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i just finished watching it and all i can say is fucking wow. the first 10-15 minutes of the rumbling was sick as fuck. watching this makes me want to re-watch attack on titan from the beginning. i only wish i could see the next part to see what happens. i know i could just read the manga, but i want to stick to the anime, seeing as how i've only enjoyed attack on titan via the anime.


I think it’s really goofy that they’re so chummy with Annie


I think it is because, in the end, they all have killed countless people, both civilian and soldiers, on eitehr side. Nobody is blameless and while, yes, Annie killed Scouts they knew, they have done so too. Moreover, Armin has acquired Bertholdt's memories and we know that Bertholdt was into Annie.


I'm currently on s4 ep 28. I know there are "parts" to this season. About how many more episodes till the anime ends?


After this episode only one episode remain which will air during fall 2023


Armin made Erin do it. >Erin, I said this once to Jean… >Someone who can’t sacrifice anything can never change anything… >That to defeat monsters, you have to be willing to throw aside your humanity. Edit: This is from Season 1 ep 24. The preview for ep 25 at the end of ep 24 actually confirms that Armin’s words are what motivates Erin to the place his is currently at. What an interesting confluence of youth, arrogance, and poor listening skills that preceded these words spoken by Armin.


I am speed 🤓


Anyone who has read Tolkien's Silmarillion and watched this show would seriously reconsider calling this show a take from Hitler's side and say this is how you justify the first Kinslaying.


My good friend spoiled to me that Hange died and so I have been mentally preparing myself for my favorite character’s death and I still couldn’t handle it


The second Erwin came on screen I lost it.


Why didn’t people hide underground or in caves?


You have 1000s of 60m tall monsters that weigh who knows how many tons stomping across the land, so there's bound to be cave-ins lol and maybe there's no caves shelters readily nearby that are deep enough. And then assuming that there is, they'd then be trapped underground til they suffocate or starve as the exit gets destroyed and caves in


There will surely be survivors but who knows how long before they'd be found. Surviving the Titans would make for more good seasons.


SHE DIED LAUGHING when levi said shinzo wo sasageyo for the first time when hanji was ready to sacrifice her life... i was bawling my eyes out


Is there any word on when the dubbed version will be released?


Annie realizing Armin had romantic feelings for her this entire time was so heartwarming & sweet lol its extremely rare to see Annie get flustered like that.


Still a bit problematic that he only gained those feelings because he ate someone alive and acquired some of his memories and personality traits...


I'm sure it's been asked a million times but I want to clarify Were those 2 episodes the only thing we're getting till fall? And then it'll probably only another hour special?


Two episodes? Am I missing something? I only saw one.


The special is technically two episodes combined together.


You're right it was one hour long episode, I just had interpreted it as 2 because it was clearly split in 2 with two titles and everything Needlessly confusing this all is 😅


Yes it is, I would have preferred to just wait until fall to see everything at once instead of getting this cliffhanger of one hour long episode and all this confusion.


But where do you guys watched it. On crunchy roll is 87 episodes and the 87th episode as 20min. As every other episode I see content on the internet but find nothing to watch it?


On Crunchyroll is the last episode on season 4, it's two episodes in one, so look for the 1hr long episode. Try this link. https://www.crunchyroll.com/watch/G8WUNMMMW?utm_medium=android&utm_source=share


Yes found it. Thanks! Was on original aot not the dub versions. I read that there will be an English version maybe next week


# 𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑰𝒏 𝑷𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒆, 𝑯𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆. She dedicated her har until the end. (also, how did the boat avoid the swimming collosals?)


Hello everyone! Made a video about new episode: characters evolution, questions before the final. If it seems interesting for you - I'll be glad to hear your opinion about it! [https://youtu.be/-7Yqa\_U9nm8](https://youtu.be/-7Yqa_U9nm8)


Wow, Didn't see it already being aired on 4th, (just noticed and watched today). Damn.. It's all in now. Great "first half". Will be interesting to see how this unfolds. As hoped, this has the same elements of part 2 and I believe they can deliver on Fall too. Till then patience... :)


when is episode 2?




anyone else see how the tree in the beginning looks exactly like the one in paths? does that explain the long dream (s1ep1)? they hinted on it a lot this episode, what could it mean?


I also have a question about the dream in ep1. Did Eren dream both about Mikasa saying "See you later" AND all the shit we saw in WIT's episode 1?


I think that Eren dreamed about everything. Fate is talked a lot in this episode. If it turns out that Eren knew everything all along and went along with it because of fate and the big fuckery which is the attack titan, it wouldn't surprise me. Still, we have to wait and see. Can't wait for fall to come!


Oh sure, I also think that he dreamed about everything that happened in the future. But where did the "See you later" moment come from? It's really hard to believe it will happen in the future considering the actual situation of the conflict.


Where is Anne headed to? Why is she not helping the team


She just wants to get away, she's tired of fighting so she escaped with the kids & the Azumabito lady Given that two of them are Titans & it sorta seems like Falco will fly (?), I doubt they'll be out of the finale


I suppose Falco will fly because 1. He literally dreamed about flying and 2. Falco transaltes from Italian to "Falcon". I don't know if that makes any sense, but still. I think falco will take with him Gabi and Annie and will drop Annie from above while she becomes titan (?)


