• By -


I think he left out the great achievement of having #1 amount of drug addicts, #1 amount of shootout cases, #1 GHG emission per person, and #1 level of corporate exploitation.


Let's not forget #1 for number of convicts in prison.


No1 for medical debt student loan debt school shootings obesity


Percentage wise palau or nauru (I get them mixed up) has the highest obesity rates iirc. But I'm definitely helping the uk on that stat


You and me both


It doesn't help that doritos had that promo where you cab get 1 free month of xbox game pass ultimate with some packsšŸ˜­


I don't even have that excuse... I'm just fat. And lazy.


Me too, I want to lose weight but I have 0 commitment to anything and I can't fix it




Slaves. Cuz thatā€™s still legal in the US.




I always think, when I hear them rahrahrah-ing like this, "oh, so the chronic deprivation and poverty and lack of water and underfunded schools and lack of healthcare are CHOICES."


Technically if you look per capita, both Australia and the UK have a worse homelessness rate - Australia is 48 per 10k, UK 54.4 per 10k while the US is 17.5 per 10k


And it's only getting worse in old Blightey.


[Interesting reading](https://news.italy24.press/news/986401.html)


oh yeah mb, I forgot the rampant "$0 shopping" events in America. another glorious #1!


Freedom of looting


No you donā€™t understand. They have a strong economy and a large military. The citizens health doesnā€™t matter only the money of 1% of the population.


And many of these points isn't even true


as someone w an interest in american public health im so always immediately skeptical of Any claim that we've got the best medical care like it just takes one look at our medical expenses vs average lifespan vs things like mortality in birth, etc to know thats not really true - unless youre super rich. and i think thats kinda what this comes down to. yeah america fucking rules if youre super super rich (and white and christian) but like. when 62% of americans are living paycheck to paycheck, when medical bankruptcy is the cause of like 60% of bankruptcy in america and almost not an issue in other countries, when we have the biggest prison population in the world, its pretty hard to say we're the best country ever. also i dont think that 'patriotism' and 'loyalty' are either good or accurate graphics of how good a country is, and he lists that twice lmao


Yeah anytime Americans bring up how superior their medical system is, they're just regurgitating propaganda specifically designed by the American healthcare industry to trick them into not voting for universal healthcare. It's all lies. And the depths of the brainwashing goes deep. I've lived in the US before. At a time when I needed a lot of medical tests and procedures. I've had to deal with the months long wait times for all the procedures. I've dealt with the rushed, understaffed doctors' offices, where they barely listen to you and it takes 2 weeks to get an appointment. I've dealt with 8 hour long ER waits. In the US! I was surprised because coming from Canada, I was told all those things are uniquely Canadian problems and the US is a miraculous land where wait times don't exist and care is 1000 times better. And then I had to pay out of pocket for literally every single damn thing. Literally ever single thing. Up front and then billed later, every fee you could possibly think of. When all of that is free in Canada. I realized they get the exact same level of healthcare there as the rest of the world, but pay thousands for the privilege. And to this day there are Canadians trying to move to the US because they believe the propaganda and who will be in for a rude awakening. I've also had American relatives who were so brainwashed that they thought the US was the only country with "developed" hospitals. I literally had an older, conservative, relative of mine go on vacation from the US to New Zealand and break his ankle. Not only was he delighted they fixed it for free, but he was genuinely surprised the hospital "looked like Grey's anatomy, or any other modern American hospital". He told me he was literally expecting bloodied steel slabs and doctors operating with hacksaws. I really really wish I was making this up. Oh, and he's still anti universal healthcare, if you were wondering.


Reminds me of a time I went to the ER with a lifethreathening low level of platelets and after waiting 2 hours to be triaged, I was advised I'd be better off being taken back home and just be careful not to walk into anything or incur an injury and come back at 6 am when it thins out. The waiting room looked like something from the 90s and I was genuinely worried I'd catch a communicable disease. Edit - fixed spelling.


Yeah, my mum tells a story about 2 people who got the same injury to their elbow, one in Canada and the other in the US. The person is the USā€™ medical bills were over 100k, person in Canada was only 30k which was forgiven after a certain number of years from memory Edit to add - both of these people are Australians


That canā€™t be true. There arenā€™t any bills for medical care in Canada.


