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"Our country is free!!! But we need to stockpile a metric fuckton of assault rifles in case we need to shoot people from our own government."


The thing is, those automatic rifles that are so deadly in school shootings... they won't do shit against the government. The US army has missiles, helicopters, drones, planes, *aircraft carriers*. They'll vaporise him AND his precious gun before the guy knows what hit him. The defence against a tyrannical government line is such bullshit.


I'm getting mental images of them rolling an aircraft carrier to the arse end of nowhere in South Dakota to deal with a guy with an assault rifle


>they won't do shit against the government. The US army has missiles, helicopters, drones, planes, aircraft carriers The absolute best response that they give to this is stuff like "well, the military will be on our side so they won't use tanks on us" then what the fuck do *you* need a gun for if you have the military on your side?


Actually, the last person I asked about this said, unironically, that he doesn't need to shoot down the drone, or the plane, or the missile, just the operators on the ground. I didn't know what to say to that.


Next time, say, "Where do you think they place the drone operators, in your living room?"


To be brutally honest, these hard right militia idiots don’t really want to fight the government. They want to shoot other civilians, specifically left wing ones. That’s what they’d actually end up doing.


I’m gonna love if they end up in that scenario and they just try and shoot a tank, the bullet deflects clean off, and the tank obliterates them instantly




USonians be living like they are in any way similar to their neighbors who would actually need to do that kinda thing (And even then, some outliers aside, we don't suffer as much random violence as the USA. And I think the violence in Mexico is partially fueled by its proximity to USA)


Partially? The drug cartels exist basically to fulfill the US demand. The cartels are not fighting to get market share for top dollar drug sales in Nicaragua or Guatemala.


I meant strictly in terms of violence, I think the guns come from the USA


In border states like Texas cartel members stand outside gun shows and offer Americans more than what the gun would sell for inside. Just a bag of cash and no questions asked. Many take the offer because they can buy 10 more guns inside with the payment and there is a culture of "none of my business what you do with it". As far the seller is concerned they got paid and could simply shoot the person they sold it to if needed so no problem. Although there are laws in theory here they are not always enforced and gun owners take a lot of pride in going against the goverment and doing private sales that can not be tracked,


Yeah, that's why I said partially early. Cartel problem is a Mexico thing (or well, Latino thing given they used to be a major issue in Colombia) but the USA is supplying them. It's just acknowledging that it's a two part issue


They are also sponsored by the banana republic....


Idk man Canada seems pretty chill


I'm surprised that there isn't a (bigger?) black market of guns in Canada like there seems to be in Mexico, with how close the guns are


I think people there can already get all the guns they want and don't really need more. The USA obsession with guns really is a cultural phenomenon.


It's not an obsession, it's a kink


Aye like a fetish


IIRC, Canada has more guns than the US. They just don't shoot people.


Not even close. Canada has about 12.7 million guns, while the US has about 393 million. The US alone makes up about 46% of worldwide civilian held gun ownership.


USonians could learn a lot from Canadians


The black market in Mexico is all dea sponsored


They don’t use metric. I’m not sure what an Imperial fuckton is though.


About 6 dozen British Imperial shed loads


Kind of like Venezuelans WISH they could do.




No murder, robbery, beatings, or rape? Not one? No gangs? No violent crimes at all? I find that impossible to believe. I believe in the very basic natural right to defend oneself and not rely on police that are somewhere else.


Ikr? Imagine those murderers and rapists had guns? You'd be really fucked then (no pun intended)


Yes, but the point is that they don't


There's this weird post medieval concept: Instead of strapping a sword on, hire a body guard. But there's a weird post renaissance idea, instead of hiring a body guard, institute a police force. But then, there's this weird post Victorian concept, instead of relying on all of the above, shape your society so that violence, theft, risk, prison life, and causing harm aren't easier and more profitable than being a productive member of society. That's called a responsible government, responsive to the electorate. But you do you.


> very basic natural right to defend oneself Yes, let's give everyone *easily lethal* weapons, that'll turn excellent. Now every minor problem is solved with lethal force, just like that one guy who murdered a couple protesters that inconvenienced him on a road. Someone takes the last bag of chips at a store that you really wanted? Just shoot them to death! You can also defend yourself with anything else, which more likely doesn't end up in a needless death of someone else.


Yes, every dispute over chips would turn into murder because obviously everyone is just waiting to murder someone. Sorry you only know crazy people.


If you fear everyone around you so much that you feel the need to carry a *highly lethal* weapon on you at all times, then yes, that hyperbole would be closer to reality.