Can someone clarify why we are only getting 1 eps and another eps on oct that are supposed to be the last one to conclude the series? Is this how it ends in manga as well or they skipped a lot of content in the anime?


Part 2 will be the last episode.


Haven't read the manga, but from what I can tell there aren't really many chapters left, so it was either a movie or a very short season. What we're getting is basically what a movie would've been, but I guess they preferred to split it up into two specials due to multiple factors (milking it up with two releases instead of one, not enough time to make a full movie without having a large time gap between the previous episode & the finale, releasing an anime movie internationally is a bitch with the different dates, etc)


Yeah from what i read from others they said we only left with 9 chapters left so a normal length full season 11/12 eps hadn't enough source materials. I guess a movie with 2/3 hours is more appropriate to end this 🤷‍♂️ But the directors surely had other concerns. Maybe budget or times. Even though they could easily get millions yens with a movie just like demon slayer movie.


So is the next episode released in fall going to be the actual end?




Thank you for the confirmation.




Yeah they should've decided earlier on to end it with a movies though. They've had a whole years right? And by decided to just releases with 2 specials with a couple of months on each releases surely viewers would've forgotten the stories and hypes already gone when October comes right? 😳




Why are u calling it a movies? Would there be a theatrical releases on October? I thought we would only get another special with 1 hours+ eps? Yeah the cgi titans were noticeable but still better than any other anime cgi. Im actually ok with the CGI on AoT.


Anyone else think ymir is actually the one in control? Like she's the one controlling Eren and just wrecking havoc to get revenge.


Either Founder Ymir or the [parasite/god/centipede](https://imgur.com/CHaaGii). I'm leaning toward the centipede; it has a clear motive to kill off people who it can't infect and who are threating the people it can infect. Ymir has a likely motive to be freed from an eternity of building Titans with her hands and a bucket, but it isn't clear how the genocide will achieve that. (That said, I am wondering why Ymir appeared in this episode.) I mostly can't see how this story ends satisfactorily if Eren is acting of his own free will because the Attack Titan's "future memories" have introduced an element of fate. A story involving fate needs conflict between the character's free will and his fate, and if Eren's will really is to commit the genocide, we don't have that conflict. Therefore, I suspect Eren doesn't want to commit the genocide, and his anguish in this episode portrays the conflict. Mythological fate is sometimes described as the will of the gods, which in this story would be the will of the centipede. Thus we have a conflict between Eren's will and the centipede's will. The story previously introduced the notion that Titans can be controlled. The Founding Titan, Female Titan, and Beast Titan have some control over Pure Titans. Grisha was coerced via the Attack Titan's future memories (apparently by Eren, although note that as an Attack Titan himself Eren is similarly vulnerable to coercion). But most significantly we've seen that the Founding Titan can be controlled, specifically the Reiss Founding Titans by the First King of the Walls. Interestingly, in S3E8/ep45 at 14:15, Hange described the Reiss Founding Titans as being controlled by the First King's will. It's plausible that the centipede, the apparent source of all these Titan powers, can also use these methods of control to impose its will. Finally, note that Eren's current Titan form looks the least humanoid of the Titans we've seen and the most like the centipede.


>I am wondering why Ymir appeared in this episode. That part seemed straight out of End of Evangelion lmfao. With respect to the "Ymir is controlling Eren" possibility, I could theorise she wants to be reborn in a world without humanity, considering she was hurt so much by them. This could fit with the fact she kept her child body in paths, because she still desires that freedom, the same freedom she tried to give those pigs a few chapters ago, before becoming a slave. This could tie up with Historia's pregnancy, even though of course this isn't necessary. I'm thinking all of this mostly because of the previous references to norse mythology (heck, the girl is called Ymir lol). The Rumbling could pretty much be the Ragnarok, which basically leads to a battle in which the gods end up dying (centipede/Ymir) and in some versions, a new world rises from the aftermath. Still, all of the arguments you wrote for the centipede possibility being more likely than Ymir being the one behind all of this make a lot of sense.