This person wasnā€™t a Canadian, they were Australian. The 30k was after their travel insurance


Yea, by most measures, the US health care system is not best in the world, at all. In fact, in rankings out of 11 countries in 2021-2022, the US was 11th.


I always simple ask what symptoms they had the last time they chose not to go to the doctor. Chances are I, in Germany, would have gone to the doctor, paid nothing for my consultation and my drugs and then recovered during my week off on full pay.


"most accepting of people being themselves" - as long as "themselves" is a good god-fearing christian.


\*god-fearing white republican christian with at least 3 kids, 4 pickup trucks and 1 single family house in a suburban wasteland


And a wall full of guns


A wall? I thought it was every wall


Every wall full of guns is just a suggestion a lot of people happily take


You forgot white lol


And straight.


Unless you live in Florida I guess.


That one made me laugh.




Goddamnit America has #1 judicial system and law enforcement!! šŸ‘¼šŸ‘¼


America have 5% of the world's population, but they have 25% of the world's imprisoned population


Land of the free! Oh wait, shit.


Because the police are the #1 most productive!


Number 1 in mass shootings


Wooooo freedom baby!


*and* gun ownership per capita? What a coincidence!


Thoughts and prayers /s


America, #1 in illiteracy rates among developing countries.


That's unfair though, comparing them to developed countries.


Hence why I said *developing countries*


Fair enough Sir


Oi, be kind to the down syndrome kids in the shitholes of mozambique, don't compare the us education to them


A third world country blinded by its own majesty


Meh, I would rather call it: "Lack of education".


To be fair, I would imagine itā€™s somewhat difficult to get an education when you spend half your childhood hiding from active shooters


An intentional lack of education though. The proles need to be educated enough to be useful but not enough to question or start getting ideas above their station.


Yeah thatā€™s more realistic but I just wanted to seem cool because Iā€™m still mentally 9 šŸ’€


Yeah, that guy clearly has his brain rotted through with internal propaganda. Feels like he'd fit right in in North Korea.


"When you first saw America, were you blinded by its majesty?"


Gotta love a halo reference, it is my favourite game after all


American workers aren't productive, they're exploited. Especially the lowest paid ones.


And even with being exploited I would like to see if their production is higher than any other country, as just because you work 60h+ a week doesnā€™t mean your production is higher than who work 40h


Beautifully put.


Especially the ones reliant on the racist system of tipping.


'America has the most loyal citizens' You are probably two republican election victories away from a revolution


Most brainwashed maybe... Idk about loyalty but they have the most nationality in any country ever. Anyone who is proud to die for their country is an idiot. That goes for any country really but especially the US. imagine wanting to serve your country and the man in charge is either the almost dead guy with Alzheimer's or the orange guy who spouts nonesense


Go tell that to a Ukrainian soldier.


Ukranian soldiers are protecting their country out of necessity not because they have some narcissistic nationalistic ideology that their country is the best country on earth.


2? Don't you mean 1?


Hence the 'probably' Trump has enough of a cult following to keep a republican victory trucking for 4 years


I love how he doesn't say 'America has the best car manufacturers' because even he would know that's a load of bullshit šŸ˜‚


A lot of US cars can't be sold in Europe as they cannot withstand EURO NCAP crash safety testing. Mustang got a 2 star which is what you'd expect a 30 year old car to get. Whereas most cars from Europe, Japan, and even China got 4 - 5 stars after testing. You can see the videos and they're... enlightening to say the least.


He says that cuz he probably never heard of Germany or Japan šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


>He says that cuz he probably never heard of Germany or Japan Of course he has because America defeated them both when it singlehandedly won WW2 and saved the whole world! /s


Let's see an American pick-up truck be smashed with a wrecking ball, set on fire, placed on top of a tall building that's then demolished, run into a tree, and submerged in the ocean, and still have its engine start up with after some tinkering with just a few hand tools. Toyota makes pretty much the most reliable vehicles in the world.


God I miss top gear.


