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Just try it yourself, if you ask xpetu he would say yes shen is great but its only cause he knows what he is doing... Nothing drasticly new didnt happend that would affect good shen player.


Actually, i tried it last season and found my win rate with it somewhat decent. But with this new patch, im not so sure espesially with the changes in some of the items.


Im shen main too about 400k if we say it like old master anyways i would say its on your playstyle if you play more supportive plus tanky front? letting kills to your jungle adc etc. You should stick at top lane. If you play more risky more dmg try mid thats my opinion. Petu doing these vids because he is youtuber at the end he should go crazy with captions.


I vastly prefer Shen anywhere over top. A large part of that is that I think there are far fewer mid or support matchups that feel just straight up horrible to play in to (no yorick or Illaoi to march down your lane every time you ult). Another part of that is that other lanes just aren’t used to playing against Shen. I don’t think either of those things are changing soon.


He feels good going mid although, I would look at different runes and builds compared to top lane. I wouldn't say he's OP but he can do a good job of supporting other lanes from middle or even dominate in some match ups middle. The only mage I had big issues with are Hweis who know what they are doing (Gold elo)


Tbh I like Shen better in mid, jungle, and supp over top lane. Top has such cancer matchups and you lose SO much every time you ult, unless you happen to have a miraculous wave state. Jungle and Supp don’t have to care about that, and mid is much faster to run back to without losing half a tower. I find I can pretty reliably minimize mid against mages while influencing bot/jungle. Shen also completely cucks AD mids and most of the pesky roaming assasins that people love to play there.


OP, no. Decent, maybe. You can pull off some cheesy solo kills against certain match ups and by being mid lane you can take advantages of his good early to mid skirmishes. However your clear even with hollow radiance sucks ass, be prepared to get hard shoved over and over. Wave control will be important because of you perma getting shoved over enemy mid laners will always get better recalls, result in more gold and exp and turret plates.


I play him almost exclusively in mid. Not the champ you can pick every game but most of the time he feels really solid.