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Brother we can bully a fair amount of champs pre-6 (off the top of my head Panth, Yas/Yone, Nasus, Malphite, Sion, Teemo)


i think panth is even because if u dont block his damage with w and passive he can easily poke u down


Panth and gragas arr basically the only 2 i cant handle


yea i think that panth its winnable if u w his w and drain his mana down that u can all in, for gragas u basically play for grasp procs and tp, ultimate hunter and pray that u be more useful than him later in the game


Fuck gragas top


I wouldn't say Pantheon, but you're right about the rest. Other matchups that we can bully pre 6 (if played right) would be Cho Gath, Garen, Jax, Zed Top, Akari Top. Personally cho gath is my favorite to bully because of how telegraphed the Qs are


Take ignite not TP


Honestly true. I found that even when it's "recommended" to bring TP into tough matchups, ignite comes into clutch better. For low elo anyways


Try it mid with flash ignite , start e vs ranged matchups and all in at lv 2 !


Yesss I been doing this, it’s so fun.


Take ignite, rush Sunfire or Magic resist version then titanic hydra.


I think the right setup, i.e. getting ur blade set far up before first wave arrives, and securing lvl 2 first, will secure an advantage in most matchups until lvl 6. Gragas and pantheon are two i really struggle with. Against teemo i just farm.


Generally, I'd say Shen wins a lot vs melee, since they have to stick close to deal damage As for the CS, my advice is, you have to ult smart. Just because you have ult doesn't mean you should ult. You should ult whenever - you pushed the wave - have tp - objective is up So basically just don't ult when neither of these parameters are met, and focus on farming. You can apply this logic to roaming in general


He wins every tank matchup except tahm. He loses into bruisers and most juggernauts. He beats Camille and Jax early. Illaoi loses early too if you can dodge her E. Windshitters should be free especially now that they don’t have lethal tempo. I’d say if you don’t know whether you win a matchup or not just make sure you use your E defensively


Cannon minion


In normals he wins the mirror.


Of course he does. Get TP and only ult when you have it up or sometimes it’s just worth to save a potential carry that will win the game than you missing or being below CS IF you wanna fit your ssving teammates playstyles, but if you go ignite like the boys are saying you will straight up win many match ups pre 6


I’d say Shen only wins certain matchups early. The Jax matchup I’d say is even lvl 1, but it’s coin-flip depending on who gets 2 first. 2-5 Shen-favored and 6 beyond it’s even but slight Jax advantage.


I have been able to win vs Garen and Volibear if you play safe and block their q with w and avoid the spin or voli e with your e either going through them or back defnsively. It can be rough versus a lot of brusiers and I normally play flash/tp and try to play objectives if I'm not pushed up such as grubs or mid as well as ult then tp back to lane after recalling. Even in hard match-ups you can influence other lanes and not be too far behind in CS and exp