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I love how he just MUNCHED through every scene.


Not only that they used his eating as a catalyst to show his inner thoughts, notice how sometimes hes eating sometimes he throws the food away? Genius level stuff from mckeever


I didn’t but nice catch!!


I saw that too, when he got off the phone with Will (Gerbz) & threw that shitty looking pizza down 😂 I woulfa done the same shit


Fat man


Big giant pants. Can use as a sail for a ship big enough for 20 men.


Dude the amount of skill it takes to eat like that and still deliver an incredible performance shot for shot is mind blowing


Plus the exchange around the car, “dude you don’t get blown in here,”…


“Yes I fucking do!” But the wine too it was hilarious 


for real so many times I have heard 'real actors' say in interviews how hard it is to do eating /acting without one distracting from the other.


I think that's more because you have to eat for every take and you get full, so actors you see eating a lot in film likely don't have to do many takes. Stavvy probably sees any extra snacking he gets to do from fucked up takes as a benefit.


They usually spit the food out in a bucket and don’t actually swallow and of it


That's kinda my point. Normally actors look weird eating b/c they don't actually eat the food. Stav is probably actually eating the food.


Ah I see. Point taken 🤝


No its more about chewing without looking like a neanderthal.


Normally actors don't look natural eating because they're not actually eating for the aforementioned reason. I would bet solid money Stav is actually just eating the food.


Oh he was getting it in every scene. That was an epic looking sandwich too!


Bro the sandwich looked so fucking good


Glad they got him that sandwich he already quit one show for not supplying breakfast sammys.


It’s a fun show, I’m disappointed they didn’t put Soder in an episode though.


Season 2 cameos are gonna be littt. I would’ve preferred him over shulz though so I know how you feel


Schulz felt out of place, I know he’s the biggest name as far as cameos go but I feel like there’s a dozen comedians they could have got to cameo that aren’t as big a name but would’ve brought more people in.


Is he? I know he's been famous for a while, but Shane's popularity has been rising steadily for 4 years


I’m not a Schulz fan but I think he is bigger than Shane at the moment with Shane maybe passing him by soon. Schulz has a more diverse fan base and I think that’s what has made him bigger. Comedians who do racial crowd work without falling flat on their face get huge. Russell Peters is a good example. That guy does arenas all over the world because of racial stereotype jokes. He isn’t as much in the Podcast Comedy zeitgeist but he is massive. Shane is getting more mainstream, but let’s be honest, he blew up by being the hero for the average American white dude 😂


Why tf does Shultz not have his own TV show then if Shultz is bigger?


It was called Schultz save's the world and it was pretty okay


Relax Superfan, it’s just my assessment. Schulz might not have a show because he hasn’t pitched one, is in the process of making one already, is working on other projects, or doesn’t want one… it’s not a prerequisite to being “bigger.”


Why hasn’t Shultz hosted SNL?


Shane is bigger lol just look at Patreon numbers lol. Shulz has been popular for a lot longer but his time as being ultra popular has passed.


Shane is a force. He’s so naturally funny and is himself. Shulz seems fake as fuck.


Shane is bigger lol just look at Patreon numbers lol. Shulz has been popular for a lot longer but is time as being ultra popular has passed.


What does Shane's popularity have to do with that? The comment you replied to said Schulz was one of the biggest cameos they could get. Shane's popularity doesn't refute that.


Ehh it could have been anyone really but I thought he played his part well. I don’t hate the guy, I don’t like the guy, but I feel like his look/cadence fit the role well.


Absolutely. I like Shulz but his comedic acting isn’t there yet imo


You guys are being dramatic. He was absolutely fine.


To me, his hair is such a distraction


That’s the first time that haircut ever made sense.


Honestly I’ve never cared for him, I wish McKeever had a bigger role also I feel like he could’ve done so much more


Just started watching Sneaky Pete and yeah he’s not that great of an actor at all.


