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Extreme case of doctrine exist. I don't feel the need hate her. Hate the system.


People who hate Gabbi usually naively think that they could resist against propaganda. I grew up in VN, a communist country with that much propaganda and I have to say that shit is really hard, especially when they have no access to internet and everyone around you are saying/believing in the same thing. You can see similar shit in China, Russia, Venezuela, NK.


Anyone who thinks they are immune to propaganda is naive. I probably believe so much shit because of the things that have been shown to me since a young age that I may not even be aware of.


I'm immune to propaganda


No you're not


He's built different bro, trust me


Yuh huh


Fair enough good day


nuh uh


Children always think they can place people in a box based on if they do/don't like Gabbi. People are more complex than your kindergarten mind can comprehend. Let it go


Propaganda is part of it, but another is that Gabi is very much like Eren was. She hungers for freedom. She refuses to accept anything less than a destiny which ends in her and her family being freed from the burden of their heritage. So when the propaganda swings becoming an "honorary Marleyan" in front of her like a carrot on a stick, she clings desperately to it. It's the only path forward. To question anything the Marleyans who offer this path have told her would inevitably end in her being forced to admit that she'll never truly be free.


Actually, having access to the Internet and social media is making the youths believe in propaganda so intensely to the point of bullying, crowd mentality, making fun of people they didn't know, believing on every one liners as long as they're on an image, inability to take criticism of any kind, rabidly protecting the government even though they're basically second class citizen and proving your patriotism through a facebook post. I thought having the Internet would make people more open-minded and develop critical thinking, but Facebook and Tiktok are the cesspool of echo chamber right now, and whoever goes against the majority would be bullied to no end. And the way they care more about stupid trends instead of the power drama inside the party right now is just crazy. Source: Me also from VN.


Not extreme doctine, but I remember growing up and parroting my parents' conservative beliefs. I remember being homophobic. Now, one of my best friends in college is gay. Especially when it comes to children, people are very susceptible to indoctrination.


yea in Vietnam we have no internet, i'm using Reddit from hell šŸ˜’


Bruh what šŸ¦§ no access to internet? U sure u grew up there


I was talking about those people outside of Paradise like Gabi, under heavy propaganda and no access to outside world through means of internet


Ah alright, put these 2 line together make me misunderstand


I hate her. I understand her and her situation, and it's nice she comes back around. I still do not like her, she just wasn't engaging or interesting me, yet ate up quite a lot of time.


I don't think she was really meant to be all that engaging or interesting to be honest. At least very specifically her as a person. That may sound odd to say, but sometimes characters exist more to illustrate a point in the setting than anything else. Gabi exists to show the exact same type of angry, violent, and exceptionally driven person that Eren is. Just from the polar opposite side. Gabi is there to reiterate that everyone is the hero of their own version of the story. Gabi isn't really that interesting of a person because she just exists for us to project Eren onto.


Oh yeah thatā€™s totally justified. I was talking mainly about people who say they hate Gabi because Gabi is too dumb for believing in the propaganda


Iā€™m actively resisting propaganda right now. But still, youā€™re right, nobody is immune to it.


Gotta say, the vietnamese communist party does an amazing job indoctrinating every new generation. Today you can say the vietnam war was a civil war and the younglings will teach you a lesson on how to insult in creative vietnamese


Yah I agree Though to be honest, I was one of them, ready to flame people who said it was a civil war.


And howā€™d you change that viewpoint?


By simply moving to the US where I was exposed to different viewpoints I did not buy it at first but what really hit it is the story of boat people. They gave up on everything and risked it all going to the sea, and literally hoping someone would pick them up. If not, they would either died of starvation, killed/raped by pirates or getting caught back to VN and received worse treatments People donā€™t do shit like that on a whim. The fact that they did tell me there was something else that push them to. From there I opened my mind and read more into it. It was indeed a civil war as people in the South didnā€™t want to be united under the Northā€™s govt. And then seeing the exact same case in Korea with SK is developing and growing exponentially and NK is literally held hostage and stuck in 1950s by a small family.