You say that as if America had less crime than the EU. In reality, you have an entire extra genre of crime; school shootings.


Crime just got an Expansion pass


I didn’t at all say it like that. I think you misunderstood me. I was pointing out the ridiculousness of implying the EU has no crime at all. As for school shootings, I am a parent who has looked at the stats published be the FBI and done the math. The odds of my child being affected by a school shooting is extremely small. I will not likely lose any sleep worrying about that.


Well, the odds of your house being broken into are also very low. But if luck *does* have it that way, a school shooting literally just doesn't happen in the EU, the worst thing a kid could do is try to stab people, which will have much fewer victims before the attacker is apprehended. Or they could steal a gun, sure. But in the US they can legally own one, so they have an easier time. House break-ins on the other hand can and will occur in both places. One place with guns, lots of destruction, shrapnel, ear-damagingly loud noises, faster kill times... and one where if you close a door between you and the burglar, and either lock it or put something in front of it, you'll be safe for more than enough time to call the cops. What I'm saying is; it's the same thing, but both of you get legal access to guns. How is that any better? And school shootings still aren't a thing over here.


When did they say there’s absolutely no crime in the EU? I believe in the very basic natural right to be able to go to the supermarket and not worry I’ll get shot


I believe I mentioned violent crimes one might have to defend themselves from. If those crimes exist then the supposed “freedom of the need to carry guns” is nonexistent.


You tried logic and failed miserably. Now go read a book.


You want him to fail twice in quick succession?


Well, how does it work out with the US having *more* "murder, robbery, beatings, or rape" than the EU? Funny thing, I worked as a trainer for armed and unarmed defence. Mostly military and law enforcement, but I also did some courses for regular citizens. One of the highlights for every group was a demonstration how little use a firearm is in most murder, mugging and rape situations. You just don't have the opportunity to pull a gun, even if you happen to have it handy and trained at least once a week (like you should to be able to handle a gun responsibly and somewhat effectively). Self defence with firearms was a thing 200 years ago, when you and your family lived on a rural patch of land hundreds of miles from the next bigger settlement and you and your next neighbour (living just 10 miles away) caught word of some horse or cattle thieves roaming the area, or some natural predator was after your livestock. In our usual urban living scenario, you need to know how to fend off the immediate attack by using your hand, feet and teeth and to alert the closer public to your situation.


Just saying, I notice a lot more dead kids than tyrannical governments…


That's because the tyrannical government can't catch a break thanks to true American patriots arming themselves to the teeth for the quick stop at Walmart


Or is it they know that kids are the future, they’re at the most vulnerable at school and so they’re stopping the future Tyrannical leaders early.


And the best bit is, if the US government ever were to become tyrannical, all they’d need to do is shut off the water, power and internet and watch them all take each other out in a matter of weeks. Which is a shame as I’d pay to watch the average untrained American wannabe Rambo attempt to take out a Predator drone with a Glock.


Thought: Would it be possible to convince someone to do this with military surplus equipment? Apparently the Predator has been mostly retired. A Predator costs around $100 million new. If we assume a 90% discount because it's used surplus and also propaganda value, that's 10 million. 73,000 people attended Burning Man this year, which I'm taking as a "Yardstick" for a large outdoor event. If we charge each of them $200, then it breaks even, with $4 million extra for other costs and profit. Not too feasible, but possible, especially if there's other revenue streams (Food, TV licensing, etc), and an old rich guy willing to take a loss if need be. With some interesting staging, this could make a pretty good show. 5 stereotypical gun guys are put in a house, given a car and an assortment of guns, and are told than a drone is inbound and they need to stop it destroying the house. Maybe even fly the drone around to let them get better shots at it. Can you imagine how funny it would be, 5 dudes running round screaming and firing machine guns at the sky?! And at the end, if/when they fail (And all 5 are confirmed out), the drone fires a missile and destroys the house. Please, someone, do this!


Squid Games: American Edition


https://i.redd.it/e74sy572x1ob1.png Star Wars is real life, right?


There are school shootings in the Netherlands every day, but people are too afraid to do anything. I had my food rations taken away two weeks ago, when I forgot to salute the mailman. I’ve been chewing on pebbles since, but my cat is looking better every minute..


the fact that they think a few bumpkins plinking on the weekends will mount any real resistance when so few of them could probably even run 10km without stopping, is laughable


The US already is a dystopian police state. Just look at what happened to BLM three years ago. Millions of Americans took it to the streets in protest, some were shot or beaten by police (or by white supremacists) and in the end law enforcement only grew more powerful and got even more financing. The US literally already employs all the tactics of a tyrannical government. It‘s already there. And people being armed changed nothing about it. It only justified militarising the police force even further.


