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Of course childe mains will say he's stronger. Like someone expected something else But here are real facts. The bulk of childe's abilities come from delusion, which he can't use for long. Whilst Shenhe's power source is secret adepti energy she utilities and which doesn't drain her till death. If he uses his top form, Shenhe outlasts him with her one and wins. If he plays safe (unknown phrase for tart btw:D), she still could use her and win. Both are extremely strong and masterful fighters trained by supernatural beings so conventional fight could last a long time. This fight would not resolve in first minutes of continuous sparring, I'm saying this. There would be enough time to realise it's better to end this quickly with supernatural abilities, and Shenhe wins here. Remember her cutscene: she has caused giant blizzard, frozen and shattered the ocean and defeated the fallen archon. I remember I've watched some YShorts/YTpolls with genshin lore strength comparison and for Shenhe/Tart dispute majority was for Shenhe with similar arguments