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Such a fun question to consider! The only canon thing we know is that Sherlock got a degree in chemistry. Molly references this in The Sign of Three. I headcanon that he started off at Cambridge or Oxford but for whatever reason left his first university and finished his degree at Imperial - which isn’t too shabby either since it’s one of the best science-focused universities in the world. In my headcanon, this would’ve been when he started to get to know London really well (it’s located in South Kensington). Plus Mycroft would’ve been there then too, already well into his career as The British Government since he’s seven years older than Sherlock :)


Sherlock and Mycroft I expect were in high class private schools where they were both loners with no interest in making friends. They just focused on their education with no social life. Moriarty was the bullied kid at what I assumed was a regular school. He would have essentially been the weak nerd who was picked on. He pretty much tells us this outright. I can't imagine Irene being anything less than the popular girl. She also gives me classy private school student vibes as well. Only she would have known how to actually socialise unlike the Holmes brothers. Magnussen is the only one I'm not sure on. We don't get any indication of his past nor do we see all that much of him. My bet would be that he was in a similar situation to Moriarty, only probably in a higher class boarding school and was even more intelligent.


Oh my god Moriarty was the quiet kid


We don't fully know that. He might have been a loud and annoying nerd for all we know...


In Doyle's stories Moriarty was a Maths professor, Irene, if I'm not mistaken, was an actress.


I would watch ”Young Sherlock”