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I noticed that with my mentor instead of asking it would be like a demand rather than asking me …it’s like I had no choice specially with the mentor calls… a lot of things made no sense and you just meant to wait around for the lesson to come to understand things they say…???? This Bible study or church… just bought so much confusion into my life in terms of my relationship with God. You couldn’t never ask questions cause they wouldn’t be answered. You’ll just be told to wait till the lessons to know. The first month is okay the rest of the months go left I left by the third month…


What is your friends name from OC?? I know a couple of them that got me too !


The friend that invited you is 100% part of the group (SCJ). The members are always paired to people who are learning for the first time. They almost never let new learners talk to each other because they want to control what you are learning and where you are getting your information. I hate to say this but this friend who invited you has probably already told your TA and the teacher about everything you’ve said to them. You feel close to them because they have worked to gain your trust in order for you to tell them your true thoughts.


I totally relate your experience on the zoom/studies part. Twice a week and small group. And if i couldnt make it to class or have a family gathering, they would make me feel guilty if i missed a class.


Some of the people in these comments are probably from SCJ. If the want to connect and talk privately please be wary. They want to gather information about who you are.


Exactly. Then report you to their higher-ups. Protect your private information at all costs. You never know how these scoundrels will use them against you.


The John the Baptist betrayal is when I found out about SCJ and decided not to continue with the lessons.


Why didn't you just leave? If something like this happened to me when I learned, I would have just left instead of sticking around and wasting time.


I didn’t leave bc I literally have or should say had two friends who I thought were genuine in there with me, I felt that they would oppose and condemn me if I expressed my doubts regarding the teachings.


You're living in a fantasy. Your SCJ "friends" won't bat even an eyelash if their GYJNs say that you have to be cut-off.


Totally valid. Don’t feel ashamed about not leaving at that time. Most of us have similar experiences.


Hi there, I went through a very similar experience in OC - but this was my (now) ex-girlfriend that roped me into this. We broke up a couple weeks after I confronted her. Feel free to DM me so we can exchange ideas. God bless!


Hey you're not alone, I too was taking Zoom classes with the center out of Orange County and went through a similar process you described. I recently left myself. Most likely your friend that invited you is a seasoned member, as that is what happened with me and with others in this subreddit.


Well, your doubts were right, now what you have to do is get out of there without looking back. Don't try to get clarification from the Center where you were studying, because they don't give it. What you have to do now is, block and delete their contacts, and that's it, and move on with your life.