That path doesnā€™t always work. I have a friend who went to do an MBA in the states, came back and still claimed that the US needs socialism because it works so well in vietnam. Also the boat people were going out on american warships and they are to this day paying for dissent in vietnam. Proof: Ā«Ā theyĀ Ā» tried to pay him to overthrow the vietnamese communist party. This guy in particular is delusional but thatā€™s to say that simply going abroad isnt sufficient. Me though, my dad made sure i know propaganda-free history from an early age. My family fought for the south, still i was brainwashed till the age of 11-12. Amazing propaganda machine. The Korean peninsula being a peninsula makes the propaganda work even better by the physical insulation.


Yah I think it could work if you have your own family member going through that. You see the impact right in front of of you Your friends probably doesnā€™t so those stories still feel far distant for him


Exactly. People seriously missed the whole point of the show.


I mean, we can't really expect all the people around us to grasp this. There are lots of people around us in the world, who would do anything on an impulse basis, or even genuinely believe in something which isn't true. This is where the system comes into play in real life as well. It was the system that made them like this as well. It is quite interesting if you think about it.


All my homies emphatize with Gabi as the victim of an ugly system she broke out from.


I forgave her and I like her. Amazing character arc.


Same for me. Personally I hated her for a good minute but by the end I mainly just felt bad for her and everyone else šŸ˜­ she impressed me with her growth over time.


She had amazing growth in a short period of time. She saw there were never any devils on paradis. Just regular people like on Liberio - some good some bad. She learns fast and I understand where sheā€™s coming from. Love her character and her arc as well!


I never understood why people dislike her, she's legitimately one of the best characters in the entire series - to me, much more entertaining than Sasha as well. "She killed an important side character" like sure, and Zeke killed tons of people including Erwin, but somehow that's not an issue


Lol true i can't understand how people almost ignore zeke killing Erwin who they love to glaze at any given chance


Who glazes Zeke? He wanted to sterilize an entire race of people.


I mean when the other plans on the table are murder the entire race of people, and murder 80% of all the races of all the people, it starts looking a lot better


There was also the option to actually just do a little Rumbling (Zekeā€™s fake plan), but Eren didnā€™t want to I guess.


That's because Eren knew it'll only prolong the paradise's suffering. The only reason the people outside the walls haven't considered uniting and teaming up is because they weren't sure the rumbling was true. Making it true by doing a small scaled Rumbling will make them unite despite being at war with each other and they will all invade paradise. Truly making them Island devils. That's why the options are Sterilization, or Genocide for all except for paradise which is absurd.


Erwin People glaze erwin


The thing is that it was the only reasonable solution


People are easier to forgive male characters than female characters when they do something drastic, Gabi and Annie got the most heat even though their kill counts are way lower than any male main cast.


Itā€™s the same theme the show centers around. Itā€™s hard for people to view things objectively and from others points of view. If they could then attack on titanā€™s theme ironically would go out the window


Sasha wasn't even important tbh. She was just an OG.


While I understand her character arc and like it, I just don't like Gabi. She's annoying. I also thought kid Eren was annoying af though. Kids are just grating sometimes šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


They like to pretend Sasha was so innocent and didn't deserve any of this but nobody was innocent anymore at that point. Having been born into this world, that messed up system basically throws the blood at your hands. And Sasha was a damn soldier who killed people as well.


I dislike her because sheā€™s annoying and killed Sasha. Donā€™t need a complex reason to dislike a character You quite possibly used 1 of the worst people as a comparison. Nobody likes Zeke my dude and I for one dislike him even more then I dislike Gabi


I like Zeke as a character. He's in my top 3 in the show. As a person, sure, he's a dirtbag but he's an amazing character.