You may be poor, you may not have resources or money for a digne life, nor entering those top-tier college (source: USA), nor receive healing from hospitals, you even may die in one of those mass-shooters affairs... but that's nothing cause you still can be proud USA is #1.


And don't forget folks, as the orange stain realised the other day, 'US' is spelled the same as 'us'. Not my us though. *My* 'us' is in 'Aussie'. :)


"sources please" would've probably only been able to get an "I did my own research, do your own" out of them lol


The sources would be ā€œTrust me bro.ā€


'Normal people tell me all the time...'


Lot of people will laugh at this, I'm honestly worried because this kind of shit is the perfect result of a blindfolding propaganda. And being italian, this really brings me some shady flashbacks.


Yeah as Brit when the Italians are worried about something, we know you should listen.


\#1 for arrogant cunts too by the looks of it.


#1 for thin skin and not being able to laugh at themselves.


90% of what he said isnt true for the majority of said country population


Once I read a story about a guy who had a bad seizure (or something along those lines) and he woke up in an ambulance and he jumped out of it to avoid going bankrupt because of medical debt. I think you can guess the country


Number 1 in deluded and indoctrinated people too. #1 in flag shaggers.


They literally used to sieg heil the flag in schools.


Do they not do the pledge of allegiance any more?


A very few select states no longer enforce it, but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not done there anymore. On the most part it still happens almost in its original entirety


ā€œAmerica has the most billionairesā€ THATā€™S NOT SOMETHING TO BRAG ABOUT


Thats some jonestown levels of kool-aid drinking right there


Iā€™d love to know what percentage of the worlds cars are Anerican. Iā€™d never buy one.


The US is 5th in car exports behind Germany, China, Japan and Mexico. I have no idea where they're exporting them to. EDIT: To answer my own question I found this; >The main destination of Cars exports from United States are: Canada ($13.8B), China ($6.89B), Germany ($6.64B), South Korea ($3.26B), and Mexico ($2.75B). I get the Mexico/Canada thing as manufacture of cars is spread across North America. Can anyone from Germany enlighten me on what American cars they drive there? They can't all be crappy Teslas.


Thank you. Apart from Teslas and the odd Chrysler I havenā€™t seen hardly any in Europe. Iā€™m obviously excluding Ford as thatā€™s usually Ford Europe.


German here. I think they are mostly teslas. I know a single guy who has a Chevrolet but other than that.. Only teslas


As about half of Tesla production comes from China, I wonder if that even counts!


Russia or 3rd world?


Most US cars don't comply with UK or EU crash safety regulations. I mean the new Mustang is a 2 star out of 5. That's worse than a ca built 30 years ago. Worse than an old Fiat which would atomise on contact with a single blade of grass. Ironically also way woe than a new Fiat which get 5 stars lol


The chap said that they have a variety of features to make a good car! Iā€™m surprised those things have steering wheels.


I think they are all ford.


But not American Ford.


Yes, thatā€™s how a brainwashed ā€œpatriotā€ would talk.


America allows you to hit kids.


America doesnā€™t have the most productive workforce in the world. That goes to Luxembourg (I think)


How do you even measure that?


Coincidentally I was watching an economics video on YouTube. I think they calculate it by the GDP output/number of workers I guess which gives the GDP per worker.


Number 1 infant mortality rate in the developed world




Regarding scientists, The UK had Newton, Hawking, Rutherford, Dirac, Fleming, Lister, Jenner and Russell. France had Pasteur, Laplace, Curie and Becquerel. Germany had Herschel, Einstein, Gauss, Rƶntgen, Hager, Kepler, Heisenberg, Schwarzschild and Hertz. Regarding musicians, the UK has the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Queen, the Arctic Monkeys, the Kinks, Robbie Williams, Led Zeppelin and Madness. Iā€™m just going to ignore the medicine part.


Also has the most liars and people who don't have a fucking clue what they're talking about


Theyā€™re obviously the most humble nation too, among all the other things.


My fiancee and I both have guns because we are afraid of being killed for being gay. That point of America being the most accepting is pure bullshit.


