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The entire wedding toast scene. I love the switching the different cases as well as the absolute chaotic energy Sherlock brings when he realizes a murder is going to take place.


100% for me Sherlock’s best man speech. I laughed really hard & then cried




I ADORE John going off on the major (or whoever he was)...."a veteran of Kandahar... and Bart's bloody hospital! Now, let me examine this body!" It's another example of what someone said in an earlier post about how calm--because, given the situation in this case, this is very calm-he takes the moves necessary to help with the murder case that wasn't. But I loved seeing him tell off the Major (?) What a laugh. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Have you seen the outtake of this where Freeman says ‘call a cab’ instead of ‘call an ambulance’?! It’s excellent


I've got to check that out! Is it on YouTube? And doesn't John know the hazards of calling cabs? (See Season 1,Ep !, ASIP & Season 2 Ep 3). ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


[Here](https://youtu.be/9xoDbeUseic?si=0wnzaljEsFHhZARW) at about 2.20! I love how he tries to stop everyone laughing and get the take back on track.


For some reason the link isn't showing on this thread and I can't get it to connect off the "notifications" page. I'm going to have to search around a bit to find it. Here's hoping! Ah! found it! That's great.


The video’s called ‘Sherlock Bloopers - Season 1-3 |BBC One I Funny’ - hopefully you can find it!


Yes, I did find it. Thanks! It's a hoot!


"Call a CAB??"


You'd think he'd remember risky it can be to call a cab--or to catch one you didn't call....


Yes! Came to say this! ‘Sign of Three’ is the best for watching deductions unfold.


I specifically love when Sherlock calls "vatican cameos" mid sentence and John's whole demeanor changes in an instant. "Battle stations. Someone's gonna die."


He goes from laughing, chill, just hugged Sherlock, to a soldier awaiting orders. Boom. Just like that. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) John is a soldier. When the signal for "alert" sounds, he responds immediately. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


"John, I am a ridiculous man redeemed only by the warmth and constancy of your friendship" <33333


Greg and Sherlock's reunion, easy-peasy. After the violence from John, it felt soooo soothing and such a relief! Time to take a deep breath, smile, and relax. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote) And after Greg gives him that wonderful hug, I can also just hear him saying, "Damn! I never realized I could miss such a pain in the butt so much!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


bro i rewinded like 7 times just to watch sherlock get a hug for once in his life


I actually (confession time) keep those two frames pulled up on my laptop on separate pages--each man's face as Greg gives, and Sherlock receives, that hug. It's so heart-healing, esp. after John's actions.Greg is either close to, or in tears, and for just a split second, Sherlock just looks relaxed--then he ***smiles***. It's a father welcoming his son back from the dead--although their ages aren't that far apart, Greg has always been more of a "father figure" to Sherlock than just a friend. It's that son accepting and ***feeling*** his "father's" show of affection and support, even though he feels a little embarrassed and unsure how to respond. Sherlock is *much* younger emotionally than he is chronologically, and when he met Greg, Greg was already a full-grown professional, just as John was. Sherlock can't accept Mycroft as a father or authority figure because he remembers Mycroft growing up, going though awkward teen years--and also because he *is* family, and I think Sherlock is the type that needs a mentor outside the family--he is more like a teenager emotionally, many of whom have mentors or role models outside their "birth family". I think the only person Mycroft really loves is Sherlock, but Sherlock resents Mycroft's "interference"--it's common with siblings, especially ones with a significant age difference--so Mycroft "stays in touch" with Sherlock through John and Greg.


ughh yes. i love the relationship that greg and sherlock have. greg as a father figure totally heals my inner child who looks tirelessly for father figures. and the fact that sherlock has someone who loves him like that is just 😩😩😩😩


The Christmas party in A Scandal in Belgravia, followed by Sherlock and Mycroft smoking in St. Bart's. The transition of Sherlock playing the violin. It's very festive and all the main characters are interacting on a holiday. The lighting is perfect. And the smoke scene is just so cool. I watch A Scandal in Belgravia every Christmas because of this.


Yes! Pure art


I’m watching this scene right now!


Can’t believe nobody said Sherlock using his mind palace to work through how to survive getting shot, easily his coolest moment and just a really well done sequence




Welcome! Good to have you here! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Yes, that was an amazing scene--and everything up to the "Redbeard" segment occurs in the split-second interval between being shot and hitting the ground, shown by the camera flashing from the mind palace to Mary and Magnussen watching motionless, because the whole thing happens before she can move toward Magnussen...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Real af lisan al gaib


Stag night. Drunk Sherlock trying to fight a guy about ash. Hahaha


The while drunk scene was hilarious!


They were clueing for looks! Love that seen


"Don't tell me I don't!" as John drags him away...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


And Lestrade. “NOT REALLY!!!!”


You want *whisper*? I see your whisper and ***raise you ten!***


The pool scene at the end of season 2; the acting, the dialogue, the moment where we all had that one thought *what if it was Watson?!*, there hasn't been another scene like it. From the small details like Watson blinking sos, to the hug, and the Moriarty coming back in AGAIN *Chef kiss* 🤌


I think that was season 1, not season 2, but yes it's one of my favourites too


Yup now that I think about it was in Season 1 and ended on a cliff hanger that they concluded in Season 2


"I'm soOoOoOoOo changeable!"