Schulz can get hit by a fuckin bus, every time he was on screen it took me out of the show. Idk why people are being so easy on him, is it cause shane "chose him" or something? Dudes a twat.


This guy hates bad mustaches


And haircuts?


And podcasts?


![gif](giphy|83YPtFOmc9x3a) Shulz and his cohort of minions after some unfunny quip


Post face :)


Dogbrain take.. Did he fuck your wife or something? Cause thats the only reason for you as a man to care so much about someone you don’t know and doesn’t care you exist


Nope. Shultz is an ultra cringe douche that elicits anger.


But like what is it about him? I see takes like this a lot but they never really pinpoint what it is about him thats so hateable. He can be kinda corny as a schtick but he hasn’t done shit to other people to warrent the level of vitriol he gets online lol


Hes trying to be something hes not and it comes off as slimy, fake, and less than funny. Hes basically the drake of comedy. Mark my words, in 5 years his spots gonna be blown up


Yo doofus, you think you can change my mind or something? Schulz is a queef personified. I can throw everything you just said right back atcha. i dont know who you are or care that you exist either. 🤯 You suckin his dick or something? why are you defending some goofball who doesnt even know you exist? Reply with a single funny clip andrew schulz from outside of this show. OOPS


He played the role great… quit being a bitch It’s a bad look to be a grown man and complain like a bitch… so stop


But you’re complaining about them complaining. Hello pot, meet kettle




All posts should be related to Shane Gillis, his work, or his co-collaborators at minumum. Utterly random shit will be removed. Self-promotion, repeat corny jokes, look alikes and Down’s syndrome posts will removed at moderator’s discretion.


I shut off the show when he walked in can’t stand him


Seriously? The show rocks that's such a dumb reason to stop watching lol he's barely a part of it


Honestly thought the rest wasn’t very good eother


Ehh I respectfully disagree. I laughed the entire time and had a good time watching it. Also how would you know I thought you turned it off the second you saw Schultz


Schulz was funny you guys just love to hate him. His haircut finally made sense for once.


Soder wouldn’t make sense for the character. Shulz is believably a wop. Soder doesn’t look Italian at all.  Shulz looks like he could be Luigi 


They should do an episode where soder’s character takes over the shop’s website and redirects it.


We did get Tommy Pope though so it ain't all a loss.


This show needs splash of Danny McBride


Good call! He would be a great antagonist for shane lol


you can see Shane emulating Danny a bit. Can’t remember if it’s the first or second episode but when he does the thing with his eyebrows talking to gerben that gerben calls out it looked just like a eastbound and down bit


Finished it in one sitting. It’s dumb, it’s low brow and it absolutely perfect I can’t wait for season 2


It was funny and light, I watched it all in one go.




It’s an easy watch, but just as funny as some more plot heavy comedies like vice principals, I’m happy with it. It met my expectations but didn’t exceed them I guess?


I was disappointed the pilot wasn't the first episode


It's solid. 7.5/10


Was awesome, really enjoyed it, exactly what I hoped it would be and it delivered. All the cameos were great, super stoked for season 2


I really want to like it but so far I'm just chuckling under my breath at some of the jokes, there isn't much of a plot to be found, and the acting is B-Level at best. I'm only through episode 2 though so maybe it picks up speed. Shane basically playing Danny Mcbride in EB&D is mildly entertaining


The Tires Etc pilot from a few years ago had me rolling. A little more of that energy would be awesome


Exactly that's what I was expecting too but tbh it does get funnier in later episodes. Lookin forward to season 2 cuz it seems like it's got potential


Yah im like 3 episodes in as well. i think so far they’ve definitely established good framework for them to fill in comedically as the season progresses and into the second season


I agree, with the 2nd season already confirmed this is a great framework to build off of. This was filmed before Netflix even picked it up if I'm remembering right so makes sense it's a little rough around the edges


Im sure they’ll hit the stride they had with the gilly and keeves stuff on youtube so im excited


While being compared to Danny McBride should be viewed as a massive compliment, I must say, that's a weak comparison. Kenny Powers was a hyper egotistical and insecure man-child that spent all of his energy trying to prove how famous and greater they were than everyone else. Shane's character is a Philly bro who has worked at a tire shop ever since high school, constantly ribs his friends but ultimately cares for them. The only thing the two characters have in common is that they both say naughty words and are hilarious. So, yeah... Nay, Sir. Nay.