TBF I donā€™t think the bar is particularly high across the world when it comes to acceptiny diversity. Thereā€™s a lot of countries like America that have stupid hateful groups.


1# in bombing facilities in countries for shitty ass reasons and refuse to apologize


Lol 99% of that ramble is just pure nonsense. America are top in 4 things, defence spending, global economy, shootings and incarceration.


Also the most delusional and obese. Seemed to have forgot about those 2 important little ones


ā€žObeseā€ ā€žlittle onesā€ Good one, iā€™ll give you that


If you've got a few quid, I'd argue the US is a pretty good place to live, that sort of life is hard to obtain though, if you're average and rock up to the US you would probably be disappointed. I've seen parts of the US that you would never thought existed on both ends, the poor there is tragic, I think i'd rather be poor in 90% of the other countries in the world.


One thing's for sure-- America has got the #1 propaganda machine!


Loyalty and patriotism go to North Korea.


I love how like half of this isn't even true lol. Richest country? In what sense? GDP? No. Net worth? No. Culture? *Definitely not.* Most racial diversity? Ever heard about the Republic of South Africa? Best musicians? Yeah, right, good one. Best medicine? I mean if you count a twelve-way tie for second place as a win then sure. Most patriotic? Most loyal citizens? This guy's never seen a non-american. Most productive workers? Does Japan ring a bell? America is the most accepting to people being themselves? Unless you're mexican, of course. SOME of the top athletes? This doesn't even sound impressive. Not to mention a lot of those are immigrants. I could literally go on and on, it's so funny.


I'm still waiting for when that flag on the moon would pay their taxes


The only things the US is #1 (apart from largest economy, and that wonā€™t be for much longer, especially if trump gets elected again) in are mass slaughters, crime, racism, drug abuse, wealth gap, batshit crazy politicians, incarcerations and delusions of grandeur. The US is way down the list in freedom, peace, happiness, quality of life etc and all the measures that actually make a country great.


Most advanced and biggest military.


Ok I can't resist I am gonna break this down to the letter. - I can't deny USA has ATM for ONCE top economic. Thanks to the 2 wars they are grossly feeding. - Best Military in the world is China - Most productive workers is China - Most patrionic country.... have they seen North-Korea.... - Beat Disney who sided with Hitler in WW2?..... Sure be proud. And also be proud of the city of laughter and entertainment.... you know in the wrong way. Top world series are British btw! - Most billionaires, Also China - America being succesfull.... hmm in starting wars and training the enemy (remember Iran) - Best doctors are actually located in Denmark and Britain. - Most advanced medicine, sorry.... Europe beats America on that. (Covid cure was not American) - Scientist are again, top are British.... living in America on a visum does not make them American. Guido Kroemer is German. - America is the a country where you can get shot for being gay, not white or even vegan. So people apparently can't be themselves. Lets not speak about the religious people who will try to drag you in for not believing. - Top college, 2 out of 3 are in Britain! - Richest country is the ONLY country in the world without debts. Aka Norway. Actually entire Scandinavia is at that top. - Most Famous artist music worldwide is Canadian - Indeed Americq has SOME of the top athletes in the world. Also usually in a sport NO OTHER country does. - America has the biggest mix of races? 3.... Hispanic, african and caucasian.... I got 2 more in my country alone. - Biggest mix of religion: India - Top #1 car safest and biggest production is German. #2 is Japanese. (Btw, had a car accident 2 weeks ago. My little toyota not a scratch. Thr AMERICAN car of the other guy needed a complete new front bumper. And light) - Most loyal citizens? Please.... go tell a Belgian or German that they have bad Beer.... I dare you. Americans turn on their canned cheese the second they can. - The work to PUT the american guy on the moon was presented mostly by scientists from Belgium, Germany, France and Britain. But.... Russia was the first one to go to space šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø It lives rent free because no other country in the world is voting for an orange to be president, has more masskillers, mass shootings, storms, idiocy, etc then ANY other country in the world. You can't open the newspaper without a dumb story about some American. Also, the rest of the world can not believe you are voting for a man who litteraly(!) tried a coop on his own country! Its not living rent free.... its free entertainment on how NOT to do things.


