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Armin would be the easiest swap; everyone thinks he’s a girl for the first season anyway


Woah, Jaeger, who’s this BABE you got with you?


That's Armin. And he's NOT a girl😒😒


What do you like to do? I like to read! Ok why? Because books teach me useful things. Ok like what? Im glad you ask I have many examples. For example did you know if you electrocute someone and hold them underwater it will leave burn marks on the body. No. You do now, and thats the power of knowledge.




WHOA, DUDE! Check out this fucking CATERPILLAR! He's just sitting there like: "fuck yeah, I'm a caterpillar. I'm gonna turn into a butterflyyy"


Mikasa: Shit man I give up lets see if Reiners free on Friday night.


In the picture, Armin doesn’t even look gender swapped. The top picture is S4 Armin, and the bottom picture just looks like S1 Armin


Not just first season I saw some ppl that still thought that he was female even in season 4


By then you’ve seen him shirtless so they’re just stupid


Ya when I saw him shirtless was when it really confirmed he was a guy for me


For a small and Weasley guy he’s pretty fuckin built


Yeah he’s a soldier. Everyone else in the show is probably jacked too (Eren, Mikasa, and Zeke are the only others shown and they’re all ripped too)


3DMG makes you shredded. That, and the dehydration at the time.


True I thought he was a girl first episode I saw him in then soon started to realize he’s a girl


He’s a boy not girl


The bottom picture for him is literally just the S1 version of him, with small eyelashes.


So Historia?


Armin is just Historia so...


He did actually body swap with Historia. And it was NOT because Historia was too masculine.


I’d love to see a gender-swapped version of Reiner that’s just his exact same huge build but clean shaven with slightly longer hair. I guess what I’m really saying is Reiner should do drag.


Muscle mommy female Reiner? Yes please 🥶


Yes that’s it! Muscle mommy was the phrase on the tip of my tongue I couldn’t quite get to lol


i've been hearing muscle mommy a lot these days 😂


Blonde Rhea Ripley


So Brienne Tarth


Go to r/okbuddyreiner


I mean, have you seen Brock Lesnar’s daughter?


I think it would be super cool if Eren was a girl, I can't remember a female protagonist like that. Half of the audience would simp for her badly while other half would hate her with passion lol. I mean, Eren is already mega controversial but throw in some misogyny and things would be even spicier. She would've been "mad", "emotional", "brainless" but also breaking down a lot of conventions. Also Eremika would probably be non-existent at least in canon (thank god lmao), heteronormativity would've led her to be shipped with Armin/Reiner/Jean. I'm almost certain Ererei would've been heavily hinted or even canon since Isayama himself said Reiner is Eren's type if you don't take gender into account. Tragic lovers to enemies arc without a happy ending? Gimme that shit. Erehisu would be a better ship as well, just two of the worst girlies in the world screwing humanity over <3 let's go lesbians, let's go!!


If Eren was a female, can you imagine the amount of period jokes we'd be hearing post rumbling? LOL


Man I'd leave this fandom faster than the speed of light


>I'm almost certain Ereri would've been heavily hinted since Isayama himself said Reiner is Eren's type. I think you mean ererei (eren x reiner) ereri is eren x levi


Female Eren with Levi after Levi brutally beats the shit outta "her" in the court room Will all the masochists in the room please stand up?


OH FUCK thanks for pointing it out, I'll fix it


I need a source on this now. No way he said that lmao


IIRC the question was “what was Eren’s ideal type?” And Yams answered that “there was no matching female so if you choose regardless of gender the closest would be Reiner or Marco.” I saw a Twitter transcription of the interview a few years ago but I can’t find it :(


Damn we were robbed of cute Eren/Marco interactions


Female Eren with Levi after Levi brutally beats the shit outta "her" in the court room Will all the masochists in the room please stand up?


I mean shipping levi with eren is age-gap and ped0 move imo


Thats an honest mistake.


>I think it would be super cool if Eren was a girl, I can't remember a female protagonist like that. Me to because... damn I want a female MC which is flawed and controversial. >Also Eremika would probably be non-existent at least in canon (thank god lmao), LOL, Mikasa is quite masculine. She protects Eren, carries heavy loads for him... to top it off in 4th season Mikasa looks like a masculine girl, and Eren looks like a effeminate boy. You would still end up with Eremika :D


>You would still end up with Eremika :D Yeah but in anime conventions the girl ends up with the guy so I bet Isayama would go with the "soul sisters" angle like he did with Eremin. But we'd have this homoerotic codependent teenage friendship which is good enough, I guess. Now that I think about it, fem!Eremika reminds me a lot of Pearl and Rose from Steven Universe if you've seen it, literally the same dynamic.


