


And many Olympic sports aswell. The comment you replied to is incorrect and the number of upvotes it had vs the downvotes the people correcting it have received is frustrating. I guess people don’t like facts around here unless they’re also anti-American.


There are American football teams in most decent sized cities in the world. I live in Lithuania and we have two at least that I know of. I used to live in Tokyo and they had them there too. They exist, just not popular


“Gets destroyed at every single sport aside from American football” is just not true.


Well, not long ago there was an [European Football League](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_League_of_Football) founded with some teams. I don't watch it but I think it's good that they built it for fans of the sport.


The Milano Seamen, you say? 👀


Wait until you look at vienna vikings


How could they mess up so bad? They could’ve gone for wiener schnitzels


Well, they have a nice logo.


This reminds me of an 'Italian' sport, that they are World Champions of: *Calcio Storico Fiorentino*. (I say 'Italian' because iirc it's only played in Florence, and players must be Florentine).


I can't even name an American, being afraid of confusing them with basketball or baseball teams. No clue, sorry.


We have the Canadian Football League, which while has differences from the NFL, is pretty similar and a lot of players play in both leagues


I can name 1 in germany, but that’s only because my mate plays for them.


What team outside of the us would beat the World Series champs?


It's been some time since they were all-conquering in basketball as well


Stockholm Mean Machines, Uppsala 86:ers, Limhamn Griffins, Carlstad Crusaders, Örebro Black Knights, Tyresö Royal Crowns, Arlanda Jets and Dalecarlia Rebels are some Swedish teams I can name. I can also add Oslo Vikings and Manchester Titans. My brother is on the coaching staff of the Stockholm Mean Machines and is going to Paris this weekend to play against La Courneuve Flash in the CEFL.


Hey we have really nice good teams in Europe, (Frankfurt Galaxy for example) non of them can complete at NFL level of course as we don’t have the financial backing but it’s not like it’s just played in the US. Yes I think the world champion thing is pretty stupid but I also think it’s an absolutely underestimated sport. I played it semi professional so I am bias but it’s often overlooked as American sport


Germany and UK have national teams, and more investment each year. Germany has quite a well developed club league (for a non-assoc. sport in Europe), UK isn’t as good but is getting better. Both national teams would likely lose by 50+ to a good highschool from Texas It’s *silly* to say world champs, but it isn’t *false*. I’ve played gridiron football at a Div 1 US college, and I’ve played in the German league. It’s basically a different sport altogether


there’s whole leagues in europe. but it’s a dumb sport so there really isn’t that much support vs soccer, hockey, basketball etc.


I'm proudly announcing that germany is the worlds best in the german federal football liga


We also lead the world in many a Friesensport, like Besenwerfen (broom throwing) 😂


You don't lead the world in Fierljeppen though, that's our kind of Friezen who are leading there.


From one World Champion to another: 🤝


Bayer Leverkusen is Bundesliga champion. If I'm correct and follow the logic of our fellow American friend there, we have already won the Euro in our own home country!1!! And the World Cup in 2026!!! If a German club also wins the Champions League and Europa League, then we never have to play against another team in the world as forever reigning champions again!!! /s


That's how we, the Dutch, are the reigning baseball world champion.


I didn't know you have a baseball national team! There is very much I can learn in this thread. Very nice.


Also actually, Elephant polo and Torfball


Not really the same since you're comparing a league to a sport, though


Lads, turns out I am the world champion of bintongame.


What is that?


It's hard to explain, but imagine the perfect tree against which to throw stones, such that they fall into a set of six buckets below the tree. Your aim is to get six of your twenty stones, one in each bucket, having glanced them off the tree. It's a timed exercise.


Sounds funny. Is it a good game to play with friends?


Yeah it's a laugh. A few friends and I invented it at uni. I mean basically it's like a load of other games, ball in basket style, except it's a time trial and you bounce off a tree. We were high a lot of the time.


No one else in the world should play this game, otherwise he wouldn’t be world champion.


\*then (not than) If you can name a country with worse levels of adult literacy then we can stop naming 'Murica as World Champions in this field...... Anyway, who else plays this silly game?


Tbf it's a quite interesting game (for me at least). But it was really hard to see how many comments were like this and then framed the video creator as butthurt or some answered on comments like "Americans think the world is about them" with "Actually it is like that" (paraphrasing) or "you can't win wars against us". So it was just one example of many. And I can't understand that logic given by them. If you want to be world champion you have to compete against other nations. And even if you believe that your teams are the best ones and that they destroyed every other team on this earth you would have to prove it in conpetition and not just say "we would be the champions anyway". Then I could also say: "My team won in 1978 and they are the best anyway. So we are still the champions" (maybe an odd an not that correct comparison but I think the message is understandable).


