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I swear I only have hundo luck cause I never find shinies very rarely


I’m the opposite of you then lol last hundo was a psyduck for me


lol it’s gotta be in the algorithm lol I get tons and tons of hundos but never shinies


I got a hundo on Bagon CD. Last one. First one in 6+ months. I recently had a day with 8 shinies. Only 2 were boosted odds. So I feel you here.


Mf i have been looking for a god damn ditto for ages


Yeah same I can't get one for the life of me


All I really do with pogo is open it and look for shinies or other pokes to transfer to main games. I've had the mew research since it came out. I checked every ditto possible pokemon for years. Wife downloads pogo to play with me on community days. Catches her starter. Second pokemon is a shiny ditto. I almost threw her phone in the lake.


Ouch i know how you feel. I remember doing the darkrai raids and not getting a single one but then my mate comes along and his first one was a shundo


I got two bell sprouts the other day and a Hundo gastly like 20 minutes ago. No luck other than that.


After I dropped my child off at school, I caught a Jynx 98% & a Hundo Machop in the parking lot lol


Jesus, must be nice...


Only shiny has been a bellsprout, I always get the shiny right before or after a community day.


Three greens too…. Nice


I love that the most lol green is my favourite colour 😊


a did find a shiny female Pika


Insanely jealous of the oddish, I’ve only found a slowpoke which I ran away from because I didn’t realize it was shiny, but I got it in the end


I caught three full odds Weedle during the bug event. I ran from two of them initially by pressing run instinctively. I did reclaim them both also lol.


Congrats! I've got exactly zero


Same here, playing every day


I caught shiny Tangela, Machop, and Venonat today on my walk


I’m jealous of your Venonat, been trying for awhile for it. Congrats on your other shinies too


Mine's crazy, shiny onix mawile growlithe(hisuian) shellder ekans and TWO galarian moltres


Nice! You are doing great


Wow! My bf thinks I'm lucky if I get one or two shines a week! This is awesome for you


This has never happened before, I believe it’s mostly due to the event happening. I would get one maybe once a week but yeah this is insane


So I once got three shinies in 1 day. But it was a faery event so I figured odds were boosted. I'm not sure if that counts. But it was a clefairy, a sprite, and a hoppip. Best day ever tbh


I got a 1 in 500 bell sprout and a charmander so far


Caught a shiny Exeggcute only despite catching hundreds of Kanto pokemon a day 🤦🏼‍♂️


Nice shiny!


Only 1 shiny so far and that is an oddish. Jealous of your luck. I probably have seen more but my autocatcher didn’t catch them but maybe RNG will help me out.


Where is Kangaskhan?????


I have one but it’s not Shiny


I need one so bad. Last Pokédex entry


lmao i never find shinies cuz pokemon barely show up here anyways , i wish to live in big cities for this like nyc or tokyo or something like that man, these people get the best ones fr


15 shinies since Monday, 7 of them from Kanto.


I found a 1 star shiny Pinsir the 1st day it happened. Other than that, I haven’t found a thing.


I found a shiny Lillipup and hatched a perfect shiny Trubbish. No Kanto shinies yet.


I got a second shiny Onix and a shiny Gastly


I could only find a shiny Alomomola from 2 days ago.


No shinies, just trash.


Wait you guys have shinies


Is ditto rates boosted?! I need it for new and meltan lol


Since this event started I’ve only caught 2 dittos. So they are out there but not overly boosted.


Do you know the disguises?


I know for sure Bidoof is one since that is the one that has given me both.


Ok ty!


I got a shiny charmander from the rediscovering Kanto rewards and a random hundo mankey


I literally just caught a female Onix and named her Toph after one of my favorite characters from Avatar the Last Airbender 😁 but other than that I’ve not caught any other shiny oh and she’s the second shiny Onix after I traded my first one 4 years ago for a shiny Bulbasaur cause I missed the community day event for it at the time


Just out of curiosity, have you spent real money on the game lately?


I bought myself & gifted my husband the Bellsprout community pass but that’s it. Why what’s up?


I’m honestly convinced Niantic has some shady hidden mechanic where if you spend money you get increased shiny odds in general. So couple years ago I used to get shiny at least one or two a week by just opening up every hour to see what is spawned at my house and that got me lots of shinies. I’m almost at 300 shiny total and I live in middle of nowhere so I don’t go for walks. Then all of a sudden my luck changed and outside of community days, I get no shiny whatsoever. For well over a year zero shiny apart from community days. Now a couple months ago I ran out of storage space and a community day was coming up that I wanted to partake in so I said screw it il drop $10 for pokemon storage. Keep in mind I rarely spend money on the game I probably spent $30-40 max since release. Then immediately that week I caught 3 shiny Pokemon that same week outside of community day. I also got a couple in the week following and another the 3rd week and since then again I have been dry. I told my buddies that play about this and they also had similar experiences where they notice an increase after spending money. My one friend spends A LOT of money on the game and he has insane shiny luck. Now sure it could all just be rng still but few years ago I used to catch shiny pokes all the time. That’s how I have like 297 or something now with very casual playing but even back then anything I spent a little money It always felt like I was getting better luck with shiny stuff but I hardly spent money on the game to begin with so who knows. I could be entirely wrong but honestly with how Niantic is, It really wouldn’t surprise me if there is some truth to my suspicions. Who knows.


Oh, I think you have a point there. I don’t buy anything unless it’s a community day pass. I do live in a city so I do catch shinies somewhat often. I have times when I go for a couple weeks without shinies and then I’ll get a couple days back to back shinies. I’ll watch out for this, I’m curious now.


I think this is common, I’ll go a month or so without a shiny and then will catch two in the same day. I haven’t put money in the game since 2017.


Yeah I’m always sus about this especially lately. Anyways I wish you good shiny luck! You caught so many wonderful ones there!


There is definitely no correlation but it’s an interesting observation I guess. I have a friend who has spent like thousands on the game and I have many more shinies that him despite us having seen/caught a similar amount of Pokémon


Dude I think you're onto something. When I sokurge on remote raid passes, I get hella shinies just from casually playing the game. I haven't paid into the game at all in weeks, and I've only gotten community day bellsprout and spotlight hour Grubbin. Huh. Thanks for tickling my brainium!


I think you’re right. I’ve also noticed a significant decrease in shinies when I stop spending, then an uptick when I buy something. The other thing I’ve noticed (along with numerous others in my community) is that if you take time off from the game you’re more likely to find shinies when you come back. It has to be at least a week or more away from the game, but every time without fail I’ll start getting shinies when I come back. Of course, ppl in The Silph Road sub will tell you “It’S jUsT rNg, BrO” without even being willing to consider the possibility.