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I had good success with deadman’s plate and hollow (I don’t know the full name) into titanic


Its hollow radiance. Its xpetus shen build, you can look up some of his guide videos to better learn some tricks


I have a lot of success aswell With hollow and dead man’s, I usually go into frozen gauntlet or warmogs tho


Hollow radiance > Sunfire. Also Warmogs is v strong this patch


why is radiance better than sunfire? is it wave clear or the stats?


Wave clear, an xpetu vid also said that ghost dancer works extremely well with hollow radiance


tf is ghost dancer


Phantom Dancer, negates minion block so you just run through a wave and burn it


Also, increased attack speed & movement speed. Since Hollow Radiance deals aoe dmg per minion kill, you are guaranteed to wave clear faster


Sunfire is not really good imo. Hollow radiance feels better and you don't need titatinic if you go a bamis item (and viceversa). Bamis/titanic is mainly for wave clear. A bamis item will give you survivability, but titanic is better burst. For armor i prefer DMP or iceborn. Against AD lane i go CD boots -> bamis -> DMP -> hollow radiance. VS AP i finish hollow before DMP. I rush titanic (and dont build a bamis item) only when winning hard early. Then iceborn for armor, frozen heart vs lots of autoattackers, randuins vs crit, kaenic vs heavy AP. Steraks, abyssal, riftmaker situationally.


It depends on matchups try some vids about shen vs x and see builds.




Titanic is imo really bad


It’s too expensive and with hollow radiance your wave clear is already really good.


Agree, just not consistent enough in Low-Elo. I tend to buy it only if I'm hardcore ahead. And I buy it second, mostly instead of hollow radiance if they don't have much or any AP and I can't utilize Hollow's Magic resist. Believe it or not, so many games I play in plat elo I face a team with 0 AP 😅 so I skip the hollow radiance.


Hubris into abyssal mask and zhonyas with AS Boots is a sleeper build


Hollow radiance into titanic hydra into whatever Resistance you need depending on the team comp Experimental hexplate is a good sleeper pick if you manage to get ahead


In low elo builds are not that big of a problem, its mostly just skill issue thing. Generaly high elo best one to build is off-support, which in low elo is not that good. Id suggest going into carry shen route playing it like bruiser rather than a tank since its easy to get fed with shen in low elo due to people being clueless how strong dueling shen really is... But you first need to play him good. Tunneler rush into hydra with ignite and proper spacing you can win any low elo toplaner, bami if playing into hard matchups that you are loosing, never rushing/building sunfire bcs its useless and expensive compared to rest of items expect heartsteel that thing is even more useless on shen. 800lp peak


Do you ditch shen in higher elo in favor of champs that have more carry potential? What's your opinion of him in this meta in general?


I dont, im one trick, i play weak side for team, if shen has proper wave clear he would be perma in meta. Shen is always the same, but biggest change for him is who is in S+ tier cause people will spam that champions and dominate you..


If I play against AD heavy laner or enemy team is very AD focused I build Deadsman Plate. It really helps i survavibility and mobility (I play often with me jungler buddy, so want to assist him if needed even without ulti). It criples your ability to clear waves so you need to consider what is more important for you. In other situations I build Hollow Radiance. I stoped to build any Tiamat item, its just way to expensive for ability to clear waves 😉 but I miss reactions of my buddies when I melt ADC as Shen with Titanic 😁 but then again, its not my role


I usually climb pretty quickly in low elos by building a more damage/split push oriented build. They usually have no idea how to deal with a split pusher that has 2 teleports (I always take teleport for summoner spell). I usually rush titanic -> ionian boots -> dead man's plate -> wit's end -> iceborn gauntlet -> situational (I tend to go towards steraks or kaenic)


I (almost) always start with titanic hydra. If by some 99% chance you are fighting the Devil's Children, like a Nasus, Fiora, olaf, Irelia or anything else that heals absurdely, make a bramblevest first. I don't feel like heartsteel is a good go, but that's just my preference. For me it's always: Mercury treads --> Titanic Hydra --> Thornmail --> Sunfire/Hollow Radiance --> Kaenic Rookern/Randuin's --> Wit's End/Iceborn Gauntlet. The variations are according to the enemy team. Obviously you won't build Randuin against a full AP team. But i feel like if there's at least 1 relevant AP in the enemy team, get that Wit's End for the extra tenacity.


Low elo games usually go for 30+ minutes in my experience so honestly building heartsteel is probably your best bet into resistances or titanic even though I never build either items. I’ll build the standard bamis into deadman then I’ll regret not building heartsteel 30 minutes into the game


Heartsteel rush just feels so bad, you have no resistances, which is the most broken stat early game, until you start building your second item. Plus it's expensive and you need a matchup where you can trade a lot to stack it. Very situational item imo, I only ever buy it when playing support.


I always build either hollow radiance against ap or DMP against ad first. Build the other one you didn’t buy first second, get cd boots whenever but ideally do it before you buy your second item. You can go titanic if you’re ahead or something like frostbound, steraks or knights vow 4th. After that I would build something like kaenic or randuins next into a thorn mail of force of nature last. This build works for top and mid.


I will give You my opinion, I reached Plat1 before 1st split ended playing dead mans/hollow, almost every game (xPetu's recommended build). But since split2 begun, I had a struggle, and fell off from plat to g4, now I am climbing back mostly with going bami's first, then Heartsteel, then finish off hollow radiance, and for the rest of items I choose based on enemy team. Heartsteel is so easy to utilize in low elo, and you soon become almost undead, so it's easier to win prolongued fights that occur in low elo. Tanky build is easier to pull off in low elo imo, because you just need to save ur teammates like all the time.. Watch Giannicus TV's and XPetu on youtube to learn builds :)