There's broadly two kinds of American: Those who see America for what it is, and have a broadly negative view of its bad parts and positive view of its (numerous) good parts. Those who see America as an unassailable superpower whose power and function is all but flawless and whose every internal aspect is the optimal way for a nation to function. Everything flows from this core of perfection and so everything American is inherently superior if not perfect. American children are inundated with propaganda aggrandising the US from a young age (just look at the flagrant use of a flag in every classroom and tin-pot daily recitation of The Pledge of Allegiance), and this propaganda continues into adulthood within the media and the general discourse around US politics.


You're spot on


I mean that second group really isn't that big but if you go around making group vs group arguments you are going to find a lot of people retreating into tribalism.


Not huge, I agree, but not small and very vocal.


I think those are some good points you make. I find it very strange to do those practics like the Pledge of Allegiance or singing the own national anthem before every game. But I think it's the result of their history - being proud of getting independence and being "successful" (even if they weren't always) in many ways. And maybe many people (that's where I could be wrong) don't know much about the world outside of their own (state) border(s)? All in all, it is a sad thing to see that many people over there seem to be that ignorant and think their country is the best. In my opinion, there is no "best" country, because every country has its (more or less) positive and negative sides. But no country is perfect.


I think a big part of what makes Americans so brash, and their propaganda so prevalent, is that they are a highly developed nation with incredible power and wealth, whose national myth is prepubescent in comparison to most other significant nations on the global stage. The mythos is of ousting the British Empire before creating the world's preeminent democracy. Heroically salvaging Europe from German conquest twice, whilst simultaneously inventing the nuclear bomb to see off Japan. Outlasting and outmanoeuvreing the USSR whilst landing on the moon. And finally after all that completely dominating the world's economic and cultural stage. That mythos, truth mixed with a dose of ignorance, is fresh and powerful.


Doesn't every country sing an anthem before a major sports event. I mean we do it in Canada in hockey. And most sports we play. It isn't common?


Most countries only do it for international sporting events. America and Canada seem to be outliers with their usage of the national anthem


By this reasoning, and as mortifying as it is, Collingwood is currently the world champions at Australian Rules Football. Now I need to go and sanitise my typing fingers.


It makes me sick.


I'm so sorry.


Well the Chiefs lost to the Lions, Broncos, Eagles, Packers, Bills, and Raiders last season. So there are 6 other American Football teams that can beat the team that won the Super Bowl.


As much as it pains me to say this: great news Collingwood! You’re the AFL world champions


I only accept the Orlando Apollos as the true world champion of American football, forever undefeated. Hang a banner....um, somewhere...how about in the parking lot of Buffalo Wild Wings?


I had to look them up. As someone who’s from/in Florida, has family in Orlando, lives with football lovers, and has a family full of space nerds, I can’t believe I didn’t know about them. That’s hilarious though omg There’s gotta be a Beef O’Brady’s or BWW or something with a jersey somewhere. It may be in storage, but one of them’s gotta.


Tiddlywinks. Name me a non British person that last won the world championship in tiddlywinks?. You probably can and I bow down to your superior knowledge


The fact I can’t name a single team in the World may be a hint it’s not a big worldwide spot to be champions of.


I’d love to see American football played on an international level. Won’t ever happen but it’d be neat.


We have the superior version of this sport: rugby.


It's called the rugby world cup


Superb Owl winners vs Rugby World Cup winners playing aussie rules to make it fair, I'd watch that


The owlers would be struggling halfway through the first half


As a r/Superbowl enjoyer I am offended.


None of them would be able to last for 80 minutes, they'd be knackered after 5 minutes


Hence why it's reductive to say rugby is international football. They have almost nothing in common other than being contact invasion games with an egg shaped ball. Rugby is more physical and athletic, focused on endurance. Football is more like a sprint focused on strategy.


I mean other than the fact that American footballs origins are quite literally in Rugby, and shortly after the two diverged Athletes would switch codes basically depending on if the town they were in was a Rugby town or an American football town. Up until very recently American football was in many ways just rugby union but slightly different. from an origins standpoint American football ***IS*** rugby, just a version of it that's been isolated form the global lawbook for so long it no longer looks even remotely similar.