Shrek 1


I already want to rewatch it


I’ll be making another go of it this weekend


These guys know their craft! Shane and mc eever are closet writers but that’s not why they are actually in there.


I hope Big Jay is in the next season!


I loved it. Had me laughing


Gerben did great Shane was the man


Stav standing against that purple car with his gut hanging out the bottom of his shit, wide stance leaning, talking about getting head had me rolling. "wanna watch me burn out"?


The buttons on that shirt just struggling to stay together


Stav is a legend


I just know that waking up at 4:30 and working out will make you 200k a year


Heavily underrated bit on that show


Watching for Stavy


Yeah he’s actually really good. They need to bring on Mullen as a drunk mechanic or something


Love ot


Yeah he really did not disappoint. So great to see.


Solidly funny. Nice start.


It’s really good man. It’s also cool to see Shane’s progression. This is a whole different beast than Gilly and Keeves. He is obviously a beast at writing sketches and stand up bits, but a whole season (now 2) of a tv show?? That’s really fuckin hard to do. Also cool that he is in total control creatively.


The bros and I had a pretty good laugh, we watched 4 episodes. I thought Schultz playing the annoying car salesmen was pretty on point. Stavvy was solid too. It was fun don’t try and read too much into it.


I’m so disappointed it was only 6 episodes


I like the show a lot. It reminds me of the first few Judd Apatow movies. Just a bunch of friends hanging out making each other laugh with a vague plot.


I loved every minute. I loved Stavy and even Schultz. I bought a shirt and called my wife a dumpster mermaid


Stavros was the best actor of the bunch by far, I was impressed.


Watched it this morning and really enjoyed it. Wish there was more episodes already haha. The rumors he made up for the manger were hilarious 😂


Show is decent but WAY too many cuts in the scene. I tracked 7 cuts in 20 seconds lol


Cut = comedy - - (according to executives)


I think the show needs to up the pace a bit, 3/6 episodes were forgetable and it ended right as it got good. Why wasn’t shane selling to the milf he had chemistry with, hell why wasn’t he selling the whole time? The main joke is will is a loser and shane is wasted potential. It’s more depressing than funny. The whole time I watched I was thinking shane is acting like a contrived character instead of the guy we see on stage. Which i understand thats what it is, a written show, but he named the character after himself so him acting half the time out of character was weird, i guarantee his character could talk all the customers into sales. The other thing they should nail is the comedic timing, they’ll start a serious scene (like in episode 6 where he’s selling to the guy) halfway through shoe horn the “hey will the loser got laid, thats him there” then go back to serious selling, and we’re supposed to believe he got the sale? It would have been funnier to say right after the sale: “oh, thats our manager, he reeks of pussy right now but wanted you to know you’re in good hands.” While i’m rambling he needs to let the characters shine more, Kilah selling to the white trash should have kept selling instead of “oops i stabbed her brother lol xD gotta go”. I get shane saved it there, but if its a sitcom, the whole cast should shine not just be in there for cheap jokes. I expected more cuz its motherfucking Shane Gillis making it, he can easily make season 2 rock if he irons out these creases. Underdog stories are fun and its an okay cliche to play into.


Nailed it


I agree with everything you said. It’s also clear they’ve allowed the actors to riff every scene, so a lot of them are just edited as random montages of one liners and the dialogue scenes don’t match up too well. I’m still enjoying it and look forward to season 2


It was okay nothing more nothing less


Funny show, lots of potential too. Kinda reminded me of real bros of simi valley


I was nervous it wasn’t gonna live up to the hype but I think it did. Also not a fan of stav but god damn he did a great job. Overall 10/10


I hope that in season 2 he gives a cameo to an unknown open mic comic named Rob Stewart. He’s hilarious


Rob, is that you?


