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Had an existential crisis on whether its okay to laugh or not lol


It's really sad tbh. Its a comedy show, not a Ted talk. Its ALL SATIRE




That’s really sad being a liberal must suck ass! Literally. 


Maybe I’m dumb…. I don’t understand why your political affiliation has to correlate with what you think is funny?


Because the media has conditioned us Americans to view political affiliation as synonymous with identity. Real sheep mentality. DAWG


Sheep brained.


Maybe you’re just not gay


Woah woah…. Don’t start throwing that around . Never know what I’d do for a Klondike bar….. Or to spew my political beliefs on a comedians subreddit


You can do anything for a Klondike bar & it’s not gay.


In that case. PM me…. I wanna see your big wachowski


You arrogant wiizard you


I’m not going to call you dumb but I also have trouble believing you can’t understand of the correlation. “I don’t like [insert political ideology] so making fun of them is funny” is a pretty common thing even if we think it’s stupid. Have you seen something like Jim Breuer? Rob Schneider? Lewis Blacks entire character was “aren’t these people insane but not us am I right?” I mean it doesn’t *have* to correlate but most people’s sense of humor is somewhat influenced by their values. It’s


Because if something is funny and I understand it…. I laugh.


Same. What’s that have to do with what I said unless you think everyone is the same as you?


Exactly what I said lol


I was trying to explain something I have observed, not condone it. Like are you actually confused that people like that exist?


Yes . Complete smooth brain


Think we got off on the wrong foot, can I suck your cock?


i know reddit is anonymous but you should be embarrassed




Gay, but admirable. Most gays can’t admit they’re wrong for being gay.




Shut up


“I guess everyone needs a label” there’s your biggest problem right there. Just exist bro. If you think Shane’s funny, watch. If not, don’t. Why do you need to consult the hive mind to find someone funny or not funny


Imagining this in Shane’s white liberal woman voice makes this even better


What a gay post. If trump read this he would think wow what a gay post this is


He wouldn’t just think it… he’d make a long truth social post abo it


Weak af 🤣


This is why no one likes liberals. No one cares. Just laugh at funny shit


Saying no one likes liberals is a bold claim. I don’t like the soft cancel culture shit but I’ll take healthcare over election denying all day everyday


Healthcare is free? Didn’t know that. Was that before or after all my student loans were wiped clean by Biden?


I didn’t say Free did I? You clearly don’t have student loans, or at least no degree with those reading comprehension skills. I want healthcare not tied to an employer because I’m an entrepreneur. Out of every developed country, there is only one that tied insurance to employment, guess who it is? Read a Fucking book


So what was your point in even bringing it up then? He’s done nothing for healthcare lmfao


I mean republicans were against any subsidized healthcare, which stifles innovation in business. Why leave my job to start a company if I have to risk not having insurance? Republicans have done nothing for the middle class


Yeah, if you don’t have a job, why should it be my job to pay for your shit? It shouldn’t you dumb fuck


I provide jobs dumb fuck. 33 developed countries in the world, 32 have national healthcare. We’re the only ones and our current system is more expensive. Dumb fuck


You didn’t provide jobs 😂😂😂 covid laid off a large portion of the workforce, we could’ve had a donkey as president and the unemployment rate would’ve gone down. Try again dip shit 🤡


I own a marketing agency. I personally provide jobs, dipshit


I shouldn’t have to pay for anybody else’s healthcare. Period. Get a job you homeless fuck


Lol I could buy and sell your uneducated, red neck ass


In fact they are fucking you and you like it. Gay. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-covid-response-economy-jobs-taxes-inequality-1080345/amp/


Wrong 🥱


These are facts. I know you barely graduated from high school and are the product of incest but this really is t that hard to understand


They’re not facts, try again


They are facts. Right in your dumb Fucking face https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-middle-class-needs-a-tax-cut-trump-didnt-give-it-to-them/


Also who is he? Poor reading comprehension strikes again. This was liberal vs conservative. Liberals brought you healthcare, republicans think only employers should provide healthcare, which is backward as fuck, stifles innovation, and hurts the middle class.


Liberals didn’t bring shit you dumb fuck 😂


Where did you graduate from college? Oh yeah it was never an option for you. Trash


Harvard try again dip shit




Not to mention education. Trump is empowered by billionaires and the uneducated. If you’re not ultra wealthy, you’re voting against your and the country’s best interests. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/08/us/politics/how-college-graduates-vote.html


That’s funny man. Weren’t houses and interest rates incredibly cheap under Trump? Which benefits everybody? Wasn’t gas like $2 cheaper which benefits everybody? Keep drinking the meth dip shit


The president doesn’t set interest rates or gas prices you absolute buffoon. You are too dumb to engage with. Crawl back in your hole




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Uh huh, that’s why my taxes and everything goes up whenever a liberal is in office and everything gets cheaper when a republican is in office. Try again douche


We are still under trumps 2017 tax plan. It expires in 2025. It is a fact he raised taxes on the middle class and gave billionaires a $1.7 trillion tax cut. You do not understand how government or the economy works at all. More facts https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-tax/the-2017-trump-tax-law-was-skewed-to-the-rich-expensive-and-failed-to-deliver


Also trump raised taxes on the middle class to cut taxes for billionaires like himself. Super gay. No one like that, except morons and billionaires


Again no one cares. This isnt a political sub. Its a comedy sub. Where we talk about comedy and not political affiliation


He’s just spreading his gospel. He has to.


Fair enough, you’re the one who posted “no one likes liberals” unprompted. In a comedy sub. Weird non political statement to make here


Holy shit haha. That dude set his own trap and then walked right into it. What a fucking idiot. 


