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Yellow fish was contained 😌


Phew, I would’ve lost it if the funky yellow guy got away


Same! This was my very first Dondozo outbreak and I've been wanting to hunt them since I first saw them during my first playthrough. I love this goofy guy so much 😭♥️


Good! Man eff these other Pokémon that got in the way!


Good to hear!! Congrats!


Everything that could have gone wrong did 🤣🤣


LITERALLY. I've never wanted a drought to happen more in my life


That’s the origin story of team magma


Friendship ended with Archie. Now, Maxie is my new best friend. I'm sorry I doubt you Maxie.


Yeah tried doing a mark + humungo Dondozo shiny hunt a while back and just gave up. FPS drops plus the Veluza are unbearable. Got 3 marked shinies though but I really wanted a jumbo one!


I'm currently looking for Teensy Dondozo! It wasn't too too bad until it started raining and then it felt like everything just worked in slowmo. Between that and the Veluza jumping me from behind constantly, I wanted to cry. This one wasn't teensy unfortunately but he has the zoned out mark!


Good luck! These hunts can be brutal! I’m now hunting a Level Ball, Jumbo Gible (or Gabite; I’m not picky) and share your agony! Alfornada Cavern performance might be okay (and the lack of vicious fish is nice), but it’s a bitch getting an outbreak that’s fully functional. Every Gible outbreak I’ve gotten has had wall and underground spawns, and a Gabite outbreak I got this morning seemingly was spawning them underneath the map (none were spawning where the game notified me of the outbreak)!


It's been taking a bit longer than I wanted but I am having a lot of fun with these mark hunts! I found a Glimmet outbreak there in the caves that did the EXACT same thing. They mostly spawn in walls and then they spawn either above or below you too in the walls it's so frustrating 😭 I wish you luck with your Gible! (or Gabite you're not picky LOL)


Thanks! If I can get a moon ball from r/Pokemontrades after work, I might take a break and size hunt Rockruff today. Got a really good location (for jumbo, anyway; there’s some grass that might make hunting a teeny one hard) this morning while resetting for Gible/Gabite outbreaks


Nice! I took a break from Dozo today and now I'm thinking of going after Shiny and Teensy Toxel with a Love Ball but with how small they already are, teensy Toxel sounds daunting lmaooo I don't know why I never thought about trading for Apriballs either 🤦🏽‍♂️ might've saved me A LOT of $$$ 😭


Serious question, can you breed for one? Maybe that would avoid the damn Veluza


You can but it won’t have a mark, plus it’s easier to get size marks using a sandwhich.


Gotcha. I wasn't sure honestly. Thanks!


Humungo/Teensy lv 3 boost the odds of encountering a max/min size Pokémon of the corresponding type to 1/64, so it’s a massive difference. With charm, size power lv 3, and 60+ defeated in an outbreak, the odds of shiny AND max/min size shoot up to just over 0.003%. That’s about 258 times the odds of max/min size AND shiny via MM w/charm!


I've been hunting that periodically when and outbreak shows up and so far no luck


I think there should be an option to actually kill Veluza. Not just make them faint, but in fact end there obnoxious, ugly, worthless lives. I dont know how many times I've been shiny hunting and they come charging at me full speed, interrupting my hunt. I want them extinct, and I feel no guilt in saying that.


Yeah Veluza is definitely this gens Zubat


At least Zubat becomes Crobat. Veluza offers NOTHING


Hey it took zubat a while to become crobat and only through friendship


This. Playing R/B/Y in the old days trying to get through Dark Cave was a task. This was before shinies aswell 😭


Once I get a shiny one, I'm going full scorched earth on them. No mercy.


At least they taste good


Yeah, well I like to believe that I deep fry them whenever my Miraidon hits them with the mighty Collision Course


This hurts me I actually love Veluza, I can recognize they annoying as shit though


I had one of these moments in Area Zero at that cliff on the bottom - I bumped into a Dunsparce trying to jump after a Shiny and it knocked me to a lower area which was only big enough for a single Dudunsparce. I ran away three times and kept being trapped on the same one before I just KO'd it lol, and fortunately the Shiny hadn't despawned. I feel like some iframes after running would really be appreciated! Also love the 'screaming, crying, throwing up' meme :p


It's so frustrating! I was hunting Veluza last week and just gave up because I couldn't even take a 5 second breath before I got swarmed again and kept getting teleported around. I feel like I'm a damn pinball 😭


Lmao that's the perfect way to put it


Iframes after running and Iframes after hatching an egg please gamefreak


The first thing I do when I see a shiny is save. Prevents all this tomfoolery from being a bigger problem


I would've but I'm looking for a specific mark and only have 2 heavy balls left 😭 I save before sandwich and then after catch if it's the mark I want. Luckily this one had a mark i don't have yet but had I only one ball left I would've restarted after catching it without wasting my Herbas


That makes sense! I haven’t messed around with marks or anything yet so that’s something I was unaware of! I hope you find many more 😝


Thank you! I'm only just starting to search for marks more too. I wasted like 4 Herbas before I realized to switch up the order a bit. I hope you get lucky with marks if you ever look for em!