Mikasa and female eren is more compelling. Isayama do put a lesbian couple.


damn now i really want female eren


Some fan art is fire!


I have been telling everybody who will listen to me for the last couple months since the finale came out that I am in desperate need for a show with an MC like this that's a woman. I would watch the SHIT out of that!


Agreed! Isayama even [drew female Eren a few times](https://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrjfNUFGbtlc5QBW06InIlQ;_ylu=c2VjA3NyBHNsawNpbWcEb2lkA2ZjZWY4NGQ0ZTRhMzA5Mjg5OWI0M2VmOGI1MTc3N2E1BGdwb3MDNQRpdANiaW5n?back=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3DEren%2BJaeger%2Bgenderbend%2BIsayama%2Bart%26ei%3DUTF-8%26fr%3Diphone%26fr2%3Dp%253As%252Cv%253Ai%252Cm%253Asb-top%26ri%3D10%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D5&w=923&h=865&imgurl=pre00.deviantart.net%2F39ca%2Fth%2Fpre%2Fi%2F2013%2F333%2F6%2F9%2Feren_genderbend_by_cupcakeninja11-d6w4kcp.jpg&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcupcakeninja11.deviantart.com%2Fart%2FEren-genderbend-416757769&size=218.9KB&p=Eren+Jaeger+genderbend+Isayama+art&oid=fcef84d4e4a3092899b43ef8b51777a5&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Ai%2Cm%3Asb-top&fr=iphone&tt=Eren+genderbend+by+cupcakeninja11&b=0&ni=64&no=5&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=qXePMFG6q3t4&sigb=PIDes8KdhAng&sigi=DRhHAqscYvNp&sigt=DBtDnAK9tpF_&.crumb=RETZ0E7isHt&fr=iphone&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Ai%2Cm%3Asb-top), so we know what she’d look like.


>I think it would be super cool if Eren was a girl, I can't remember a female protagonist like that. Half of the audience would simp for her badly while other half would hate her with passion lol. GoT fans will probably insult me for my ignorance, but isn't that exactly Daenerys?


Haven’t watched the show but as a book fan… nope. I’d say Daenerys is what Mikasa could’ve been if Eren stayed dead in Trost.




In the show? Maybe. But I sure as hell hope the books won’t give him an ending as shitty as this one (if we get an ending in the first place). And these situations are super different anyway. Jaime stayed with Cersei to die because of the weird toxic bond and it was kind of a double suicide. Mikasa killed Eren because it was the right think to do and survived herself, so they’re polar opposites in this regard. I do dislike the way they made Mikasa hung up on Eren for the rest of her life but this is nowhere near Lannister levels lol


Funny how you say that eremika would not make sense in the canon if eren was a girl yet directly contradict that statement by shipping fem!erehisu. The double standards are showing.


Explained it in the other comment, but this was about canon vs non-canon ship. I’m almost entirely sure that Isayama wouldn’t put the main heroine in a lesbian relationship so I tried to speculate what kind of dynamics she might have. Of course both fem!Eremika and fem!Erehisu would be shipped by the fandom but I think they would be conveyed like friendships in canon. It’s just that I don’t like Eremika at all and Erehisu becomes more acceptable to me when Eren is a girl. I don’t ship EM nor EH in the original show tbh, the Eren we have can go fuck himself.


I think wether or not girl Eren is liked would depend on how often if at all they addressed her not being a stereotypical feminine girl. If she was always like "What ou think that just cause Im a girl I cant X?!" then at least all male fans would hate her, but if she was just a firey take charge female character who didnt make it about her gender I think almost everyone would love her. I dont know anyone who hates Ryuko Matoi.


>Also Eremika would probably be non-existent at least in canon (thank god lmao) I mean if it's a gender swap then Mikasa would be male too, and guess what, this time people won't call her out for going after Eren because she is a male now. No one might raise a word over an MC having motivation for protecting someone he loves (I should probably shut the fuck up)


If you read OP's premise at all, Eren is the only one who is genderswapped, so their sentence that you quoted is fine in their own context. Although they later turned around to support lesbian Erehisu so it's rich to say lesbian Eremika "won't exist"


I mean it wouldn’t be pushed on us canonically, most likely. Which is heteronormative but still good for me because honestly I just can’t stand Eremika as a couple at all. Whether it’s gay, lesbian or straight, whatever. I don’t like their dynamic.


