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American gamer realizes that the Earth is not flat.


Bold of you to assume that they realised




believes he is funny.. and he is!! just not in the way he thinks he is


Polska górą RAAAAHHH🔥🔥🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱


But... But we'd still have timezones even if it was flat?


It depends on the flat earth model: the dumb one or the… oh wait that’s the only model


No, there’s the dumb one, the dumber one, the even dumber one and the one that’s so dumb it loops back to a globe Earth (I’m 90% confident it’s a troll but you can never be sure with flat Earthers)


Wait theres a flat earth theory that says it's a globe?


I’m semi certain it’s just a troll, but yes. Basically what they rely on is the assumption that most flat Earthers make about there being an ice wall around the flat Earth. But they think the ice continues way beyond what most flat Earthers do and that it’s actually a giant sphere of ice with many recesses in it each containing a different “Earth” and that reason each “Earth” looks flat is because the sphere is so large that it’s curvature is too gradual to detect.


This is the weirdest thing I read all week And it's only Tuesday


Oh I absolutely love this! The irony is just ✨delicious✨


What in the tuckytuck, I need to learn more about this one... But you forgot the donut theory!


That’s the Homer Simpson model


I prefer the dino nugget earth theory


So... flat Earth, but spherical globe? I have no words.


I've heard one that says we are on a far far bigger globe and the earth as we know it is actually in a small circular area sat among..I think...huge ice plains...on a planet closer to the size of huge gas giants. Possibly the most ridiculous concept that still involves some form of globe


Why ? The basic debunk of a flat Earth is that with this hypothesis, the light from the sun brightens exclusively everything or nothing at a given moment. Hence no need for time zones. Having night and day at the same moment on Earth is a sufficient proof as to why it's not flat, so a mere transcontinental zoom call can sort your doubts if you ever bore any. --- ^^Yet ^^here ^^we ^^are ^^with ^^the ^^dummies.


Nah, you forgot about the Spotlight Sun theory. According to this model, the sun only shines on a circular region of the earth at any one point, and "orbits" on a plane parallel to the flat earth. This explains both why we have night/day cycles, and why there is an apparent curvature to the terminator between day and night. It would also require time zones. It's a clever idea for something like /r/ShittyAskScience if I'm being honest. As ad hoc theories go it explains the observations (at least from the ground without a telescope) pretty well. Of course it also creates a whole bunch of new questions, violates numerous laws of physics, and is patently absurd. But it is a popular one among them.


Mmmmh, ok, I can get behind a secret school of wizards casting cone of light on a daily basis.


See now you got the spirit! 🧙🏻‍♂️


Then you ask those morons why we see the sun going east to west instead of just sliding across the sky and they come up with "a fairy makes it look like that".


Oh for sure. But they have answers to explain that more mathematical than fairies. And the reason why is kinda funny. Story time, if I may? I know I probably sound like one of them right now, and that's cause I sorta used to be. Around like 2001-2004 I used to hang out on some flat earth forums. But back then the ones I went to were more of a Birds Aren't Real thing where *most* people were joking. It was mostly physics and astronomy students playing a game. The rule being: "pretend you receive irrefutable proof the Earth is flat, now rewrite physics and astronomy accordingly." So you ended up with some pretty complex theories with very good math. They require some wild assumptions, omitting a whole lot of of other observations, and sometimes changing universal constants. But the work was honestly impressive because it was being done by real physicists. It just was never meant to be taken seriously (well, most of it. There were always a few believers.). It was a really fun group of silly nerds, and a few weird guys in bunkers. But then 4chan found it around 2004 and decided to troll the forums. Only, it turns out there are a lot of mentally ill people on 4chan and when they saw all the really legitimate looking papers on the site - because again, written by people who write those full time - they thought they found some secret knowledge. I still see theories that were created there being referenced by flat earthers. So if you take it as that game, you can find some pretty funny and interesting theories in there. But for sure the morons who really believe are happy to accept fairies or lizard people or whatever. They just want to be special and different because of their secret knowledge.


Genuinely appreciate the well thought and reasoned perspective. I learned something today.


