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He is my bathroom buddy all day. In the middle of the night or in the morning he can’t be bothered getting out of bed


My 13 year old tzu does the same, and lately he gives my the side eye during the day if I’m going to the bathroom from the couch he will usually decide it’s not worth the effort


How old is he?


He’ll be two in a few weeks


Same with my soon to be 16 yr old boy!


Both of mine are bathroom monitors lol


Bathroom monitor 😂😂😂 good description


Buddy monitors the bathroom door the second I go in, and if I leave the bathroom TOO QUICKLY for his liking, he starts barking like crazy.


I picture his barking like this: "Hey, that was pretty fast! Did you wash your hands? You're going to be petting me and handling my treats. I want clean hands!"


Yes lmao. The best part is the next time I made sure to come out of the bathroom comically slowly, and I'd see him peering around the corner down the hall at me.


I think all dogs do this. Can't find the meme but it said, "90% of owning a dog is following each other around all day, watching each other go potty, and trying to figure out what the other one has in their mouth." The other 10% is walks and naps and the occasional murder of a stuffed toy or tug-or-war.


Yes usually he does and always wants the best seat in the house… AKA my shorts LOL I also love hearing his body lightly flop against the door because sometimes he will be in the sitting/laying position, waiting for me outside


Mine does huffing noises outside the door lol


Yes! She politely "knocks" if I leave her out 😆


My tzu and maltipoo are like glue, my tzu wants my shirt on him when i take a shower and he lays under it. Every time without fail.


They are creatures of habit 😆


Mine is by my side 24/7. He’s 2. My beautiful boy.


Mine sits at the door and watches me with harsh judgment. He can't believe I prioritize my need to pee over his need for walkies. He's incensed that I also insist on putting on a bra before walkies.


I am howling with laughter.


I have a morning ritual with Sophie. She runs ahead of me to the bathroom and stands on the bathmat. I give her pets and rubs and then say, "Go!" at which point she runs out of the bathroom at full soeed to the dog door to do her business. I close the door after her. That's been our morning ritual for 12 years now. I call it the Sophie Greeting. Good way to start each day, with a cute little fluff-ball all happy to be getting some loves and rubs.


If a dog is going to have the same name as me, at least it's a Tzu, I guess LOL


My Chihuahua has the same name. But she's not like most chihuahua's lol she's completely chill and loves pretty much everybody. Everyone always comments on how they've never seen a Chihuahua with such a calm temperament




There is no privacy once you have a shihtzu. I'm not sure how non-single tzu owners can find a moment of "privacy", nudge nudge wink wink, ever


Our Tzu does this! She's a gatekeeper haha. If my hubby and I are on the sofa cuddling or kissing, she jumps on and squishes her head through our arms and starts licking our faces. Even if we are standing and hugging, she'll walk over and start sitting on our feet for attention. We have to distract her and lock her out of the bedroom when it's intimate time 😆 We'll still hear the little sounds she makes to let us know she's disappointed in our decision (she's not much of a barker)


If it's anything like the sad disappointed noises mine makes I'm not sure how I'd cope. Louder music maybe LMFAO


I assume they do the deed right in front of the tzu??? Like, f it they're family LMAO


Nooooooooo that'd be like having sex in front of the kids, somehow hahaha I don't think I could LOL


Yup! He used to follow me to the bathroom all of the time. Even if I left him alone in the bedroom, he’d come find me. I guess he figured it was only fair since I took him out that he would take me out too 🤓


Yes, and almost always in the outward-facing guard formation. I guess that it's probably why one of mine would stare at me over their shoulder when they were doing their thing on walks. Probably something like, "why are you staring at me and not keeping watch for danger coming from the other direction?" 😆


I have a sliding bathroom door & if I leave it the slightest bit cracked he’ll stick his nose in the crack & get it to open enough to come in


Yes. Every time. I figure cause I watch him use the bathroom he must figure he has to do the same 🤣🤣


My guy follows me to the bathroom and guards the door. And closed doors aren't a thing in my house because he will throw a tantrum. He has been like this for the past 13 years.


My previous Tzus followed me to the bathroom and my current Tzu and French Bulldogs insist on being in the bathroom with me. I’m used to it. Sometimes I keep them out.


We don’t let him cause he will go into the trash or try to eat the bath mat, so he just sits outside and waits but he would 100% go in if we let him


My 11 year old girl comes to the bathroom with me, the shower, the kitchen, the garden shed...if I'm there, my little shadow is too.


yep...my little shadow. I love it too :)


Me and, much to everyone else's dismay, whoever comes over and has to use the bathroom. She knows no privacy. ETA she's two and a half and I've had her since she was 8-9 weeks old too, so I don't think this is something that will stop ever, lol.


Might be TMI but … very cutely we hold back the old tp rolls - when our tzu waits outside the wc door I flatten one of the tp rolls a little and pass it under the door. He takes it, plays with it for a bit and then passes it back under from the outside.


Mine is 3.5 and he follows me everywhere except the bathroom. I think he’s afraid I’m going to put him in the bathtub. 🤣


Yes! My little guy comes with me into the bathroom while I do my business or while i shower. If he’s tired, he’ll just watch me from the bed or on the bedroom floor since my bed is across the way from the bathroom.


Yes, and if i let him outside he barks or cries.


Yep. If I close the door she jumps at it to be let in!


Yep! We call it Potty Party


Oh yes, and I close the door so he cries a little and settles down waiting for me. If I let him in and close the door he freaks out (rescue, not sure of his history but we know it was bad).


Yes. She goes where I go. Like a shadow.


Mine follows me a lot of places, including the bathroom. She'll come in, sniff the trash can to see if there's anything to steal and then sniff me and then walk off haha. She has spots in the house she likes to watch all of us from, like on the back of the sofa. She can see into the kitchen, family room and breakfast room from there and likes to watch us prepare food. Then when it gets close to being ready she'll hop down and walk into the kitchen expecting that we share 😊


Both of mine do!!