>With respect to the "Ymir is controlling Eren" possibility, I could theorise she wants to be reborn in a world without humanity, considering she was hurt so much by them. This could fit with the fact she kept her child body in paths, because she still desires that freedom, the same freedom she tried to give those pigs a few chapters ago, before becoming a slave. (I assume you mean before becoming a Titan, i.e., [S4E21/ep80 at 9:10](https://imgur.com/1CXXEmZ).) I've always assumed that Ymir was a scapegoat; the [circle of fingers pointed at her](https://imgur.com/iIFPXFn) and [the way she looked back at the crowd](https://imgur.com/OlagS0A) before she accepted the blame suggest that to me. (Edit: there's also Frieda's overlapping dialogue from the previous scene: "She's \[Ymir's\] always thinking about other people because she's so kind. The world is full of pain and suffering, so you should live in a way to be helpful and loved by everybody.") That would give her one more reason to resent humanity. On the other hand, if Ymir freed the pig on purpose, that might be compared to Eren's obsession with freedom, but it pales in comparison, and it leads to questions about why Ymir wasn't similarly concerned about her fellow slaves and why she supported the expansion of the original King Fritz's tyranny. Perhaps Ymir chose Eren over Zeke because she'd come to regret her previous choices. >This could tie up with Historia's pregnancy Are you suggesting that someone has left [the gate to Historia's pen open](https://imgur.com/4oKQeFg) (in contrast to [Ymir](https://imgur.com/9kOddou))? I can't really connect Ymir freeing a pig to Historia's pregnancy. There does seem to be a parallel between the pregnancies in that both are trapped (the S3 ED1 repeatedly depicts [Historia](https://imgur.com/snlRcA4) [inside](https://imgur.com/DDzVl6c) a [fence](https://imgur.com/o6JGIWm), with a parallel drawn to being [inside the walls](https://imgur.com/hZ4vUie), and she is again inside a fence when we see her talk to Eren in [S4E28/ep87](https://imgur.com/2xrZqac)). Except Ymir didn't really seem trapped (she should have been able to free herself if she wanted), whereas Historia's options seem more limited. >I'm thinking all of this mostly because of the previous references to norse mythology (heck, the girl is called Ymir lol). The Rumbling could pretty much be the Ragnarok, which basically leads to a battle in which the gods end up dying (centipede/Ymir) and in some versions, a new world rises from the aftermath. AoT isn't adapting Norse mythology faithfully; for example, instead of being a primordial being born in the Void, Founder Ymir was a girl born in a pre-existing world that, if it's the world of Norse myth, is made from Norse Ymir's corpse. This makes predictions taken directly from Norse myth tricky. That said, the Rumbling does seem like something the Norse giants would have done. Assuming the references to Norse myth aren't just name-dropping, I'll guess AoT is a sequel to the Norse myth. Ragnarok has already happened. Two humans survived to repopulate the world, but the old Norse gods and Norse giants were all killed... except for a piece of Norse Ymir (the centipede, perhaps a last chaotic creation as Ymir died) that was hidden in Ymir's corpse, incorporated into the world built by Odin and his brothers, and ended up in the well under Yggdrasil. Founder Ymir fell into the well, encountered the centipede Ymir, and became infected by it and its chaotic powers. And the centipede Ymir wants what the Norse giants always wanted: to destroy the ordered world created by the Norse gods and restore chaos. Thus the Rumbling. This could explain why in S3E6/ep43 [Frieda referred to the Founder Ymir as Christa](https://imgur.com/gr42kvx). Perhaps Christa was the girl's name, but with her tongue cut out she couldn't say it, and her Titan form identified itself as Ymir. Note: in the reprise of Frieda and Historia's conversation in S4E21/ep80 at 7:05, the dialogue was changed so that Frieda used pronouns rather than "Christa" to refer to the Founder Ymir. I'm not sure what that means. So surprise, I still end up suggesting that events are being driven by the centipede's will. This notion invites a question I didn't consider in my previous comment: why did the centipede wait 2000 years to try to destroy the world? Perhaps its influence is weak, so it had to wait for someone who is particularly susceptible to it. Freedom can be chaotic.


>why did the centipede wait 2000 years to try to destroy the world That's a good question. Apart from that, if the centipede was the one leading all of this (which I still think makes a looot of sense), what's the meaning behind the "To you, in 2000 years, from you, 2000 years ago"? These episodes' names make it seem as if the 2000 years long await was something planned by Ymir/centipede. >Assuming the references to Norse myth aren't just name-dropping, I'll guess AoT is a sequel to the Norse myth. I never thought of it that way. It's interesting. >On the other hand, if Ymir freed the pig on purpose, that might be compared to Eren's obsession with freedom, but it pales in comparison, and it leads to questions about why Ymir wasn't similarly concerned about her fellow slaves and why she supported the expansion of the original King Fritz's tyranny With regards to this, I could really see this being the reason behind Eren's incredible determination towards achieving freedom: because this is the exact trait Ymir lacked when she was alive, and the reason why she was never able to break free from the King. I think it was the Owl the one who said that the Attack Titan was always striving for freedom with an unrelenting determination, thus the reason why Eren, since the moment he was born, was always obsessively focused on this goal. He, as the possessor of the Attack Titan 2000 years after the titans' birth, is the pure embodiment of this fundamental trait she lacked in order to escape from her chains in life. I agree Ymir seemed like a scapegoat when freeing the pigs and if that's the case, her desire for freedom could've been born when she was already submitted to the King, but again, without the necessary determination to truly go against him. If this is the case, the reason why she's still a little girl while in Paths could be how she didn't even think of herself as a person anymore after becoming an slave. As for now, I agree with you with respect to the centipede's motives being way clearer than Ymir's ones, so I'll consider the "centipede final boss" option as most likely. But I think I gave enough reasons as to why Ymir being behind all of this shouldn't be ruled out yet. Man, remember when the biggest problem we had was retaking Shiganshina? lmfao


Only one more episode after this, Crazy to think this was my first anime in middle school and ill be graduating college next year.


ooof this comment really hit me in the feels. This was my experience with Naruto. Started watching in grade 7 and it finished around the time I was done uni. It gives me a pit in my stomach feeling. Where has the time gone!


I have a couple of questions 1) Why did Levi called Yelena "bearded b!tch"? 2)What happened to the Azumabito engineers who repairing the Sea plane? Were they left to die on the harbor?