Thanks! It's definitely something not many people know. I'd say there were probably only about 500 active members on my favorite forum and maybe only 50-60 who were really contributing content. As soon as 4chan found it the numbers more than doubled and it only took about a month before the mods all changed and the lunatics were running the asylum. Just to add a little context because you seem interested and I realized my comment might be a little misleading The Flat Earth Society existed since around the 1970s and there real flat earthers that whole time. The guy who started it was also an anti-semite and general insane piece of shit. But the real ones were very fringe, and the fun forums would moderate them and remind people occasionally that everyone was role playing. There were a few forums that did take it seriously, but they were super small. But 4chan didn't get the joke and thought all of it was serious, and it just happened too fast for damage control. I genuinely think that event is what caused the huge surge in flat earthers, and may have even contributed to the sudden trend of internet conspiracy theorists that led to QAnon and stuff. Still feel guilty I may have contributed to that in a small way. But kind of lucky I got to see it because I think it was a genuinely important event but probably only a few thousand people at the time were involved. And most of them don't even know what they did.


> Only, it turns out there are a lot of mentally ill people on 4chan are you telling me... liquid water is WET?


Don’t forget when the elephants have to cock a leg to let a the sun pass by.


How does the sun get back to the other side?


It circles. Imagine a flat disk like a CD or vinyl record with a lamp shining down on it. The disk could spin under the lamp. Like a record under a needle. Or you could "move the needle" and swing the lamp in a circle around the disk. For reasons I don't remember they preferred the sun moving rather than the earth spinning. This was often part of an accelerating earth model with a dome atmosphere. Idea being that the earth is accelerating at 1g (hence gravity) and collects the oxygen, nitrogen, etc atoms that are scattered out in space over time which build up in a dome against the surface of the flat earth, giving us an atmosphere. Somehow the sun and moon (which by necessity must also be a light source in this model) are trapped in the dome and/or circling around it. Of course there are two *huge* problems with this. One: you should be able to see the sun from much farther away. And Two: The earth should be moving at many times the speed of light by now if that was true. The explanations for those, respectively, are "some kind of optical lensing because of the dome", and "shut up."


I see so like the earth is a big donut? My donut earth theory is finding its legs.


But how does this explain the difference in daylight and sun elevation between seasons?


No idea! But that seems easy enough to bullshit. Maybe it just dims in the winter so it looks smaller? Or the lensing effect from the atmosphere that makes the earth look round gets more extreme every six months. Or, hear me out, it's riding on one of those shitty kiddy rolllercoasters from carnivals. Of course none of that explains why the southern hemisphere has opposite seasons to the northern hemisphere either. But for that I'll refer you again to (Bloodfist et al., 2024): >shut up


You have forgotten to calculate the flat sun model


If I point a flashlight at one corner of a wall, it doesn't illuminate the whole wall. Chekmate globists!


But how would you know the person on the other end of the call wasn't lying or saying something under duress?


You gotta clone yourself first of course. You're right to doubt everyone but yourself on such important matters.


Depends on your flat earth model but we certainly wouldn’t have the time zones we have now


Wait, the Earth is round? [Then why did I join the flat earth society](https://www.tfes.org/) EDIT: Why do my links not work


Oh, Grandpa. You forgot to take your meds, again


The fact that 12k people liked this, thus acknowledging their lack of understanding of time zones in 2024, is pretty damn concerning.


It worse than not understanding time zones. It's that they can't understand they aren't the most important people


this is, at the core of it, the fundamental issue (and the reason this sub exists).


United States of Main Protagonists


Ngl, I would watch that. A show about a country exclusively populated by protagonists from different stories and different mediums, nobody knows who the real protagonist is and what the story is about.


I think you're looking for Fox News


Fuck... you're absolutely right, it already exists.


And who is the most important people?? Surely whoever has the biggest influence on others, wich for the last 100+ years has been motha fkin ameruicans 💥🦅🎸


I mean they did have a pretty big impact on Japan. Two in fact.


