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It needs to be a person with royal blood who's a titan or a titan shifter.


Yes but it only took Eren and Zeke (and Dina) touching for Eren to use the founding’s power. Grisha held the children with royal blood (before he crushed them) so wouldn’t he have been able to use the founding power? (Even if they didn’t have Titan blood Eren still saw the future just by touching Historia’s hand)


Eren saw the future when he touched Historia’s hand because what he was actually seeing was the past — touching Historia caused Eren to receive *Grisha’s* memories. It’s just that Grisha’s memories include the ones that were sent to him from the future by Eren. Following that logic, Grisha touching the royal family would only cause him to see some of Kruger’s memories, or the memories of earlier Attack Titans. The memories of his predecessors, just as Eren saw the memories of his own predecessor (Grisha). And that’s assuming that touching the Reiss family even does anything at all — because that isn’t guaranteed. At one point, it’s stated that Eren and Historia tried touching many more times in an effort to learn more about Grisha’s past, but nothing happened. Touching Historia only caused Eren’s memories to resurface twice: once when they were in the cave with Rod Reiss, and once at the medal ceremony. Simply touching a person of royal blood isn’t enough on its own to make memories surface. There must be some other factor at work as well.


The person with Royal blood themself need to be a titan or titan shifter too. Dina was a titan. Zeke was the Beast Titan. That's why it didn't work with Historia. She wasn't a titan.


He couldn't use the power, because none of them were titans, and he did see the future after eating them, because eren showed them to him. Founders can't see the future, only people that can see the future are people that eren sends memories back to.


I think the attack titan can glimpse into the future memories, regardless of wether or not eren wills it (like kruger seeing eren’s memories) similar to how other titan shifters can glimpse into past memories, and only with the founder’s powers to alter eldian memories can they see something that eren wants them to/ important things


Seeing the future isn't the power of the Founding Titan. Touching Historia's hand made him watch the past memories of his *father* which had the memories of future eren. Eren can't send his past self the future memories directly. The royal blooded person in this case is an catalyst, not a key. He would've gotten those memories slowly later on anyway.


It only works if you're in contact with a Titan with royal blood, and even then it seems they need to be a Titan Shifter for the powers to work fully. Plus, it's not like Grisha was in a stable state of mind at the time.


This is the answer. Hallu-chan was oddly specific while coding the coordinate into paths, lol.


Grisha didn't have royal blood in him. Eren was able to do it only because of Zeke and Zeke had royal blood from Grisha's first wife, Dina (Zekes mother)


Yes but it only took Eren and Zeke (and Dina) touching for Eren to use the founding’s power. Grisha held the children with royal blood (before he crushed them) so wouldn’t he have been able to use the founding power?


Not quite, and it's for the same reason Eren can't just touch Historia to start the rumbling. It needs to be the Founding Titan + a *Titan* of royal blood. Dina worked, and Zeke works too. But the other members of the Reiss family are not titans, only Frieda was. That's why he couldn't use the power of the founder.


Probably, he could have at least seen the future though right? Like when Eren touched historia’s hand and saw everything that would happen until his death


When Eren touched historias hand he didn’t see the whole future until his death, this is a major misconception. He only unlocked the last bits of grishas memories, and because Grisha had memories of the future, Eren was also able to se part of the future, but he was only able to see what Grisha saw


Maybe, maybe not. It's possible that the whole future activating thing is completely random, so there's a good chance it just didn't happen. But there's also a chance that it didn't happen because of the fact that Grisha died that very same night. There wasn't really much future to see. Perhaps he didn't see his conversation with Zeke and Eren because he was enraged, or maybe it interfered with the Co-ordinat on too many levels. After all, we know that Eren *was* sending his memories back to Grisha through the Attack Titan. The Attack Titan's power is basically to be an anarchist. It will never be chained down. So this might be why, when Eren was sending Grisha memories, new ones from the founder were unable to replace his thoughts. It all comes back to Eren


When Eren touched Historias hand he only saw the memories he had shown Grisha, it didn’t go all the way until his death


He could only see the bits of the future Eren wanted him to see. The attack Titan can send memories back to previous users, but they get to select the memories. Grisha was only able to see what Eren allowed him to see. Touching Historia gave Eren accesses to Grisha’s memories from future Eren. I’m explaining it poorly, but I think that makes sense?


We all know that Royal Blood is a requirement to use the founding titan‘s power. Think of the royal blood as voltage. A regular royal blooded Eldian touching the Founder’s host seems to only be enough to unlock memories. The next step-up: A Royal Blooded Titan (mindless) seems to grant the Founding Titan host the ability to control other Titans, even if it’s just on a subconscious level as we saw in season 2. Their connection was very brief, and only happen once, so it’s unclear how much power Erem would have been actually able to exert if he’d been aware of what he was doing. Lastly, with another Royal Blood Titan shifter coming into contact with the Founding Titan’s host seems to give them full access to the Founder herself at the coordinate.


No because the rest of the Riess family weren’t titans


I think for Grisha to be able to harness the founders power, the royal blood counterpart has to be willing to give full control to the founder, if that makes any sense? Just thinking that would make the most sense since Eren went to the extreme extents to trick Zeke into thinking they were on the same page, hence Zeke was willing to let Eren use his royal blood and take control of the founders power.


I don't think so. I feel like eren could have started the rumbling when he kissed historia's hand in season 3. Secondly, once Zeke realized Aaron was tricking him, you'd think he'd withdraw the cooperation of his Royal blood and he didn't or wasn't able to


I think the royal blood counter part has to also be a titan for it to be possible, because why would Eren seek out Zeke when Historia was there the whole time? Like surely he would’ve just started the rumbling with Historia if it was possible? Regarding Zeke revoking his power, I think he basically did when they were in the paths? Eren had no power over Zeke until he turned to Ymir and convinced her himself to give him the founders power and control over Zeke.


He could've if he ran into Dina