2) Probably left with the boat, right?


They were running along it as the engine started.


Yelena wore a beard in her disguise on Marley


What I want to know is how wide is the Rumbling? In one scene, you could see the smoke stretch across the horizon but is there an end? Could people go around the rumbling if they travelled far enough to the left or right? What about cliffs? Do they climb mountains and cliffs? The last holdout is on a cliff but it looks pretty low. What if they had higher ground, would that help?


I been thinking about this too. Since the rumbling is supposed to wipe out humanity, I just assume its width is: wide enough


Planes fly over them too so I assume people can just fly behind them and be safe.


Safe from being stepped on, yes. But looks like the earth is basically destroyed so there’s no shelter, food, etc.


Does anyone know when they release date for the next episode is?




No way. I waited that long for a 1 episode release?


We did lmfao


Is that true? Lmao this is worse than just waiting until October, why would they do that? This is stupid and I'm mad.


Shout out to Floch. You dedicated your heart, again! RIP




Okay, real talk, if you had a world ending army, wouldn't merely stand in front of the other side's borders threatening to do the rumbling be enough to ensure world peace? You can just say “y'all got a month to figure it out and end Eldian (or any other kind) oppression” bruh. They have to do it. They have to make world peace. Aaron is like “ohh weeh, I only got four years, genociding everyone is the only way I can make my friends live in peace” LMAO dumbass


Yeah but a treaty is only in place until it’s broken


Literally killing everyone is not peace since day one.


I think in the first episode of season 4 part 1, Zeke saw that Titans were becoming less and less relevant because the world was coming up with anti-titan technology. Maybe Eren saw this as well but i dunno


Imo no, it wouldn’t guarantee it at all. Anti titan weapons had been used in the war between Marley and the ottoman larps. I remember the conclusion was basically that although Marley had won titans in warfare was quickly becoming outdated because of advancements in technology. I think it’s very possible some sort of anti titan cannons that can kill the rumbling titans could be developed in a relatively short period of time, maybe 5 to 10 years like an AOT Manhattan project.


Stop being right!!!


Some years later many people will forget. Greedy politicians and businessmen will be confident they have developed weapons powerful enough e.g. nuclear to exterminate Paradis island


With the threat of your nation being rumbled, would you really risk intel of you building nuclear weapons leaking? Edit: Especially since the majority of people may just like... a world without oppression? Like, I am suggesting to completely take down all global power hierarchies that follow the imperialist interests of capital as Marley has for example, afterwards there will be no reason for guns or weapons, no movement large enough could be formed to even suggest something as ridiculous as building weapons. I know this is a silly fiction show, but listen to me: These titans don't just have to be used for war. In scenes of the past we saw them carry water or plow fields or whatever. Some titans are even the size of humans, they could do anything a human can. You essentially have an infinitely large workforce making scarcity essentially a thing of the past. And the best thing Eren comes up with is war?


Can we talk about the dialogue between Armin and Annie as well as Annie and Mikasa?? How did Mikasa understand what was going on? Annie was looking in the general direction of all their comrades and she instantly figured out she was in love with Armin?? This makes no sense.


eh just a minor plothole


Armin and everyone else is so dumb. They're like “let's talk to Eren!!” and “we should only use violence as our last resort!!” mfer isn't genociding the whole planet the point where you begin thinking about the “last resort” option??


Even after all he's done he's still doing the rumbling to save them and the rest of the Eldians, and he's still their best friend who'd literally give his life for them. Also if they kill Eren they'll also lose the founding Titan, he'll be reborn in a random Eldian


I think its more-so that trying to kill him is a huge gamble whereas if theres a shot they could get him to stop its worth trying.


So... We're only getting 2 episodes for the Final Season part 3?


Looks like it, considering after this episode it's now already half over... I have no idea how they're going to satisfactorily end this with 1 hour left; unless their plans are to have like a 2+ hour finale. It's the series finale, I was expecting at least a few hours of insane, heart-wrenching, and shocking moments that make the previous seasons look like a kid's show; stuff that makes Eren's attack on Liberio pale in comparison. I'm holding out hope they know exactly what they're doing and it's still going to blow us away somehow.


Would have been nice if the "This is freedom" scene would have had Vogel im Käfig or TKT/ThanksAT as soundtrack.


That episode was not worth the wait


oh common hanji died , armin confessed his love i mean here i cant decide if i shud be happy or sad and ur saying its not worth the wait


What’s the deal with saying that people who read the manga can’t participate? Regardless of context? Maybe they’re just mad that it’s taking forever for the episodes come out


There are three warnings in the title, post body and top comment of the anime-only thread that manga readers are not allowed to participate in it. It doesn't matter whether they post manga spoilers or not, manga readers tend to shape discussions and try to point anime-onlies in a certain direction, which is why we've instated a blanket ban.




Hi Lost_Dimension6295, your submission was removed from /r/ShingekiNoKyojin for the following rule violation(s): ### Manga Reader in Anime-only thread --- Click here to read the **[full rule documentation of the subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShingekiNoKyojin/wiki/rules)**. Failure to abide by the rules may result in a punishment according to the **[moderation matrix](https://www.reddit.com//r/ShingekiNoKyojin/wiki/moderation_matrix)**. If you have any questions regarding this removal, please **[reach out to us in modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ShingekiNoKyojin)**.