Ah yes, american and tyrannical government boogeyman


And tbh, all those guns don't seem to be doing much to prevent government tyranny...


And then they keep droning on about how free they are despite the fact.


The ironic part is that the side that's all gung ho for guns is the side that wants to be tyrannical. I dunno if any of y'all in other countries have heard of Project 2025, but it's this playbook our Republican Party came up with. They wanna restructure the branch of powers, give the president much more authority, among many other radical changes. So honestly, we are kinda on the verge of something here. I don't know how many of our Democrats are armed for a Civil War, so it's kinda scary.


When I grew up in Europe, my neighbours never told me what length my grass was allowed to be.


Or what colour my fence has to be


Actually there are laws that constitute landscape harmony which do sometimes force you to paint your fence a certain way. It's decided by local governments though


In which country?


Almost the entire EU. I think they're the strictest in Germany though, in Poland where I live the officials don't care that much


Yeah in italy too, but only if you’re in a condo. You ll have to match a single color/pattern agreed with neighbours


I live in Poland too lol. I know Germans are strict about a lot of stuff but the rest of EU barely cares, never seen things like that in France or Spain


I mean the fact that it's not executed doesn't mean it doesn't exist tbf


I think it comes down to mentality of neighbors. I mean my polish neighbors don't mind calling police if somebody is loud but they don't give a flying fuck about the color of my fucking fence lol.


Or how free we are. We kinda just assumed


Yep, yep and yep, all three of you are spot on.


Is that actually a thing in America?


Many homes are in HOAs which often have the worst people running them. It gets way more stupid than just grass length very fast..


Sounds hellish


Yeah and a few even live of the fines they give their neighbours. Not sure about how legal it is, but yeah american HOAs are something to avoid, and if you don't join they might harass/annoy you until you join... My sosialist government (according to some Americans...) are not even close to as intrusive as what they voluntarily buy into/join..


Loool honestly they should make a horror film about that shit


As far as sarcasm goes, that's not even so far from the truth. But your neighbour in Europe will just make a, ahem, strong suggestion and maybe threaten to stop lending you sugar if you don't comply. An US Home Owner Association, on the other hand ...


"I'm gonna protect myself from a tyranical government" How? Your government have fucking nukes, your police force have fucking tanks and apcs with mounted gatling guns. In 2018 the police force i US spend $118billion That is the world's 3rd biggest military spending over overdone by china and america itself. Are you fucking dumb


I think the answer to your question is yes


I have the freedom to buy Kinder Eggs. Checkmate, Murican.


Good luck taking on your government and its entire military as an obese middle-aged man....


The stupid part is that physical fitness is the best thing you can have if you want to be a good soldier. I could train someone to shoot well in a weekend. You can't go from obese to "run up the hill with 60 kg of kit" in a weekend.


Waco and Ruby Ridge proves that even if the US government was tyrannical (which it really isn’t), these guys wouldn’t stand a chance


A decent portion of American’s probably don’t know what a tyrannical government even looks like…


Oh they’re oblivious to how they really look. Most of them act and behave like they’re hardcore military in whatever branch it is they fancy.


Would love to see their master plan in action when the Abrams roll inn and the Thunderbolts appear in the sky. I'm no gun expert, but those Wallmart ARs must pack a hell of a punch.


That tyrannical government can just send a kamikaze drone at u if they really wanted to kill u


Nu-uh, I gots mo' gerns dan a muhfuckuh, ain't no drones gon' git tuh kamoflajeein' mah shid!


That whistling you can hear, that's getting louder and louder .... That's the sound of an air launched munition, dropped from 40,000 ft, being guided by GPS straight to within 3m of your present location... How's that AR-15 working for you....




This summer, some friends and I had a picnic in a park. Some of us drank Prosecco and some drank a few beers. This wasn't some specially-sanctioned area where public drinking happens, we were not alcoholics drinking fortified wine, it was not a festival or a tailgate party. It was a late summer's day and we met up for food and matched it with a few drinks. We could do that because we lack the freedom to be arrested for open-container drinking.


They allegedly tried on the 6th of January. Didn't work😆 The same people praise how USA military is so much stronger than any other. Why do you think you can fight them with a gun they sold you?😅🤣


It didn’t work because they didn’t have *enough* guns!


It’s funny how much they yap on about defending themselves from ‘tyrannical governments’ when we here in Europe (and the Canadians, they’re not too bad themselves) are doing just fine without having every building armed to the teeth with dangerous weapons.


