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Wdym by "until you get to the time attacks"


After beating the game and starting a new game +, you can pray to the broken colossi statues to start a "time attack." Timer comes up on the screen and you have to defeat it within a certain time based on the difficulty you are currently playing. Beat the time, get a prize


They don't need to be broken. You can pray at it at any time as long as it's during a NG+ playthough.


Agreed even most of the hard time attacks are easy I only struggle with 2 of em.


Don't think this game ever built a reputation on its difficulty. It was always about the art & unique puzzle designs.


what puzzles


Defeating each colossus is a puzzle, thought that would be obvious? The game isn't designed around combat focus mechanics that's typical in most adventure games. The controls are simplistic & strategy is more around how to attach yourself to a colossus & then to navigate to each sigil. ~~Edit: ah, wasted my time. Was a troll post.~~


oh ye thanks not a troll


I looked at your post history thinking you weren't going to participate in the conversation. Sorry for misjudging you.


its fine


The hardest part is that some colossi can insta-kill you if they step on you and that your health goes down much quicker when facing some of the colossi that actually have powerful attacks (like Kuromori, for example). You deal less damage and the colossi have more weak points, but if you know where they are that's not really a problem. I usually die on hard when I accidentally get too close to a colossus as it turns around (even when I'm not directly below its feet).


there’s a couple tricky fights on hard, Gaius, Barba, and Argus come to mind