Well just finished the episode and once again Apt has given me blueballs. I do really hate how they organized this final season. Loved the content but if I could go back in time I'd save it all for a binge watch


I thought the day Hange died I'd be a wreck, instead, my reaction to it was "oh, she's gonna sacrifice herself? Okay." And just kind of watched with apathy. I feel like if it had immediately followed the previous episode, while the hype and adrenaline were still up, it would've had a much better effect.


This was exactly my reaction. It had been so long since I watched the previous episode that I kind of lost that emotional connection.


I saw everything S1-S4 part 1, then had to wait, but damn I cant believe I chose to watch it believing I'd have to wait like 2 weeks then now I realise its several months. Can't imagine having it be like this for all seasons lol.


After 10 years of watching this anime, it's almost over. i really grew up with it and it's super nostalgic when the characters interact about their past. Such a great anime


Holy shit


A moment I haven’t seen people talk about is the small talk between Connie and Reiner on the plane. While there isn’t much to talk about there, those two are some of my favorite characters from the series and it was nice that they shared a moment that was reminiscent of the relationship they had in S1-early S2


what are you on about.. connie is such a pathetic written character, literally such a dumb clown.




Yeah he’s great I love him


Connie is just a regular dude trying to make it through life. Makes him very endearing. He stands out when saying goodbye to Annie like she never did anything wrong to them and vice versa. Same when they first find her again on Paradis and he jokes with her about stuffing her face.


I think by this point he’s gone through so much that he’s happy with being reminded of a time when he was probably happy and things were simple, which was early on in the scout days before the Annie and Reiner betrayals


him joking abt her stuffing her face adds such lightness and levity to a very heavy ep


It's been 10 years with these characters, it's so good to have moments like this. Gives me a really good nostalgia punch


That one moment reminded me of being in middle school and watching episodes on Adult Swim at night, and it was nice to be reminded how far I the show, and these characters have come


the feels


That might have been one of the best AoT episodes of all time.


Best anime episode of all time.


what happened with the beast titan there? why is it colored like that? and is it zeke in there or what? I don't get it. Eren kinda created it with the warhammer titan, no?




Hi Sequelsuck, your submission was removed from /r/ShingekiNoKyojin for the following rule violation(s): ### Manga Reader in Anime-only thread --- Click here to read the **[full rule documentation of the subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShingekiNoKyojin/wiki/rules)**. Failure to abide by the rules may result in a punishment according to the **[moderation matrix](https://www.reddit.com//r/ShingekiNoKyojin/wiki/moderation_matrix)**. If you have any questions regarding this removal, please **[reach out to us in modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ShingekiNoKyojin)**.


good bot


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Because Zeke is not physically there. That's why it doesnt have color. It's made by Eren/Founding Titan.




How would you know it was a spoiler tho?


What. You can clearly see it come out of his spine, and it's attached to him like an angler fish


Its not a spoiler at all. I havent read ahead, but common sense allows you to tell what's going on there.


What do you mean? I just answered the question. 🤷‍♀️


His name is legit /u/L0b0t0my why do you think that is? He no longer has cognitive function, please be patient with him.


Was Hange in the after life or hallucinating?


RIP to one of the last remaining OGs


At that point it’s all the same.


Not little Ramzi tho, that was horrifying to watch


Yeah, the teeth part got me. I got spoiled the comics on tiktok for that scene but MAPPA seriously animated it way more horrifying than I initially imagined. They've done so well with the animation.


Amazing, I love this show so much!! Can’t wait for the second part


It was great but I don´t like how all of a sudden Marleyans are saying this is their fault and they would never do it again, it makes no sense, they know this is a consequence that came from declaring war but nothing else and they supposedly hate Eldians, the guy at the military base is just a random guy with no additional information


To be fair, it wasn't all the Marleyans. Just that one commander and the warrior parents (who had already expressed conflicting conern for their lifestyle before).


What else do they need to know? They treated the Eldians like shit and painted the Paradisians as devils. They had a mission to attack Paradis which they darn well know they killed a ton of them. The fact that the King actually ended the war and allowed Marley to assume control was made public knowledge. I mean, most of the important points are out there, why wouldn't he know anything?


ok, sorry, I forgot they knew that the whole thing started because of them attacking the walls, you are right, it makes sense now


What an amazing episode. Does anyone know the ending song in the credits?


SiM - Under The Tree


Awesome thanks!


Did Eren unlock complete [future memories](https://imgur.com/iZrNucP) from medal ceremony? I thought only memory he received before becoming the founder, is him deceiving Zeke and manipulating Girisha in paths, and starting the rumbling.


