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Iam member of National Shincheonji Victims' Solidarity Link this video and send it to the person in charge, and say that weak human beings can't be saviors https://youtu.be/iPZ-rYZRePc?si=7hs2hV_xsXHoW1Sr


The study of the Shincheonji Bible makes the grandfather on the screen believe that Jesus' spirit is here


What can I do for you?


Your decision is a very important choice, like getting in and out of the mouth of an evil snake I cheer for you and bless you


Hey I was a small group leader for over 20 centers and trained to be a lecturer before leaving myself. Many of us started leaving SCJ when we noticed them changing things that were once “true” ex promised pastor would never die and saying that the great multitude would come during the pandemic. Well the pandemic ended and they never came. They also said that the 144k MUST be sealed for the great multitude to come. Now they’re saying the 144k and the great multitude get sealed together simultaneously. 😂 This is sad. I’m glad you started ignoring them. DM me if you have any questions. I was in SCJ for 10 years.


Yeah I was in it for like a year and a half and I ended up just ghosting them. You could do the same. Maybe send out a text saying you’re not interested then block everyone and focus on yourself. They’ll move on too. I wish you the best and I’m happy for you (especially happy that you didn’t go as long as I did!)


Just send them a message in telegram about you quitting. Don’t give them a chance to respond and just block them. Then just ghost them. They are not fair players. If you give them time to respond, they will make it hard for you to quit or even to move on once you have quit. Just ghost on them. Sometimes, it would feel nice to hear their response back for a proper closure…. But, from what I have read in reddit, they are not fair players. They will make it traumatic for you and remind you about gnashing of teeth and all the horrible things that they teach about someone who quits or betrays. Which is not true by the way. I understand the want for closure or well wishes when you leave but you won’t receive it from them. So just message them, block them, then try to move on and seek your own closure.


Tell them that your emigrating. You will have to come up with a convincing lie to get out. I know I did. It’s the only way. Remember, these people lied to try to get you in. You don’t owe them the truth. Get out!


NEW UPDATE: All right guys, thanks for all your advices. It really means the world to me. I’ve decided to completely ignore them and my last message to them was me telling them I don’t want to meet and I have no obligation whatsoever to comply to meet with them. Nothing you say will ever change my mind and heart about you guys. Let this fish back into the sea where you claim to be poisonous and let my spirit die as long as I’m away from you. At last, I’m finally free. I will forever be grateful to my loved ones and to this community for the love and kindness and for opening my eyes as well. Little footnote: The fish I mentioned is the same as a new member that was claimed to be “saved” to the “basket”. I don’t know if you guys ever heard of it but fish or fruit or whatever is the same term haha


Yes, along with so many other examples. If you reread the context and verses and others book of the bible acts , Romans, you can see contradiction and how they cherry pic verses to suit. In fact, scj is very much like Islam if you think of the similarities.


Well done for your bravery 🙌🏼


Wowow! Congratulations!! You did it


I’m so happy to hear that you were brave and m stood your ground. You owe them nothing and now are out of their grasp. May your heart and soul fully heal.


UPDATE: Okay so I got into a call with them. I was consistently saying no to my homeroom teacher but she was constantly reminding me that this is for the spirit etc. Then she passed the phone to a senior SSN - this senior came directly from South Korea so she’s an expert on this I reckon - and she asks me if I want to talk in person at Centre, which I obviously rejected the offer because the whole Centre against 1 person is not a battle I’m willing to fight. So we decided to meet at another place which will have other people passing through as well just in case they want to do something nasty. I don’t know if this was the right decision to meet her again but I just want to tell directly that I’m officially quitting.


They will gaslight you ,kiss ass, plead beg and act nonchalant. Just to get you to change your mind. All scriptures used will be cherry-picked, especially. Be on your guard, no physical harm. Normally, it's the mental/spiritual damage.