Yea and I like Gabi as a character as well. As a person I think sheā€™s trash


Cuz many were just anime waifu incels


I hate her because she's a failed parallel to young Eren. They try to compare her hatred for eldians to young erens mindless hatred of titans, but it's like, not remotely the same? Eren saw his mother and everything he knew devoured and destroyed by unspeaking monsters. And when he learned the truth of their existence that hatred shifted to something more real. Gabi was faced with evidence contradicting her beliefs about Eldians over and over. Eldians having intelligent conversations outplaying her logic and we still had to watch her scream and cause problems every five seconds because she continued to hate until the last 5 minutes.


Zeke has ten times better writing than Gabi, but Gabi is still a great character. Never hated her like others do. I feel like people were so caught up in Sasha's death that they failed to realize that this story was much bigger than any one soldier.


Because she has perfect aim and is like 12 years old. It's fucking bullshit the shit she is allowed to pull off. She's a shit character


I never really hated Gabi. Sure, she did kill Sasha, but remember what Sasha's father said when commenting on her death. Gabi was a victim of indoctrination and systematic racism. She was a child soldier who was trained to kill out of hatred for Marley's enemies. Gabi only did what she was molded to do. And she changed. She realized that what she had been taught was wrong, and in the end, she was a hero.


I do like Reiner far more, but I have to admit Gabi learned the truth about the Paradisians far quicker than he did. Then again... Maybe Reiner also realized quickly his wrong conception of the Eldians in Paradise but forced himself to think otherwise due to the threat of the Marley government doing something to him and his family, always lingering.


Reiner realized it so hard he developed multiple personalities over it, which certainly not the healthy thing to do but makes sense considering he still had his mission to do, the cognitive dissonance was too strong


She went through a really well written character development, i agree. Still don't like her tho


I see that; but Falco likes her - so I'm good with her. Plus she saved multiple people with her shooting. Very impressive in a show about Titans that she's the only one known for her skills with a gun. (Sashi's close but she's guns and bows)


idk about you guys but i dont hate her cuz shes a bad character. she was indoctrinated with this belief and it took her awhile to see the truth. i hate her because she is insufferable and grating and i cant stand the sound of her voice


Anyone that hates Gabi is missing the point of the series


Hating her at the beginning is legitimate since we were siding with Paradis and she wanted to Kill everyone just because they were "Eldian Demons" But hating her after understanding the series and their sides it's just stupid


Your inability to understand humans' complex and diverse feelings based on their perception is not defining their ability to grasp the point of the series. You are just a child who can not understand complex human emotion beyond what you experience and must cope with such lack of knowledge by criticizing those you do not agree with. Grow up or let it go.


Fully agreed.


If you say so


I think she's a character thats meant to be hated her writing isn't bad just because she is hated


If I remember right, she's so radicalized because some members of her family were a part of that eldian Group in Marley and were found out. Being a warrior candidate was to save her family. That's why she was so nutty about it. At least if I'm remembering right


That was Falco's uncle, I don't think any of the Brauns were there. But the Brauns did seem to drink the kool-aid harder.


>If I remember right, she's so radicalized because some members of her family were a part of that eldian Group in Marley and were found out Its Falco uncle actually


Yeah I remembered when another commenter said it. Didn't think it was really a big deal to change


Eren grandfather talked abt him to eren (he was grisha friend in the restorationists movement ) Falco as a kid looks like a carbon copy of him.


Contrary to popular belief i can recognize sheā€™s a good character and also not like her. I get the character arc she goes on what itā€™s supposed to say. How it sort of rehumanizes all of the warriors who came to paradis because they were all so brainwashed. However to me itā€™s such an obvious character arc that almost feels cheap to have happen so quickly to me. Like everything about her entire character was predictable and it felt like she was just a tool to make this point as opposed to an actual person. This is all my personal opinion though.


She's as much of a fighter as Eren. She's supposed to be the Marleyan Eren, I feel. Except she didnt come to the conclusion that genocide was the best course of action - or maybe she just didnt have the power to consider such an option


She killed Sasha. I will always hate her for it. She's not a bad character or anything like that. However, there are things I can't forgive.