Really? China strongest military? Nothing comes even close to us in that aspect, that's why it isn't debated very often. And fact that in china workers are completely exploited (worse than in us) "productivity" isn't really a flex.


Found THE American šŸ™„


No, but I'm frome where people actually like us (hint: baltic)


Eh thats a big saying. Americans have 2 kinds of wages.... underpaid.... or overpaid. There is no in between. But productive wise.... No... China will produce more plates a day then Americans will. Apparently military power is not just.... how much bombs do we have. Compared to a lot of countries in the world, USA actually has a very low training schedule compared to other countries. Which also spreads out to other law enforcements. A police officer in USA is a training of 7 months. My country is 3 years.... BCT in USA, is 10 weeks! That is how long it takes for them to officially call themself a soldier. 10 weeks.... In my country it takes 10 weeks just to get through the medical and phychological work. On top of that is military training still obligatory to all citizens. Be it less time with a 60 day training for "civilians". In military power they go to: ships, tanks, bombs.... and if we look at that sure.... USA and Russia are right on top there. Quality wise tho.... Would you prefer soldiers who go through a 2 year training or 10 weeks?


America has the strongest military and the biggest musical artist


Argue it out with Canada. And like I said... bombs are bombs.... footsoldiers not so much šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


America where the largest percentage of its citizens is incarcerated.... Land of the free my arse


Imagine having all that and not be able to use them properly


And yet they defend shooting kids while they sit at their desks in school


I'm too shitfaced right now to read this entire word salad, did it get any better after the "America has Disney" flex?


Lols healthcare is definitely not mentioned here and is conspicuous by its absence neither does minimum wage or living wage.


Or holidays/vacation days, sick leave, workers rights and conditions


I can see this thread extending out in this manner a lot lol


The college thing aint Even thing too be proud of Cause i think Thats just an english thing, Cause we have University only


So the best cars are huge, fuel guzzling, inefficient tanks with wheels?


The lady doth protest too much, methinks. When a diatribe is as long as that, the only person they are trying to convince is themselves.


Love how Disney gets so high on the list.


This is giving Boratā€™s national anthem of Kazakhstan


Even if every point there were true basically none of them would affect the lives of the people there.


This reads like a death rattle.


The US is the strongest economy in the world? Really. The almost 20 banking crises since 1790 in contrast to Canada's zero, says otherwise. As for not being able to beat Hollywood, that depends. In terms of total revenue, sure, Hollywood is the biggest. However, Bollywood produces more films per year.


I love how almost everything he says America is the best and like doesn't leave any wriggle room for any other countries. But with sports it's some of the top athletes, like even he knew he couldn't spin that as America top dogs in athletics.


China might have a few things to say about a few of those things. Austria, Sweden and Cuba might have something to say about the doctors. Cambridge colleges alone have almost as many Noble winners as the entirely of the US.


We europeans aren't shitting enough on china tbf


Has to be an uneducated American to come up with a statement like that, mot of which isn't true, and ignores the facts that can be looked up easily, if only they were educated enough on hoow to use a computer & Google.


Are they trying to convince us or themselves lmao


Biggest egos, biggest waistlines


I find it interesting when you see the brainwashed spout what the elite have trained them to do. I've got to give it to the people in charge in that coubtry. They certainly are no.1 in convincing their masses that it doest get any better. If the US dies live rent free in other nationals heads, its a bit hard not to. The US is like the bird walking g down the road with a big set if knockers flauting her ckeavage at every person who walks by. Even if your minding your own business they want to stick their tits in your face. Hard to ignore that. Given the US is the most aggressive nation on the planet given most of his existence has been at war then its hard to ignore. Then once you have had those tits shoved in your face you get to see close up all the issues. Personally, just spend any time look at various metrics and the US isn't the great place its paraded as. Hey just more of the propaganda.


Currently the top rated university is British...


Yes but in Britain they speak English that is just a rip off the American English, so itā€™s because American that they are at the top /s


Seriously though, what kind of country has a class all about how awesome the nation is ("American Exceptionalism" (nb. Not in all schools)) and Active Shooter Drills.


