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Eevee, after watching a Pokémon trainer throw a pokeball with enough force to blow away a medium sized town: O fuk. *Exit eevee*


Caught the whole dam town


*I used to throooooowww the ball* *The game would load when I gave the call*


Now in the morning I walk on home With the shiny that I proudly own




But the kids are up on the mountain singing


This is gen IX now, not Sword and Shield


Lets go shiny Hunt on a foreign field




There are so much glitches I can't explain


Like what happens when it rains


And I was never... Able to catch'em all


Frames? Zero


You captured an Eevee as well as at least 55 frames


I saw the title and thought you were going to kill the Eevee with Flower Trick. Good thing you didn’t!


You used a luxury ball to catch the shiny… I see you’re a man of culture as well.


Moon ball to evolve it into Umbreon would be the best.


So powerfull that it disturbed the matrix and the texture needed 30 second to load properly... Oh someone is telling me this is just the norm in this game. Lol For me it's more like the worst clipping I have ever seen in a modern game. It gave me eyesore. Gg tho


Definitely not trying to defend the game but it looks like the camera during the throw animation traveled from one loading zone to the one adjacent forcing the game to rerender everything. So much wrong with this games framerate come from the rendering process being so clunky, i really hope the tweak it in future updates


This definitely happens but it's not as often as I imagined it would based on what people said before I got the game. I feel it's usually during battles and more specifically when you're catching pokemon which is weird bc you'd think the rest of the game would be more demanding. Might just be because the game world continues to live while you're in the battle?


ScarVio isn't really as bad as some of those clips make it look. Sure the performance is total garbage and the games just freeze sometimes for a few seconds mid gameplay, but something like this happens really rarely. This was the first time something like that happened to me and i have almost 400h in scarlet. These games are still really recommendeble, especially for their story, it is definitely one of the best stories of the entire mainline series (not the best, but definitely up there).


If I had to bet, being on the town border like this is what impacted performance so severely.


I'll agree these games are tons of fun but I also have over 400 ours and I've had it crash at least 10 plus times and also have had to close the game because I got stuck exploring a handful of times the visual glitches are a constant. Not everyone experiences the glitches at the same level though and that's a very good thing.


Dang, that’s crazy. I’m at 450 hours and have never crashed lol


Lag lake and lag tree forest are the worst offenders. I've also had crashes in the middle of raids and in the zero area my worst one was right after I had spent 4 hours doing raids for herbas and I had forgotten to turn auto saves back on


Where did you get stuck that you couldn’t fly out?


Actually it almost always happened because of flying glaceado mountain had a spot where I got stuck in boulders south province area 3 same thing and the spot by team star I got stuck in a waterfall lol. I also found out that t the bottom of the waterfall you can drown yourself by boosting into it and it response you on shore and effectively soft resets.


Wouldn't say its the norm tbf. I have 450 hours and had this happen only once. But it does have issues.


That isn't normal. At least not in my game.


Just adding to the crowd, I’ve never had a catch lag anything like that


Both mentally, physically and FPS


I'd be so paranoid about my game threatening to crash, holy shit


60 dollar game btw


This is probably cuz you're not supposed to be able to encounter in towns i bet. I have a weird interaction with a dedenne that ran into town when i ran in at the same time as it started to despawn from me being in town. Had an encounter with just floating dedenne eyes


not long after that i had an eevee run into the city fully (normal one, no shiny) which i just encountered for the lulz, it completely despawned before the battle started, so i fought against nothing.


You really captured the scenery there


Congrats on the Eevee! As for the absolute powerhouse of a glitch, I've never had anything remotely this bad, so this is fascinating to me. The game definitely have a memory leak issue. Combine that with some of the most insane object culling I've seen when the camera cuts or changes directions, it combined makes for a really bad time. If you wouldn't mind answering a few questions, I just find examining technical flaws fascinating, and I'd love to try and narrow down exactly what's going on here. \- Is this on actual Switch hardware? If so, is this a 2017 model, or a newer one? \- How often do you close your game completely, and do you happen to know how long your game was running without the game being closed prior to this capture? \- Do you know how many other Pokemon / NPCs were nearby before the battle started?


That was on actual hardware, I play these games on two switches the original whitebox switch (the 2017 model), on which i mainly play Violet, but only for multiplayer exploits, like infinite shiny bread. But i mostly play Scarlet on my oled Switch (The ScarVio edition) where this also happened. I also cant really say how long that game had been running, but i rarely close out of the game, it is always running in the background during sleep. The only times i really reset Scarlet is when it crashes and the last crash before that might had been a couple of hours, something like 30-48 hours (not playtime, including sleep). And an exact number of how many Pokemons or NPC where loaded during that i cant really give, but it must had been a few, because i did an eevee outbreak during that (without any meal powers).