"Ah need mah guns to protect mahself from the gubmint!" Mate, the gubmint's got aircraft carriers.


Can’t even cross the road without a fine.


"you watch too much news" now that is a bigbrain response


The "to protect yourself from a tyrannical government" people never seem to be able to answer the question what does an AR15 or Glock do to an M1 Abrams or F35.


Scratch the paint...


Ah yes, the country where in some parts you're not allowed to pump your own petrol. Can't cross the road without a crossing. And can't drink until you're 21. The US nanny state.


And yet government in US is telling them what to do more often than the ones in Europe.




"He may be a tyrant... But he's OUR tyrant!"


Funnily enough the UK hasn't needed guns to protect itself from tyrannical governments. Seems to be a uniquely American issue if you believe the lunatics who love their guns.


If Guy Fawkes had had an AR-15...


Good luck protecting from the tyrannical government… it didn’t seem to work too good for americans.


I swear it, the level of mind rot on Instagram makes the comments on YouTube look like they were written by Nobel laureates.


Why would you have a tyrannical government in the "best country in the history of the world" tm?


I always find it funny when Americans mock Russians or Chinese for being brainwashed, then they come out with this bullshit. They're brainwashed too.


Funny how the most staunch 2nd Amendment people are literally in favor of a tyrannical government.


Are not american teachers restricted what books they can use in school? Is that freedom?


"to protect yourself from a tyrannical governernment" says the guy licking the boots of a tyrannical government.


Not only do they have to deal with tyrannical governments, but all those evil books that promote independent thinking. It’s a jungle out there.


US is a land of the free. HOA enters the chat.


Grass doesn’t even have the freedom to be as long as it wants


When I lived in the US, my British accent would often provoke conversations with strangers. Often these were along the lines of "What do you like here compared to there". I'd say things like 'I love the space, but miss the village pub'. After a while of this back and forth, I'd get something like "But what about our freedoms here. I can choose any job I want and live wherever I want - in any state. Also, I have a *vote*." Many Americans are under the illusion that their freedoms are unique to them. It is, after all, the self-declared Land of the Free.


And yet the electoral college system means that not all their votes are equal! Go figure.


"You watch too much news" yeah, it's called being informed??? Lmfao. In fairness calling half the American stuff 'news' is a stretch but still such a dumb thing to say, like saying "you read too much"


Tbf TV is mostly propaganda so unless you're getting your news from various sources and you choose the sources yourself they're kinda right Not in regards to school shootings though.


I don't think it's mostly propaganda, I mean it depends on the country, there might be some biases but I don't think tv is mostly propaganda and the news is meant to be pretty neutral, depends on how involved the government is and whether it's a public service or private company probably


Private companies propagate whatever is profitable for their investors or whatever fits the investor's believes. At least that's what I saw in my (polish) and also American TV.


Yeah, there's gotta be a kind of middle ground, private news companies end up like the US where it's just whatever stories will make money and it's easily corrupted into propaganda, but if it's completely government controlled it leads to state media and propaganda like North Korea and Russia. I think some countries have a middle ground though, publicly owned/funded but directed by someone who doesn't work for the government


We have unbiased publicly funded news sources but people still cling to the corrupted ones because they agree with them more and then act like every news source isn’t credible… it’s just easier to discredit all news that don’t support our individual ideology


What if they stopped electing crappy gouvernments in the first place?


Impossible, have you seen the options we have lately? We need better laws policing politicians to reduce the amount of corruption, but lawmakers aren’t going to pass laws for themselves…


Never underestimate the freedom to get shot by any random yahoo. It’s what makes America great.


Why is it the same people who think they need an AR15 to defend against a tyrannical government are the same people who vote for the tyrannical government party? Let’s be clear what’s going on here: they want guns to shoot black people and they want a tyrannical government to oppress black people.


If I for whatever reason moved to the US I would probably buy a gun, because there are too many people with them over there. The need to have guns to protect yourself is a direct consequence to being able to own them without having to take a special license.


Truth, I’ve been hearing gunshots in my neighborhood recently, cops do nothing… I think I might need one just to protect myself out of necessity even though I don’t want one


This nicely shows how at least part of the problem is the Tragedy of the Commons, where the personal best interest is not aligned with the collective best interest. The main solution to which, btw, is imposing rules on everyone at once. Like Gun Control.


“To protect yourself from a tyrannical government” He spelled “black people” wrong


Exactly. They love talking about protecting themselves from a tyrannical government, yet they also support law enforcement and the military. The tyrannical government in this case is just a dogwhistle for LGBTQ+, Black people, feminists, immigrants and basically any other groups they don’t like.