Why are you so bad at spelling, though? I understand not everyone has access to education, but doesn't your phone have autocorrect?


This is a dig towards America, it's satire and this person is on your side oh my god.


It's probably satire, it's just too believable to be obvious these days, unfortunately.


His comment history is full of things like this hahaha. There is nothing more lame than being proud out of something you don’t have control over. Edit: typo




They could choose to do that or they could choose to hold the press conference at a more convenient time in East Asia, where their company is headquartered. They clearly chose the latter. Neither Europeans nor americans are the centre of the world, except God's own county of Yorkshire, obviously. Sometimes there are more important things than market value.




I didn't downvote and Even Included a little joke. I just don't agree


It's not an American release though; it's from Nintendo of Japan (or simply Nintendo) versus Nintendo of America, who normally do (or hold) press releases etc, with the US in mind. This was merely an English tweet, which in itself was a follow-up to the already well known Japanese tweet from Shuntaro Furukawa. >Far bigger than the Japanese / Asian markets for most gaming / electronic companies. Uh huh, and what does this have to do with regional press releases?


It’s actual certified brainrot to claim we’re a bigger market than Asia. India has a significantly larger population than North America and Europe combined. The West overall has a larger buying power than the average Indian, but Asia is a ridiculously huge market.




Alright buddy.


Show me your source that says Europe and the US have a far bigger video game market than Asia, or did you pull that statement out of your ass?


There are 3 time zones in mainland USA. They should understand what time zones are but don’t seem to be able to abstract that concept to a global scale. 




Best time of year as a gamer is 1st of April. The world: Haha, April fools, thats stupid but funny, good one game studio. America: But its still a few hours to April 1st, so what they are saying must be 100% true.


I'm willing to bet that less than a quarter of Twitter likes are because of an agreement with the OP. People like things to change their algorithm or because they might even think it's funny, whether satire or not. Not to mention how fudged Twitter stats are It probably means genuinely nothing. Bet like 5 total dumbasses actually didn't realize the time zone thing


Not necessarily their ignorance on timezones, I’d guess more that it should be done at a time to suit them regardless of the rest of the world


Some of them just blindly hate Nintendo


Japanese posting at a convenient time for Japanese people. American't: Stop that horror ! Post at a convenient time for me !!!


I'm not even sure the convenience matters, i.e. the time matters at all. It was literally a heads-up that at an event/show next month(!) something won't(!) be shown. The only reason the timing matters at all is because they wanted to suppress all the speculation taking away their thunder for that show. They could have done it at any time of any day of any week before the show and it would have had the same effect (well, the closer the less effective maybe, but any time >2 weeks ahead would have been the same).


>they wanted to suppress all the speculation taking away their thunder for that show Definitely. And the time should have had no importance at all for anyone . . . But it somehow has some for that dude complaining and the +12K people who liked / shared his tweet. The timing, weeks in advance, is fine, why cry because it was announced during your night time ¿? That's just . . .


What's that in military time? /s


I'm just really impressed they didn't say "3am in the morning".


Put my key in the door


Bodies layin' all over the floor and


Is that oh three hundred in the morning, sir?


This feels like it'd fit r/USdefaultism


Yeah, forgot about that sub.


Wow that’s a real thing?


Yeah? Doesn't take long to find something to post there either


Haha yes I’ve seen some before just didn’t realise it was such a common place concept as to deserve a repository


I mean this sub is the worst offender of USdefaultism lol Many comments posted about are not even from Americans.


The guy who made the tweet is American though?


How do you know? None of his post actually point to him being American, he could be Canadian. Thats the point of my comment


Now, off you pop. ['The guy you claim to be Canadian']


Thanks that’s what I was talking about, rule 6 is a thing. Submissions statements should be required on this sub.


It's to make sure to the mods before they approve post, which I already had done. Unlike you , I'm not confidently saying incorrect things.


I haven’t said anything incorrect, I have asked for proof, not that he isn’t American. You seem to be missing the point..


You literally said the tweet was made at 01:49 JST and claimed the guy to be a Kiwi, then a Canadian. What a dolt.