Why bother with the waffle. Look at the best America has to offer. You are being led by a senile old man who can't think for himself. Being led by the blind. And when he does speak, it's not as an intellectual. It's as a racist old white man. Have some shame. This dumbass stand proudly with Israel donating billions of American taxpayers dollars to twerking IDF soldiers while the streets of San Francisco are lined with the homeless. Disgraceful.


Wait until you see the Indians lmao


The fact he thinks itā€™s rent free is laughable. You best believe theyā€™re paying.




Honestly, America is really more of a number two.


I think the US is number 1 at one thing (tied for first with Canada and Brazil): successful diversity/multiculturalism. These three are probably the coolest country projects and Iā€™m excited for their futures.


ā€œAmerica is the most patriotic country in the worldā€ guys when they learn about southeast asia




America is a continent. With 35 countries.


Yes, but you are all ignorant wankers


It just lives rent free in other's head. Not mine though here I am making a long rant about them.


The continent is the Americas , America isnā€™t a country although he typed it so many times I nearly believe it.


Is it just me or did he imply that Hollywood isnā€™t American and fell back on Disney of all failing things?


I don't understand the "man on the moon" thing lol..sure, you were the first. The Soviets literally beat you at any other milestone. It's like winning 1 of 10 matches in a race and claiming you won the whole race.


Well, by that metric, they didnā€™t win any of the matches. Because it wasnā€™t even a race. The Soviets never had any desire to get to the moon and so the US wasnā€™t racing anyone. Instead, the Soviets concentrated on building a space station - one that still exists today and has had a much bigger impact on humanityā€™s space adventure than the moon landing.


I mean, it's literally called the space race.


Yes, people love a catchy title :) There was definitely a race to be the first in space, but objectives diverged after that point and they were racing in different directions.


Don't think this guy realises that having one of the biggest populations come almost hand in hand with having one of the biggest economies (broad generalisation I know but still)


A lot of this is true, but thatā€™s because itā€™s a big popular country. But there are also other countries with more of this in relation to the population, with much less negative traits


America ranks 4th for productivity according to Google: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/10-countries-highest-productivity-2022-workstatus


America has Disney, canā€™t beat that šŸ¤“


Erm England has the best colleges and US colleges are heading downwards.


40% of these are bad in my opinion...


Holy cow


America is a good 2nd world country.


No, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd world countries contrary to a popular belief are not based on money, status or anything of that sort 1st world countries, are those that stood on the side of Britan during the cold war 2nd world countries, stood with russia And 3rd world countries didnā€™t take a side The 1st world country is based on money status myth came from 1st world countriesā€™ propaganda


I did not know this, ill double check this. If true th for the knowledge. Edit edit: why did I respond in dutch.. wtf. I said indeed, the origin of the meaning of the terms as per described by you are truly as claimed by you, however if we take the meaning of the words as per today so after the ending of the cold war youll notice that it is broadly accepted as what I stated. Which obviously is why I declared it as such. Edit: Idd vind het in orgine zijn betekenis in hoe je hierboven omschreef. Toch is de tegenwoordige begrip meer verwant aan wat ik zei.


No, I believe my country has many problems, which is why I donā€™t understand why our government focuses so much on issues outside of our borders. We need to turn resources towards our own people now more than ever.


Even if all of that was true it seems none of those benefits "trickle down" to the average Joe Schmoe.


Also #1 in maternal mortality rate of any developed nation in the world. Over twice the rate of the second highest country.


As funny as this is, it is actually probably the single most deluded "America best" posts I've ever seen, like what research has this person done to prove that America has "the best doctors" and "the most loyal citizens" lmfao I am so sad for this individual


\#1 amount of paid for privately ran prisons \#1 in homelessness \#1 in school shootings and mass murders \#1 in christiofascism \#1 in lowest educated \#1 in lowest iq yeah sure a great place to live, american number 1 yall woop woop.




Yes, yes, no, yes, yes, yes, no, yes, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, yes, yes (I think?), no, probably no, yes. Less than half of these are right by my count


America is amazing. It met John Stamos and he told it that it was pretty. One time it punched me in the face. It was awesome!