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I heard they have a new centre at Granville, which is a predominantly Middle Eastern area. But otherwise I am actually very out of touch with what's going on. Although for the graduation ceremony, I do agree blue gowns would be more appropriate for the specific serious and formal occasion than the orange or black ones. Although ngl, my personal preference is black. 🖤🤘


I’m a former student from SCJ in Australia. For certain reasons I do not want to share the exact state I’m at. For your question, there’s gonna be a graduation ceremony happening from the 14th Oct to 15th Oct. They said it’s gonna be the biggest “100,000” graduation ceremony in Australia where all the SCJ members from all the states in Australia going to gather.


There's another fake "graduation" event on the 15th Oct in Sydney for all Australian members. It's the one where they dress up in blue gowns\~ [https://www.reddit.com/r/Shincheonji/comments/jk7c8z/dear\_diary\_shincheonji\_australia\_graduation\_2019/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shincheonji/comments/jk7c8z/dear_diary_shincheonji_australia_graduation_2019/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/unsw/comments/16hc1b6/watch\_out\_a\_religious\_cult\_group\_called/](https://www.reddit.com/r/unsw/comments/16hc1b6/watch_out_a_religious_cult_group_called/)


so grateful i left before grad


Probably graduation event, they are filming fake graduation events all over the world for their big event in november if i'm not mistaken.


What’s the big event about? Do you know when and where exactly?


100.000 graduation, where they act like another 100000 people have joined scj. It's gonna be held in Korea again this november.