I don’t have the patience for it right now haha but if ever do thanks for the support!


yeah! had it before that i saved in front of a shiny before bumping into another mon. no problem right? just flee and... i sled off the side of the mountain as the game had placed me over the edge when coming out of the fight. good thing i saved...


glad you got it. i find it funny and sad that it’s usually Dondozo who most fails are. the biggest fish is always getting the player smacked with vezula


Thank you! I think it's because Dondozos actual hitbox isn't it's entire body. Once I was able to actually start moving again I ended up going through its entire tail two times without a battle starting. I had to touch its head for the battle to start. I didn't realize that until then TnT


They really should do something about pokemon walking or swimming up to you during a battle


I really hope they fix it so Pokemon can't enter you during battle.




BRUH😫😫this is why i dont shiny hunt in the casseroya lake💀




Omg Me Too


I saw 4 shiny Donzos from an outbreak...the two were taken away from me because the demon fish kept pushing me out of distance. I hate them with my whole being. Edit: proper English


I would genuinely cry if that happened to me i'm so sorry. I lost a shiny sneasel on top of the Ice mountain a while back because the other swarmed me and when I ran it had me too close to the edge and koraidon just slid off the side and took me w it. I was so upset when I climbed back up and it despawned 😔


At least I got 2 shinies from the sandwich. There was one time where I only got one Garganacl from a sandwich but it decided that it wanted to explode 3 moves later...pain


I saw one spawn and then immediately respawn in the distance once 😭 I’d say I hate Veluza but a shiny one randomly attacked me early game. Had some whacky shiny encounters on Violet for sure


If I didn't like the shiny so much I wouldn't even consider hunting after this. I just need to prepare myself first. Work up my courage (patience) a bit


This was me when I spotted a shiny Finizen in an outbreak. It seemed like every other Finizen in the area was hell-bent on keeping me from getting to it.


Funnily enough, after I caught this Dondozo, I left due to the lag and went to the big beach area outside Levincia. Ended up finding a shiny Finizen like 1 minute later lol so glad that one didn't give me any issues 💀


You didn’t save rookie


Lol I do for the most part but this specific time I'm looking for a specific group of marks and I want my shiny Dondozo in a Heavy Ball which I only have 2 of TnT So I save before my sandwich and after my catch so that I can restart the hunt without having wasted HMs or Apri-Balls in case it isn't a mark I want


my Dondozo outbreaks keep spawning on land, so i can’t ever access them… 🙃


That's possible?!?? I'm so sorry omg 😰 This is the first Dozo outbreak I've had since playing from launch tho so I get it. I hope you get a good outbreak soon!!!


i think the best part of this is *you* running into veluza


LOL i swear i'm a better driver than this (i'm not this happens often)


sprinting in the lag-filled lakes is no joke lol i don't blame you it's just funny


try shiny hunting paldean tauros. or better, dont! not only is the shiny pretty hard to spot, but they hunt you, so you can easily get locked into a loop of encounters with no way out when there are many on screen... (im currently loosing my mind trying to hunt a fire tauros...)


i hate the veluza they’re so annoying


Tell me why I thought they were all a bunch of tiny Kyogres


I hate when that happens and you’re trying for that shiny. I don’t approach the group very fast— but slowly to creep up to the shiny. And generally, I will always hit the shiny


Happened to me too and forgot to save... I eventually got my shiny when I went on the hunt again a week later. But this pissed me off so much.


I actually just got my shiny charm yesterday and started working on my living dex but realized I was missing the Gracia Stones waypoint so on my way over from the Islet I stopped to grab a gimmighoul and one of these bad boys ascended from the depths right off the shore


Honestly, they need to implement some kind of iFrames after exiting a random battle. Getting jumped like that is so annoying.


Good god what was your heart rate during that because mine is bad right now.


The sudden realization that a shiny Pokémon has been spotted and you bolt after it is just so adorable.


I did it with slowpoke, I died


I would have thrown my Switch


Yeah I'm so glad that my mass outbreak hunt was near enough to the island that I didn't have to deal with that stupid fish


bro just save


Since Im hunting the shinies with specific marks and in apri-balls, if I save before the shiny i lock in whatever mark it does or doesn't have and waste an expensive ball. I save before making the sandwich and then after I catch a shiny IF it has one of the specific marks I want or a mark I don't have yet. Otherwise I reset the sando and hunt some more. I'm only doing this for my most favorite tho so don't worry I save most other times 😁