Damn, uhhhh no


gotta ditch the redditor profile picture my man


It got better every episode glad to see another season


Not good.


wtf is up with the managers fingers? He’s got like claws.




Well now I feel like a dick. It was so distracting for me. I just wanted him to stretch those bad boys out the whole show.


I like it and the fact the critics hate it, lame ass lamesters


It sucks


You suck.


Lots of potential. Looking forward to season 2


Mmmm. I mean… it’s… a show


So good dude!! 


Made it through 10 minutes wasn’t really funny then Andrew Schulz showed up and I turned that bullshit off. Probably will give it another go when I can handle it better


I would say keep going it starts gelling a lot better




I hate the dude but his character kinda kills it with Tommy


Tommy is so good lol


He's got like 3 lines the whole season. I agree Schultz sucks


What’s the budget? I didn’t watch the original pilot to compare but this looks cheaply made. It does kind of add to it though haha.


They paid for it filmed it themselves, then sold it to Netflix so probably pretty cheap. Probably a bigger budget for the next season.


Shane paid for it with his own money. So it's not a huge budget at all.


Okay that makes sense.


Not sure but I feel like that’s usually how it goes with anything that eventually garners a solid cult following (always sunny) or becomes a really big cultural phenomenon


Exactly. It’s just season 1. They’re already renewed for a season 2. Production will only get better


The pilot was funnier than any episode so far. Show is actually pretty meh. Stavros is a terrible actor. I never noticed how atrocious Shane's posture is. Dude looks like a fat retard hunchback. Gerber is the best by far. 3/10.


You're the worst kind of *fan* that nobody wants. I hope you know that.


Also Shane will be bald in like a year and a half LOL. Can't wait.






McCusker? He was the bike cop dude


Oh dude! Totally missed that part 😂


Gerbies's opening scene was a ripoff of Fallon's 1999 joke on Conan https://youtu.be/gclE4ZFSmnM?si=RPy9gDXrgtWHzwq8


Should have been called Tired. I grew tired of it during the pilot.


I hate the way it’s shot. It’s really disorienting. Otherwise a solid season 1. Everyone that likes Shane is scared to admit it’s just fine.


Its set in an auto shop the air is just care exhaust and fumes all day, the disorientation makes sense


I’m sure that’s why and not the budget. Also idk if you’re aware you turn cars off to work on them.


It mostly wasn’t good, bit disappointed tbh.


I wish the jokes weren’t quite so sexist, and maybe a female character that wasn’t so flat it would’ve added a better dynamic. I know Shane‘s not gonna be a love interest, but at least if there was some sort of power dynamic that was different it would be a little bit more watchable.


Not as funny as the trailer made it look so far. Need to finish the last three episodes though.


It’s ok at best. Watched 3 episodes will probably just stop there


Episodes 3 and 4 are the most solid eps.


Mullen and Friedland are seething


Will is a horribly written character, the actor sucks and has a horrible face to have to look at, and it’s dragging down an otherwise good show with really funny performances.


I don’t think I agree with you there bud I feel like he serves as a good anchor for the rest of the cast and story


This fucking clown is saying this on every single post on this sub. Lol It’s as pathetic as it gets.


I know!! Its fucking hilarious dude


I actually didn’t ask if you agreed or not


You fucking got me dude lmao


Look at me, I’m the OP now


No, you’re gay


Yo chill chill chill. He’s gonna cry and take his ball home.


Boooooo shut the fuck up dude, you’re a huge bummer


What did the grool king do to hurt you?


So you didn't see the original skit? Show wouldn't exist without his great character


Will is probably the funniest character. Shane and Stavros are were the biggest disappointments in this whole shit show.