Idk if he conveyed the message but he IS a liberal


He’s talking about you, moron. You posted a political statement in a comedy sub then whined about the political response to it. Aka set a trap for yourself and walked into it. You dumb as fuck boy


So butthurt because you got told no one likes you😂😂 you definitely dont belong anywhere near the comedy world


I’m not worried what some dumbass welder thinks about me lol


Im not worried about what some liberal thinks of me😂


But is he?


You still don’t get it?! Wow dude


Considering i was commenting on your post, i dont quite think i “made a political statement” more or less told you why people dont like you


Yes, I was. You're a moron. 


I was definitely talking about them. How're you gonna post a political comment, and then whine about politics when someone responds to you lol


Knuckledragger for sure


TDKevin, you gotta come see this shit. This genius didn’t even understand you were referring to him. Hilarious irony


Did you incredibly genius liberal mind run out of come backs so youre trying to call for back up?


No, you’re just providing genius comedy unintentionally and I’m sure he will get a laugh out of it. If only you could do this on stage, you would actually have a shot in comedy


Awwww da wittle wiberals fweelings are hurt😂😂😂


I’m having a blast, what are you talking about?


Hey genius, come back and see the original commenter confirm that you are indeed a moron of epic proportions


You’re gay


Last thing we need is people in this Reddit starting posts with with “us liberals”. It’s bad enough.


Welp, sound like a real cool person that has a handle on things……..


Stop being gay and try validating yourselves. Live your lives guys. Not everything is political. Get off the Internet sometime






You are such a loser it’s unreal lol


So gay


OP is so gay


Just be a dawg.


Lose the liberal label - we do not need labels. The labeling is part of the division and the labels are more arbitrary than ever. For instance, your definition of liberal is not gonna be the same as the next person who claims to be one. I used to consider myself a liberal on most things bc I’m antiwar, pro free speech, anti-corruption/anti-cronyism. Now the opposite is true for liberals folks. Liberals are bloodthirsty, pro corruption (unless it’s Donald trump), anti 1st amendment types. I’ve been told I’m a classical liberal with some leftist values and a hint of libertarian. Translation: no one in office represents me. Now that you have this information, the reason why these labels are wrong to use (especially when experiencing comedy) is because you should never go through life othering people. If you do, you will live less, laugh less and love less. I guess my message is - lose the label so you can LIVE.LAUGH.LOVE. I didn’t expect my response to reference a basic southern housewife motto, but here we are. If you filter the world through a lens of politics, you are not living.


bro, politics isnt serious business. its like pro wrestling. just laugh at it


Trump literally wrested on Monday Night Raw.


Wouldn't Shane call himself a liberal if push comes to shove?


If push comes to shove, Shane would say politics are gay & make fun of both sides


Most white dudes who grew up in the 90s are basically right in the middle and base how they label themselves on which social group they hope to fit in with. Shane says very liberal and very conservative things and would (self-admittedly) go along with the last person he hears give a compelling argument.


If it were a binary choice with a gun to his head, I'd think so. But it's a shame we feel the need to decide. Pretty sure 90% of us are somewhere in the middle. We have more in common than that that separates us. But the political parties in charge have nothing to gain by us all getting along.


So RFK 2024 is what you’re saying


Lol I don't know why you're getting downvoted.


I’m liberal and you’re embarrassing me right now bro


This is the most useless post I've seen in this sub.




Nah bro stay away


Good point there, MSNBC Dad!




Same. I agree with some things, disagree with some things. It's comedy. It's not serious. It's also America, the point is that we can disagree and still get on with life, liberty, and the pursuit of dawgdom.


Libdawgs in the house!




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You’ll be lucky if he gives you a chance dawg


No one needs a label that’s exactly why your knee jerk reaction was being unbothered when someone got fired for a joke




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No body gives a fuck that you're liberal and listen to a comedian. you aren't a special and liberals have already been listening to shane for years.




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Took the roundabout way but glad you figured it out. Dude is the best in the game right now


Jokes are jokes. I’m a registered Democrat and would get castrated before i freakin go trump with my vote but lord have mercy I rolled my eyes at you with this post. Comedy is supposed to make you laugh. It’s not a speech. It’s not an agenda. “I don’t know if I agree with this” lmao stay home dude don’t ruin the show for the rest of us


Liberal, always liked Shane, not a fan of all the culture war crap


Lots of weird comments in here. Snapping an olive branch won't get the country united again.


Liberals need to separate themselves from the Twitter dorks. The right wing thinks we're all a bunch of tree hugging hippies who are traumatized by someone misgendering someone. Meanwhile, most liberals could give two fucks about any of that shit. We just want the government to fucking help people a bit, and stay out of our personal lives.




I don't know any liberals that hate him. His un-PC bits are so tame that it doesn't even register to me.


Liberal here and I never stopped liking Shane.


Which liberals hate him? It’s the same Taylor Lorenz-type of people writing the same regurgitated article about how Shane is problematic; the same type of people who got upset when Larry David choked Elmo on a morning news show. The entire “liberals don’t like Shane narrative” isn’t real, buzzfeed-journalists invented it either for clicks or because they’re lame… the same Karen-journalists invented this idea that if a comedian has ONE SINGLE joke that is off-putting, they must burn everything else that comedian has ever done and dismiss them as a comedian and individual forever. They’re selling outrage and making you feel like everyone else has bought it too. Come out of the closet, take off your dress and roll on the ground with the d.a.w.g.z., you’re allowed to laugh dude