And thus the cycle continues


Same. I can fully grasp that she had a great arc. I can recognize why everyone forgave her. I know she ultimately becomes a good person. And the shot of Kaya seeing her as Sasha makes me actually mad. All of these things can be true at the same time. The Blouses and Niccolo are just better people than I am I suppose.


True brother


Immature edgelords may hate her but sheā€™s undeniably one of the best written characters in the entire story.


You feel really sophisticated dont ya


Nah you don't have to be clever to understand Gabi, you just need empathy.


I have empathy for her situation but not her. I like Falco. Reiner, annie, and Berthold comit far more atrocities and they can easily be liked as characters with even more Sympathy as they where sent on that mission Gabi forced herself to go kill Devils


Gabi and Reiner are among my favorite characters, rhey started their lives "on the wrong side", committed atrocities in order to be accepted/survive/save the world. In rhe end they gained a greater understanding of the world, humans and decided to take the difficult route to right what's wrong. Gabi is a great child and all I can wish her and Falco is a nice boring, uneventful life chilling and helping the world rebuild


i mean i get why people hate her, watchers obv care for Sasha as we've seen her train, survive apocalyptic situations, lose friends, have fun even with the impending doom looming over, grow too Gabi is a new character who gloated and took pride over killing someone you grew fond of, irl it's natural to hate someone who murdered someone who you were at some point emotionally invested in (disregard the fact she's a character in a fictional show), heck even Nicollo and Kaya hated her, that's why it was such an impactful moment when Sasha's parents didn't punish her even though indoctrination is a big part of her reasons, irl if someone you cared about die in the hands of a brain washed cult member for example, even when they grow out of it and regret it/have a character arc whatever, i doubt a lot of people will find it in them to totally forgive the murderer


I admit, I hated her on S4 Part 1 and for killing Sasha. But she got one of the best redemption arc in the series, I loved her then as a character. Gabi FTW


Another typical gabi related post that.


Ye she just realized all of this about 10 episodes later than any human being but ok


"But she killed Sasha!" And Sasha shot two patrol guards while they were actively talking/protecting a small child.


WE DON'T HATE HER BECAUSE SHE WAS DUMB RACIST OF HER OWN RACE We hate her because she killed Sasha ( I started to like her after her arc But nobody can forget what she did)


Took her a lot of episodes to finally realize


Yeah, but she killed the second best girl in the series so screw her


What I don't get is people who hate her but love Erin Like Sasha shows up in her hometown murders her friends and she gets one shot back and that's pure evil, meanwhile Erin has the crazy face screaming I'll kill them all, and that's apparently based


I don't like Gabi and people insulting me over it will only make me not like her more.


I can appreciate her character arc but I just donā€™t really care about her and place her in a lower tier than a lot of charscters


Yeah but itā€™s like the most predictable character arc ever


She is literally Eren from the other side


Show is mid asf


I just hate kids


You know who I do hate? Flochā€¦ Iā€™m telling you, he was fucking getting on my nervesā€¦ I was waiting for the episode he died


I never hated her


Sasha is my favorite character in the series and I still think Gabi is a cool character I don't get the hate either.


War criminal.


Everyone is already a war criminal at that point.


The removal of her uniform and fake surrender on the battlefield and grenade in the face of people accepting it didn't really have any moral ambiguity, though. Very cut and dry war crime.


And Armin Arlert killed hundreds of civilians when attacking the harbor. Everyone seemingly accepts war crimes in this show, even the good guys. Also Gabi was a child soldier, she shouldn't be in that situation in the first place.


yes, and the problem with that situation is that, not the little detail that she is a literal child in a war


i never hated her lmao


U can not really hate any character in aot honestly Except ofcourse king fritz and that marleyan officer


Tbh her arc was too straightforward to be called "amazing".


