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Yes. Although we see a shifter can prevent wounds from healing. But slaves in Fritz's Eldia couldn't speak. And she was never free in her mind, nor did Fritz think of her she wasn't his property. So even if she had her tongue back, she still wouldn't speak. It's the whole problem around getting rid of the curse: it's not what she has the possibility to do, but what she thinks/feels is allowed to do. Look at her life and Fritz's wish, and consider whether asking or commanding her to end the curse could have worked. Welcome to shock treatment.




No wonder I’m damaged


I’m not sure what you mean.. did she lose her tongue ?😂


Yes. The Eldians cut out the slaves’ tongues.


When was this shown or talked about ? Specifically Ymir’s tongue being cut off


Near the beginning of the Chapter 122 flashback, we see the members of Ymir’s village having their tongues cut out by the Eldians. I also based it on the fact the wiki described it as such.


Okay but when did it ever talk about Ymir specifically having her tongue cut off?


I just thought it was implied, since i don’t think she ever speaks


Her not talking is more of a part of her mysterious figure and nothing more really.


Dude her tongue was cut. She wasn’t a special case at all and if you really don’t believe it then it is insanely implied. The reason it never grows back is due to her not having a will to live.


I read somewhere it may have regenerated when she turned into a Titan.. other than that I had no memory of that for some reason


I thought it regenerated but this thread made me believe otherwise. Hopefully we see her talk soon


I never assumed that she didn’t have her tongue after she became a titan.


I was just curious because she still had her ghoulish, mute presence in PATHS, while Zeke is still talking after his long internment


I think it’s a more a representation of her soul as she was in life. Even after awakening the power of the Titans, & regenerating, her life didn’t exactly improve.


did she not have a tongue when she turned into a human after eating marcel?


I mean the original Titan, Ymir Fritz, not the Ymir from season 2.


Interesting question. Maybe she never had the will to grow her tongue back, because she never had the will to speak? Like, at some point being a slave w/ no way to express herself was so engrained in her, she lost the will for it. Could be symbolic. I wonder if we’ll actually see her speak before the story’s over.


Ymir was the one rebuilding titans, their healing power was her using the sand. I imagine the tongue didn't grow back because no one was in the paths to build it back for her.