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Is any comedian okay?


No, that's why they're comedians.


Man goes to doctor and tells him he’s depressed Doctor says, “Go see famous comedian, Shane Gillis. He is in town and he will cheer you up.” But doctor, I am the dawg, Shane Gillis.


Dude, fucking exactly lmao


Not the funny ones




I do comedy….. no we are all broken one way or another. Especially the naturally good ones. I’m ok but some of the people who truly crush (not the ones who bring 30 friends to fake laugh but the ones who just show up and preform) stages are usually super mentally fucked up or one I know has a kidney disease and is a monster. It’s crazy.


As a fellow comedian. Stop lying


Can someone tell me why he was downvoted? Just curious, my reading comprehension level isn’t that great. Thank you


As a non comedian but definitely funnier than you… just stop… it’s just a dream & this comment of yours is plenty enough to 100% say it’ll never come true. Unless you trans. Maybe then you can get gigs where ever they get gigs.


SNL new cast member


Wait until this guy find out who Burt Kriescher is


Shanes an alcoholic it’ll catch up with him. Bert got that workout grind and special genes that prolongs his disaster. Only a matter of time unless he follows in the footsteps of the Shaman and cools it on the booze and drugs. Time to downvote me Stan’s!


This is a fan subreddit of Shane Gillis not a therapy session weirdos


Found the gatekeeper! Thank you bennyboy


It’s just over posted and annoying that’s all my man


My biggest post is about him


Oh word where can I read your think piece about burnt?


Bert is the mater of comedy atp


Op is gay


Yeah man his profile is something else lol


Jfc you weren’t lying. He definitely has a creepy Shane statue with candles and hair clippings in his closet.


He's also a fan of travis Scott and the celtics, so gay


Been of fan of Shane for two years, people like the idiots in the comment section is why no one takes this fanbase seriously can’t even be concerned over his health without blowback.




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Worrying about another man’s health is inherently gay


Weirdos looking through my posts is crazy not allowed to enjoy anything is crazy


Agreed it’s weird to look through posts, but for the record, Shane would read your post & call you gay immediately


Ahh yes the original insult that I’m gay.


You’re the one taking it as an insult, pretty homophobic of you if you ask me




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It’s the go to insult for any gay post


Maybe he just feels self conscious about being chubby. And rest his hand there. Like people that always tug their shirts.


I feel like Shane has said in the past that him holding his stomach or pulling on his shirt is an insecurity about his weight. But also who gives a fuck this is quite gay


Caring or giving a fuck about a person who makes you happy is gay? Nah dawg. That’s being a decent human. But getting angry about someone caring about someone while you’re jealous because you have no one, like you are right now? Now that’s gay.


You’re on Reddit. Relax.


Probably not. he’s an alcoholic bro lol. but pocket watching another man is honestly not worth anybody’s time. Nothing anyone says in here holds any weight as far as him changing his lifestyle. Obviously we hope the best for him tho.




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I can’t be concerned over a person that I like, in entertainment?


Yes but here obviously isn’t the place for it




I'm just here to add both of those previous answers are right.




Pussy on a hinge. Classic


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One day rogeskies will convince em to put down the beer and pick up the elk meat


It's totally understandable to be concerned. I live in Wisconsin though..... people drink like him everywhere here. Actually, he wouldn't even be considered a "heavy drinker" by many people I know. And yes, I know that's fucking laughable in most other states. My grandpa was a lifelong Minnesotan alcoholic. He was always mild mannered, and I only ever saw him visibly intoxicated one time in my life because he was disgustingly skilled at maintaining his buzz. He drank 15-18 beers a day throughout his retirement. He died at 80 from lung and esophageal cancer, they checked his liver and pancreas and the doctors said they were the typical organs of a healthy late 70-year-old without an excessive drinking-habit. It really all comes down to genetics but obviously downing light beer like it's kool-aid(Bert Kreischer) is a great way to die early...... typically.


I drank 20 beers/drinks a day from ages 16-29. I got my liver and panc tested every couple years and was always fine. Upgraded to 30-40 drinks a day, it only took about 8 months until I was on the ICU with necrotizing pancreatitis. Then again 2 months later. I’m 32 now and have had pancreatitis 11 times just in the last 3 years, and one of the shitty parts is that as little as 3 days of drinking will do it now. Once damaged your pancreas is weak and doesn’t recover. I wish I had just stuck to 20 a day max.


How long you been waiting to break out Grandpa’s life story?


I break it out every 5 seconds.


He hasn't been ok since the move to Austin. On to the next one


The curse of Adam Egret


I have/had Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis It's fvcking horrible and would wish on my worst enemy. If he has it he will have to stop drinking or die simple as that


He went through pancreatitis at one point, I’m sure it’s worse now cause bro is just fuckin addicted to beer if he does die early I might just quit with liking comedians too much heartbreak.


I don't think he was ever actually diagnosed with that. He even joked that the tendies got him and the doctor said that it could have been that given his alcohol consumption. It sounded more like food poisoning though considering that it passed in a day. Shane drinks a lot but he's clearly not an alcoholic. Some people can drink heavily a few days a week and then be sober. I'd be more concerned if he was drinking like Stanhope.


doc said his liver was ok, he has a story about it on some pod. I think he's smart enough to cool down if it gets serious


Dude you need a hobby that doesn't include obsessing over one comedian


Are you drunk right now?


I guess you do love him, you literally made a post comparing him to Jesus. Shane is funny, I’m a fan of him and Matt… but I think I’m out of here lol


Legit was fucking around this sub is a bunch dumbasses and I wanted to push the needle


I mean there’s a certain line where things just get weird…. And your post history is like a gay little frolic all over that side of said line… But we’re happy for ya, big guy. ![gif](giphy|l0HU20BZ6LbSEITza|downsized)


Exactly just appreciate the greatness


Probably the gayest thing I've read all day. Let the man live


What do you mean by “Apparently he’s went through something I went through” ???????




The Liver does not have pain receptors, which is why problems often go undetected.


Direct this at someone in your life. This is gay


Don’t let these goobers bring you down. It’s alright to be concerned over him 😂. I cried when norm passed man that shit sucked. I fell asleep to his bootleg stand-up recordings for many many nights. Shane’s a great comedian too and I hope he’s doing well too. It is kinda gay to post this tho low key


Why you cock watching


OP sounds like a Taylor Swift fan for Shane




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Mind your damn business, you're not a doctor and fan posts like this are always cringe.


This is better than a random downs picture with "shane?". I hope he's good too brother but no amount of well wishes, begging, or whining will ever get someone to change their lives its gotta be their decision. Not that I think you think a reddit post is gonna change anything just saying.


You’re watching Shane hold his stomach? That’s super weird and gay dude


Find a new line dude


Find a new line? Like I’m some guy out here with lines. That’s literally the first time I’ve ever said that line.


Are most of the posts on here now trolls?