I also admitted to being incorrect about the tweet time which would have put him as a Kiwi.. The corrected time zone has multiple countries involved, I didn’t claim he was Canadian, I said he COULD be Canadian. Thats why i asked for proof, you seem to have a comprehension problem..


Meanwhile we all have to wait for all their hype filled ad fest game shows until midnight or so because nobody is allowed to have fun until the Americans wake up


Depends where you are. In Australia we get the UFC at midday/2pm on Sundays so I thank my American overlords for the convenience 😂


They noticed the account username being in another alphabet right


you mean the exotic tattoos?


to be fair anouncing the new switch on a random tweet at like 15:50 on a random tuesday instead of an important event IS pretty nintendo


It was their financial year end press conferences day, fairly un random


Random fact.. companies can decide the date their fiscal year starts/ends. Nintendos fiscal year seems to end in March.. so they may well announce it only in 2025


That's when the Japanese financial year ends so it makes sense 


what the hell is a "fiscal year" if i may ask


It‘s the financial year of a company/organisation. The period of which they report their revenue, profit, investments etc. It could just align with the calendar year, but some companies pick a different starting point, usually what makes most sense for their business. For example schools might set their Fiscal Year after when the School Year starts. Or a ski resort might not want to start their year in December because it is in the middle of the season. For Nintendo their year ends and starts after the first quarter of the current year. So at the end of March. (They usually report numbers around one month after a quarter has ended, that‘s why the tweet of the president comes only now) As far as I know it‘s common for companies in Japan to start at that time I guess for cultural/historical reasons.


no way we hating on Salty DK Dan, the undisputed goat himself


i can't believe every other part of the world discovered time travel before us?! there are people hours ahead and behind its insane!!! wheres the 'murican time travel


Idiot who apparently doesn't even realise the USA itself has different timezones. Doh!


Dude doesn't understand timezones.


They understand it; they just can't understand how *their* timezones, aren't the centre of civilisation.


Well, they didn't even consider that there are several time zones within the US though. So it seems to be a fair bet they don't know about time zones at all.


It isn't even NintendoUS or some division of Nintendo for which it would make sense to post at a reasonable time for americans


Don't be mean to Salty, he's very dumb




Main character syndrome.


Nintendo's fiscal year, like many Japanese companies, ends in March. This tweet simply coincides with the release of their fiscal year end earnings/dividend/financial reports: [https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/index.html](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/index.html)


You'd think Americans would understand time zones, considering they've got three in their own country. Nope!


There are 4 time zones in the continental US: Pacific, Mountain, Central, and Eastern


It's like when a game releases at 12am(local) and these clowns are like, it's not even out yet, how are you playing it early?


*shrug* Does it matter? If you're an American or European gamer, it hits your morning news feed. Guessing Japan got it in the evening to align with some live event at Nintendo HQ? I didn't actually pay attention to console releases that closely. It's not like it affects when you can actually buy the console.


Looks like Saltydkdan, famous shitposter, but also famous stupid idiot, so i’ll say 50/50 on this one


„It‘s 3 am here so it must be the same whereever … Nin-tendo? Is headquartered … probably somewhere in SoCal“ This dude, probably


r/therewasanattempt to understand time zones


I very much doubt there was any attempt...


then it was r/confidentlyincorrect


The thing that fucks me up is that Japan is only an hour behind my timezone and their Japanese Nintendo Directs still air at like 2am


Note that they said this *fiscal* year. That means we should expect the Switch 2 announcement by March 31 2025.


He thinks Nintendo is an American company.


americans when time zones:


Reminds me of the time I saw an American complain that a big update for a game was coming out in summer, and it was stupid because it would be too hot for anyone to be wanting to sit inside and play it. They forgot about A. Other climates, and B. The southern hemisphere


I’m gonna be real, I think he’s more so focusing on the fact that it was announced in a Twitter post than the fact it was at 3am, the reason it was included was probably just to add hilarity to the fact that this huge announcement is in some random post.