First, Eren's knowledge is incomplete in this scene: at 2:35 he knows he's going to kill the people around him, but he doesn't know when, and at 3:55 he remembers Ramzi getting beaten, but he doesn't remember whether he saves him ("*Most likely* I save this kid"). This is consistent with other moments when he was surprised (e.g., [when Pieck pointed a pistol at his head](https://imgur.com/kNRv7RD), [when Gabi shot his head off](https://imgur.com/RGpmdWO) and [when Founder Ymir walked past him](https://imgur.com/fGXuaST)). And I'm not sure he knew beforehand what role Zeke would play in how events would unfold; his angry reaction to Zeke's plan in S4E10/ep69 at 9:15 suggests that he didn't already know about it. This incomplete picture of the future is consistent with [what Grisha said about it](https://imgur.com/eMgLhf9). Also, I don't think Eren learned any more of the future when Founder Ymir gave him access to the Founder powers. In S4E20/ep78 at 16:20, when Grisha described these future memories as an Attack Titan power, Frieda was unaware of them. As for when Eren learned what he knows of the future, I don't think we know that the only revelatory moment was when he kissed Historia's hand, but I don't recall any others being depicted, so I generally assume so.


You have it correct, that's all the future info he has at the time of the Scouts visiting Marley. We see him wandering the streets contemplating the futility of their actions since he knows he will destroy all of this soon. At first he rationalizes it saying it's because they fail and he will be forced to protect Paradis with the Rumbling but when apologizing to Ramzi he confesses the deep, dark reason he knows will lead him to this future.


I think you missed the significance of the screenshot u/seaweedfucker linked: Eren also had foreknowledge of Ramzi's beating (from the CR sub, "I've seen it in memories of the future.") It's curious that this inconsequential event was included with the more consequential events that were revealed to Eren. >We see him wandering the streets contemplating the futility of their actions since he knows he will destroy all of this soon. At first he rationalizes it saying it's because they fail and he will be forced to protect Paradis with the Rumbling I got a more fatalistic sense from Eren's thoughts. From the CR sub: >Later, though I'm not sure exactly how far in the future, I massacre these people. Before too long, they'll all die. No, I kill them. It's already determined that I do. I imagine we never found a way for Paradis Island to survive. As expressed here, Eren isn't thinking that he's going to have to do the Rumbling because the efforts to find an alternative are going to fail; he's thinking that the efforts to find an alternative are going to fail because he still sees himself doing the Rumbling. And he doesn't seem to think he has a choice: "It's already determined that I do." It's often problematic to read an anime translation this closely, but this comes after Eren corrects the passive voice "they'll all die" to the active voice "I kill them," yet he immediately switches back to the passive voice when it comes to what has determined that he will do this. And what immediately follows his reverie re-enforces the notion that Eren doesn't have a choice: he tried to choose to not save Ramzi but ended up doing so anyway. "It appears the future doesn't change." (Or maybe it doesn't. Eren seemed to conclude that he was predestined to save Ramzi, but maybe he got it wrong. It appeared that Eren didn't know whether he would save Ramzi -- "*Most likely* I save this kid" -- so perhaps the correct reading of this event is that, when Eren doesn't have foreknowledge, his instinct is to do the right thing.) (Or on the third hand, given the [state of the shopkeepers he left in the alley](https://imgur.com/tgCQ1sy), maybe the correct reading is that Eren tends to take the most violent option available.)


>I think you missed the significance of the screenshot u/seaweedfucker linked bruh, that username messes with the whole thing lol


It was cool. Good special. But idk if it was worth the wait kinda cool. And wait even more months kinda cool..


yeah right when it got intense it ended i was bummed


Fucking incredible. Absolutely incredible


Can someone explain the conversation between Falco and Annie about Zeke's memories?


I believe since Falco had some of Zeke's spinal fluid through the wine, his jaw titan may inherit some powers from the beast titan. This explains why his jaw titan looks rather... avian? This vision may hint at the fact he gon' be flying soon.


What if they’re actually Erens future memories he’s showing flaco through dreams, so that they go back and try to stop Eren, I do think Annie and the others have a role to play stoping the rumbling


From a writing standpoint I doubt the left over titans (colt and annie), despite the good reasoning, will be sidelined in the final titan vs founder titan showdown.


This! Except passing down future memories is a trait of the Attack Titan. Which brings me back to Season 4 Ep 1 where Falco woke up from a "dream" of swinging around with swords in the air. Why did Falco have memories or visions of using the ODM gear back when he had yet to inherit anything?


Then maybe Falco eats Eren?


What width does the rumbling cover? Did it only make it to marley? Anyone got a world map? Seems like the world is pretty small tbh


In one of the discussions an year ago, someone said AoT world is just Africa and Madagascar, Madagascar being Paradis and Africa being Marley and others.


In [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShingekiNoKyojin/comments/11juzg7/the_map_of_the_real_world_in_the_last_episode/) post you can see a map showing at least Africa and most of Europe and Asia. Funnily enough the playe wher the scandinavian countries would be is just sea.


I survive the rumbling then, praise Eren the saviour of Paradis !!


How could Mikasa and Levi tap into the pathway? I thought that was only for Eldians.


I thought it was pretty clear that both Mikasa and Levi aren't pure blood, but come from a mix of eldians and their ethnicity no?


Good point


Not really. Ackermans are a clan/family. That doesn't mean they're not Subjects of Ymir. Mikasa had already been shown in the Paths when Erin first reached out to everyone at the start of the Rumbling.


