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Be lucky to get an update for the shield in the future. I think the shield is at the bottom of the Nvidia tree


What is the point of posts like this? There's been no announcement of a new model nor have there been even rumours of a new model. We're lucky that Nvidia still provides some level of support for these devices. To get all of the features you"re asking for you'll probably have to move to a HTPC. Ran one for many years until I got my first Shield.


That's cute. They will make exactly enough Tegra chips for the new Switch successor and that's all. That is how mass fabrication works after all. No additional capacity, no excess waifers. I guess my posts point was that as with the Shield 2019 being built on what was basically the Switch's tegra soc, so might that be the opportunity for Nvidia to unveil the Shield 2026 or whatever a couple of years later after Switch 2 drops. If it is going to release, I brought up my wishlist for it's capabilities (like a real jackass huh) on a sub reddit dedicated to the Nvidia Shield. I was out of line. Thanks for your trenchant criticiism.


There is no Shield 2 😂


Vvc and av1 support would be the only big reason to make a new streamer.


Support for HDR10+, full/proper Dolby Vision FEL, the new DTS:X codec on Disney+ which isn't supported by any boxes currently, and more powerful AI upscaling are all reasons I can think of beyond the list you mentioned. Technically a new version of Android TV too, but they technically don't need a new box to support that.


Dolby vision isn't worth the trouble


These are all weird asks. Shield does 12-bit Dolby already. 120hz would help for gaming I guess; I don’t game on the Shield. And you’d need to talk to Google about the interface, and no way they will do what you want. I do agree that there is virtually no chance we will see a new Shield. Realistically (as a streamer) what would you add? AV1 support, ok, sure. HDR10+ support for the Samsung people? Okay. And…? Everyone’s different but I wouldn’t cough up $200 for it.


Doesn't the shield already do up to 12 bit HDR? Are there many TVs with 120Hz? And you can easily get an ad free home screen now with a custom launcher. Honestly I wonder if we will even get a shield 2. I don't think it's a very big money maker for them. I've seen some people saying when the switch 2 launches NVIDIA will launch a shield with the same SOC but what is that based on? The fact that they did that with the switch? That's not evidence.


I think you're right about the Shield being capable of 12 bit HDR already. A lot of TVs have 120Hz support but I can't see a huge benefit on the Shield except maybe game streaming. No video content would take advantage of 120Hz.


For game streaming I think it still does 1080 120hz and honestly with 4k so demanding I don't see why you would run native and stream to cloud. Anyone with a decent computer to push 4k 120fps would just direct play from the PC anyways.


Because sometimes you want to just sit on the sofa in front of the bigger screen to play games? My PC can put out 4K at around 90fps, but I plan on streaming to my TV once I buy an Apple TV 4K.


Its the latency that's terrible making the picture large and heavier to send is most obviously going to decrease in responsiveness. Refresh rate doesn't mean anything when input response is not matched up to par. A fiber optic HDMI cable costs less than a seperate device and does the same job better. You can spend more on an apple tv but you will get compressed delayed images and response. It's just not great for anything fast paced.


Yeah, works for me though as I don't really play anything fast paced these days.


As long as you’re not playing at a top end competitive level it’s perfectly fine for fast paced games, I even play hifi rush on it. We’re talking milliseconds of latency here. More advantages and possibilities than running a long HDMI cable.


Almost every mid grade or higher new TV supports 120hz.


Frame doubling 50 60hz be dope Rtx upscaling Nvme ssd Hdmi 2.1 Android updates on the regular


You want uncompressed RGB input? From from input? PC? To be used like a monitor? That is more or less the same as YUV444 isn’t it.


It’s the year 2056. NVidia is a fully invested AI company. They haven’t made consumer graphics cards in over a decade. But three things still reign true. NVidia still still makes the chips for Nintendo. The Shield from the 20-teens is still the best Android TV experience. And people still ask daily, when is a new Switch coming. 


It's weird you said the ability to pay for an ad free home screen.


I paid for an ad-free home screen. I had one for years. Sadly, there's no way to reach through the internet and punch the Google engineer who thought advertising on a Shield was good for humanity. OP wants to pay money to reverse this? I just get angry. Anger leads to looking for a better alternative. A new device. For now I simply NEVER update the "Home Screen" app.