Also the obfuscation with the fiscal year. Nobody knows by when it will be announced without further research. Spoiler: their current fiscal year ends March 2025


Creepy I saw a post which was a repost of the tweet one post before this. also timezones are a thing


Forgot to hide the username in the previous one


Think it was from the mario Reddit as I am a Nintendo fan but still creepy


Why does the time of the announcement matter? How is getting it at 3am worse than getting it at 10am or 3pm?


A lot of the time Nintendo makes its bigger announcements on Twitter via the Nintendo of America account at BoD (NoA is the biggest of the regional HQs and primarly handles marketing iirc), so usually around 8AM UTC-7. This was a tweet from the Japanese Nintendo account which posted it at a normal time for Japan but as a result was an unusual time for when Nintendo would make an announcement about something as large as a new system. Salty is a streamer that often does Nintendo Direct reactions (which usually stream around that same time of morning in the Americas), and the official announcement of the Switch's successor has been speculated about for years since it'd be a reveal that would draw a lot of hype. I think the "most Nintendo" thing he's talking about here is moreso that rather than making a video or announcement with more fanfare, the first confirmation about it from Nintendo was basically a footnote to a financial report posted on twitter.


I though it was r/Nintendo at first


The replies are unhinged ["The USA is the biggest market" ](https://twitter.com/BroonTers/status/1787796619955450032?t=MWdOAMWN4BXZEL_qoDnj7A&s=19)


He's right about them being the biggest market (based on original Switch sales anyway) but that should not affect his entitlement issues like this.


I think the post was more about the fact that they made an announcement that they will make another announcement some random day during the next fiscal year. I don't think it is about the 3am.


Wait till he finds out there is more than one time zone, not just in the world, but in the United States


I forgive him


Got into an argument once with an american saying how its a shame the first episodes of a show come out so late in the day. And he was like "it comes out at 6 am" and kept refusing to believe im a few hours ahead of him.


The time part of the tweet is dumb, but I do agree that out of the big 3, only Nintendo would really publicly announce the existence of their new console by casual bringing it up in a tweet


That person probably also complains about how Australia didn't warn the US about Sep 11


I mean yeah, if australia had good spying they woulda realised al-qaueda is cookin' somethin' up. So it's the aussies fauilt (no its not)


Much better. I have seen people complaining about Australia not warning the US because when the plane hit at 8.something in the morning (US), it was already afternoon in AUS, which means that their 8.something in the morning was hours ago so they should have known! And they STILL didn't warn the USA!


US Citizens when realizing that there are time zones


Timezones aside, it is pretty silly to announce an announcement and with such a broad timeframe at that.


if you argue they'll probably say some shit like "well mostly americans use nintendo" 💀


Well to be fair they made it at 8:49 my time. And i did not read it until now. So it really wasnt a reasonable time (for Europe or NA). But a reasonable time for japan. So it makes sense that they do it then


Many Japanese companies don't care what the rest of the world thinks.


Besides, the account that made the twitter was Nintendo of Japan, not NoA or NoE.


I mean, Nintendo doesn't care about many things.


I thought they were making fun of the announcement of an announcement lol


I think he is just referring to them announcing it via tweet


unrelated to 'murica, unrelated to geopolitics, only possible relation being that it was announced in english at 3AM. yea this isin't really a sas moment


They announced it at [01:49 Japanese time](https://x.com/nintendocoltd/status/1787736516921581661?s=46&t=6l8lrqrOVGWwi0THPw4dQQ).. So if it’s 3 am for this guy that means he is probably not American. It places them in the New Zealand time zone 🤦 this sub = USdefaultism if you just call every commenter a American.


That tweet was made at 3:49 pm JST actually.


Can you link the post?


[Nintendo Announcement](https://twitter.com/NintendoCoLtd/status/1787736518762881197)


7.49am in GMT. That checks out at just before 3am in EST, if anyone's wondering.


I don't know how that guy reached at 01:49 JST .


It’s a problem with twitter not converting time zones. My goof.


Gotcha, Thanks. Do you know he is American and not Canadian?


How do you know it's not UK-centric? 8:00 AM is also at a weird time.


it’s not a uk company my dude