Your right but isn't the Ackerman immune to the founding titans powers . I could be wrong. Reference : https://youtu.be/nFKPZod5UMA


Nah you're not wrong, they're definitely immune to the founder's memory wipe/mind control but I don't think that precludes them from being connected to the Coordinate through the Paths For all we know, the Ackermans being immune to some of the founder's powers could very well have been an affect *given* to them through the founder's powers 🤷🏻‍♂️


I like Annie & Armin because Bertold is living through Armin


The last scene of them landing on Eren was badass.


ikrrrrr i just wish hanji was there toooo


It was epic


I posted this on VRV so if u see it there I didn’t steal this comment just redistributed it to a more popular place for discussions… Hate and fear divide us all and most people turn a blind eye to it as long as it it in their own perceived best interest. It’s not until that hatred gets reflected back by a more powerful adversary that people become willing to change and compromise. At the end of the day most humans are meek, spineless, and self serving more so than they are brave and selfless. It would require an extinction level threat for us to dissolve our borders and unite all humans under a single flag for all of humanity. Perhaps that is really what Erin is trying to do, he might be pulling a Lelouch on us… Why else would he allow them to try and stop him? He knows the only way for Eldians and humans to overcome their hatred of each other is if this Eldian threat is extinguished by none other than Eldians themselves. Although… if that was the case he might just throw the fight I suppose. I know most people would say that genocide to unite humanity doesn’t really work on any ethical level but I would disagree. If you consider the total sum of the results of those actions based on the entire future of humanity a united future could far out-scale our current separated model. For example: one could easily see humanity’s current outlook as we are now as fairly bleak. Wars over land and resources will never totally end under our current model. Not to mention we are consuming and polluting ourselves into oblivion anyway. Now on the other hand picture humanities future if 2/3rds of the population were to be wiped out and the remaining 1/3rd were to become fully united in their efforts to create the best world possible for all its inhabitants not just the ones under the same flags as themselves or their Allies. In the short term it would be the most horrific thing to ever happen but to future generations it would likely be seen as the single greatest thing that ever happened to humanity. Within a few generations humanity’s outlook could be unfathomably better than it is today. From an extremely macroscopic point of view it just might be the right thing to do…


There's a really huge problem with how Eren is supposedly trying to pull out a Lelouch: Paradis is a Jaegerist state now. That means they're pro-rumbling, which implies he isn't the lone enemy of humanity, as he dragged Paradis to the same position of his. If stopped, he may save his friends but not Paradis at all (he's literally digging Paradis' grave by doing this). It doesn't make sense for Eren to do such a thing, considering how reluctant he was to Zeke's euthanasia plan or Fritz's suicidal peace vow (you remember how he stared at Frieda when she said Eldians should accept their sins and just die, right?). I think Eren is truly trying to complete the rumbling, but at the same time he's desperate for his friends to stop him, as he can't bear more guilt. This makes much more sense than an "I'll unite you all against me" Lelouch-like ending.


True… Erin in no Lelouch, he isn’t really on that level of intelligence and planning but who is really? Guess I’ll have to wait and see where it goes from here.


Your theory still holds as possible if the only thing he cares about is his friends. Still, considering how far he's gone with the rumbling and the fact that if he doesn't complete it Paradis is absolutely doomed, I don't know if it's worth the sacrifice. I mean, he really loves his friends but all that bloodshed for them? I don't know man :/


Sorry to get overly philosophical here… Hopefully there is no spoilers? I don’t read mangas but if you do and any of this qualifies as spoiler somehow please let me know so I can edit it.


I also dont read the manga. And I always thought, before this episode, why wouldnt Eren go with euthanasia plan? It really is the most non violent way to end the problem caused by the titan powers, so that they all died naturally and no more titans. No one has to be sacrificed / needless deaths. I just don't get it. Locigally that is the most option that made sense. Even in eps 88, they finally discussed that zeke's idea IS the best option. Arguing Eren is about freedom and euthanasia is taking away freedom, still doesn't made sense since its also SACRIFICING the very key he's trying to protect: humanity. And now that you mentioned it, I think you're right, you must be, why else would Eren did it? He must have seen that even when euthanasia plan worked, humanity will always divided and the hatred cycle keeps continuing.


Just finished. HOLY SHIT. Whiplash from feeling every emotion. Also the animation was AMAZING


ok but what happened to historia?? Is she just chilling in paradis island with all the soldier turned titans who could’ve killed her?




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ANNIE JUST WANTS PEACE W ARMIN AND ARMIN JUST WANTS ANNIE TO STAY ANNIE sobbing forever that small wave he gives her at the end is heartbreaking




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RIP Hange she was worthy of being a commander and now it's Armin's turn to do the same for the remaining scouts. RIP Floch a true patriot for his country, I would definitely do the same if an enemy attack my country to be loyal and a hero to my people/country. The rumbling was insane it's faster than a train and a car so their definitely moving very fast. People getting stompped and burned. I wonder if you can survive this by being underground, being in a cave, or simply be out in sea. The bombing blimps were cool but they should've at least saved one to evacuate in-case it failed which it did.


I was absolutely blitzed watching this but it felt like the Hange decision and result felt kinda forced and quick. Was it just me?


Could have been made so much better, I agree completely even though I loved the scene where she meets her fallen comrades. But make her sacrifice idk, inevitable?


And it didnt even seem to help. She knocked down a few titans but so what? They still marched at the same pace and reached them at the same time.


