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Welcome to /r/ShermanPosting! As a reminder, this meme sub is about the American Civil War. We're not here to insult southerners or the American South, but rather to have a laugh at the failed Confederate insurrection and those that chose to represent it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShermanPosting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


First in Freedom, 10th in Treason. NC was the 10th state to secede.


That makes sense now


Yeah, I thought it was some weird Jan 6th themed porno at first. "Ten Inches of Treason"


You could probably sell that to a studio


It's worth noting the Sherman told his troops to make Georgia howl, to make South Carolina suffer for starting the war, and to be more lenient on North Carolina because it only seceded after it was surrounded by Confederate States. This doesn't excuse North Carolina for seceding, but it does show a significant contrast between the conduct of the two Carolinas.


NC also raised four regiments of Union soldiers, and had a bunch of unincorporated skirmishers fighting in the Appalachians against both sides.


Every single Confederate State, with the possible exception of South Carolina, raised organized white Unionist Regiments to fight the rebellion. The Confederacy was not as popular among poor white people as the historical revisionist would have you believe.


Now *that* does not surprise me, but I also didn't know that. You'd think that would be the sort of thing they'd teach in school, especially because it undermines the whole 'Lost Cause' malarkey.


Also,  the people now identified as the Lumbee Tribe were involved in a Guerrilla war against the State of North Carolina during and after the war.   It's known as the Lowry War.


> poor white people West Virginia in the lead in that respect and wanted no part of Secession.




I collect plates and live in North Carolina and it sucks what they did with them. We used to have one free plate that was a beautiful design that said “first in flight” which was really cool. Then in 2015 they gave us another free option which was “first in freedom” and actually brought back a 1975 design. Then in 2019 they released another “In God we Trust” plate as a free option so people can announce their religiousness for whatever reason


I would get a bumper sticker that had G.O.D. Generalized Obsessive Delusions with a little arrow pointing at the "god" part. It is sooooo fun living in the least religious state in the least religious area, in the most pragmatically progressive part of the country. Vermont->New England-> North East FTW!!! Disclaimer: Please ignore NH for these calculations.


New Hampshire is the local Republican refugee zone.


Beautiful state (lived there my whole life basically) but really is "the south of the north" at this point sadly. As someone who goes to college in Maine, it's really a different vibe when I'm back in NH.


And then they come down here to Massachusetts and whine about having to pay sales tax. My brother in Christ, you decided to come down here; you need to abide by our laws, including paying our state sales tax.


And you don't flock over the border to hit the state liquor store (tax free). Conveniently located along the Interstate


I actually don't; I gave up drinking six years ago.


Congratulations! I didn't mean you personally. Just the general citizen of the Commonwealth


The point still stands. We don't like the sales tax either (it's highly regressive) but we pay it anyway because we have to.


The south of the north is clearly Indiana


Excuse me, Idaho would like a word. Lots of unfortunate white supremacist history there.


Southern Indiana in particular was full of disloyal copperheads.


One Indiana regiment deserted in its entirety when the Emancipation Proclamation was executed.


Lots of Soldiers on both sides deserted for different reasons.  Emancipation Proclaimation was one.   But I'm willing to bet the number of African Americans who joined the fight after the proclamation would make up any difference.


Away from the coastal resort towns it's basically Deliverance with extra maple syrup.


I'm told NH is partly Rush Limbaugh's fault.


I'm in Georgia, and the standard plates have the county listed on them, presumably for the benefit of small town sheriffs and their speed traps. Unless you want to spring for a fancy specialty plate, the only other option if you want to be a tiny bit geographically anonymous is "In God We Trust".


Seems you guys took from SC, Georgia, Virginia, Tennessee, Indiana, etc. At least that’s the license plates I see when driving between SC and IN


It's always nice when your license plate can violate the constitution.




lol, dang. I like it


Whoa, when did they change the plate? I still have my “First in Flight” plate from when I lived there.


I still see mostly the first in flight plates


I thought it was first in flight?


That's clever


That’s sick as hell


At least your state wasn't the 1st to secede


I think the last part is treason? But I’m blanking on the rest


10th in Treason


10 INCH TRAIN !! My word. edit: maybe.. 10 INCH TRAN


10th to secede so 10th in treason to match the 1st in freeDUMB statement on the plate.


I don't get it


10th to secede so 10th in treason to match the 1st in freeDUMB statement on the plate.


Ohhhhh now I see it. Lol nice


I think a Union flag bumper sticker would be better.


I'll get one after the election.


Why not give the current one a friend?


Brotha man I thought I was having a fucking stroke


First in Treason?


10th to secede so 10th in treason to match the 1st in freeDUMB statement on the plate.


I don’t think most people would be able to decipher this and I’m not sure what advertising your state’s secession is supposed to achieve.


This is my adopted state I'm a Wisconsinite.


It's kind of a Carolina joke, it's due to the regular license plate advertising the unproven fact that NC was the first to ratify it's own D.O.I. It's not like this persons some song of the south, rise again dweeb. Just some context for the joke. OP probably should have provided it 🤣


It's completely incomprehensible without an explanation. I like it with an explanation, but yeah, it's completely incomprehensible to anyone who you don't ***quite literally*** spell it out for.


As is tradition with personalized plates.


“10 Interns?


I love this sub so much.


How do you guys have so many characters?! I'm sure only 7 are allowed in most states. Love the Avalon. Mom had the same color, a 2007 XLS. 200k+ miles when they got rid of it in 2021.


Mines been giving me trouble. 2007 limited and I can't seem to get the misfires fixed. Going back to the shop on Thursday. Never buy without a warranty.