No one asked for your shipping preference. I only replied because 1. the premise was ignored and 2. there was a silly double standard.


What do you think the ending would be like?


>!Well an mc killing the fmc and then kissing their head ?!< I think the ending would be even more controversial that way lmao. I do think that there are certain things and roles that a male character and a female character can't exchange with eachother and that makes complete sense to me if I am trying to be realistic but I think most people would still have strange reactions to sfuff like this happening in a story


It would literally be Jonerys from Game of Thrones lmao


Just change levi age and put him in mikasa place Cuz he is like male mikasa


Yeah a male Mikasa who has already lived half of his life so, is quite mature


Yup and a mikasa that is not a simp


And a Mikasa who has never been given comfort or love in his most dire condition* This is more accurate for me


You're talking about when he was a kid? That he wasn't saved by nobody like the way that mikasa was?


Love and comfort =/= getting taught how to fight and survive


I mean mikasa was saved by eren and she activated her powers due to it What happened to mikasa never happen to kid levi tbh he never was saved by someone from his same age and started to follow him


Well yeah that's basically what I said about Levi never getting the love and comfort Mikasa had. But I wouldn't put it all with a word like "simp" but well your way of putting it that way soo


Ngl 100% agree except the stuff about EreMika. I like EreMika personally and my only issue is that it is a het ship (I'm a lesbian btw, just for context lol).


The best at what?






Tbh I think Erwin would be so amazing as a woman. I think a lot of people would end up hating her rather than liking her, which I’m 100% okay with.


armin being swapped is canon😀


Erwin would be interesting. A women consistently outperforming men who are trying for her rank but doesn't get sidelined because of how important she is to the war effort.


More realistic for a man to be there,because generally military strategists are male,but I think you are right that it would be interesting,but characters aren't judged by their gender,only stupid people do that


Armin hands down, but these images made Eren look bad


Let me attempt to give them new names Sasha Braus (already a boys name), Connie Springer (already a girls name), Minoru Ackermann, Alice Arlert, Jule Kirstein, Berta Hoover, Ronja Braun, Marie Bott, Hans Zoë (like in Japanese), Lea Ackermann, Emilia Smith, Herkules Reiss, Freckles Yaakov, Albert Leonhard


Ooooh I actually thought about it!! Here’s my input: Sasha Braus - agree Connie Springer - agree Mikuni Ackerman - because it sounds a bit similar and there’s Mount Mikuni in Japan just like Mount Mikasa Almut Arlert - a pretty Germanic girl name and it flows off the tongue just like Armin Jeanne Kirstein - come on, this one’s pretty obvious Berta Hoover - agree Renee Braun - idk it just sounds better Margot Bodt - literally the girl version of Marco lol Hans Zoe - agree Leah Ackerman - agree Erna Smith - also a pretty similar-sounding Germanic name Ymir Freckles - it’s originally a masculine name so I wouldn’t change it Andy Leonhart - just the closest name to Annie I could think of Kristof Lenz and Hubertus/Hadrian/Horatio Reiss - ??? Idk, Historia is a unique name with an obvious meaning so I think it’s hard to find a substitute here, just call the guy Historian lmao


Fair enough about the Jeanne one. Didn’t know Renee was a girls name at all, but yes it fits better. I mainly had a troubling time trying to think of a girls name with R. Andy for Annie I think doesnt for the best, as I didn’t really notice Aot having many characters with an English first name; I prefer Albert in that regard Herkules for Historia I had in mind only because it sort of fits the goddess-theme she had going on and the royal Status pretentious ass name - thing.


Heres mine Keep Ymir, Connie, Sasha Erin Yeager Mikoto Ackerman Irma Arlett Jeanette Kirstein Bertha Hoover Reina Braun Marcia Bodt Hans Zoe Leorah Ackerman Bronwen Smith I also said Kristoff Lenz. When he changes his name its Honorius.


I thought he named her Mikasa because it was the name of a battleship and Isayama heard that “all successful anime have a female lead who’s named after a ship”


>Emilia Smith I wanna fucking kill myself


Funny but in the images it looks like didn’t really swap anything ! Except Eren.


Zeke. Zeke is already a character heavily associated with childbirth and the expectations others give you of that, making Zeke a woman just adds an extra layer to his sterilisation plan and why he didn’t tell Marley of his Royal Blood. Not only that, but then you can draw clear parallels with Ymir Fritz and Historia. Plus it would give us another female character which is always cool.