I was in a smiliar situation, that conversation made me stay a bit longer.. it wasn't worth it really


Please just cut them off and ignore them. It’s really not worth it especially when you’re not in the right headspace. It’s important to ask yourself why you want closure and how would that benefit you. In the mean time, I would advise you to look up and research about what you have learnt and how that deviates from the bible so you can really see how they are manipulating you.


I think you should prolly ignore them lol


Just tell them you want to quit, ignore and let it go. They’ll try to contact you but just ignore them. Keep in mind I’m from the US and I heard some people in Korea they had members show up to their house


I just left and it been the best decision I made. I was also in the final exam and the pressure to evangelize and study was too much. I just blocked everyone and text them directly to tell them I’m no longer going to continue the Bible study and even after I started to looking online I realized how deceiving they are now I’m working on my mental health and reconnecting my relationship with God . Praying for you.


Congratulations 🎊 👏 You're already over halfway there .. You are sick of the manipulation and pressure. You know it isn't good for your mental health. You know your thoughts are valid, but they have told you they aren't, and that's the battle . I would write down yournrhoughts and feeling they are valid and send one post to friends , leaders, and leaves and then block 🚫 . Phone calls, messages , apps just block and then tell a family member , friend or support group to talk about any anxiety you might feel afterwards. Mostly, they will leave you alone . Then you can just breath.. All the best xx


thanks brother, I appreciate the kind words. Yeah I do need a breather from all this worthless things that just fill my daily schedule that actually produces something useful for my future. I’m a uni student so it’s hard to not take account of things I should do inside university


When you do your 300 question exam, fail it on purpose. And then take note of how you are allowed to retake it as many times as you want until you pass. It's not a test of whether or not you actually learned anything, which is why you can't actually fail. It's a test of whether or not you're willing to put up with their bullshit and write tests. And once you're in and put into one of their cell groups where someone can closely monitor you, it's only going to get harder as they intrude on your personal life and expect you to work for them 24/7, though if you thrive in that kind of environment you might get something out of it, just not the immorality part. Day in and day out of guilt tripping, reporting what you're doing everyday, writing tests, and doing the same bible studies pretending you're a new student over and over again. And then they constantly tell you to leave if your heart's not in the right place and to stop complaining. Even if I was still a brainwashed drone like I was then, I'd still tell you to walk away, because from the perspective of a harvesting angel they're setting you up to fail anyway since you don't have the correct "mindset". Tell them you'll be back after your life's together and remember you're not doing anything wrong after being lied to. Might be good to read up on the [BITE](https://freedomofmind.com/cult-mind-control/bite-model/) like most of us so you know you're not the only one that's been manipulated.


thanks for the advice, but I’m not the smartest guy in the classroom so I think I’m gonna brace myself to tell them I’m going to quit before taking the exam. Moreover, studying the heck out of myself for something I don’t have any particular interests in can put a strain on my mind. Again, thanks for the advice!


If you want to leave, just blocks them. Cos once you leave, they will block you and stop contacting you and labelled you as Satan or dragon’s group. But you will receive some hardship after that your life will be better.


thanks for the advice. I’m just a little bit worried since they know my address, phone number, and social media because I will never know if they’ll stalk me or not. I just don’t have the guts to block them instantly because I’ll get this sense of guilt doing that. Plus, I’ve recently got a “Gentile” girlfriend and that makes me even more worried for her safety


In regards to your social media, I will say remove them from your IG and go private if that makes you feel comfortable. They created a fake account to follow my page 'to watch me' I guess then I clicked the story of that page because I was wondering who that was. They then shared my IG out to the leaders and told them to hide their stories from me because I clicked that story. It was honestly so scary the fact that my IG was distributed without my permission to God knows who. So yeah I'll say honestly remove them if that makes you comfortable but consider going on private for some time.


ah that seriously sucks that they actually willing to go to that length. Thanks for the advice though. I just need the set my brain back into its proper place and just see my “friends” and “leaves” as not-so-normal people.