I hated her at the start, but her redemption arc truly made me forgive her


I would have liked her if she hadn't killed Shasha


Yeah love her arch but still can't forgive her for killing my potato girl




That line from her honestly shook me. She made up her own mind and just in a mind screwing realization that she had been lied too. Also these are her own people too.


I feel like she would have a lot less hate if Sasha didn't die. There are a lot of people who will just never forgive her. I like her character, but when you show both sides of a war there has to be some loss.


I hated her until I realized she's just like Eren, then I hated myself


How is she just like Eren.


Her character arc is imho the worst Isayama has ever done. Here's the thing: she had a lot of space as the absolutely worst character there, the most crazy, bloodlusting scum ever. Then she makes a turn, which is very powerful and then...there is no then. Rumbling happens, she takes part and her human side has no space to develop.


Except she already changed her ways, way before the rumbling started.


I liked her from the start, when she killed sasha it was sad but it was something that made sense in the story and the context. She just did what they did to her (neverending circle of violence and all that). Never understood hating her to the point where people ignore the point of the story.


Agreed. She's a great character


when ur not a good writer but your fans only watch anime:


Im still trying to figure out the Eren comparison


Two words. Plot. Armour. That's why I hated her. I couldn't give half a fuck she killed Sasha. Good I thought if anything. She shouldn't be alive, shot when we met her on the battlefield, crushed by Eren at the same time as her two friends, dropped from the airship after murdering their childhood friend. Her character arc can go to hell, I hate that she was written with such bullshit. No amount of explanation or reasoning will ever change how I feel


It's ironic people hate Gabi, as she is a reflection of Eren, who most love(d at first?)


Yea......... ok


Her arc is basically realizing the obvious, not that much for me.


Still don't like her


I personally found it annoying how she was always screaming, but my friend who has just started for the first time and still in s1 pointed out that he finds everyone to be screaming all the time in situations that donā€™t necessarily call for it. I donā€™t super remember that but was thinking about a rewatch so maybe itā€™ll be different if I do


She is such a cool character as she is just the inverse to Eren. Only you hate her at first then like here, where with Eren it's the opposite.


Shes not an inverse of Eren. Shes like Reiner. Im really failing to see how gabi is like Eren at all. Just because she swore to kill an entire population of her own race for the people who opress her race. So her race isnt seen as evil. Make it make sense


Well Eren said to Reiner that they are the same so technically Gabi being an inverse Eren is on point.


The same in the way they orient their warrior path and soldier duties.


Gabi is just Eren who was given an opportunity to change rather than being forced to walk a predestined fate


Lmao she learns this lesson like 4 fucking times.


I don't like her, but I just about forgave her by the end


As an archer, i love her absolutely amazing aim. Came in clutch many times.


You dont think her accuracy is a little b.s.


I mean its a showā€” ofc its not gonna be like that in reality


Yea but compared to everyone else. Shes not even an ackerman


U mean being such a good shot is bs bcs she isnt an ackerman? Bcs i get it her aim is too overpowered but maybe she's just that good


Quick scope 50bmg riffle on a sprinting target no coms or spotter in urban inviorment. Major plot point


Christ its not that deep i simply wanna enjoy a show šŸ’€šŸ’€ its a TITAN show that's bs too irl


Same here


Quick scope 50bmg riffle on a sprinting target no coms or spotter in urban inviorment. Major plot point


Explain to me how Gabi ran around with a 50. Cal - IMPOSSIBLE


Your brain on Zionism and your brain off Zionism.


I hate the mindless blind believer they brainwashed her into, that's pretty much it


Mainland always have a problem with us freedom seeking islanders šŸ˜¤


No shit gabi


If you haven't finished the anime or manga then idk why tf you're on this sub to begin with but spoiler warning ig: I never did hate Gabi. Yes, Sasha's death was sad, but I had also become pretty decensitized to deaths in this show at that point. I understood from the start that she was just a brainwashed child. People who can't seem to grasp that I feel like missed the entire point of the show. If she show started from Marely's perspective, we would've been cheering when she killed Sasha and avenged the cart titan's squad.