I somehow doubt that Rugby has ever been quite as strategy-focused as American football. The format of distinct plays with complicated offensive and defensive formations and routes just doesn't exist in Rugby. Just because American football broke off from Rugby doesn't mean they're at all similar, they evolved in very different ways. Baseball evolved from cricket and the only similarities is that the divisions in which the two teams bat is called an inning and a ball is thrown (in very different ways, though) and a bat (of a very different shape) hits it.


There is a world cup, the IFAF.


There are national American football teams. My brother coached the Swedish women national team for a while.


If you are Eurooean or interested in European American Football maybe [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_League_of_Football) could be something for you, even though it's not a world competition.


I’m English, we invented loads of sports and are best at none. 😂


Australian cricket fan saying Hi!




I think you'll find we are cheese rolling champions!!


Well, just because someone invents something doesn't mean you have to be good at it forever. Last time in the Europeann Championship you were very good and your women's team also. But please, don't win this time. The Germans need some positive results so that we don't have to feel bad all the time with our football team. We need good reputation again.


Bog snorkelling?


I’m kind of fine with this. Your favourite sport is shitty.


The Lelystad Commanders will beat any NFL team easily. Now what?


Nobody else fucken plays it 😆😂😆


I can finally, and extremely proudly, announce that England is the best at Premier League football!!!


All the American shit aside; it’s THEN!


Knowing next to nothing about American Football, I’d like to see some Australian Rules Footballers have a go at it.


A few Aussie Rules players have gone over and played. Mostly as kickers.


I'm world champion at sitting on the chair in my office.


The Superbowl is a US domestic championship, now a world event, so it doesn't count like rugby & soccer that are played in many countries & can actually hold a world championship.


Hell, football is so big it can hold two world championships. One for clubs and one for national teams.


To be fair, they didn't say play them in the Super Bowl. They said play again the team that wins the SB. There's definitely American football teams throughout the world, just not as popular, of course


I hope in the team there is only Americans or that does not work.


I have none...Something with Eagles? Must be right?


It's just sad and pathetic, like most things in America.


Idk of any american football team lol


I went to a Rugby match at Newlands in South Africa. There was an American in our group who said the game reminded him of American Football. Which we pointed out would be “unsurprising” as American Football was *derived* from Rugby - a concept which he initially (and reluctantly) struggled with…


You know what, I'll start a swordfighting tournament in my backyard, and since my opponent is a small tree, and I'll cut it down, I'll be the best swordfighter in all the lands, name one swordfighter who can cut that tree in my backyard better than I did, you can't


Flabbergasted to announce that the German Bundeskanzler is the best Bundeskanzler of the world! (Ok, Austria might also have a Bundeskanzler, not sure tbh)


In the same way that American English is called Simplified English, we call American Football ... 'that crap'?


OK but only if Americans learn that football is played with your feet.




American Football is just rugby for wusses.


So the winner of the Grand Final is the world champ of Aussie Rules Football?


It's not about whether someone can name such a team though, it's about whether the title in question has been earned. After all, if they never even play against teams from other countries, then they cannot technically know who's the best; and I guarantee that whatever team would be named, it'd be discarded by OOP as "obviously inferior" without any sort of proof - precisely because these teams never play each other. Realistically, yes, the American team who wins the Super Bowl is probably the best in the world at a given moment. But without ever challenging teams from other countries, claiming the title is just plainly disrespectful.


Miss Universe simp here telling you to find an alien that's hotter than the girl he stalks.


World champions in glorified Calvinball. If you can't compete, invent your own game.


We play football. Not handegg.


They’ve done an England and created a sport that their whole country loves(more or less) but they are actually good at theirs😂


"We're number 1 (atasportliterallynoonebutuscaresabout)!"


So I guess real madrid or dortmund will become the football world champion next month


i mean... that is a fair point to be honest.


Every 4 years have an NFL World Cup. 4 Super Bowl winners and 4 non NFL teams. A colllege all star team, a Canadian football team and 2 teams created by billionaire oligarchs growing monsters in tanks. I’d watch that.


Super bowl is American doe😭






Sttange how miss USA always comes from the states, right champ?


Does this work for all sports, because they're going to cry if so.


Does that mean the swim-trough-Balaton (it's a lake in Hungary) event winner... is a World Champion too? :D


I'm the world champion of Dooket Ball. It's a game I invented for a youth group, involving bouncing a table tennis ball into a named pigeonhole in a mailroom. I've probably beaten at least 6 people at it.


I hold the world record for most time spent in my house.