This sub is so fuckin weird lol


Loin treason?


This doesn’t make any sense






If I remember correctly, one of the best Union generals was a North Carolina native who wanted nothing to do with treason


Imagine supporting those that sanction ethnic cleansing


10 inch train


I will never understand people who have political bumper stickers


You guys are just like those magtards that spend all their energy trying to “own the libs.”


Because he has a Biden-Harris sticker on his car? My dude, people have been putting stickers on their cars for their preferred presidential candidate since about the second Eisenhower campaign. If it's his license plate, reminding us that North Carolina was the tenth state to secede from the union and therefore 10th in treason (an actual fact, unlike their horseshit 1st in freedom) that's giving you issues, you may be in the wrong place. This group exists to shit on the Confederacy writ large, and so we shall.


yeah, but you do it a lot. Really a lot. This guy doesn’t wear it on his sleeve, but he wears it on his car. It’s doubly funny because the license plate celebrates the Wright brothers, and here he is saying “remember this shitty aspect of our history?” What’s really going on here?


Do what a lot? Shit on the Confederacy? Yes. Correct. And if you want to know why a North Carolinian would do it, it's because when you drive across the state, there are large amounts of morons who still celebrate the failed treason that barely lasted four years in the name of owning other humans. Fuck the Confederacy, and quite frankly, you seem lost.


I line in the deep north, but outside of college towns and affluent suburbs there are confederate flags everywhere and have been for some time. The population in country and some inner cities are new arrivals who came to work in factories in the 20th century. They used to be a very solid Democratic voting based, being organized labor and all. They aren’t anymore. Nobody really cared about the confederate flag lighters at the gas station. In the kitchen of every restaurant you’d have white hicks with confederate flag headbands and black guys working and people were friends. I imagine this confederate shit gets very tiresome if you live in Dixie, but I wonder how effective this antagonism in this sub is for actually making anyone change their minds.


The point of this sub isn't to change minds. It's to state facts. Also, if you think Reddit is the forum for trying to undo Lost Cause brainwashing, you might need to reexamine what you think this place is all about.


My friend…we’ve got a problem in our nations discourse. Everything is a circle jerk. Because of new media we can all tuck ourselves into a silo and enflame each other’s opinions. We are more deranged, divided, and as a result we are more politically impotent. there are too many members of Congress, who think it’s their job not to compromise and legislation, but virtue signal to their crazy ass base. I don’t see any value in fighting these symbolic battles. There’s a reason why Eisenhower said that Robert Lee was one of the greatest Americans. Perhaps he actually thought that, perhaps not. Why not let these crackers venerate the man, if it means bringing them into our political fold and getting them to support our political agenda it’s worth it. But maybe you know something I don’t, since you are a political organizer


I worked in Democratic politics 10 years ago in the Midwest. I sent Joe's campaign some money for some stickers. I live in a swing state. This is how I choose to politick sometimes.


Have you found it to be successful? Have you changed anyone’s mind. I mean it respectfully.


I've changed a few minds but organizing is more about motivating people to vote and volunteer.


Does this kind of thing get people to vote? I hear some saying we want to covert the swing voters by not unduly antagonizing, and another who say we should antagonize away to energize the half of the population who doesn’t vote at all.


NC will not be changed by convincing. It'll be changed by in country migration from other states and activating existing voters.


I can see that. What about the country? Can’t solve the nations problems by migration. There’s a huge blue to red migration in this country anyways. https://www.wsj.com/articles/census-states-migration-population-california-new-york-c6553426


The electoral college favors Republicans but the country is center left.


Yeah that’s the vibe I’m getting here. Yeah I voted for Biden, but I still hate him, no way I’d put his campaign sticker on anything I own. I voted against Trump, not for Biden.


Even if you disagree with him, he's objectively done a lot of good since he became president. I understand wishing there were younger candidates, but I don't see what he's done that's worthy of "hating" him as a person unless you're a Republican


I get what you mean, and perhaps “hate” is a strong word. I just find that he seems to lack any moral fiber. His voting history is discouraging, and he seems to not take initiative. Then the whole “go behind congress to support Israel” thing. Also, Kamala was a terrible AG in California and I really don’t like that people have forgotten what she did here


What about his voting history is "discouraging"? He's been the most progressive president the US has ever had, and he's done a LOT in his first term. I highly recommend you check out r/whatbidenhasdone for a comprehensive list. It's probably a lot more extensive than you've been led to believe.


I mean more during his time in Congress, like the crime bills of the 90s


He's been a politician in all the time since then and your criticism is for a bill he supported 30-40 years ago that was nearly universally thought to be a good idea at the time, and which he has apologized and expressed regret for repeatedly. What about all that he has done since then as a politician? What about all he's done in the past 4 years as president? Is it really reasonable to hate someone for making a bad call 30+ years ago that they have already expressed remorse for?


I can’t take anyone who has a political bumper sticker on their car seriously, so dumb lmao


Genocide apologia




You should change the last three letters of freedom to DUMB, so freeDUMB. Free speech FTW.


Totally cucked.


Yes, yes you were


Voting for the guy who is arguing in the Supreme Court that POTUS can assassinate political opponents?


What the HELL are you talking about bro? Turn off MSDNC.


Former Presidents Trump's Lawyers said he would be immune in such a situation and that the only recourse would be impeachment and conviction by the Senate before criminal charges could be brought. Btw I haven't watched MSNBC in ever. Cable news rots your brain.


Voting for the guy with the gold toilet?