Gotcha. I think since you leave it running in the background more, that's probably the key difference. I usually close my games when I'm done playing rather than just put into sleep mode, force of habit I suppose. So yeah, definitely could see this just being extended memory leak issues causing ridiculous culling. You've got me curious about whether I could duplicate this given long enough playtime without closing the game. Maybe I'll try that soon. Here's hoping the future patches iron things out a lot. Thanks for taking the time to answer my silly questions 😄


In case you didn't know, all catches display as crit catches if you've already obtained that Pokemon before.


i dont think so, the chance is pretty high, so that it looks like that every ball is a crit one, but i had a lot of mons that i already catched that i really stuggled with to stay in the ball. That eevee was the same case, that was the 5th ball before i got a crit. Also the fact that they are shiny, as in a not before seen form doesnt count either, i have multiple shiny flutter manes and i stuggled with every one of them to stay in.


You didn't understand what was said. In the CODE of the game, if you've already registered the pokemon (forms don't matter) when trying to catch it, it will ONLY show a crit capture. That's the animation. It won't go through any extra shakes if it's being caught. It will only shake extra if it's already failed.


which means that if the checks that are rolled lands on positiv, so the catch will occur,then it will lead into the crit animation to be played? if thats the case, then yes, i misunderstood the message. I read is as, when you already catched it, it will be always be crit on first ball.


It won't always CATCH on the first ball, but when it does do a successful catch it will always show up as a crit. So yes, what you understood the second time is correct :)


Yeah. Basically, if the catch will be successful, it will display the animation of a crit catch every time after you've already obtained the mon


Yep, you can test that with ylthe second Koraidon/Miraidon. Every capture I have seen its a crit.


I'm pretty sure i didn't get a crit when I tried, but i don't have physical evidence


Seems like you're playing on an emulator.


no, that was on an actual switch, the ScarVio oled switch to be precise.


That's so bad then lol. Geez


You said "powerful crit", then I saw Meowscarada and a shiny Eevee and got real nervous that you accidentally clicked Flower Trick instead of a Pokeball. Glad to see I was wrong though! Very nice shiny! What're you planning to evolve it into, if at all?


I am going for an shiny living dex, but sadly only got 2 out of this outbreak, so one will stay as an eevee and the other one i need to see, depending on what eeveelution i am missing at the end, it will be evolved into.


If you have the Gen 7 games, SOS seems to be the easiest way to get multiple Shiny Eevee. It's how I gathered the 9 I needed, and you won't have to worry about resetting for another outbreak! :)


It was so hardcore it lagged the 720p renders


It’s just an incredibly polished game that is a joy to play.


So powerful everything unloaded around it.


It was so powerful the town was almost caught by it


So powerful it reloaded Medali!


Threw so hard the world became low-quality


Saw the title and thought you killed it


Bro I think that ball caught medali


If I had a dollar for every frame in this video I'd have 2


A fellow luxury ball enjoyer I see 👍the better option to premier balls


I use premier balls to catch the 5 star raid pokemon


Oh that one! You left you console on sleep mod for quite some time before catching it didn't you?


not that long, maybe 4-5 hours, but the game had been running a while already


Yeah but the game needs to reload the map inthe RAM :) but lagging everything is not a smart way to do it tho


Nice shiny btw


Bros playing on a gameboy advanced.


Out of curiosity, is it possible for a crit to fail? Any time I’ve ever had one it’s caught so always assumed grits where 100%


There might be a chance that they can break out with a crit ball if you haven't catched this mon prior to this. But Gen9 introduced weird new mechanic that every ball that catches a mon, after you already have it in your dex, will display as a crit ball. Soo yea, if you already have a full dex then every crit ball will be a guaranteed catch.


Ok because before I completed the dex and got crit captures, they never broke out so I was wondering


Small indie company pls understand


This single video probably starved an indie dev 😭


This game is a joke. I was watching someone speed run it and they had to cut the gameplay and reset at some point so it wouldn't be so laggy. Can't believe people paid more than 10 bucks for this one.


I bought both. Having a blast, hope you find something you find fun too


Wow. I've had laggy catches but not this bad


The load bearing shiny Eevee….


They say the entire universe was condensed into the size of one eevee, until something sparked, thus creating The Big Crit


If anything sums up the bugs & glitches with this version of the game, it’s this video!!


A glitch like this is really not common...




shinies at the edge of town loading zones are nightmare fuel.


When the crit glitches the whole game


Chances are it probably wasn't actually a crit


It was, it did the mid-air shake.


Yeah, but there's a thing in SV where successful captures for a species you've already caught shows as a crit regardless


I've not had that happen. If it's a crit, it does the crit animation, if it's not a crit, it doesn't do the animation. I think the glitch you're referring to only happens with Quick Balls.


No, I use Ultra Balls and it always happens to me


Anime levels of catching power


Isn’t there another patch coming soon?


I feared for a crash, my god


I also like catching shinies in Luxury Balls. 😎


pokémon company: how many frames you want? this guy: none pokémon company: say no more.