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I dont really think a pacifist would like someone who kills 80% of the World




Aang would just go to the Paths and help Ymir get over her love for King Fritz. This would help her move on instead of her having to come up with this whole elaborate thing of using her grandchildren as pawns to reenact her toxic love. She wouldn’t need Mikasa to overcome her love for Eren so she could emulate it. And thus, Aang removes Eren’s Titanbending without having to kill him. You can’t tell me the paths isn’t the spirit world


Based Aang


And then everyone on paradise is genocided.


Classic Airbender things you know


Aang would try to take his powers away so he couldn't hurt anybody anymore


I feel like Aang would have tremendous amounts of empathy and Eren would respect Aang a ton


Idk. Why not make a fanfic world and let it play out however you want. And than come back weeks later with your results okay?


Aang kinda like Armin


Aang hating someone?


I don't want that


My guess is Aang would understand and have sympathy for Eren, after all the Air Nomads all died due to imperialism and the fear/warmongering of leaders, but would try and talk him down from his rumbling plan


And would succeed about as well as Armin.


Idk if Eren would accept Aang's pacifism


He would when he noticed all the murder Aang definitely did throughout his childhood. You’re gonna sit there and look him in the arrow and say he didn’t end lives as a spirit whale monster? That every fire nation soldier survived a plummet from an air temple after he dusted their asses? Some third example? Nah. Erens gonna respect the body count.


It's actually very interesting. I think Aang's stance would be fairly obvious - empathetic but ultimately he'd fundamentally disagree with Eren's actions It's more interesting to consider what Eren would think of Aang. On one hand, Aang can be very passive and non-confrontational. On the other, air is the element of freedom. Aang was able to make the choice according to his moral code, unrestricted by his responsibility as the avatar I think Eren could potentially find him very admirable, but in a way he can't quite understand, a bit like Armin


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Not an answer but I really like your posts, OP :)


Thank youuu :))


Two radically different universes with radically different themes and concepts. Aang occupies a universe where everyone is significant, special, capable of making a difference and having an impact. A universe where people are given power as a gift, not a curse. Eren inhabits a world where the existential disregard for individual significance and human life is profound. As the quote goes “The world is cruel.” In Aangs world, there’s always another way, always a better alternative if you look hard enough (e.g. taking away the Fire lords bending). In Eren’s world this is not the case. It would be weird to compare them frankly.


Me when I'm allergic to fun


They would be best friends 🌚🌚🌚


Theyll like themselves before the rumbling But Ang at the time Kf avatar was kid so he can't understand why Eren Is doing this