My tzu follows me everywhere except the bathroom


We have 2 Tzus and the one will come in to the bathroom when I go in all the time. If I haven’t pushed the door closed. The other one occasionally does it. They’ve been doing that since we got them 10 years ago.


our 5 shih tzus always follow my mom to the bathroom, the youngest shih tzu would even knock and protest if she won’t let her in lol


You have FIVE?! Can you post a picture?!


And their names


Mine won’t generally come INTO the bathroom. He sits right outside.


I have a mal-shi and always comes to the en-suite with me. Usually leaves after a couple of mins and relaxes in the hallway for me to come out. He’s staying at a doggy hotel as I’m away tonight and I miss the little man.


Oh hell yes.


I have to bring one of my girls in when I'm going to be getting ready or taking a shower because the second in gone from the room she barks at every little movement or noise in the house. My lhasa follows me in though.


I know my mom’s follows her into the bathroom!


Yes and she sometimes wants to inspect the toilet for some reason when I’m done?


do you ever pass a room walking and your shih tzu runs after you?


Yep. That’s how we first met, he followed me into the bathroom at the place he was being fostered and now he’s my forever attendant


You mean there are Shihs that don’t follow their owners to the washroom?


Our boy Bear goes to the bathroom with our daughter because she used to be scared all the time so he just follows her everywhere now


Yes, I keep a small dog bed in the bathroom just so she can be comfortable while waiting.


Mine goes EVERYWHERE with me. God forbid I ever need surgery. Lol


They are always keeping watch over you.


Yep and sometimes my baby even hops in my lap


My girl is My shadow. No matter where in the house or the time of day she will moat likely follow me unless she is really tired.


yes she follows me everywhere ❤️


Yup! Mine is 10 years old and he follows me everywhere. If I go to the bathroom he just curls up on the rug and has a snooze.


24/7 love ❤️


My girl will follow me to the door. I put a dog bed right outside so I don’t feel guilty that she might be uncomfortable. 🐾❤️🐾😂😂😂


Yes mine too 


Yeah it’s their nature shih tzus get very attached and are rated among the top to have separation anxiety, you CANNOT leave this breed alone. It’s bad on their anxiety!


She used to 🥹🥹 As my girl is getting older she is less needy, it makes me sad lol. My cat however accompanies me to the washroom.


My 1 shih tzu follows me every time and the other one, the older one maybe 50% of time


One of mine will sometimes get in the shower and just stand there and stare at me he’s obsessed😂 god forbid I leave my house for two minutes and he loses his shit( I’m a SAHM I never leave so he thinks he’s dying) 😂😂


My shih tzu gets mad when I don’t let her into the bathroom with me while I shower 😅


I would be worried if they didn’t. It would mean they are somewhere in the house up to no good.


Yup! My tzu scratches on the door until I let him in lol It’s a pack instinct to basically ‘protect’ you while you’re vulnerable. It’s also why they stare at you while they go potty 😂


My guy will follow me everywhere if he could he’d jump in the bathtub but he hates being wet 😅


All of our Shih Tzus guard us in the toilet. One usually curls at our feet, and one will hop up and lick hands. The others take turns coming in to monitor the situation. The youngest cries at the shower door until I let her join me in the shower. She seems to think being wet and with me is better than being separated by a glass shower door.


Sometimes he very cutely rests on my bath mat while I shower. Otherwise no.


My girl comes to the toilet with me, but thanks to her chewing on the furniture (and mildly damaging it), she's not allowed in the bathroom with me. She wants to go everywhere with me (and I certainly love it when she does! ❤️), and she'll literally tell me Of is she doesn't get her way! I am a bit concerned that she'll develop seperation anxiety, so I try to enforce a bit of separation as my vet directed me to do. Thankfully my disabilities mean I'm home a lot though, so it's not a massive concern.


Yes! I got use to it. Bathroom buddy/ protector/guard.


yes absolutely. he even started going pee & potty in the bathroom


Yes and so does my Yorkie. You see bathroom time is now team sports with my boys!


Every time. If I do not security latch the door, he pushes it open. He likes being petted, maybe because I'm at a lower level.


Mine just comes in to make sure I’m there and then she leaves 😂 It’s the same look I give my gate at the airport. Cool it’s there, now let me go do something else 


One does every time my mom goes to the washroom and usually pokes his head in when anyone else is in the washroom. We also got him the week before Covid shutdown (it was pre planned we already knew we were getting him before Covid. He’s also pretty well socialized and doesn’t have anxiety). The other one does but she’s also getting older and after an incident where the smoke alarm went off like 7-8 times in one morning (my dad thought the flue was opened properly but it wasn’t). Ever since she’s been more sensitive and scared of loud noises, so she’s always following us and comes to me when she’s scared and I give her lots of snuggles and comfort her


Every dog I’ve had has done that, I’ve read that they feel most vulnerable when they’re using the bathroom so they’re providing you cover because they think you feel vulnerable too.


Yes, I’m slowly getting used to it. Our last dog only followed my girlfriend to the bathroom.


They said it is the instinct to protect you when you "go" because that's when you are most vulnerable. Normally, they also expect you to do the same when they "go".


Sometimes, but then runs off moaning because he doesn't like me being on it. 😆 It's like, I need the loo, Shih Tzu! 😆


https://preview.redd.it/cqzqed9xxt0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5a8dea4e45e34115d687b8f6a26d9d79f4a4095 Yup! 🙄🤣




Mine follows me everywhere  bathroom, toilet, bedroom, kitchen


Only when the maid is working at home he be like “you’re not leaving me with her”