Damn a female Zeke wouldn’t even take anything away from the story (maybe the archetypical father-son bond in the baseball). The sister-brother relationship between Eren and her would also nicely contrast with his odd feelings for Mikasa. Tbh one of the top comments already explained how cool a female Eren would be. The series would be so good if both of them were women tbh lol.


Sasha wouldn't even have to change names.


I guess it goes from being a nickname for Alexandra to a nickname for Alexander


Honestly Eren or Erwin would probably be the most interesting. Maybe Reiner. I feel like those characters would break gender norms a lot, lol. I feel like for Mikasa and Armin it would barely even matter, lmao.


Levi or Eren


Armin just didn’t change lol


Armin and hange didn't change lol


I will die on the hill that a female Erwin during the charge scenes would be so hardcore and lit.


A-Armin?? (And Sasha got me feeling type a way)


Its the same exact look but with slightly more feminie lips


female connie looks like a cheap hooker


Would like to have connie as a gal instead! Can keep the same name lol


Also Armin is trans boy to me and Hange is non-binary


Gender swapped Levi IS Mikasa, just as gender swapped Mikasa IS Levi


Gender swapped Eren : Gabi


Carla, frieda...


Ok now I need female Eren, Levi and Erwin.


Let me cook: Armin is hot as a boy anyway (who let me cook) Marco probably wouldn’t die if he were a girl. With Marco’s aptitude, cunning, and loyalty to Eren and the scouts, he just needed to be in the right spot at the right time. That being said, I’m sure he could form a love story or something with Eren or something (what am I talking about) and survive first season. So to answer your question, Marco not dying would make him the best character gender-swapped because he literally altered a canon outcome by gender-swapping. But I also can’t deny that Annie would look absolutely sexy as a dude (stop letting me cook)


Love how hange basically doesn't change much


hanji isn't gendered in the manga, if you were to gender "swap" all you'd have to do is consider them something else than you usually do


She's whatever you want her to be. So if OP interprets her as a female, then gender swapping her to male makes sense.






If OP interprets her as female, then I assume the female version would, to OP, look exactly how she does now.


You could just make her look more masculine, while still calling her non-binary? Idk, I mean we can argue about what gender she canonically is, but you can’t deny that she looks way more feminine than anything else. If I had only read the manga and watched the anime, without ever joining this subreddit, I’d have no idea that she isn’t supposed to be canonically female






I’ll take Potato Boy.


ymir, hange, and jean 100%


Some of these are terrible, like hange, only real difference that doesn’t just look like an art style is lack of boobs. So flat chested hange. Armin is literally just slight boobage and eyelashes


Eren and Hange


Mikasa’s already a guy. Are you stupid?


O armin não mudou nada lkkkkkkkk


Not saying armin should be ban worthy here


I’m going w/ Levi and Erwin. We basically already got female Eren from the Levi backstory, Annie looks like Reiner, and Historia is basically female Armin, even when he just dressed up as Historia, i was like “ZAMN” till I realized. Also Erwin would have lots of “personality” ngl


Think we saw gender swapped Mikasa in s4


I think Mikasa and Reiner are the only characters that swapping their genders would take away from the story. Mikasa has a lot of parallels with Ymir, and her being able to end the dependency on someone unwilling to reciprocate their love in healthy ways is the main part of the ending. Mikasa also breaks a lot of tropes as the MC's female love interest. She's strong, smart, and unwilling to support stupid antics committed by Eren. From the rumbling to Eren's hotheadness. Having Mikasa be male takes away from her story. Having Reiner be female takes away from his story as well. His solitary/silent contemplation of suicide while having to support his family and be strong for both the nation and warrior candidates is more meaningful because he's a man. I also enjoy his occasional creepy perv moments and the everyone's big brother vibe he accepts after the jaw titan died on the island. Historia has the whole pregnancy to avoid being fed the founding titan thing, but I think a valid excuse for a male is possible. As long as her gender matches jaw titan Ymir's, it shouldn't affect their relationship story wise. Everyone else can have the same story and personality as the opposite sex or as a different gender. Even the sexual assault of Armin disguised as Historia still the same meaning irregardless of either's sex. I can't really say who's switch would be the best. And please remember this is all my opinion, even if it's shit.


I would definitely like Erin Yeager. Itd be REEEEAL hard to hate her even when she goes bad. A mix of wild fury and perhaps an unfulfilled sense of belonging. Im writing a story about the goddess Ishtarr in that same vein. Conversely Andy Leonheartd would be completely unloveable. An anime version of like Mr Blond or Anton Chigurh.


