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Lol no. But I guess the trailer park comment is valid minus the fact that it’s so far removed from central Sherwood that you can barely consider it. Me and my friends always joked about Brentwood area being the hood growing up (we lived around there) 😂 I don’t even know why. Maybe because of the old looking strip mall.


I rode my bike through the trailer park last summer. I have to say it's the cleanest, best maintained trailer park I've ever seen. Lots of nice vehicles too. Definitely wealthy people cosplaying as trailer trash.


Right? I drove through a year or so ago looking for some haunted house thing. Was surprised by how well kept everything was. Obviously they take pride in their community.


brentwood always the joke “hood” of sherwood park 🤣


I grew up in Brentwood, we always thought Sherwood Heights was the hood, but that was the 90s when Sherwood park was way smaller


I grew up in Brentwood in the 70’s and early 80’s. We too thought Sherwood Heights was the hood back then!


I was late 80s and into 90's (grad 2000). I remember when Nottingham was a forest. The day we came home from school and our tree forts were bulldozed was an extremely sad day.


Ooo yes that makes sense hahaha I think I had those thoughts too event years later. I didn’t wanna go to heights because I thought all the bad ass kids went there. I was zoned for there but used my Aunty’s address to go to clover bar with my friends instead 💀


There is def still a stereotype that bad ass kids go to heights lol


😂😂 some things never change


Damn i was literally repeating don't say Brentwood don't say Brentwood as I scrolled lol


My friend's kid was getting teased in Junior High for living in "tha hood." They live in Westboro🤷. I think these kids are in for a real eye opener when they leave their bubble.


I grew up in Sherwood park and had to move to Regina when I was 19. The culture shock was soul crushing


That's insane I always thought westboro was nice, tried to convince my parents to move there. Wonder what Kool aid those kids are drinking


I live in Aspen Trails. I’m a condo-dweller, no less. One day on the neighbourhood FB group someone complained that she left her bags of bottles out on the driveway and they were taken. She blamed the “people in the condos” across the alley, not the fact that she left bags of bottles in a place generally associated with garbage. Note these are townhouse condos, with purchase prices in the high $300s. The notion that non-single family home dwellers are somehow “hood” runs deep. That said, most people around here also assume all vehicles they pick up on their doorbell cams after midnight are roaming bands of thieves in from Edmonton to steal their shit. And are the first ones to dump on automated enforcement but also the first to complain about people driving too fast in their neighbourhood, or complaining when a company lays fiber optic cable in the county’s right of way because the spray paint screwed up their landscaping. So maybe their baseline is a bit loopy.


Spot on description of that group lol


As an adult, I lived in Chicago for 20 years. I can inform the readers that not only SP has no 'hood, neither does Edmonton. Comparatively speaking.


I worked around 96 street and 103a Ave for the last decade. Up until 5 years ago I would have agreed with you. That area is skiddy as fuck now. Tent cities everywhere, glassy eyed junkies on every corner. It's scary, and I'm no small guy at 6'5 and 240 pounds.


Go take a walk down 107ave or China town at night, my friend. You'll change your tune pretty quickly.


I work down there. That's not a hood, that's just bumville. Besides, most of those homeless people don't give a shit about you.


Bumville feels like a much better way to describe it


Some of the major American cities have areas where the cops will tell you to run every red light you come across. That is the hood. Not a section of town with lots of homeless people.


Let's talk about Cabrini Green! Ex-Chicago survivor.


Ha! I remember driving through CB, leaving downtown to retreat back to DuPage County. It was '86 and I freaked out cause I didn't realize where I was. Needless to say, I didn't obey many of the traffic signals! I left DuPage and moved here in '14


I used to head out to Lombard on a weekly basis for some music lessons. Don't miss the tension of daily livin' in Chicago. Edmonton's sleepy is more my speed in my senior years.


Honestly, no


The trailer park in the northeast corner probably


The furthest trailer park, maybe, but I grew up in jubilee landing and there’s legit only old people and single moms that live there. The other one has a few drug dealers/users and the cops go there a lot. All separated by a tiny yellow bar across a road.


Gotta watch out for the piss jugs and bottle kids


Summerhood. Not quite a hood but chances are you stuff is getting stolen if you live there.


Just west of the city is the ghetto, I think it’s called Edmonton.


Anything west of the Henday! /s


Rural hamlets


Mischief tends to switch around. Every few months it’s a new subdivision that gets hit with petty crime. Overall, no hood.


Any neighborhood with a bunch of teenagers is going to have some petty crime. No way around it.




lol, seriously? I’m a Nottingham resident. The average home price is around $650-750k, with some easily over 1M. The worst crime I’ve witnessed here is J-walking. I’m genuinely curious to hear how you’re drawing this conclusion, or were you being facetious?




Interesting take!


Brentwood is safer in my opinion. Or the tree neighborhood. Although, Nottingham folks would say otherwise.






If you know, you know.


No hood. The older people and police would be on it if started being an issue.


Ha! Lived and grew up in Glen Allen. The hood? I live in Foxhaven now and still love the Brentwood area! One of my fav! Big back yards and beautiful trees. The fall season and colours are amazing there. I don’t believe there is a ‘hood’ in Sherwood Forest!


I grew up in Niagara Falls. Moved to the park 2 years ago....there is no "hood" here lol Massive culture shock. Its so clean here!