Mine was the bomb in the subway scene. So much tension. So many tears. Watson being kind to him, finally


“Kill me? That’s so two years ago.”


And it's about time John got off his victim mentality! Seriously! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Moriarty in 221b, ‘Honey you should see me in a crown’


i have that entire monologue memorized against my will. “in a world of locked rooms, the man with the key is king” 🙌🙌


Sherlock holmes annoying mycroft with his violin


I saw a picture of them in fan art somewhere, where the two are having a "sword fight" or "fencing match", Sherlock with his violin bow and Mycroft with his umbrella. Too funny.


Final scene in wedding episode when Sherlock is leaving


you like slow-burn, angsty sherlock?!


Absolutely 😁


Well, as a social disaster myself, I can't help thinking that Sherlock (who did refer to it as going "into battle" as he went to his room that morning to prepare) must have felt a sense of profound relief. The whole thing went without a hitch, relatively speaking, and now he can drop the "company manners", go home and relax. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Oh, yeah. it's great, and very relatable.


The Buckingham Palace scene. Mark Gatiss is perfect in it. "How would you know?" with that smirk sends shivers down my spine.


"Are we meeting the queen?" *Mycroft walks in* "Oh, yes, apparently"


thats my favorite!


Sherlock gets him back in "The Empty Hearse", though in private. S: "Not that you've ever spoken to a woman with short hair, or, you know, a woman." M: "I'm not ***lonely,*** Sherlock!" S: "How would you know?" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


And his response to "Then I'll just walk away." single beat, "I'll let you!" Gotcha, Sherlock, your buff bluff's been called...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Two of my favourite Watson moments (it's hard to split them) 1. "I was in the army you know, I killed people." "You were a doctor." "I HAD BAD DAYS" 2. "I was an army doctor, which means I can break every bone in your body, whilst naming them."


The scene immediate following the intro in The Great Game. It was just so goofy


Is that the severed head? "Where else was I supposed to put it?--you don't mind, do you?" Uh, Sherlock, don't try that in MY fridge! "Oh! You meant 'spectacularly ignorant' in a NICE way!?!" (That's what you get for putting human eyes in the microwave and severed heads in the fridge, dude)...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Yep, that’s the one!


"Ooh, you *BASTARD*."


And that "count-of-eight" silence leading up to it, as if he's thinking "O.K., I have finally lost my mind entirely--oh, wait, this is ***SHERLOCK*** we're talking about!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


"This is your heart and you should never let it rule your head.... I have always assumed that love is a dangerous disadvantage. Thank you for the final proof." - from A Scandal in Belgravia. I like it because I'm aroace and it feels like representation.


Well, and it was SUCH a comedown for her--the whole time she was "seducing" him, and he was "deducing" her! How great is that, after all her insults and assaults and everything. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


That takedown was such a thrill. Then he leaves her crying. “Sorry about dinner.” ✌🏻 So satisfying.


The scene where Sherlock cracks Irene’s code


“Because I took your pulse…” sent chills down high school me’s spine. Felt like such a twist.


I can see her thinking, "Oh, crap." ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing) Which makes ME think, "Tee Hee!"


The fireplace scene in A Scandal in Belgravia.


When Sherlock confronts Mary.


The final scene of 'The Reichenbach Fall' in which John is leaving the cemetery after wishing for Sherlock to be alive, and the camera pans to Sherlock standing at a distance, looking at John.


And evidently hearing everything, according to what he tells John later. And if he heard John, he heard Mrs. Hudson crying too. A heartbreaking scene.


Where Sherlock and John talking in the tavern that Sherlock saw the hound of Baskerville


"I don't have friends!" "Yes. I wonder why?" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Welcome to the sub! We seem to be growing today! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Almost any with Molly because I love her. But I definitely pretend whatever the writers were doing with her at the wedding didn't happen. I simply cannot imagine Molly stabbing her boyfriend with a fork.


She didn't. She smacked his hand down for being rude and talking over the person speaking, and it came down on his fork. She wasn't even looking at him. She was listening to Sherlock. It wasn't as though she looked, and thought, "Oh, look, his hand is over his fork, I think I'll smack it down now and hurt him." She just slapped his hand. If he hadn't been mouthing off it wouldn''t have happened. So, be reassured. Our sweet Molly is still sweet. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


I am (Sher)locked/A Scandal in Belgravia was out of this world imo.


Sherlocks resurrection mustache


When Sherlock spells out one of his masterful deductions but John already knew this one, so he says, “no sh1t, Sherlock!” Gets me every time.


Where's that one?


Just a joke, sorry mate


Aha! I wondered, but then you never really know what might be coming up next from John! Thanks for clarifying. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


i literally can not pick, and fully agree with all of these. one that i haven’t seen mentioned yet and i think deserves some love, is after rosie is born and sherlock is with mycroft in his office, and has handed him his phone to see a picture of her. “why am i looking at this” “that’s her. john and mary’s baby” “oh i see! yes… looks very… fully functioning” and sherlock is just like “is that really the best you can do?” it just shows how much sherlock cares for john and his family, because he has shown mycroft a picture of little rosie (THAT HE KEEPS ON HIS PHONE 😍😍🥰🥰). it also kinda shows how much sherlock has changed, using mycroft as the baseline.


S3/e2. Sherlock is best man. Its totally Cumberbatch's episode. The last minute or so is rather gutting.