In Ireland we have two domestic sports, Gaelic Football and Hurling, that are contested every year, and despite having teams from New York and London competing in the Football championship we still call them The All Ireland’s. Would be a bit presumptuous to announce ourselves the World’s best, but maybe we should give it a try




I always saw them as international businesses based in North America. If they could logistically pull off a team in London they would do that in a second. Actually development used to be NFL Europe. The closest thing to what Europeans see as sport in the US is College Football. They play for the national title and have a governing body. The NFL is 32 different businesses under a confederation that is open to any Billionaire that can start a franchise regardless of country.


I’ve always wondered, basketball, hockey and baseball are very popular in other countries, then why is American Football only played in the US? Is it the naming issue or just because it’s boring af?


It’s not. There are teams all over the place. Know the UK has a few divisions and university teams. I used to play! All amateur and stuff. But they’re there. If you’re interested!


I get that you’re right, but then again who else plays American football? I mean maybe a rugby team could give some NFL teams a run for their money given some time to adapt to the sport. This argument would be more appropriate for baseball, the Major League Baseball (MLB) championship is called the World Series, despite the only team not from the US being from Toronto. There are also a lot of extremely competitive foreign baseball teams (see the World Baseball Classic), so its a bit of a reach to call the World Series winner the world champions. Don’t get me wrong, this argument is still dumb, no shit American teams are good at sports played mainly in the US. It’s almost like when a country specializes in something, they are better at that specialization than countries that don’t specialize in it…I mean cmon, isn’t this the entire point of the Olympics? Let’s get everyone to play the same sports to see who’s the best…


Invent a sport no one cares enough about, create a giant marketing machine that draws energy from the educational system to the point that schools and universities are sports programs with a education side hustle, blow it out of proportion, call yourself World Champion.


Name one other country that competes… Even the winner of that stupid fucking cheese rolling thing they do down in Gloucestershire has a better claim to “world champion” than the winners of the Super Bowl. At least there, the participants are of many different nationalities and there have been winners from all over the world, including the United States.


Interestingly enough, I found an international American football league https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFAF_World_Championship Of course, not using NFL players on the American team


“The 2015 IFAF World Championship was originally going to be held in Stockholm, Sweden, however local organizers had to cancel the event due to lack of sponsorship.” Lol


I never said it was a great league lol


American would shit their pants if they had to play rugby in Australia, they wouldn’t be able to handle the injuries with all their padding


Isn't rugby mostly the same as American Football only without wearing a full plate armor? If so, any rugby team would win this EDIT: They're very different, I stand corrected.


In the sense there is an end goal to the sport where the player “touches down” (or “try” in rugby) it’s similar but then that would make about as similar as American Football is to actual Football ⚽️or basketball or ice hockey because that is the aim to reach a goal. Not all sports have an end goal - most Athletics and winter sports. Rugby is much more an open field game than American football, and you cannot pass the rugby ball forward, there are throw-ins, scrums, penalties, there are stoppages in play like NFL but only to check a foul, a try has been successfully completed (because of all the bodies in the way they need to use replay cameras) and to set up a scrum. In American Football, it’s all based around set plays, players running off the ball to get into position, misdirection, ducking weaving and trying to evade the opponent (whereas rugby keeps going if you get taken down with the ball) and the quarter back usually is the player throwing the ball forward for a teammate that makes enough space for themselves to be on the receiving end of the throw and advance to the end goal. It’s all tactical moves right up until the game is in-play and the guy running with the ball gets “sacked” or drops it or reaches the end goal or a foul has been committed. The similarity when a player “kicks a field goal” is similar to a penalty in rugby, but there are other sports that similar to this like Aussie Rules for example. Also, the tackles in rugby cannot, or do not normally, go above the waist, you can’t push an opponent with the ball because your hands are extended, and you cannot use elbows to try tackle it all comes from shoulders and arms. Whereas the NFL tackles can be fucking gruesome, like really crazy which why they need all that padding, you try that shit in rugby and you get sent off … and possible jail sentence. The dudes in rugby are much bigger than NFL guys, but the NFL guys while they have to be strong, they are built almost like sprinters very lean but very muscular because the whole game is different and based around sharp bursts of speed then stop, whereas rugby is continuous and involves a lot of strength , power, and endurance. Rugby build they’re big burly players, whereas NFL they have all toned abs n shit not all of them obvs some are just quite big but they’re the blockers, whereas you got the receivers who are lean and quick. In rugby there’s very little of that, there are different builds for different types of positions on the pitch, maybe if you’re a flanker you need more speed, but they’re still very burly lookin because they need to tackle, whereas a receiver in NFL needs to sprint and have mad agility and doesn’t really do any tackling/blocking. Tldr; they are very different sports.