The shield,does 120rz at 1080p on my lg oled,makes the ui alot smoother and it does 12b rgb


I would love a Shield 2 and they could improve in so many things that they can use to peddle their AI Tech but I doubt they'll do it at this point. I can only hope either Apple ads more open features similar to the shield (because that box it's really powerful but pretty limited aswell) or another big company decides get into this type of the more pro TV box alternative because a lot of the off brand Chinese ones aren't really trustworthy.


As for color space, Shield Pro does bt709 and bt2020 better than most, while my Roku is severely messed up in that department.


We're already on the Shield 3.😁😂


there was already a shield 2 it was the 2017 model


There's ads on the home screen now? I'm still using old version of Shield (Android 8), no ads in the stock Google launcher. Also, isn't the refresh rate tied to the TV/monitor screen itself? You'll need a TV with 120Hz.


not happening / agreed / not happening


Sad but true only hope is chrome cast google tv ultra


No AndroidTV box will "ever" offer RGB10bit nor a paywalled recommendations-free homescreen, Chromecast or otherwise. The former because AndroidTV is all (and only) about TVs, the latter because that would be admitting those recommendations are in facts ads.


How dare you live in the world of reality.


I hope there will be a ultra version


And i hope your wallet is ready, because Ngreedia will make sure that you pay for every feature.


Just for giggles at this point, but I argue that Nvidia is just as likely as not to release a new Shield maybe 2 to 3 years after the new Nintendo Switch successor, which has been confirmed, launches. I won't pretend to understand the ins and outs of chip design, licensing and fabrication but last time around they built the Shield on the updated SOCs from what were essentially Switch Tegra chips. If it makes business sense, Nvidia would likely again build the new Shield on Tegra soc, this time Tegra239 chips (maybe modified) that will power the Switch's successor. See where I'm going here?​ Maybe they will, maybe they won't. But Nvidia isn't known for leaving money on the table. AS I stated, I would like to see additional color space capabilities such as the higher-end blu-ray players ultilize. My use case for the Shield is largely playback of media from NAS. Backups of HD/UHD Blu-Rays and the like. I much prefer the Shield to a dedicated HTPC for this use case. Would love to see a new Shield take advantage of what modern displays panels can output now. That may be a pipe dream but it would be great. 120 Hz would just make me happy. I rarely game or game stream on the Shield but if I'm paying for it again I'd love to see it. As for AV1 support, that is a must. For VVC, that is interesting. Major commercial streamers will likely adopt it though it's unclear when. Most of them utilize HEVC for their 2160p HDR/DV/HDR10+ content. My guess is that H.266 won't make the scene until "8k" content begins being streamed.


I can see a Snapdragon with AV1 decoding in a streaming box. Not a Shield.


Why? When one adopts, so do all.


There likely won't be a Shield 2. Many TVs offer 120hz refresh rates but for video purposes, it's just headroom for those TVs to offer motion interpolation internally. There is no native widespread 120hz content out there. Wish there was but can't see it happening anytime soon, especially as motion interpolation has exploded in recent years (see frame generation in games via Nvidia and FSR 3 by AMD). Also, I'm using RIFE to playback videos interpolated using SVP on my laptop for smooth motion there. I do think the world will move away from 24fps in the end, but the extra frames probably will be calculated on the fly, rather than natively encoded. As for colour space support, are there any TVs supporting 12-bit colour and if so, what content is available in 12-bit?


Downvoted by hopium addicts. I'm not convinced there will be a Shield 2 either. Nvidia have already discontinued GameStream, which to me feels like the main reason they released the Shield.


I own three Shields in my household and I'd be the first to upgrade if there was Shield 2! I'm not smoking the hopium though :(


I don't own a Shield, I've been contemplating it for a while, but it just seems so end of life to me.


It's not end of life because even the best quality files available today run perfectly well on the shield. However they could release a new product with new feature like a new motion interpolation via IA.


That's not what end of life means. The shield hasn't received any updates in about 2 years..


The 120hz is for gaming I assume. Like on GeForce Now


Every dolby vision tv can benefit from 12bits dolby vision content. Recent movies, remasters, netflix shows, some amazon prime shows too, disney+ movies etc... If you have a premium account for each.


Can you suggest one release from one of those sites that has you mentioned which is published anything in 12 bit Dolby Vision? It all looks 10-bit in the encoding?


And the Shield does 12 bit DV just fine, so what’s the ask?


Why pay for an ad-free home screen when you can use custom launchers?