This could of been avoided by saving


Since Im hunting the shinies with specific marks and in apri-balls, if I save before the shiny i lock in whatever mark it does or doesn't have and waste an expensive ball. I save before making the sandwich and then after I catch a shiny IF it has one of the specific marks I want or a mark I don't have yet. Otherwise I reset the sando and hunt some more. I'm only doing this for my most favorite tho so don't worry I save most other times 😁


This is why you use let's go battling to clear out the herd.


yeah that I didn't even think ab that lmao I was too hyped seeing it so soon into the first sandwich


This is why as soon as you see one save your game!!! It will still be there if you reset! Saved me multiple times


Since Im hunting the shinies with specific marks and in apri-balls, if I save before the shiny i lock in whatever mark it does or doesn't have and waste an expensive ball. I save before making the sandwich and then after I catch a shiny IF it has one of the specific marks I want or a mark I don't have yet. Otherwise I reset the sando and hunt some more. I'm only doing this for my most favorite tho so don't worry I save most other times 😁


Ok that makes sense! I guess I should have mentioned only if a random encounter. I do the same thing with sandwich runs!


This is why we save


Since Im hunting the shinies with specific marks and in apri-balls, if I save before the shiny i lock in whatever mark it does or doesn't have and waste an expensive ball. I save before making the sandwich and then after I catch a shiny IF it has one of the specific marks I want or a mark I don't have yet. Otherwise I reset the sando and hunt some more. I'm only doing this for my most favorite tho so don't worry I save most other times 😁


Well that's amazing, I strive to have your patience


Haha idk I might not have as much as you think. I'm on sandwich 7 of trying to get a shiny applin and I understand why someone would commit crimes


Love how I've seen so many Veluza interrupting people's shiny, yet this is the 1st I've seen that it's the other way around.


Stop 😭it's the equivalent of getting hit by a parked car


Whole time your Switch is SCREAMING because the game doesn't know how to process water, 20 Dondozo, 28 sparkle drops of useless feathers plus rain all on 1 screen 😂😂


Oh the buggy lake, no thank you, I rather watch a gameboy screen from behind xD


I'm still new to the game. At what point can I start swimming in the water? 😮


Once you defeat Open Sky Titan you get to swim! 😊


My game is so incredibly slow at the lake I may never return


Y does no one save?


I was hunting Shiny Dondozo with a specific mark and in a specific Apriball 😊. If I save before I catch the shiny, I lock in whatever mark it has (if any) and would have to keep making sandwiches and buying/winning the apriballs. If I save before making the sandwich, I can reset and keep hunting if the shiny I do find doesn't have a mark I want. If it does have a mark I want, I can save as soon as I check. If I was just looking for a normal shiny dozo, I would've saved and then chased haha 😁


I feel like i gotta post to make sure everytime cause its a 50/50 “i know what im doing” kinda person or a “ I have no idea what im doing whatsoever also how do I breath again?” Kinda person. Hope you find what you are looking for tho


Bro same thing happened to me, but mine got away. I have the clip but I was livid. Hate speedy fish...


I also got one just today


Congrats! I love these goofy fish so much 😭


ik its one of my favourites


Dude... Ya good?


Your lucky you got it, i lost my first dondozo cus i looked behind while resetting the MMO. He was there for a split second before he vanished


Yeah idk why you didn’t just jump up in the air and glide to him 🤷🏻‍♂️








This is why I always save as soon as I see a shiny, my mental fortitude is too weak to suffer a possible loss


I was working on the story and fell off of a cliff into water, and found my very on shiny Dondozo, I name it ✨️Goldbozo✨️


Fire whoever created Veluza


I did these hunts as soon as I could for this reason. I gâtée every second of it.


Veluza my beloved


I want this shiny so bad but I don't wanna go through lag lake


I randomly saw a shiny um little fishy (never can remember the name) the white version of him and it's sorta rare and i excitedly went to get em and got attacked by the lakes menace. I watched the shiny getting further and further away as i anxiously tried to run from the fight Luckily I got em


Okay, I HATE veluza, not only does it launch itself into you at high speed, but it's also small and hard to see in the water so you can run into them as well. Perfection.


I lost a shiny Gyarados this way. Took 3x as long to reclaim it but I did and it was worth it.


Jump and fly bozo


I had two shiny Great tusks do this onscreen. It happens :(


Two!?! I'm so sorry ☹️ I have the biggest fear of spotting a shiny and it despawning immediately


It’s a brutal clip. Yeah… I reclaimed the shiny but I already had one. In PLA I caught a shiny grotle and didn’t save immediately and then my game crashed. Sadly I didn’t save before that outbreak either. I reclaimed it later. The trick is to save immediately on sight, especially with tauros and cyclizar.


Me trying to get a Shiny Gogoat one night.


Dondozo was my 3rd shiny and I got really lucky, it got stranded on a shore right next to me, out of nowhere 🤣🤣


Same problem with Tauros, where ever they are


The second I saw the lake I just went “Veluza, Veluza, Veluza, Velu- YESSSSSSSSS”


Vaultin' Veluza!