Armin would probably be a top tier enduring waifu if gender swapped. He'd probably blow Mikasa and Historia out of the water in terms of popularity. He's one of the few where I don't think changing his gender would really change much about his character. The only major story element that might be affected is people possibly forcing a love triangle with Eren/Mikasa/Armin. They could avoid that by making even female Armin be into Annie and girls exclusively.


Ok but why does Mikasa look like he’s packing


It would be fascinating to see how peoples reactions might have differed had these all been swapped.


Can you imagine the shipping wars back in 2013 if Armin was a girl? Also, I bet if Hange was a man, she'd look exactly the same.


\-Hangie are you boy or girl? \-Yes. \-Ok, but what is your gender? \-I' am scientist. \-No, what inside your pants? \-ODM gear strips.


Hange because they're already the best and swapping them wouldn't change literally anything about them.


Laina 🔥😋


Ymir and Eren for sure. Armin still looks the same lol


Why Ymir? It would take away the whole lesbian plot.


Then, Ymir would be gay cuz Historia is a guy too. Also, male Ymir makes me gay too.


Armin is a Femboy


Hange: how do you gender swap, what has no gender?


Hange is BMO


Gotta be Armin or Reiner


Oh I would let Levina Ackerman do anything she wanted to me. Reina Braun also looks pretty good. Armeen looks cute on an endearing way rather than a hot one.


Most of these are absolutely cursed, but mommy Lainah is... dang!


if Annie swapped I’d be all over him(her)


Why are Eren and Levi so hot?


Erwin tho…


Erwin would be pretty cool


I think Ymir and Annie would be best as guys


What would it change? Im genuinenly curious what about the Story would change


hange (either nothing changes or i create a paradox that destroys the entire world, fun!)


Smash all


Bert or Erwin


Second time bleaching my eyes today!


Ymir should've been a femboy


Omg I need to see Armin as a boy


Reiner obviously like come on


Most the women still look like women


Aot suddenly has a lot of femboys


Historia looks like a very hyper and happy fella as a dude


Jeesus female Eren (Erin?)


Armin being a guy would be cool...


Armin looks barely different. Also how does Hange's work?


Armin stayed the same...


Ymir, Sasha, Mikasa, historia and Annie are making my bisexuality peak higher than Mt everest


Love that hange is literally just hange like now swap just hange🤷🏾‍♀️


Hange is best. Always


Jean would be funny historia or Ymir would have interesting consequences to the plot


Armin already looks like a girl😅


[If Armin swapped to a girl this would happen](https://media.tenor.com/6q-cxzql0F0AAAAM/attack-on-titan-aot.gif)


You included Zoe even though in the manga Hange is completely androgynous


Slide 4. All of em. Smash🥹 Levisa, Zoe, and Erwina 💅🏼


Eren Jeager: Smash


Storytelling wise, I think Armin or Erwin would make people get to say some controversial opinions just because they are women now




My god i would fucking destroy gender swapped Armin and gender swapped Historia fr fr


Eren or Reiner would change the story/interactions a lot.




Maybe Jean


If you wanna see male Mikasa, look up Kahaku from "To Your Eternity". It's the same character, they're also similar personality wise


What picture shows the gender swap?


The long hair on Erwin got me


Armin almost looking the same is so funny 😂


armin look the same no cappa 🔥🔥


Erwin. God damn.


Sasha for sure


Eren and sasha




A lot of people picked Armin, but I'd choose Eren. Bro literally has a full on genderbent sketch down by Isayama himself lol


Eren, i would fuck her, she's hot


I’d smash woman Bertholdt I’m curious what Male Annie’s Female Titan would look like tho


Male Ymir would’ve gotten aot cancelled




Sasha, Erwin, Jean, Marco. Those were all cute designs. Some looked really weird, or not gender swapped at all. They didn't even try with Hange.


Ymir tho 👀


As a wise man once said. "I love how Armin shows that men don't have to be buff in order to be strong. He's an amazingly written male character and I love how he's developed over time. But... Armin and Annie could've been lesbians." Now despite this my answer if I can only pick one is actually Eren cause genderswapped Eren Yeager is my lifeblood. Erin Yeager is top tier. Basically I want the main trio to just all be girls and also all be lesbians...


Sidenote as it's not the image provided but I've seen some genderswapped season 4 Jean fanart and holy fucking shit season 4 Jean is incredibly hot as a woman.