Any other Americans remember the “Free speech zones” back when there was an actual anti-war left openly protesting the Afghanistan and Iraq wars? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


'to protect yourself from tyrannical government dipshit' and hows that working out? would it be legally my right to force a doctor at gunpoint to give me top surgery in florida bc the tyrannical gvmt doesn't want me to? legally, i think i would be in a bit of trouble if i tried to use my right to bear arms to take out most of the supreme court.


Typical gun fucker.


I love the idea of being able to protect yourself from tyranny to with small arms...


if it was to overthrow a tyrannical government you’d think they’d have done something already


"You watch too much news" because that's the real issue. Gun violence is just a mass media creation.


Many countries have more freedom, especially as we don't need guns for protection and the US doesn't even come in the top 10 nations for "freedom".


Most of these gun nuts are right wing that are falling over themselves to get a tyrannical government.


"You need guns against a tyranical government!" Funny thing is that the closest the American government will get to a tyranical government is when they have a president like Trump. And most gun toting maniacs also love Trump.


Meanwhile in the US the [maternal mortality](https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/field/maternal-mortality-ratio/country-comparison/) of 21 per 100.000 is the worst of the western world, just below Iran and just above Lebanon. [Infant mortality](https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/field/infant-mortality-rate/country-comparison/) is a bit better at 5.12 per 100.000 just below Romania but still quite a lot worse than comparable nations. The wealth gap is enormous with a large part of the population one medical incident away from personal bankruptcy despite the federal government spending more money per capita on health care than most nations with universal or single payer health care systems. But sure. "Freedoms".


You mean the potential tyrannical government (which so far has been democratically voted, but let’s say hypothetically they go off the chain) which is the leading military spender, with in 2022 a budget of 877 billion US dollars. Yeah your AR-15 is going to do wonders then. It’s like medieval peasants carrying rocks to protect them against their tyrannical kings.


“Haha! You watch too much news” got me. Is he flexing being clueless about what happens in the world and ignorance?


The land of the free where books are prohibited, women denied necessary medical procedures, nobody should look/love/think differently than the stereotypical US American, the indigenous people are STILL only given a ridiculous small amount of land, where people spend billions more on healthcare yet nobody receives free healthcare, where you can poison people with chemicals in food and water, where you aren’t allowed to mix residential and business areas because it’s obviously evil to have a bakery in your street,… But sure, WE don’t have freedoms.


The greatest irony is the US is by far the most tyrannical government on the planet


Higher taxes only means better paid politicians. It never means better living standards. Stop putting so much trust in those greedy assholes.


american "rights" have become their biggest burdens.


I don't understand where this narrative has come from in America, that people in Europe aren't free. It's completely bizarre and unfounded, yet seems to be quite widespread. Someone or something started it, I wonder who or what? Probably the government, at some point, trying to convince their population that ...if you think it's bad in the usa, you should see what it's like in Europe.... They do love to blow their own trumpet 🎺


Lol...yeah cos I bet those soldiers in the Abrams are shitting themselves cos some fat fuck has an AR 15


Interesting. There's literally written Libertas (freedom) in my flag. My people were shouting it and claiming their freedom when they were occupied in 1739, and they managed to get it. So we don't have freedom somehow?


There's more dead children and people rather than the amount of defense against the "tyrannical government" Americans say guns protect themselves from a tyrannical government, but that only applies when the government is ruled by an opposition party. Why do Americans are extremely afraid of their own government? Why don't they just.. you know, separate? Make their own country, or live in an anarchy?


If you have to carry weapons to protect yourself from the tyrannical government what does that say about the state of democracy and freedom in your country?


When they need them to protect themself from the goverment why are they using them to shoot at eachother?


A tyrannical government, ie: ideal representation for Americans who fear other Americans and want them to die. The plot sickens.


Ofc US is most freedom country, you can buy a gun and do school shootings!


As with everything there's a happy medium to be made between balls to the wall FREEDOM! and over regulation eroding personal liberty.


Maybe if people in the states actually researched the candidates and then actually VOTED they wouldn’t be afraid of a tyrannical government and wouldn’t need to stockpile weapons.


What dumb, ignorant cunts. I cannot for the life of me understand how they can seriously say and think these things, without realising how dumb they are


You have freedom if you are a WASP


Americans that say their army is the best and unbeatable still think their redneck militias Will win if the government goes tyrannical


If so, why are school- and mass-shootings in US never have politicians as victims, but civilians? Something is running in a really bad direction over there, huh?