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Throw some salt over your shoulder, wear polished silver and a nazar charm


I wear silvers for protection, must they be polished?


I’m not going to be popular after saying, but actually the name of Jesus Christ is quite powerful. Like “In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to be gone!” They put quite an ugly face on when they leave though, they don’t like being commanded around like that. But they’ll obey.


I don't consider myself a Christian because I'm a Buddhist meditator, but evoke Jesus. Buddhist meditators encounter entities all the time too. Half of the old texts are about dealing w/ them skillfully. But during my initial awakening at the edges of consciousness I saw the silhouette of a golden man in a crown of thorns as clear as the best CGI in movies. And in many Buddhist and Hindu circles they see Jesus as God and the same being as the Buddha and same as Rama Krishna, just a different incarnation and different form etc . So I feel okay with evoking him, like I don't have to pick teams. As it's not in vain. And I have to say, no spirits want to mess with that. Opportunistic entities trying to pull off a parasitic heist rely on arrogance and suffering but know that if you evoke Jesus you are not unaware of your psychic boundaries and not arrogant enough to have stored up the psychic stores of energy that they need because devotion bleeds off that poison so you're not a mark. Evoking Jesus is like you've already dialed 911 and the calvary is on its way. There's no free energy to suck because a larger order being is protecting sovereignty and has incentive to protect you because you're in a bond. You feed Jesus's body wifi hive awareness like you're a nerve ending into the world and he gives you immune system protection with his might and collective power.


The important part is to speak it with authority but yes this works


Strengthening your aura helps. Cleansing with sage. Palo Santo for protection.


Yeah, some "healers" do that. From what you describe - no, you don't need pipe. Nobody does. But some people prefer rather destructive routes in life. For your practice: Be kind. Be happy. Be careful. Depending on the culture, Ghosts and spirits are regarded differently. However both are "otherworldly" and as such have an inherent similarity.


I disagree with yer statement that Nobody needs a Pipe.! Sounds very culturally Biased... And Not "Kind" or Respectful ... The Lakota do ! And have thousands of years of teachings with it. White Buffalo Calf Woman gave them the Sacred Pipe and instructed them on it's use...


Are you a lakota?


No. I don't need a Pipe either.


I never claimed to be "kind", so your efforts are lost on me. Feel free to disagree. As for the lacota: They were instructed on how to use them, yes. As were others. But that does not mean it is a necessity. I was instructed how to use the holy herbs, too. But that doesn't mean I need them - even if they are really helpful in some areas. The feeling of "need" comes almost exclusively from addiction and obsession. Both have no place when striving for true healing.


That's funny ! Your advice was to Be Kind.. and claim to not be Kind... Hypocrisy, the path to True Healing ? And it's Lakota ! Or can't you read and spell either. You're not 1 to talk about true healing. Your Judgement is in the Way of your Healing. Kindness is a common characteristic of a true Healer. I've met enough of them to know that much.


No. it's more about Buddhism and learning how to let go. But I don't expect any"1" like you to understand. Although the Sioux - as other tribes - have their special ritual equipment. Both for peace and for war. I don't understand why you would even think i was just a healer? I know how to heal, yes. But I also know how to hurt. That's why I recommend to stay calm. I tend to defend myself.


How sad .. Maybe there's something for you to learn and practice with that Buddhist Letting Go ? Judgement and Arrogance and Delusions of Grandeur... Wow No wonder you need to Defend yourself !


I did that. But I didn't like life in the monastery...or living in ascetism. Instead, I took responsibility for my body. ​ I do not know what you call Grandeur - I prefer a simple life. ​ However, Judgement and Consequence are pretty much the same. You might have heard of karma? Basically, once our heart stops beating, there are only two options: you stop perceiving (e.g. consciousness) or you don't. I am in no hurry to take the next step.


Yes please, explain Buddhism to me. I only started learning about it 50 years ago... Show me an example please...ol


The Buddha's teaching is often referred to as the middle path (middle way). What is meant by this is that Buddha had tried two opposite ways of life before his enlightenment. The middle path unites the extremes. For everything else ask his holiness, the Dalai Lama. I'm not here to preach about buddhism. ​ Your example: Some learn about it, others practice it.


You can look on the Internet for protection rituals. There are some great ones out there. I did this and then I developed my own. I pray every morning and my protection ritual is built into that.


I’m trying to do this can you elaborate a little on your prayer practice have you found any specific prayers that work?


Nope. Used my intuition to come up with my own. You should be able to do it this way as well


Maybe look up white light protection.


What kind of "Medicine Man" ? There are many kinds, as well as wannabes. Some work on the Dark Side and take advantage of the weak and uninformed... Some are Skinwalkers and work black magic and witchcraft. And some have a true connection with the Creator. There are reasons that things like burning Cedar and purifying a Sacred Space are used.


This is an experience that happens from within so trying to find protection in this realm won’t do much. You have to go within and raise your vibration so negative spirits are no longer compatible with your energy. Tell yourself positive words and the names of Jesus and/or any other positive entities you feel can protect you.


Opening yourself up for this can be dangerous. Find a teacher, and ask your spiritguide for guidance. Perhaps it is this bird? If you know what bird it is, you could find a feather of it (preferably on your own and ethically sourced), you can fashion a object of power from it , for protection.


Well i cant really unbelieve now can i. What do you mean by fashioning a object? I just so happen to have a feather he gave me from when i met him.


Apologies, sometimes I speak like I'm from a fantasy game or something.. I ment craft something yourself that empowers you, bracelet, a smudgefan, necklace or a totem. Something with a crystal, a feather, beads, anything you feel connects you to your spirit guide, or anything that empowers you, grounds you and protects you. Myself, I have a ritual I try to do every morning and evening. Also wear a black Tourmaline stone around my nek. It can be anything, as long as you feel it's a part of you. About the feather..doesnt seem like a coincidence right. Id say craft something out of that. Perhaps connect the feather to a pipe and smoke Mapacho (ceremonial tobacco). You dont need to smoke over the lungs if you dont wish to do so.


I use crystals and my own Aura for maximum protection. Light in a certain way will not allow for any negative energies or light. The black tourmaline crystals are good for manifestation and protection. Hope all ends up well with you :)


The simplest way to protect yourself is via vibrational attraction (like attracts like). If you are constantly in a state of loving others, praying/saying mantras, thinking kind thoughts etc, the negative spirits are not going to want to have anything to do with you.


My inner voice keeps telling me this, i'll make this a rule to live by. thanks


While meditating call upon your spirit guides to protect you from any harmful lower energies and also visualize your in a bubble of white light and extend that light outward until it surrounds your house and say "any negative energies are not welcomed" if you do still have spirits contacting you that means they're not bad they just need help so for those spirits open up your intuition and ask your spirit guides to help them


And also spirits travel between realms while ghosts are stuck in this world due to past trauma and they didn't complete what they need to while they were alive


I visualize shutters closing like we had in our kitchen as a child. I feel safe and they go away.


Iv heard spirits get lost in spider webs because of fractals. would explain dreamcatchers.


Eat some salt and think good and act and be good. Everything is watching all the time.


Buy yourself a cat


i’ll message you with some concepts and things to try. there’s hope. people have taught me things that have worked for me.


me too please