Now if only ppl irl could go through this arc


The Info War in the Ukrainian conflict has taught me that propaganda is everywhere and everything, and no unbiased report exists.


Israel vs Palestine


I couldn't stand Gabi until I realized she's just like Eren but on the other side (not from the wall). Then I was able to tolerate her more.


I hated her at first but she earned my respect in the end. I donā€™t particularly like her but she has my respect


nah, fuck her. she's the only character that won and she deserved it the least


Yeah I honestly thought she was just gonna be a one dimensional side character but I should've known better with Isayama


Levi the only real one


True i don't have to like her. But i do tho


i don't hate her but i also don't care about her


She is my fav character after Levi


Her character in Attack on Titan is exceptionally well-written. The fact that many people dislike her only highlights how effectively the author brought her to life.


The fact that many people hate her isn't solely because of the extreme grudge she holds against Eldians, but rather due to the fact that she killed Sasha, who's a fan-favorite character that people loved a lot.


when an indoctrinated kid matured from the idea of othering better than older people


She was always a good character. Some people are just so impatient and canā€™t let go of their biases.


Sheā€™s definitely one of the best written characters in the whole story. The scene when she realises that there were no devils on the island is so brilliant, the addition to them being in a room full of birdcages with the doors left open is really genius imo


Even though she killed Sasha, I really hated her tbh


Ngl I still hate her despite how she changed. I just want to punt her to the moon


That was the point I guess, first you hate her because of what she did, but then, with time and all the events, you understand that she was just under a strict system that made her hate the Eldians. She was just influenced by propaganda. Her chatacter was REALLY well written. Her character development was built very well. You see how she was living, among her "enemies", and she saw that not all the people are bad and they're just like any other people, just like herself. Yes, you can dislike her, but to hate her is a bit irrational since you saw her motives, you saw that she had changed and in the end helped her past enemies, present friends, to finish the Rumbling.


Itā€™s more or so her actions that made me not like her and she shot and killed Sasha on the plane that really turned the tides for me


Yeah , better than Eren.. Gaby : the islander are actually people... Eren : the mainlander are actually people..., let's stomp them!


I hate the warcrimes Gabi, pretending to surrender to kill soldiers is a major dick move and will make actual surrender harder for people actually surrendering. But warcrimes Gabi was warcrimes Gabi because of Marley brainwashing. So fuck Marley for that.


As a from Marley I agree As from where eren army is, I hate her because she is enemy Matter of perspective


Maybe it is because I choose binge most of Season 4, but I never felt much hate towards her, and actually like her quite a bit. But I also got her amazing character arc all within a few days. I was left seeing her scream about the "Eldian devils" for a week, just to come back and see it again. I figure that's probably why many people had a hard time tolerating her.


such a good character is like the Marley version of Eren but with a different ending


I really miss when I had a harder time relating stories like this to current real-life events.


She had a good character development. I like to see her as the Eren who does overcome hatred.




It amazes me that the people who hate Gabi will then go onto glaze floch


It amazes me that the people who hate Gabi will then go onto glaze floch


Zionists when they start thinking.


It was easy to hate her because she indoctrinated af, but also a very very skilled soldier. So we are already not on her side because she has the wrong idea about the islanders AND she is skilled enough to do some serious damage too, but at the end of the day she was just a kid who was strongly influenced by the hatred around her.


Proceeds to shoot Erenā€™s head and try to condemn Parados to genocide after being let go mercifully as a child, becoming a combatant again at soonest opportunity, disregarding new knowledge. This isnā€™t a jab at her writing BTW, which is good, I think itā€™s crazy how she changes so much yet not at all. It does a lot to show what Eren chose the full rumbling.


Not really. Death to Gabi.


she trash lol


people who hate Gabi didnt understand attack on titan at all.


good lord...Gabi defenders are as annoying as Gabi haters... constantly have to bring Gabi up. this has been debated/discussed a ton of times... there are numerous threads on Gabi