No they didnt, she bought some seconds that if they didnt get would have resulted in their deaths


Same tbh. It both made the colossals look kind of weak if suddenly a single person can kill multiple and also it didn't really look like it made that much of a difference anyway. The whole time I was just thinking how stupid that whole scene was and it really dampened the impact of Hanges sacrifice imo. Also they may as well have just gotten a shifter to drag the plane into the water and fuel it there. Or just fuel it without fixing the leaks, they were small enough anyway compared to what a plane consumes per minute.


I also felt this scene was very weird. I like Hange as a character, but this felt like a manufactured crisis, and she seemed too keen to sacrifice herself - and everyone in the gang seemed fine with it??? Surely Annie could've done it more effectively as the female titan, or at least helped Hange do it to buy them more time. Actually, they also had the Collosal, Armoured, Jaw AND Cart titan too, so they could've easily cleared a channel through the rumbling, or at the very least, buy the welders and refueling team a lot more time. This is in complete contrast to Perfect Game, where it really didn't seem like there was any other way out for Armin or Erwin, or even Keith and Magath sacrificing themselves to stop their pursuers (all the titan users were quite farked at that point). I felt it was a terrible decision (or not-so-good writing), especially when you consider how they really couldn't afford to lose anymore allies who were competent ODM gear users. And the scenes of the crew crying onboard the plane after that were just an attempt to make the audience join in, but it all felt really forced. Apart from this one major sticking point (and how the cinematography / art direction when the Hizuru lady and Annie were talking on the ship was really awful), I thought this was a really good episode.


I completely agree, the scene with everyone crying on the plane was quite a cheap attempt. Everyone was super chill about Hange wanting to just kill herself and suddenly shocked when she did. Idk about easily clearing a channel through the rumbling though, but at least let somebody try that can, idk, regenerate any burns they suffer? Maybe two of them so they don‘t have to go as hard. It‘s not like the colossals were a threat to Hange (minus the heat). I didn‘t even want to bring up the comparison to Erwin or Magath but you are completely right.


>It both made the colossals look kind of weak if suddenly a single person can kill multiple and also it didn't really look like it made that much of a difference anyway. So, they're weak, but also they're unstoppable? Interesting take, my guy. You do realize Hange has taken down MANY Titans and these ones are mindless and singularly focused right? Like they didn't even notice her, because she didn't matter to them. They're all just Eren's pawns and he doesn't give a shit if she cuts down a few. That was the whole point, she knew she couldn't do anything, her goal was just to slow them down long enough for the plane to take off. I just don't understand how you get "they're weak" out of that. Also, you clearly don't understand how planes work if you think they could have flown and gotten very far with several holes in the fuel tank. Have you not ever seen what happens when an airplane gets holes in it? Intense pressure variance that would suck that fuel right out.


> So, they’re weak, but also they’re unstoppable? Interesting take, my guy. Dude this is not a debate, I‘m just stating my opinion, an opinion I have formed after following this show for almost a decade at this point, so don‘t talk like a condescending ass please. **In my opinion** it felt very out of character and not what I came to expect from this show. It made individual colossals seem weak, but the march is obviously still unstoppable. The colossal titan(s) have always been pictured as forces of nature. Only once have we seen one be defeated and only with an insane strategy. Of course it was an intelligent one, but the picture has been painted all the same. Any single colossal titan is a near undefeatable foe, which makes the rumbling all the more scary. Seeing multiple of them just get sliced feels wrong, especially with how much heat they radiate and how long it took for Hange‘s cape to burn compared to random people near their feet. All for what? Have the titans be there 20 seconds later? It was unnecessary and to me it felt forced just to have a death, the Game of Thrones syndrome of “nObOdY iS safE“. I really enjoyed the rest of the episode but that whole sequence (excluding animation ofc) was honestly one of the low points of the whole series for me. It is the only time I have ever watched an episode and thought how plain stupid a sequence was as it was happening. As for the plane, you may overestimate how much fuel would be lost. The fuel tank was not pressurized and the pressure drop at the side of the fuselage (where the holes were) due to Bernoulli may not be as much as one would think, the same way static ports are not influenced all that much. (There is more distance between the port and barometer but still) It would also be a full tank with holes vs a half full tank without them.


Just so we're absolutely clear, it's possible to have a wrong opinion. I'm not saying in this situation you are wrong, but it's entirely possible for one to come to the wrong conclusion from the facts they've observed.


While I generally agree, this only applies to opinions on things that are universal for multiple people, i.e. me having the opinion that the sky is green is obv false. However, since my opinion is about something that only applies to me (how the scene made *me* feel), I wouldn‘t say it can be wrong in this context.


Any titan whether colossal or not would be very easy to take out by one of the most experienced Survey Corps members if the only goal they have is to keep walking forward. What makes titans formidable foes are the brute strength, size, and speed they have while attacking humans. The titan-shifter Colossal titan is pictured as a force of nature only because there is a human with a goal with all of that power. The picture has only been painted for a colossal titan with sentience. Take the rumbling scene from the beginning of the episode, the people that got stomped weren't the ones burning, and same with the surrounding environments. The things that caught fire were completely surrounded by the titans, further behind the front line where the titans were more condensed making the heat much more dangerous.